
Nobody's Baby But Mine Quotes

Nobody's Baby But Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

"People saw Jane as a person to be respected, to be held in awe. They wanted her intellect, but no one seemed to want the part of her that she most needed to share, her capacity to love."
"Before she’d lost her courage, she’d picked up the telephone and called Jodie Pulanski to tell her that she was going to go through with it."
"Her ordinary application of antique rose lipstick and a dab of light brown mascara was hardly appropriate for a hooker, even a high-class one."
"Her menstrual cycle had always been as orderly as the rest of her life, and she wanted this so badly."
"She would lift her head. Cup her hand over a soft cheek. 'Mama, can we fly my kite today?'"
"Work has always been the center of my life. Until I was thirty, it was enough. But then one birthday followed another."
"I guess today I realized I have no way to make it happen, and that’s hit me hard."
"I’m thinking of something more lasting than sex."
"Not having played the game yourself, you might not know this, but every time we let the other team take the ball away from us, it means we don’t have it ourselves. And that ain’t no way to put points on the board."
"I was playing ball. I didn’t have time for that shit."
"I don’t give free samples. If you’re interested in buying the merchandise, make an appointment."
"America was founded on principles of ethnic diversity and religious freedom, yet blind prejudice has caused most of the evils in our society. Don’t you find that ironic?"
"No permanent houses, no permanent women, nothing that could make him feel old and used up."
"I appreciate the offer, but— You plannin’ on openin’ your eyes anytime soon?"
"I’m not a piece of meat that gets passed around."
"I guess I’m drunk enough to give you a chance before I throw you out."
"Swim, all you warrior babymakers! Swim, all you sweet little brainless babymakers!"
"Football was his life, and nothing would ever change that. Not age. Not injuries. Nothing."
"An internal female voice, ancient and wise, told her what logic couldn’t explain. It would be Cal Bonner or no one."
"The gray January afternoon held that ugly hint of permanence that always seemed to hang over northern Illinois at this time of year."
"Some of her colleagues teased her about her volunteer work there. They said that having a world-renowned theoretical physicist teaching elementary-school children, especially disadvantaged ones, was like having Itzhak Perlman teaching beginning violin."
"She felt an unexpected rush of disgust directed entirely at herself. Was she going to spend the rest of her life filled with self-pity because she didn’t have a child, but not doing anything to correct the situation?"
"He knew he could have pressed the guys for some answers, but he didn’t want them to suspect how much time he’d spent thinking about Rosebud."
"He couldn’t even figure out what her appeal was. One of the perks of being an athlete was picking and choosing, and he’d always chosen the youngest and the most beautiful women."
"Rosebud smelled like old-fashioned vanilla. Then there were those green eyes of hers. Even when she was lying, she’d looked at him dead on."
"She forced herself to smile. 'It’s more exciting this way. Please don’t spoil it.'"
"Her indignation slammed headlong into her conscience. He did have a right. He had every right. Thanks to her deviousness, he was the child’s father, and whether she liked it or not, that gave him a say about the future."
"I’ll deal with those responsibilities later. For now, all he cared about was revenge. It might take a while, but he was going to hurt her, and he’d do it in a way she’d never forget."
"Sitting next to him, she felt like a detonated smart bomb."
"She didn’t like being frightened, especially when she knew she was so very much in the wrong, and she’d made up her mind to meet his belligerence aggressively."
"The way the mist clung to the distant mountain peaks made her understand why this part of the Appalachian chain was called the Smokies."
"No matter what, she had to keep their tawdry story from becoming public knowledge."
"As soon as he disappeared, she speared Jane with her blue eyes. Jane felt a curious desire to throw herself on her knees and confess her sins, but she suspected the cantankerous woman would simply smack her in the head."
"She pushed her glasses more firmly on her nose and once again began to read. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cal glaring at her, and she decided it was a good thing she didn’t have psychic ability because the last thing she wanted to do was read his mind."
"Here in this ramshackle house lying in the shadows of the Great Smoky Mountains, she began to feel as if she were on the verge of finding some missing part of herself."
"You don’t have any idea what hillbillies do, Professor, but I suspect you’ll be finding out soon."
"Who was going to ask me out? I was too young for my classmates, and the few boys I knew who were my own age thought I was a freak."
"Asleep, she looked younger than the formidable physics professor who’d instructed her class on Borromean nuclei. That day there had been something parched about her, as if she’d been closed up inside so long that all her juices had dried up, but asleep and bathed in moonlight she was different—dewy, renewed, plumped up—and he felt the stirrings of desire."
"You do what you have to, Cal. I'll do the same."
"She began to lose track of time as she absorbed herself in the mathematics of duality, applying theoretical physics to unravel mathematical puzzles."
"The grounds around the house nearly made up for the interior... they were a bit overgrown, and it was too early for anything to be in bloom, but she loved their feeling of isolation and slightly abandoned look."
"Unlike a medieval noblewoman, she could have put an end to her imprisonment anytime she wanted."
"She grabbed her white Windbreaker, emptied the notes she’d stuffed into the pockets on previous walks, and left through the French doors at the rear of the house."
"If she weren’t careful, she’d become so strange that no child would want her as a mother."
"Violence doesn't solve anything, and I could have hurt you quite badly."
"Never in her life had she been able to devote herself so completely to pure science."
"She pressed her fingers to her mouth and fought a rising tide of horror."
"Jane’s sort of a hillbilly groupie. She’s a city girl herself, but she likes all that backwoods stuff, and she’s been real disappointed to find out we wear shoes."
"Some of the most foolish people I know have advanced degrees."
"Who says people have to keep doing things the same way?"
"The best scientists have always been rebels. Thank God they still don’t execute us for our theories."
"I thought you modern-day physicists had forgotten all about old Isaac in your passion for the Big Guy."
"The more we understand about the top quark’s characteristics, the closer we come to exposing the cracks in the standard model of particle physics."
"I promise if I discover something important, I’ll name it Red October."
"I’ve met a lot of women who were liars, but you take the cake."
"They’re just upset, that’s all. They’ve never been very demonstrative, but there’s nothing wrong with their marriage, if that’s what you’re getting at."
"And if that doesn’t work, I’ve heard they’re doing wonders with implants."
"I didn’t ask you to. I intend to buy my own."
"You’re probably a decent person. In your own twisted way, I know you think you’re doing the right thing about all this, but I just wish you were different."
"But I’m not going to bed with a man who dislikes me."
"You want to have sex with me, fine! You can have sex with me! But on my terms."
"I’ve seen you limp when you get out of the car after you’ve been sitting for a long time, and I have a feeling those thirty-minute showers I hear you take in the morning aren’t about personal cleanliness."
"Your mother’d pick dandelions out of somebody’s backyard, stick ’em in an old pickle jar, and show ’em off to me like they were some exotic flower I’d never seen before."
"And you enjoy those labels much more than you ever enjoyed dandelions or birds’ nests."
"Despite her promise to distance herself from the family, Jane couldn’t bear the idea of witnessing any more unpleasantness."
"For her, the most interesting moment came when Ethan asked Cal how his meetings were going, and she learned what her husband was doing with his time."
"These are nice people, and they don’t need any more heartache."
"What had happened to the two high school kids who had once been in love?"
"I can’t make you young again, Jim. And I can’t give you back Jamie and Cherry and everything the way it used to be."
"This isn’t about them. What happened has made me realize I don’t like the way things are. I don’t like the way you’ve changed."
"I loved you so much, you know that, don’t you? Even when I let my parents talk me into agreeing to a divorce, I still loved you."
"Gradually the boys left home, and she found a new serenity. She loved her husband with all her heart and didn’t blame him too much for not loving her back."
"Who could you fantasize about that’s better than me?"
"God, this was a stupid idea. We should be doing this in the bedroom where we can see each other, but I can’t wait that long. I need you now."
"What am I going to do with you?" she said briskly. "That was quite pleasant, but I have a great deal of work to do tomorrow, and I need my rest."
"It had been earth-shattering, but she could no more confess that to him than she could explain how their coming together had given her an entirely new understanding of high-speed subatomic particle collisions."
"She’s not bad, Professor, for someone who isn’t a big-time player."
"He reminded himself this was the third time the two of them had gone at it, but he wasn’t any closer to seeing her naked now than he’d been that first night."
"If you were pissed off about the way I took off last night, why didn’t you just say so?"
"When a person buys a box of Lucky Charms, he’s got expectations."
"Would you like me to fix you a nice wheat bran bagel with a little honey on it? And maybe a glass of skimmed milk to go along."
"Don’t mess with me, Calvin. You’ll only get hurt."
"I’m smart, I don’t interfere with his work, and I’m good in bed."
"First she’d sabotaged his Lucky Charms, and now she’d embarrassed him in front of the entire town by driving a ten-year-old Escort!"
"Maybe because he was enjoying the challenge of getting back in, not to mention the anticipation of the fight they were going to have after he’d managed it."
"As he glanced up at the dark clouds skidding across the darkening sky, he figured that rain might not be too far off."
"Maybe she wasn’t anxious to avoid this battle because it would be with Cal."
"As she crossed the room, her pulses hummed, and her brain cells went on full alert. She felt completely and wondrously alive."
"Her trim little butt swayed from side to side inside her slacks, and her green knit top emphasized a pair of breasts so unimpressive in their size he couldn’t figure out why he was so anxious to set eyes on them."
"She probably thought he was too old to make it this far!"
"The fact that his lip hurt, his ribs ached, and his bad shoulder throbbed like a sonovabitch fueled his irritation."
"The knowledge gave her a deep sense of pride."
"His blood pounded in anticipation as he reached the foyer."
"She was wet, sore, completely pissed off, and every bit of it was her fault!"
"He was at his most enticing: gray eyes glinting, that unexpected dimple on display just beneath his cheekbone, funny, warm, sexy."
"In a flash of insight that nearly knocked her from her feet, she realized that she was in love with him. Deeply and forever in love."
"She was now four months pregnant, and although she bloomed with health, her waist had thickened to the point where she couldn’t come close to fastening her slacks and her days wearing tucked-in blouses were a thing of the past."
"If he didn’t want her for who she was, but only for the challenge of conquering her, then what they had together was worthless."
"I don’t think you like me very much, Jim. Maybe you never have."
"The boy who thinks he deserves something better has never gone away."