
Arsen: A Broken Love Story Quotes

Arsen: A Broken Love Story by Mia Asher

Arsen: A Broken Love Story Quotes
"Drowning in a sea of sorrow and pain as waves of regret keep pulling me down where an undertow of resentment won’t let me break free."
"Feeling Ben’s strong arm wrap around my shoulders stops the manic rocking, but even his warm embrace can’t help me get rid of this helplessness threatening to take over."
"I wonder why doctors wear white coats. It’s such an ugly color. Sterile."
"Yes, baby?" he huskily whispers in my ear. Oh, those fingers of his…
"I didn’t fall in love. I walked smack into it and then fell flat on my ass."
"Guess we better move. With our luck, if we linger here any longer we might get struck by lightning."
"Because only a beautiful woman could have given birth to someone as pretty as you."
"I’m so afraid, Ben. I want this baby so bad…"
"I’m not sure how to explain it, but something has changed. I believe you when you say you want to be friends, so as long as you keep your hands to yourself and don’t invade my personal space, we’ll be okay."
"You never know, Dimples…one day that information may come handy to you."
"I can’t fault him for being honest. I like straight-shooters."
"My infatuation, if you could even call it that, is over!"
"I don’t think falling is the right word when referring to my feelings for Ben, though. How about soaring?"
"Falling in love with the wrong person is easy. Falling in love with the right person is easier. But falling in love with your soul mate is easiest."
"Love can destroy you. Love can erase you. Love can heal you. Love can reinvent you, and, if you are lucky enough, love can make you whole again."
"You’re not going to like parts of what I have to say, but it’s the truth and you deserve the truth."
"I feel Ben spreading soft kisses on my belly. There’s so much love in those eyes of his. So much hope."
"It’s just…when I saw the way you touched her face, the way she was holding your hands and how perfect she was, I was so jealous."
"Have faith in life, in what’s in store for you, for the two of us. Whatever it is, no matter what, you’ve got me."
"This is part of our future. And if it’s not…if it’s not in the cards for us, maybe it’s time we look into adoption one more time."
"It’s not okay. You can’t live your life that way. Have faith in life, in what’s in store for you, for the two of us."
"I thought you were going to get stuck eating by yourself."
"Life without love, without chasing your dreams, is nothing."
"Own me, fill me, break me, repair me, complete me."
"People say that if you play with fire, you’ll get burned."
"I hate the fucking joke that our marriage has become."
"I can’t stand his touch, so I turn away and lay on my side."
"I’m losing my mind over this man, and I can’t stop myself."
"It’s awful to sit in front of my husband and relive my day with my lover."
"No one said cheating was pretty but hell, it’s downright disgusting."
"Lies are so easy to tell when you don’t care anymore, or when you have lost all shame."
"You can't expect to play with fire and not get burned."
"Every action has a consequence. It doesn't matter if you try to run or hide. It eventually catches up to you."
"I was well aware the moment we kissed, and I asked him to bring me back to his apartment that there was no going back."
"I've fallen in love with another man. But can you love two men at the same time? Because I think I do."
"The truth paralyzes me, humbles me, yet it sets me free."
"Feeling a light tap on the side of my leg, I lower my gaze to find a small child standing in front of me holding Where The Wild Things Are in her hands."
"Let me stop you right there, babe, and call your bullshit. I don’t think your heart has anything to do with it."
"Jealousy is such a potent threatening emotion. It doesn’t just eat you alive—it eats you from within."
"The thing about being selfish is that you don’t care if someone is at your feet begging you to stay with him, offering you the world, his heart and soul. It doesn’t matter."
"Love is born, grows, matures, and sometimes it dies. But the memory will remain with you for the rest of your breathing hours."
"Love is never supposed to hurt. Love is supposed to heal, to be your haven from misery, to make living fucking worthwhile."
"You can’t ever slack. It’s hard being married. You go through great times, you go through terrible times, but it’s all about what you make of those experiences."
"Love has the power to destroy you. Love has the power to bury you alive in a coffin full of pain and despair, robbing you of air, of the will to live."
"I’ve wanted to fuck other women too, Cathy, just so I could forget about you and remember what it feels like to be wanted, needed, again. But I didn’t."
"All I really wanted was...I just wanted to hold you in my arms for as long as I could. I wanted that second or third or fourth chance for us to be whole again."
"You need to leave. I can’t…I can’t…I can’t keep doing this to myself."
"How am I going to live a life without Ben in it? He’s all I’ve ever known. He’s been my world, my truth, and my reality since I was eighteen years old."
"I know that I must move on. It still hurts, especially for Ben."
"Missing you is a sickness I can't cure, and it's fucking killing me."
"Sometimes love is not enough to make things work. Too much has happened between us…but I have hope."
"Miracles are the consequences of daring to believe. And I dare you to believe in us again, Ben."
"I wish you were because I feel this connection to you, and it’s such a shame."
"Every time I fucked someone and closed my eyes after...it was you I saw."
"I feel this connection to you, and it’s such a shame."
"I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully let go of him."