
What Alice Forgot Quotes

What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

What Alice Forgot Quotes
"There was a pleasantly satisfied breakfast taste in her mouth of bacon and coffee and possibly croissants."
"Somewhere in the distance, a man’s voice shouted, 'Marco?' and a chorus of children’s voices cried back, 'Polo!'"
"Tiny dots of light danced before her eyes. Was it a dream or a memory?"
"Is cream cheese considered a soft cheese? It's not a hard cheese."
"The scent of lavender seemed to be coming and going, like a gentle breeze."
"The best thing would be to fall back asleep and return to that lovely dream with the water and the multicolored toenails."
"So much to remember. No soft cheeses or smoked salmon or sushi because of the risk of that disease she never even knew existed. Listeria."
"Listeria, wisteria. The wisteria over the side fence is going to look stunning if it ever gets around to flowering."
"Once, when they were undoing their seat belts, Nick said, 'Don’t be ridiculous, you goose, you know I’m bloody besotted with you.'"
"Alice never talked out loud to the baby. She spoke to it in her mind, shyly, when she was in the bath."
"She always forgot how pain was so upsetting. Cruel. It hurt your feelings. You just wanted it to stop, please, right now."
"Was cream cheese even cheese? You didn’t put a dollop of cream cheese on a cheese platter."
"I package myself for you. I want to sound damaged, so you feel there is something useful for you to do, but at the same time I want you to think I’m a nice person. A nice damaged person."
"It's like Alice in Wonderland. Remember how much I hated that book? Because nothing made sense."
"You’re the one in hospital. The question is what happened to you?"
"You think the world begins and ends with you and your perfect little family."
"How do you get a pool under control? The pool has been very calm. Very serene. I think I must have it on a tight leash."
"We were peeling the wax off the candlestick. I remember it very, very clearly."
"You said we were going to get old and grumpy together and go on coach tours and play bingo."
"I could never love anyone the way I love you."
"What went wrong, we'll fix it. We'll get counseling. We'll go on a nice holiday somewhere!"
"The longing to stand up and touch him was so strong, she had to press her hands against her thighs to stop herself."
"You must have hit your head really hard, Alice."
"I'm so tired of trying and trying and trying. I don't have anything left. I'm done."
"It’s inevitable. Sydney needs high density housing close to public transport."
"I’m suspending you from school as of now. You can’t be a part of this school and behave like that, do you understand?"
"We’re going to work this out. You, your dad, and me are going to sit on the beach, eat ice creams, and work out whatever the problem is."
"I think we should try again? For them? For the children? Actually, not just for them. For us. For the old us."
"But as the years went by, we stopped talking like that. We became detached from the process."
"I almost told him the truth. Actually, no I didn’t. Not even close."
"Beautiful. Beautiful." He said it in the same satisfied tone that he would use to describe a good meal at a restaurant.
"I don’t see how suspending her helps anything. It’s like they’re putting their hands in the air and saying, ‘We don’t know what to do with her.’"
"It wasn’t as if Dominick didn’t have a stressful job, too."
"So did that make her relationship with Dominick nothing more than a performance?"
"I wonder what we’ll all be doing in ten years’ time."
"Early love is exciting and exhilarating. It’s light and bubbly. Anyone can love like that."
"But love after three children, after a separation and a near-divorce, after you’ve hurt each other and forgiven each other, bored each other and surprised each other, after you’ve seen the worst and the best—well, that sort of a love is ineffable."
"Every day I say a little prayer thanking God for creating the spin class."
"I was actually savoring the whole morning, trying to catch it, pin it down, keep it safe before all those precious moments became yet another memory."