
Decadent Quotes

Decadent by Shayla Black

Decadent Quotes
"If you can keep up with Luc and me for a night, you might be ready for whatever your pretty singer can dish out. You game?"
"Only if you promise to lick off every crumb."
"You may as well have been doing your own imitation of a bitch in heat."
"You're drunk," Luc bit out in disapproval beside her.
"Deke pushed past Luc in the small den and fell to his knees."
"With a little gasp, she opened to him, met his possessive kiss."
"He swiped his tongue over it, nipping the tender flesh when it hardened even more."
"I'm telling the truth. And she should be scared."
"What, you think I would have forced her? Raped her?"
"She was a little virgin playing with grown men."
"You make me feel. It's... I've never felt more turned inside out or more alive than when I'm with you."
"You’re smart and you’ve got backbone. You arouse me. Deep down, you’re a sweet girl."
"Despite the fact I’ve been a total asshole to you, you still offer to help me."
"A regurgitation of the past is not going to change a thing."
"I’m in better control of myself than this morning. We can work this out. I’ll say no if things get too hot."
"I think I know enough to please Jesse, and that was the point."
"You smell good," Luc whispered as one flick of his wrist made her bra melt away. "A mixture of sunshine and sin."
"Are these nipples hard for me?" Luc demanded.
"I’m paying you to go back where you belong, while sparing you a lot of heartache and public humiliation."
"I’m not going to leave any part of you untouched," she murmured, spreading her legs wider and lifting her hips to Luc.
"He’s a grown man—" "With his brains in his dick."
"I’d feel better if you just turned your phone off."
"You know we Special Ops types pay attention to details. Sometimes, they save your life."
"If I have to wrestle you to that bed myself and tie you to it to keep you from presenting a public target to this maniac, don’t think I won’t."
"I’m not very good at talk. I . . . I loved being with you last night."
"I don’t like letting you out of hiding yet, but I understand it. I will find a safe way for you to visit your father."
"You probably meant that as a slur, but somehow I’m complimented."
"I’m here with you now. I’m not going anywhere. What’s that cheesy movie line; you had me at ‘hello?’ That’s pretty accurate here."
"You know the minute we turn our back on her, she’s going to try to sneak away."
"You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."
"Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans."
"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart."
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
"Slowly, carefully, until he knew what the fuck was going on."
"If the son of a bitch had harmed a hair on Kimber’s head, he’d be eating for the rest of his life through a straw—after just the first punch."
"I don’t need much of a reason to blow your head open, motherfucker. Drop the knife."
"I can feel waves of worry and impatience coming off you."
"I’d crawl naked across broken glass to make sure Kimber was okay."
"I’m the lucky one. When you look at me like that, I feel loved."