
Well-being Quotes

There are 36500 quotes

"Our Baseline levels of dopamine turn out to be our baseline levels of motivation and feelings of well-being."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It feels better to give because there's a goodness in the self, in the giving."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything goes far better when we are sleeping well on a consistent basis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gut health is immensely important for all aspects of our wellbeing at the level of our brain, at the level of our body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We all have within our brain and body the capacity to release our own opioids."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Science-based tools for everyday life can dramatically enhance our well-being and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Better living through chemistry still requires better living."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding the network of hormones, nutrition, and mental health is crucial for overall well-being."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If one examines reaction time, mood, alertness, focus, and memory or the ability to call up information from memory, or physical dexterity, power output, endurance, and overall feelings of well-being during exercise and exertion, caffeine has been shown in numerous studies in both men and women to improve all of those metrics significantly."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If one has the opportunity, I believe, to further reinforce the things that bring us joy, why wouldn't we?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to be getting sufficient quality and duration of sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What they found was that people's testosterone and estrogen levels went up. Feelings of well-being went up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is associated with brain and body states of well-being, of comfort, of satiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Salutogenesis is a different orientation toward health and well-being where you're taking on particular behaviors, you're taking on a particular stance towards nutrition and exercise, supplementation, et cetera, in order to promote well-being above where you would be if you were not doing those behaviors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We hear so much and there's so many studies showing that great sleep, quality nutrition, good social interactions, avoiding chronic stress, and on and on and on are important for everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Supporting queer identities is demonstrably better for the mental health and physical well-being of queer people than refusing to affirm them."
"There's so much evidence that feeling good is one of the keys to productivity."
"You need energy to be motivated; in order to be motivated, you need to be feeling good."
"A lot of what is good for us makes us suffer."
"People who are happiest are those who make others happy."
"Vitality... the state of being strong and active, energy."
Jess Carpenter
"In a world that's continually evolving, where the lines between food, fitness, and well-being are increasingly blurring, we all aspire for one thing: to live healthfully."
"Every bite we take, every sip we drink, every breath we inhale doesn't just affect one part of us, it influences our entire system."
"Gratitude is like the scientific version of happiness."
"Let's make every meal a celebration of health, a tribute to our resilient nerves, and an investment in our overall well-being."
"Happiness as a sort of fleeting transient state and being emotionally healthy are quite different."
"Every sip you take could mean a healthier, happier tomorrow."
"Self-love should not be about accepting poor health habits that cause harm to oneself; it's about nurturing oneself with the right foods and activities to promote overall well-being."
"Time affluence, being rich in terms of time, is the opposite of what we experience a lot, which is time famine."
"Just being the kind of private person who prioritizes time over money can increase your well-being."
"The science teaches us what we need to do, we just have to put these things into practice."
"I attract health; health is attractive to me."
"My grateful heart attracts health into my life."
"I am healthy; the universe blesses me with health."
"The most effective way to use gratitude for your own well-being should focus on human interdependence, not things or circumstances."
"Get some natural light in your eyes. Look at the horizon."
"This is an invitation to take more responsibility to intentionally cultivate our brains in ways that can promote well-being."
"The ability to rapidly recover from adversity is a very important constituent of well-being."
"Forgiveness is linked to reduced anxiety, depression, major psychiatric disorders, fewer physical health symptoms, and actually lower mortality."
"Gratitude is the human characteristic most associated with overall well-being."
"Gratitude is the most powerful emotion you will ever feel."
"When you exercise, dopamine is literally released. It makes you feel good."
"If every single person on earth spent 30-60 minutes moving outside, I'm convinced the world would be a better place."
"You are the owner of your own brain, your own mind, your own happiness, strength, and health; it's yours."
"The number one thing that we know that's free that raises both of those is exercise."
"Good mental health will make everything in your life line up."
"If you don't have health, you don't have anything else."
"Dopamine is an extremely poor predictor of what will make you happy."
"Serotonin is the happiness chemical and is fundamental to our sense of well-being."
"Just smile. Crazy as it sounds, studies suggest that happiness doesn't just cause smiling; smiling causes happiness."
"It's inevitable that your mental health and physical health is going to benefit."
"When we feel better in ourselves, we get more out of our life."
"Our gut bacteria love exercise. They produce this happy chemical called butyrate... it's an anti-inflammatory drug that you could never bottle up."
"Delayed gratification is the key. Not living in the instant pleasures of today but rewarding ourselves in healthier, happier ways."
"Our healthy weight, a healthy relationship with food, our mental health, our physical well-being, all those things need to be in harmony."
"Meditating is amazing for raising your vibration. People who meditate every day have very high vibrational frequencies."
"Gratitude is like this big unlocking mechanism."
"Gratitude is the human characteristic most widely associated with well-being."
"Happiness doesn't just make us feel good; it's rocket fuel for productivity."
"If you can do this stuff consistently, you're going to be just fine."
"Sleep is probably the most critical factor to your health."
"Intelligence, creativity, and well-being are interconnected facets of the human experience."
"Happiness is actually one of three factors that matter: one is happiness, the second is meaning."
"Each of us is responsible for what we put into our bodies and we're responsible for the way that we feel as a result."
"Relationships...seem to be a major source of happiness."
"Love is to will the good of the other, which just basically means you want what's best for someone and you want to help them get what's best for them in life."
"There are three types of immune system: there is your body's immune system, there is an emotional immune system that you increase through meditation, and then there's a social immune system that is through self-assertion."
"Sending all of this thankfulness and this gratitude out to all beings everywhere. Namaste."
"The antidote is to be grateful and content in what you currently do have."
"What makes you happy is a question that should be different from what is good stress relief for you because happiness is something you're running towards."
"I pray that Allah fills all of our lives with real and true joy and makes us a source of real joy for others."
"The feeling good part is you can't undervalue that."
"Diet, exercise, sleep, and an active social life are the four pillars of mental health."
"I feel better than I've ever felt in my entire life and I feel loved and I feel like anything is possible."
"Whatever is closest to Nature will give us the most energy."
"Unconditional happiness would mean that you will be happy no matter what."
"Feeling like I'm on the highway 'cause everything's been going my way."
"Spending time in nature or viewing nature scenes can enhance your mood, alleviate stress, and promote a sense of well-being."
"Happiness is more than a feeling; it's a powerful emotion that affects our whole being."
"Don't be afraid to change course, especially if you feel it's necessary for your happiness and well-being."
"This is the happiest, healthiest I've ever been."
"Everybody's a more pleasant person when they have a good night of sleep."
"You have to work on yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually to become more attractive to women."
"Peace means nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking. It means complete and total wholeness."
"Improving our breath has the potential to improve every aspect of our life."
"See, zest in life is not optional; this is essential for living a good life."
"Remember to play. That play message is really strong here... Do things that make you feel good and help reduce anxiety as best you can."
"How we answer the question 'How loved and supported do you feel?' will tell us more about your health 10, 15, 20 years down the road than any other factor."
"May everyone be happy, may everyone be free of disease, may auspiciousness be seen everywhere, may suffering belong to no one. Peace."
"Leisure time is a critical part of wellbeing."
"Gratitude is one of the most powerful balms for your soul, for your heart, for your mind."
"Your own cup has to be full, and your priority in life should always be to make sure that you're okay."
"I hope you guys are having family and love or whatever makes you happy and brings you peace this weekend."
"I think the only person that you can ever do it for is yourself."
"At the end of the day, the one person you need to feel amazing is you."
"The further faster I go, the crazier I get. The slower closer I am to my real life and grocery shopping and unloading the dishwasher and loving on people, the better I am."
"There's a 71% correlation between your subjective well-being and the strength of your relationship with your significant other."
"A relationship is an experience or state of being connected or joined or linked so that you have a sense of soundness in life that supports and advances your well-being, your wholeness, your stability, your security."
"Learning how to protect your energy and to create that safe, sacred space around yourself is going to be really powerful in helping you feel better and stay more balanced."
"I keep sacred the daily habits that make me feel good and allow my cells to vibrate at their highest potential."
"I'm not walking around depressed every day or whatever, you know. I've got amazing friends and family."
"What everybody is looking for in the final analysis, we're all looking to feel better...to be happy."
"Money is such a small fraction of what you need to actually thrive as a human being."
"Your life purpose involves you being very concerned about the well-being of how everything's looking on the planet right now."
"The more time that I spend on acts of actual self care, the less viscerally appealing shopping becomes."
"What self-care looks like is going to be different for everyone."
"Self-care for me is doing my laundry on Sundays and actually folding it and putting it away so that during the week I have clothes to wear and I know where to find them."
"Self-care is anything that maintains or improves our well-being, and we need to be well enough to be able to be there for ourselves and the people that we love."
"Self-care... also looks like learning when and how to say no."
"Happy Saturday! I hope everybody's doing good."
"Trust, transparency, and self-care are the essential elements of a vibrant life."
"I feel like I need some fresh air...getting some fresh air always helps me."
"You will be even better when you take a break from alcohol. Fact."
"The healthier you are, the more brain points that you start with per day."
"Good sleep is literally so important for just feeling good and being able to fully take advantage of your days."
"May I be safe, may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live with ease."
"Evidence suggests there are five steps you can take to improve your mental health and well-being: Connect with other people, exercise, learn new skills, give to others, and practice mindfulness."
"Feel-good productivity is a simple method, but it changes everything."
"A healthy approach to productivity is just spending time well."
"Kindfulness - mindful together with kindness."
"Taking responsibility and accepting the system leads you to harmony, well-being, and a stress-free existence via the shortest route."
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease."
"Now, I've become a complete self-care junkie and I'm feeling so much better on a daily basis."
"Some of these self-care habits are things that I've been doing for years and years, and others are more relatively recent additions to my life, but they all truly do make me feel like a better person."
"Bullet journaling is more like a mindfulness system that's disguised as a productivity system."
"Through the practice of mindfulness, they are able to connect with an inner resource that allows them to take care of themselves in a way that touches greater moments of wholeness in their days."
"It's very hard to reduce cravings, so just that refocusing on the body took away stress, anxiety, self-referential thoughts... to relaxing, feeling ease, feeling well-being."
"It's better to have a healthy balanced productivity where you're still getting work done, you're still proud of yourself, but you're also happy and at peace, giving energy to other areas of your life."
"ACT says no do the things that provide you with meaning and the byproduct is that you actually then feel better."
"This ability to respond to the immediate context, that is so important for wellbeing."
"Human material well-being is progressing at a staggering rate."
"Altruistic love, remember that beautiful child... what do you wish except may that child be safe, happy, may he or she flourish in life."
"Hygiene is a part of that because if you don't care about your physical self and your well-being, then your other parts start to kind of diminish."
"You deserve a break from time to time; you deserve to put yourself first."
"Being in a state of awe is actually very good for us. It increases our well-being to contemplate mysteries and the bigger questions."
"Living in the present moment starts to increase our level of well-being."
"Our well-being depends on the well-being of the whole system and all the creatures in it."
"Bliss, radiance, and kindness are very common side effects of meditation."
"The happiest and healthiest I've ever been and do not wish to do any harm to myself."
"Your job should never come before your physical or mental health."
"What constitutes a good life is what you really want out of life: satisfaction, happiness, peace of mind."
"The key to manifesting and being a super attractor is to be aligned with feeling good."
"Our deepest desire isn't to get that thing to feel good; it's to feel good so that we can allow whatever we need and whatever is at the highest good to come into our life."
"Protecting your peace... you'll be so much happier and just like lighter in general."
"You're either making a deposit towards your success, your peace, your well-being, or you're making a withdrawal."
"May you be filled with loving kindness, may you be well, may you be peaceful and at ease, and may you be joyous."
"Clean your house. It just makes you feel better."
"Safety isn't just the absence of a threat, safety is also the presence of connection."
"If you had those four qualities every day in your body and your mind, you're free."
"Joyful energetic body, loving compassionate heart, reflective alert mind, lightness of being."
"As long as you remember your breath, you are okay."
"Live music is good for the soul. It just does something to the body. It is just good. It makes me happy."
"Comparison is the thief of joy because you can never be who you're comparing yourself to."
"Prioritizing my well-being matters. I matter."
"It's just a reminder to me that like prioritizing my well-being matters. I matter."
"Hope you guys are doing well, staying safe, staying indoors, washing your hands."
"I hope this video was informative. I hope it makes a whole bunch of you safer."
"I pray over you a release of the blessings of God's undeserved kindness and total well-being."
"Altruism is the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others."
"Meditation is about preventing stress in our life."
"If you leave your whole relationship with God relocated to an hour on Sunday mornings, you will be depleted and unhealthy."
"In his essay on Liberty, philosopher John Stuart Mill discussed the importance of individuality, seeing the free development of individuality as one of the essential elements of human well-being."
"I'm doing great now that we're here together."
"Morality is about maximizing well-being and minimizing suffering."
"A human being cannot thrive in an atmosphere of distress."
"I hope that all six of those children go on to live happy, fulfilled, and healthy lives."
"Drink the coffee. It'll make you feel better."
"Doing an act of kindness makes you feel better, improves your mental and physical health, and the person receiving it feels good too."
"Manifestation is not about wanting something so much that it exhausts you, but instead becoming it."
"Hopefully, your end of the week is off to a good start."
"You will be okay in the end; you will be okay."
"I feel so relieved. I feel light. I feel like I can breathe again."
"This is a time when you're going to go towards your health; you're going to be more health conscious."
"Protect your heart, protect your space, protect your energy and everything should be all right."
"People who are more physically active are happier, they have better relationships, more meaning in life, and are less at risk for things like depression and loneliness."
"It's as if humans were born to move, and when we are physically active, it puts us in a state of not just body, but of mind to be the best version of ourselves."
"As long as we can agree that we care about well-being, then we can make objective assessments about whether or not actions are consistent with that goal."
"Sleep is the foundation of our mental and physical health."
"Secular doctrines are about us, they are about what is in our well-being."
"The ultimate self-care playbook: discover and nurture your centered self."
"The title of the book refers to a theoretical landscape in which the peaks represent the heights of well-being and the valleys represent the deepest suffering."
"The default position is relaxed and comfortable."
"Making a small change can actually give you some peace of mind."
"Effective stress management helps you break the hold stress has on your life, so you can be happier, healthier, and more productive."
"Sleep is like the master regulator. If you're not getting sleep, your diet can be amazing, but you're going to be toast."
"Secular moral systems...are about us. They are about what is in our well-being."
"You're shining this month; there is a new moon happening."
"Life is generally preferable to death, health is generally preferable to sickness, pleasure is generally preferable to pain."
"Building a society that promotes our well-being is in our best interest."
"Sometimes stepping outside of our comfort zone and embracing that discomfort drives feeling good in the long term."
"Strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigor and grace."
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers."
"Health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being."
"Holistic wellness... is rooted in this idea that we are a whole person, not just our bodies."
"Getting adequate sleep is going to be really good for your health."
"The most common and consistently replicated predictor of well-being is relationships."
"Your heart pumps better and faster if you're grateful."
"May your Wi-Fi be strong, may your family be well, may your toilet paper and peanut butter be plentiful, and may the odds be ever in your favor."
"Happiness will come to you, no doubt about it."
"The practice to rebuild your self-love comes through self-care that’s self-care on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of your health and well-being."