
Travis Quotes

Travis by Mia Sheridan

Travis Quotes
"Sometimes my mommy confused me. I didn’t know if I should try to help, or run away from her."
"But he loved me and I loved him. He was my hero and someday I was going to be a policeman just like him."
"It’s supposed to rain tonight," I said, illogically.
"Inhale—Have you been inhaling something? Should I give you a sobriety test?"
"Burgers. Things with bones." He unscrewed the water bottle cap and tipped it to his lips.
"I didn’t realize you were that cheap," I said. Her expression crumbled and she put her hands over her face.
"I sighed, rubbing my temples again. I wouldn’t do anything in an official capacity unless it was warranted."
"I thought I might be coming down with something, that’s all."
"I enjoyed her company. And maybe enjoyed was too tempered a word because again, I was following her as she performed plant rounds."
"All while carrying that damn cat who just happened to show up each morning just when I did. And I didn’t even like cats."
"Friendship was fine, but anything else was more complicated than I wanted at the moment."
"The fact that Gage still endeavored to include me made me feel both grateful and embarrassed."
"I sighed. 'You’re right about the Buchanans,' he said almost begrudgingly. 'They are generous. They are kind.'"
"‘What else do you like about possums?’ he asked, almost hesitantly."
"‘No,’ Gage agreed, seeming stupefied. 'What else do you like about possums?'"
"He’s a fool if he doesn’t. Let’s go, Haven from California."
"‘I’m sorta weird too,’ I breathed. This was fate."
"I’d even helped sway Gage into asking her out on a date. Because dating Gage was her dearest wish come true."
"I very suddenly understood what fresh spinach, brewer’s yeast, chia seeds, and all the other stuff I couldn’t even pronounce meant to her and why."
"There are one of two paths for you. Either lose it all. Or lose it all."
"The glare of the sun felt like an assault as I ducked out of Clarice’s booth."
"Don’t worry so much. She told me I’d plant ten thousand gardens. Obviously, that can’t be true."
"I used to swim way over there... I wanted Archer to hurt the way I did."
"You’re a hero... You took down a gunman who might have killed so many others."
"Life sure can change quickly and in unexpected ways. Don’t you agree, Chief?"
"Sometimes I wondered if I had a form of PTSD."
"You have to make the choice to embrace it and lean in to what you wanted, despite the worry."
"She made me want to become the man she deserved."
"I was the one who’d caused the trail of wreckage in our wake. Me."
"I wanted to know how and why and when she’d arrived at the decision because even before she’d seen the things written about them, she looked like she’d been crying."
"Don’t read it. Whatever it says might destroy the final piece of you."
"Sometimes mommies and daddies get married for the wrong reasons, and sometimes they stay together longer than they should."
"Trust your own wise and tender heart. Listen to that part of yourself. It will never lead you astray."
"You can’t, I thought. But maybe I can finally start trusting myself."
"I thought about all the ways I’d taken the multitude of gifts I’d been given for granted, abandoning all faith and embracing the very worst parts of myself."
"And when you have questions, or need guidance, I will be there."