
Skin Tight Quotes

Skin Tight by Carl Hiaasen

Skin Tight Quotes
"The young man pointed with a bare toe. 'See that hole?'"
"The young man was getting nervous; he thought he heard a boat’s engine somewhere around the point of the island, on the bay side."
"The previous owner was a Venezuelan cocaine courier who had been shot thirteen times in a serious business dispute, then indicted posthumously."
"Stranahan savored this fact as he sat on the sun deck, eating his eggs and Canadian bacon right out of the frying pan."
"Most of the patients asked especially for Dr. Graveline, whose reputation greatly exceeded his talents."
"Stranahan accepted the fact that some of these ex-cons harbored bitterness against him, and that more than a few would be delighted to see him dead."
"Stranahan wasn’t disabled at all, but his family connection with a notorious personal-injury lawyer was sufficient to terrify the county into paying him off."
"Rudy Graveline tried to imagine the face on the other end of the line, in New Jersey. In the old days he could guess a face by the voice on the phone."
"She unsnapped the black leather case that held her trusty Canon Sure-Shot."
"Rudy Graveline smiled, then buzzed for the nurse and anesthetist to come back and help him finish the job."
"Stranahan was not a paranoid person, but took a practical view of risk: When someone pulls a gun at your front door, there’s really no point to asking what he wants."
"For keeping this and other weird secrets, Christina felt secure in her job, certainly secure enough to tell Reynaldo Flemm to go pound salt every time he put the make on her."
"I always wondered what it's like out here in the dark."
"You mean, I’ve got to stay out here till dark with nothing to drink."
"Jesus, I must be a sight," he said. "Anyway, the reason I mention it—let’s say the doctor croaked Vicky. Don’t know why, but let’s say he did. What to do about the body? That’s a big problem. Bodies are damn tough to get rid of, Jimmy Hoffa being the exception."
"George Graveline." Christina Marks wrote the name down.
"I said, you sure are beautiful." He winked once, then closed his eyes slowly.
"That’s a beaut," Chemo said, "except I’ve already got one on that arm."
"You mean it?" His voice dripped with relief. Pathetic, Christina thought; the man is pathetic.
"Are you getting worked up?" Rudy Graveline said, "Of course not."
"I’m telling you this so you know how goddamn serious it’s getting, and maybe you’ll quit this crazy car-bombing shit and give me a chance to do my job. How about it?"
"He never said why?" said Al Garcia, all eyebrows.
"We'll wait and see what happens. It's just like dropping a bomb."
"I loved the disco, Rudy. It just about killed me when disco died."
"I got to get to them before they get to Graveline, otherwise we’re blown out of the water."
"It's not me I was thinking of. Believe it or not."
"Queen of slut rock, all the way from London."
"Fucking battery died. I hope that’s it for the night."
"Jesus H. Christ, I bet your own family won’t let you carve the bird on Thanksgiving, am I right?"
"Put a mike in his face and he’ll crack like a fucking Triscuit."
"If it’s not heavier by twenty-five, you’re toast."
"You’re in no condition for that type of stress."
"You certainly look like you could be on television."
"First thing tomorrow, six nasty bastards from Alcohol and Beverage come by and shut your ass down."
"Forget about the Stranahan hit, just blow town."
"You’re gonna look like a cabbage if you don’t do what I say."
"San Jose was crawling with wealthy expatriates and aspiring international jet-setters."
"We need a boat," Rudy Graveline croaked. "For tonight."
"Well, Jesus," Chemo said, "you got a dead man in your fridge. This is a problem."
"I used to work for a surgeon who knew this guy ... this guy who would buy certain things."
"It’s up to you," Maggie said. "I mean, Dr. Graveline, you’ve got yourself a situation here."
"No thanks," Chemo said. "What’s a schlong go for these days?"
"It may sound ghoulish, but I provide a much-needed service."
"I didn’t get the part, anyway," said Heather.
"Sorry," Stranahan said. "I know it’s rough as hell—there’s a front moving through so we got a big westerly tonight."
"Think about it: A hundred years from now, your coffin cracks open and there’s nothing inside but two little bags of silicone."
"You’re a man, I don’t expect you to understand."
"Car breaks down, you just walk away from it. With a damn boat, you’re stuck."