
Cooper Quotes

Cooper by Harper Sloan

Cooper Quotes
"I don’t know how long we have been sitting here when I hear the front door bang shut and the sounds of feet stomping around the house."
"Right before her hand reaches out and slashes against my face, I promise myself that I will never let anyone hurt my baby brother."
"I need her to keep her mouth shut. I need to be able to take my pleasure and selfishly think about the only person I wish I was driving my cock into."
"I’ve been warming your sheets for the last two months, Asher Cooper, and you just called me another woman’s name?"
"When you’re ready to take that step, you let me fucking know, but meanwhile, stop bringing sluts back to my house."
"I watch Coop struggle to his feet, giving me one more look of fear before he runs as fast as he can around the way I came."
"I can hear them taunting him before I even round the building. I know what I’m going to find."
"Spying a full bottle of Jack, unbroken, in the chaos that used to be Maddox’s guest room, I pull myself off the floor and, without bothering to get dressed, fall back on the bed."
"I can’t sit here and bitch about it, hoping for her to fix my problems. No, it’s all on me, and it’s time I man up and do something about it."
"Why would I want to be around you, Asher? Huh? So you can throw some more insults at me?"
"I refuse to be another notch on your belt, Ash. You aren’t hurting for attention, obviously, and I see the girls you sleep with."
"I know! I went to my first creative writing class the other day!"
"I feel like I need to have a sweater vest on when people call me by my full name."
"It’s fun, and I love working with my hands. Just kind of fit."
"It’s definitely not a walk in the park, that’s for sure."
"Do you mind me asking about the baby's father? I just want to know what I'm dealing with."
"You’re going to realize real soon that when I say you’re mine, I mean it."
"You scare the ever-loving shit out of me, Ash."
"Once I take you—make you mine—I won’t ever let you go."
"I burst out laughing, earning me a light smack to my arm."
"Goddammit, I’m in some weird hormone bubble and I feel violated. Oh so violated."
"I’ve felt compelled to give Coop a better life, to fight with him for our freedom in more ways than one."
"I can’t describe what that felt like. To hear the life growing inside her belly was thrilling and magical."
"You did it, little brother, I think. I’m going to make sure that your son knows just how brave his father was."
"This baby, this very loved baby of ours, is our miracle."
"I don’t look for the bad in everyone anymore. I see beauty in everything around me."
"I try to keep it positive, but truth be told, I’m miserable."
"The large, round diamond is set high on a triple band of diamonds."
"Your arm is going to kill you carrying that big diamond around, but holy Mr. Bojangles, it is stunning!"
"It’s time to live our lives for the future we’re building, and I can’t wait."
"I wouldn’t have any of this if you hadn’t reminded me that there were still things worth living for."
"Sometimes it’s a daily war against no one but yourself."
"I’m not even upset that I won’t be a part of the takedown."
"I’ve done my part, and in turning all my intel over, I’ve also guaranteed Chelcie’s and Zac’s safety."
"I don’t need anything but the verification that he’s behind bars when it’s over."