
Turbulent Sea Quotes

Turbulent Sea by Christine Feehan

"My God, Steve, sex, drugs and rock and roll are such a cliché, but it's so true."
"You stopped coming to these things years ago; what made you change your mind tonight?"
"Why do you suppose these women feel the need to service bands? What do they really get out of it, Steve?"
"Men are dogs, Steve. That's why I don't date anymore. Hound dogs."
"Everyone has choices. And everyone ought to know what the people in their life are worth."
"I'm not afraid of you. I don't like what you are or who you work for. There's a difference."
"I don't need you. I can walk into that house and go home with any man I want."
"You belong to me and I'm not willing to give you up because you're afraid."
"Do you see this, Joley? I don't care what happened before I put my mark on you, but make no mistake, Joley, ever since I put this on you, you belong to me."
"He's like a drug addiction, I can't get over him no matter how hard I try."
"You need a man, and I don't mean some spineless wimp who is going to give in to your every whim. You need someone who can rein you in and control your tendency to act before you think."
"I desperately want to be normal, Hannah. Make me normal."
"I don't know what to do anymore. When I do sleep, which is rare, I dream about him. And they're not just any dreams, either. Total erotica."
"I've done something so stupid, Hannah. Really, really stupid."
"If you get married, how would you want your wedding?"
"Since it's never going to happen, I don't think about it. I'm going to be the favorite aunt,"
"You'll find someone. You just have to be more open and let it happen. You've always been so fiercely independent."
"It's more than that and you know it. I despise men weaker than me and hate men stronger than me. That pretty much leaves me with nowhere to go."
"When you love each other you find a way to compromise."
"You're a great person. You sacrifice for everyone. Don't sell yourself short."
"Sometimes, like now, when she felt driven to the brink of madness, she wished she wasn't a Drake and she could drown herself in alcohol and drugs and not feel the pain."
"Sexual frustration was really good for writing songs."
"There was euphoria in music, the only place she could escape who she was, what she was."
"You really aren't thinking about quitting, are you? We're on top. Every song we release is a number one hit."
"I won't lose. You're running, but you're not getting away from me. I'll give you everything and that's what scares you the most."
"Sex she could handle, but not the sheer intimacy when he dropped that caressing note into his voice."
"Dude, you've got your hands all over my woman and I'm about to ask security to throw your ass out."
"I'll spend my life making it up to you, Lisa."
"She's just enthusiastic, no problem," she said.
"I'm always going to scare you. That isn't the issue."
"I've never actually been in a relationship so I have no idea how to handle certain things."
"I've considered tying you to a bedpost upon occasion."
"Men who hit women and cheat have no honor, no code. They aren't men."
"Why are you suddenly so afraid of me, Joley?"
"Your aura. Your face gives nothing away, but I see what's inside of you."
"You grew up very differently from me, Joley."
"You're so tired you don't even know what you're doing."
"I feel like I'm lying down with the big bad wolf."
"That's just you running. Why do you think I'm here, Joley?"
"I don't dictate other than in matters of safety."
"Go to sleep, Ilya. I'll make sure nothing happens to you."
"It was as if nature had created an amphitheater with a perfect acoustic sound just for the sheer love of hearing music and then had provided the most beautiful backdrop it could offer."
"She hadn't believed she could really give him such a jolt of physical awareness."
"We belong. That's all that matters. We fit. You're mine and I'm yours, and there doesn't need to be an endless discussion on the subject."
"She wanted to share her life with someone else, laugh with him, stay up until all hours of the night talking with him, or just sit quietly side by side and feel at peace."
"Love wasn't always forgiving, but at least he'd found it, even if he'd been stupid enough to throw it away."
"With the sun shining through, the rock looked like deep blood flowing through the vulture's blackened shadow."
"She wanted him—lusted after him—was consumed by her obsession with him."
"We have to get somewhere safe, Joley. If we stay here alone, this isn't going to turn out the way either of us wants."
"Healing was intimate—giving Joley a part of himself, taking a part from her."
"It's difficult to have a relationship with someone with the paparazzi following everywhere you go and photographing your every move."
"No one had ever done that for him, stood in front of him, not at their own risk—and she was risking a lot."
"Ilya was fairly certain that strange sensation in his chest was his heart melting."
"She turned her head and looked at him, her eyes soft and loving, twisting him up inside because she wasn't even aware of it yet."
"Joley was more than just his—she was so deep inside of him she was a part of him—and just as she had protected him, he would protect her with his last breath."
"She sighed and turned her head so her cheek rested against him. 'Do you think he was using our band, traveling from one city to another in order to run drugs or something?'"
"His hands spanned her throat, tilting her head back so he could take her kiss, devour her the way he needed."
"Now he knew why people used the phrase 'falling in love.' The drop was long and scary."
"'I wish I was inside you. I ache like a son of a bitch. This has got to stop.'"
"Joley knew she looked guilty. 'He's not my bodyguard and we're not in a relationship. We're just sort of dancing around the idea.'"
"'You owe Joley an apology.' Ilya's voice was whisper-low, but it cut like a knife."
"It was a jolt to feel such deep emotion just from one little exchange."
"Say nothing, laskovaya moya, until we are out of the open."
"She felt safe. Joley took a breath and absorbed that knowledge."
"You recognize evil when you see it. So do I."
"I didn't have a choice. I do what I have to do to survive."
"I may get lost sometimes, and it can be a struggle to stay centered, but I know who I am."
"Two people who complete one another. They should each complement the strengths and weaknesses of the other person."
"You're exhausted and upset. Lie down and I'll get you to sleep."
"I wish I could be as good a person as you make me out to be."
"I was trained to stay hard no matter what, to ride a woman for hours if need be."
"No, you're done when I say you're done. I'm done when you say. That's the way it works, radost' moya."
"Emotionally first, Joley. Then, yes, physically, sexually. But this isn't about sex."
"You did more than play, laskovaya moya, you drained me."
"I'm all right. Nothing bad happened. I was just stupid, the way I'm always stupid."
"I'm such an idiot. I know my own weaknesses. I do, Tish. I laugh at them and guard against them. I've never allowed myself to fall in love. Never."
"You're Joley and that's enough. If he doesn't love you, he's crazy. We all love you."
"I'm in a hurry. I'm late getting ready for the sound check and everyone is waiting."
"None of this is your fault. And certainly Dean's death isn't."
"We're performers. Jonas is in law enforcement. I'll talk to him and a couple of my sisters about Nikitin."
"Damn, can't you do something to make me not hurt?"
"Strangely, my friend, I felt exactly the same way."
"If he is the head of one of the branches of mafia, or whatever they call it in Russia, he's dangerous."
"I'm not all that great. I have secrets just like everyone else."
"I didn't realize how much I depended on his presence."
"I wouldn't presume to tell you how best to take care of Hannah."
"Great sex is about total surrender, Joley," he whispered and shifted his body just a little, sending a streak of fire scorching the sensitive knot of nerves deep inside of her. He pressed deeper. "It's giving yourself wholly to another person."
"I can only give you who I am, whatever that is, Joley, but I can promise you'll never regret it. I'll never betray you. I'll always put you and your needs before my own."
"Your music saved my life, Joley. It changed my world."
"You've changed mine," she admitted. "I've never felt like you make me feel."
"Forever then, because there is no divorce for a woman with that mark on her palm."
"That's funny." She kissed his chest and throat, nibbled on his chin and then lay back down again, as if that was all the strength she could muster.
"The reason to have a house is to have a kitchen."
"Fine. I'll admit I'm not great in the kitchen."
"We're past the getting to know you part. That was this past year. Now we're at the we'd better get married fast part."
"Has it ever occurred to you that I might worry about you, Ilya? That I don't want to take chances with your life?"
"I have no experience with anyone wanting to look out for me. Not even as a small boy."
"Keep it up, Joley, and I'll throw you over my shoulder, carry you into your dressing room and put you on your knees so you can put that mouth to really good use."
"She wanted you to be happy for her. She wanted to share something special with you."
"You're hurt, baby, that's not the same thing. And you have every right to be upset."
"I am going to marry Ilya Prakenskii. I'm in love with him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him."