
Days At The Morisaki Bookshop Quotes

Days At The Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa

"Because that’s where my real life began. And I know, without a doubt, that if not for those days, the rest of my life would have been bland, monotonous, and lonely."
"It all began like a bolt of lightning out of the clear blue sky."
"Marriage, after all, is a covenant based on mutual agreement, so grammatically the sentence was completely wrong."
"I felt a sudden wave of grief come over me. Far more than anger, I felt grief."
"The dumb thought popped into my head that if only all these tears were oil, I’d be rich, but it was so dumb that it made me cry more."
"The coping mechanism I ultimately went with was to devote my life to sleep."
"I slept and slept and wished I could sleep forever."
"The time passed by so quickly that I could never catch up."
"No matter where you go, or how many books you read, you still know nothing, you haven’t seen anything. And that’s life. We live our lives trying to find our way."
"It’s important to stand still sometimes. Think of it as a little rest in the long journey of your life."
"At some point, everyone has to find their safe harbor."
"No matter where she is and what she’s doing now, I want her to be happy."
"The memories I have of our time together, they’re all still here in my heart."
"Isn’t this a bookstore? I was practically drowning in books."
"The story centers around a man trying to start his life in Nezu. It’s through his relationship with her that he starts to heal his wounded heart, however briefly."
"Little by little, I felt something wash over me, a feeling of peace that words can’t express."
"The act of seeing is no small thing. To see something is to be possessed by it."
"It’s only in secondhand books that you can savor encounters like this, connections that transcend time."
"Day by day, the leaves of the trees along the streets turned to gold."
"You are my niece, and you matter to me. I already told you, didn’t I? I really love you."
"No matter where I went, no matter who I was with, if I could be honest with myself, then that was where I belonged."
"I came because I want you to apologize! You might have just been playing around, but it wasn’t like that for me. I really loved you."
"It’s amazing. This might be the first time I’ve ever raised my voice and told another person what I really felt."
"I was protected. There was someone who worried about me, who got angry because what happened to me mattered as much as if it had happened to him."
"For a long time, I’d let myself feel like I was totally alone in this big world, but all along there was someone close by, thinking about me, looking out for me."
"If I don’t go now to look for the place where I belong, I might end up never finding it."
"Love is wonderful. I don’t want you to forget that. Those memories of people you love, they never disappear. They go on warming your heart as long as you live."
"Men are simple. It doesn’t matter who they are. You can always seduce them with food."
"It doesn’t matter if you’re related by blood or if you spend years together in the same class at school or the same office; unless you really come face to face, you never really know someone at all."
"I feel like I finally learned to see something a tiny bit valuable within myself."
"I don’t think it really matters whether you know a lot about books or not. That said, I don’t know that much myself. But I think what matters far more with a book is how it affects you."
"That can’t be, can it? And I told myself again that Takano had to be wrong."
"You should work on your habit of watching people so intensely. Especially when it comes to girls. They’ll resent you."
"It’s a short novel, about two hundred pages long. That night, first at the Saveur and then back at home before bed, I read the whole thing."
"From that time on, Matsugorō spends his days drowning himself in alcohol, women, and then drugs."
"Under the covers of my futon, as I drifted off to sleep, I found myself thinking that Wada had a pretty romantic side."
"I don’t mind," I said. I handed my uncle one hundred yen and bought the book.
"At first, she doesn’t take him seriously, but Matsugorō keeps going to the café every day, and, after he confesses his love to her, he and the cheerful Ukiyō become a couple."
"His sole motivation is the idea that if he becomes famous and makes a name for himself in the world, he might be able to get Ukiyō back."
"A shrine isn’t where you pray for something. It’s a place for you to express gratitude. It’s for you to tell the gods, ‘Thank you for always watching over me.’"
"I’m sorry. It’s not a very interesting story," Wada said apologetically, perhaps because he’d noticed that I’d been looking down all this time.
"Yeah. If you think of it like that, it’s pretty bad. But if you think about it another way, it’s not so bad."
"What I mean is, you know how there are people who die unexpectedly in an accident or from a sudden illness, and they never get the chance to say goodbye to anyone? Well, maybe, compared to them, I’m really fortunate. I still have time for all that."
"It’s embarrassing, but when I woke up from that dream in my room at the hospital, I started crying, and I cried so much I couldn’t believe it."
"The trees on the street had already dropped the last of their leaves when I saw Wada again."
"But there are people who love this store. And as long as they’re devoted to it, then that’s enough."
"Before I saw her there I couldn’t have said something as simple as that."
"Welcome home. We’ve been waiting for you. And if you disappear again, I really will be angry with you."
"Of course, your cooking is the real reason I came."