
Find You First Quotes

Find You First by Linwood Barclay

Find You First Quotes
"You had to give these old folks time to get to the phone. Maybe they had to use a walker, or were in a wheelchair."
"You could overdo it. Todd believed that the first few times he ran this game, he went a little too far."
"God, they could be so pitiful. Todd comforted himself with the thought that these people didn’t have that much longer, anyway."
"I’m looking it up," she said. "You’re wrong, Alex. I can’t be dying. I’m fucking forty-two years old."
"He could kill a guy, but ask him to clean a toilet and he looked like he was going to lose his lunch."
"You’re a very mature young lady. Why else would I have anything to do with you?"
"The thing is, I’ve been diagnosed with Huntington’s."
"Life is a crapshoot. The sperm from any donor carries the potential for troubling consequences. We all bring our genetic makeup to the table. It's life."
"Generosity is not about legal responsibility, but about doing what feels right in your heart."
"Making big decisions often involves considerable thought and no small amount of soul searching."
"The complexity of life means facing the unforeseen consequences of our actions, especially those that affect others."
"Understanding your genetic history is crucial, especially when it can affect future generations."
"Facing life's challenges requires confronting truths we'd rather avoid, but it's necessary for growth and responsibility."
"The revelation of unexpected connections can profoundly impact one's sense of identity and belonging."
"True generosity involves giving without expectations, even in the face of life's uncertainties."
"Dealing with a terminal illness often brings a shift in perspective, highlighting the importance of legacy and altruism."
"Life's unpredictability teaches us to cherish every moment and make thoughtful decisions about our future and legacy."
"I wanted to surprise you. Make things right."
"Christ, you’re lucky I didn’t load this. I could have shot you."
"I’m afraid we have some bad news for you, Mr. Hamlin."
"This is Detective Mills and I’m Detective Collins."
"Put enough cream and sugar in it and it’s even drinkable."
"I was here before but you didn’t wait on me. I’m glad it was you this time."
"She was going to wipe out their savings pretty fast eating in the cafés every day."
"You started an enterprise with one simple idea—find out who you are—and before you knew it you were buried under a mountain of moral and ethical issues and lawsuits."
"Suppose you did everything you could to be nice to some woman? Brought her flowers, complimented her on her appearance, asked her out for a drink. And no matter what you did, she kept saying no."
"You’re not the only person who knows who all your little kidlets are, right?"
"This is the very definition of a clusterfuck."
"You can’t spend your whole life on a treadmill. Sometimes you have to jump off and go sit on the beach."
"Doesn’t matter how much you’re getting, it won’t make you enjoy the work any more."
"There’s no DNA match between the two of you."
"You ever find yourself just going along, and out of the blue, you think, ‘I’d kill for a hot dog.’"
"I thought I knew what I’d ask you, but now I could hardly remember what any of them were."
"He’s not so bad right now, at least most of the time, but he’s going to get worse."
"Trick his mother into thinking he’d left the house. The trouble with that was, the only escape route would have been right by the kitchen."
"Could the man come back when I’m done jerking off? No, that wasn’t going to fly."
"Someone here to see you!" He swallowed. "Kind of busy right now."
"What is wrong with you?" she asked. "How can you be so rude? A man is here to see you."
"I don’t want to alarm you unnecessarily, but it’s possible you could be in some danger, and I want to warn you about it."
"My parents, they had some … issues when they wanted to have kids."
"What’d you say your name was again?" Miles told him and Travis typed it into his phone, waited for search results to come up.
"Satisfied?" Miles asked. "What do you say we take a walk?"
"I’m sorry! I’m sorry about everything!"
"Everything from that moment on happened very quickly."
"The mayor would like to give you a ride uptown."
"No one should have to go through what you’ve gone through."