
Procrastination Quotes

There are 1932 quotes

"Understanding how those things relate to one another, I assure you that by the end of today's episode you will be in a far better position to understand why you become motivated, why you procrastinate, how to ensure motivation on an ongoing basis, and even how to leverage effort and the desire to become motivated as a way to do just that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can leverage your dopamine system in order to be maximally motivated when you want to be and indeed to avoid procrastination."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"No one ever teaches us these things: how do you learn how to concentrate? How do you focus your mind on one thing? What is the nature of procrastination?"
"Just do it. Whatever it is that you're being lazy on right now, stop looking for a trick, just go do it."
"The one thing all fools have in common is that they're always getting ready to start."
"Procrastination is primarily an emotional problem. There is some sort of fear of looking bad, fear of failure, self-doubt. The mind starts to weave all these stories about how we're not good enough to do this particular thing."
"Don't worry about your handwriting or using the right words or not making it look messy... The perfectionism is something that can delay a lot of things in life such as journaling or starting a channel or whatever it is that you want to do."
"You need to stop lingering. Your task is to slay the princess, not endlessly debate about what to do with the princess."
"Procrastination is the assassination of your dreams. Procrastination is the thief of all joy."
"Procrastination is really a problem with getting started."
"Your angels are asking you to make an important decision that you've been putting off."
"I won't worry about that today; I'll worry about that tomorrow."
"If you want to transform your life, get rid of the word 'eventually.'"
"Notice what your mind says and what behaviors you justify by using the word 'eventually.'"
"Every time you say tomorrow, your willpower gets weaker; every time you do it now, your willpower gets stronger."
"Procrastination is your worst enemy whether it's in saving or in growing a business. It's better to start acting and fumble a little as you learn."
"If you struggle with procrastination, if you've made bad choices, it doesn't mean you're doomed for failure."
"The number one reason why we procrastinate is because of self-criticism."
"Problems that are procrastinated on are only amplified."
"Ultra performers have realized that problems that are procrastinated on are only amplified."
"The motto is 'Now, not how.' Whenever we think of doing something, we're like, okay, but how do I do it?... Instead, think, what is the smallest action I can take right now?"
"There's nothing worse than the regret of getting serious too late."
"Tomorrow ain't promised; what you waiting for? Why you wasting time?"
"Discipline defeats the infinite excuses that say not today, not now, I need a rest, I'll do it tomorrow."
"The longer you wait to deal with problems, the worse they get."
"I'm missing two fingernails. They're very grown out. That's a tomorrow problem, not a today problem."
"Don't wait and lose time because sometimes later becomes never."
"Preemptively solving problems is not what politicians do. They tend to kick the can down the road."
"A lack of self-love is the biggest killer of dreams, but procrastination is a close second."
"Tomorrow is when we begin doing the diet; today, we're allowed to be as gluttonous as we want because it's part of the aspiration."
"You'd think after all this time I'd be ready, but look at me. Stretching one moment out into a thousand just so that I can watch the snow."
"Procrastination can become a spell. By getting up and doing one thing that gives you pleasure, you break the ice."
"I think the link for the discord is in the description or something. If it's not there, you'll find it under the pile of laundry you haven't done yet, Robert. Go do your laundry already."
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."
"To you: If not now, then when? And why are you nervous? What is it that's holding you back?"
"Avoid the resistance, avoid the voice in your head that's telling you that oh maybe if I do it tomorrow or like the next day, later today, it'll be better. Get it done."
"Procrastination arises in a very interesting way."
"Break free of procrastination and embrace the opportunities that change brings."
"Perfectionism is often the root of procrastination, as we assume, if we can't get it perfect, it's not even worth trying to do it."
"Perfectionism doesn't let you get started because then you want to achieve so much that the fear of failure becomes too high."
"There is no point saving these up for years and years and years thinking oh I'll do it later."
"Procrastination is like playing Russian roulette with your destiny."
"Procrastination is not a symptom of laziness but rather a declaration of our freedom, an assertion that no, I am NOT going to do exactly the BS that you tell me to do at exactly the time that you say because I am NOT a slave, I am a free man."
"The cure for procrastination is action. The way that you cure procrastination is to act in spite of the resistance that you have."
"Start small, baby step it... Don't even tell yourself that you're going to do it all; just take the first little baby step."
"The fastest way to deplete your willpower and give in to procrastination is to be tired and/or hungry."
"Procrastination is actually a highly efficient... task completing strategy."
"So the solution to 'Avoidance Procrastination'... is first... to recognize... the... emotion."
"Once you know these six different triggers, you can now start to think critically about your own tasks and ask yourself, 'If I'm procrastinating, which of these triggers is causing me to procrastinate on this task?'"
"Sometimes you can just kind of get stuck in research mode and never actually take action."
"What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think dirty laundry? Is it the piles of clothes you have yet to throw in the washing machine that you've been putting off for forever?"
"You're never ever ever ever going to feel like doing the things you need to do in order to have what you want."
"Procrastinating is a form of fear, and it is difficult to acknowledge fear. But the truth is that you cannot create anything of value without both self-doubt and self-belief."
"Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God owes you another opportunity to do what you could have done today."
"The moment you have an instinct to act, you got to do it within five seconds or your brain will kill it."
"'Never leave that till to-morrow which you can do today.'"
"Stop putting stuff off... Now is now. Do it now."
"Had we procrastinated just one month... all the adventures, all the experiences, never would have happened."
"If you need to do something, you should get up and do it instead of waiting longer."
"If you don't pay a bill...when it first comes in, it's only the size of a kitten. But if you leave it alone for two or three years, it pretty much grows into a full-fledged dragon."
"Stop making excuses, you're running out of time."
"It's the idea of actually starting that is the biggest friction point for a lot of people."
"Procrastination gets so many people where it's we'll do it later, not right now, maybe later. It's just as bad as quitting because typically quitting is a by-product of somebody that constantly procrastinates."
"Motivation is complete garbage. Everybody's waiting to feel like it...and that's a recipe for never seeing your dreams come true."
"Not to put off what you're meant to be doing with your life not to put it off in particular because you want the conditions of life to become optimal."
"The worst part is just starting...once you get something on your phone that you can watch and listen to, then you're just doing it."
"We all have a habit of hesitating. We have an idea... and instead of just saying it, you stop and you hesitate."
"Procrastination is the assassination of your motivation that would ultimately lead you to your destination."
"If you're not willing to take action now, tomorrow may never come."
"Procrastination and not taking action will make you miserable."
"Perfectionism leads to procrastination which leads to paralysis."
"Just do it, you know? There's no reason to ever wait on anything."
"So when it comes time for you to build that website that you've been procrastinating, turn to Squarespace."
"Shut up and stop finding a reason to not do it and start finding a reason to do it."
"It's the most unattractive thing to me when someone is like 'oh for the last two years I've kind of wanted to try this but I haven't.'"
"Implementation intentions are a surprisingly effective tool for beating procrastination."
"Most of the things that we procrastinate on don't really take that much time to do."
"Procrastination literally sabotages our happiness."
"Why don't I procrastinate anymore? Because the moment I start hearing myself say anything like this, 'I can do it tomorrow,' or 'It could have been worse,' I realize, 'Tim, you're excuse-making.'"
"Our thinking patterns influence procrastination tendencies."
"I just want to make the best thing you know and like the perfectionist side of me is like I want the next video that I make to be the best video I've ever made and that makes me procrastinate."
"Do I keep postponing it and having it on my wish or to-do list, or do I just start one day and just get going?"
"Someday is a disease that will take your dreams to the Grave."
"Take the first step. Once you take that first step, you're already doing it. Procrastination and imposter syndrome can no longer hold you back."
"Tomorrow becomes never and now becomes forever."
"Give yourself permission to go after these things you've been putting off."
"What could I accomplish if I wasn't lazy or if I didn't procrastinate?"
"Hard work pays off in the future, but laziness pays off right now."
"Start now, stop saying 'oh tomorrow', 'oh next month', 'next year', do it now."
"I feel like we have this very common and comfortable mentality of there's always tomorrow, but there isn't always a tomorrow."
"Stop saying you're gonna. That's killing your dreams. Instead, take action now."
"Procrastination is intentionally delaying a task that needs to be done even though you know it will come with a cost." - Adam Grant
"You put that task aside, and you've just regulated your mood. Now you feel better." - Fuschia Sirois
"You can't ever wait for that because there's a lot of times you don't feel like doing something but every time you succumb to that 'I don't feel like doing something,' the more likely you are to succumb to that in the future."
"Just do it. There's never going to be the perfect moment."
"I just never got around to it, but hey, that's what this kind of a video is for."
"Yandere Dev was just desperately trying to come up with excuses to buy himself more time not necessarily to finish the game but to extend his shelf life of YouTube fame."
"If you really want to do something, do it now. Why are you waiting?"
"The previous 20 years have been...saying what we were going to do and not doing it."
"I had a one-year visa to go and it just... I just never got around to, you know, the right time never came for me to actually go."
"Start the project that you've been delaying or putting off right now. Do not wait until 2019."
"There will be a new video tomorrow, when I could be asked to edit it."
"If you're waiting for things to be perfect before you try to reduce your own car dependency, it's a good chance it's just never gonna happen."
"I feel like everyone can resonate with just putting things off and off and off."
"Let's stop taking forever, try what you know is gonna work."
"You'll do it tomorrow but then tomorrow becomes today and then you put it off for tomorrow and then tomorrow becomes today and it keeps going like this."
"Don't procrastinate and let your personality shine. You have something no one else has that makes you who you are."
"It's better to try it, feel it, rather than stand at the boss thinking you could have done it, should have done it, would have done it."
"Sometimes we are delayed because we're just standing still talking nonsense."
"Stop delaying. Why am I really delaying on doing what I want to do?"
"Good things come to those who wait. This is distorting the merit of patience into an excuse to do nothing."
"A lot of who I am today though is I was doing that productive procrastination."
"I got sucked into TikTok, but I'm going to read now, I promise."
"You guys are being asked to make this decision to go after something you've been putting off."
"Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God will give you another opportunity to do tomorrow what he anointed you to do today."
"Stop procrastinating, stop being indecisive. I think the universe is going to give you what you want but you got to stop second guessing it."
"Sometimes when you're a perfectionist, you don't do anything unless if it's perfect."
"I'm not playing Minecraft for a year and then waiting down the road, oh hey, yeah, I should probably address this stuff now, right?"
"It's just one more step to you not doing a goal that you are totally capable of doing."
"Procrastination is like a slow form of suicide."
"The Data Digest: 'After a month of procrastinating, I finally uploaded my first video to my YouTube channel.'"
"A virginia jury's decision to side with johnny depp in his defamation lawsuit is drawing both condemnation and praise."
"The problem with wanting to live that long is that procrastination is the killer of success."
"What seems to happen when you procrastinate is this: you look at something you'd really rather not do, and you actually feel a physical pain in the part of your brain that analyzes pain."
"What are you putting off out of fear? Usually what we fear doing the most is what we need to do."
"Time waits for no man, so don't waste too much time sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourself."
"Just freaking post and and this is what I'm literally not doing on TikTok because I'm just not posting."
"You don't make something good by sitting on your ass for five years and then going, you know what I'm finally going to do it."
"I'm such a procrastinator, I always have these great ideas and cool things I want to do."
"It's time for me to construct some security, but I'm way too lazy to do that myself."
"There's always a reason not to do something, and it's your enemy."
"Procrastination equals poverty. Tomorrow never comes."
"It's easier to watch Netflix than to get on your workout gear and hit the gym."
"So go out there and do that thing that you've been putting off."
"Instead of saying I'll just put that off, say how can I?"
"I love the premise. This idea that these guys who were so heralded heroes got caught up in their own apathy and procrastination."
"Just start, there is always going to be this debate."
"When I have an assignment, I loathe doing it."
"If you wait for somebody else to do it, it may never happen."
"Don't put off whatever it is you're meant to do until the situation is optimal."
"You ain't gonna do nothing sitting back and just thinking about what you wanna do."
"One day I'll be brave. Definitely not today!"
"Breaking big goals into smaller tasks keeps you on track and prevents procrastination."
"I worry about people's abilities to push through. It's like any chore that you leave too long, you know what I mean? Like, it would have been better if you did it before."
"I think sabitsar is perfect...but how late we've done it is just desperate yet again."
"Just do it, Kevin, you dick. Kevin, you're never going to call your family."
"This thing would have all been over with two years ago... but they waited and waited and waited."
"If I am just handed a project and I try to go build it, then I'm going to procrastinate on it and I'm not going to be very efficient."
"Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now. Stop waiting for tomorrow."
"I'm really behind in terms of setting up debates."
"Success in life really comes from overcoming the natural tendency to procrastinate."
"Don't wait for tomorrow what you could start today."
"You gotta just jump to it, you can't keep procrastinating."
"The longer issues go unaddressed, the worse it gets for Hansen."
"Your future is dependent on it, literally. Stop saying I'm gonna wait until tomorrow."
"Just start! Stop thinking about starting and just start."
"You're not procrastinating because you're lazy, you're procrastinating because you're afraid."
"Anything to avoid doing work in Minecraft, I guess. I feel bad."
"I've done nothing at work today, all I've done is play table tennis."
"Stop putting it off, stop making excuses, stop with the victim mentality."
"Procrastinators 30 minutes before an assignment is due."
"Let me get back to you...Great, let me get back to you."
"Complete a task in August that has been sort of hanging over your shoulders for months."
"It's the best time to plant a tree was like [__] like a hundred years ago, buddy."
"If you just leave it alone until it gets dangerous enough, someone else will do it. And someone else did."
"Are we going to continue to punt for some future date when everything magically works out politically so that you can finally stand up and do what you know is right?"
"It's not procrastination, it's called strategic timing."
"Fantasy can also be a self-defeating behavior... it takes the place of any actual work or action steps that would help you get where you want to be."
"If you tell yourself, 'Oh, I'm going to quit on this date,' it's not gonna happen."
"The craving won't last forever. You just have to procrastinate."
"There is no more time left to procrastinate."
"Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today."
"Avoid procrastination... it makes you feel bad because you're wasting time."
"Try not to procrastinate if you don't know what that is it just means putting something off till the last minute."
"There's never gonna be a right time. Your blog isn't gonna be perfect enough. Start now."
"The hardest part of doing anything is actually just getting started."
"I'm not doing homework right now, I'm doing this instead."
"Postponing this is only going to further set you back."
"Straight up stressing me out for the longest time, things that had easy solutions I was still putting off, and this course broke it down for me."
"Make the most of your life; procrastination won't get you anywhere."
"Attention [ __ ] do everything but set a [ __ ] date."
"The best time to do it was yesterday. The second best time is today."
"All the motivation you need is inside you. Okay, now wait until this show's over."
"You know when you smoke weed you get all these amazing ideas and you're like 'oh my god I'm in this creative space but then the taking action part doesn't really come.'"
"Clearly, when I say 'tomorrow,' when I say 'soon,' I actually mean give or take a few days to weeks to months, potentially years. It depends."
"Stop multitasking... Every single time you switch from one task to another, you have to regain your focus and flow."
"Take action as soon as you think it's a good idea, don't just keep thinking through a million things."
"It's a lot to talk about the things that you want to do but then you're not doing any execution that's bringing manifestation."
"It's procrastination man it's just it's crazy."
"Why do you deny yourself the ability to act on your issues right now?"
"Just start. Don't psych yourself out." - "If you want to do something, do it."
"Just start. Don't spend too long thinking about it." - "Don't spend too long thinking about it."
"Every year that goes by, more things will try to hold you back, more responsibilities, more obstacles, more excuses for staying comfortable with the life you're currently living." - Jeff Wilson
"The longer you let it go, the worse health outcomes you're going to have."
"It seems you have finally made up your mind, the Luna goddess Festival has been delayed for a full three years awaiting your response."
"Waiting is a trap. If we wait for the economy to get better or for a person to change, there will always be a reason to wait. Waiting is a trap."
"Procrastination and hope for the best is often going to win."
"These old videos have been on my [ __ ] list for the longest time."
"Imagine being afraid for 50 years of doing something right or putting it off like saying like oh I'm just waiting for the right time to do this thing no never say that never say I'm just waiting for the right time now is the right time"
"You have to have that stuff on hand because, you know what, if it's not there when you think you need to have it done, a lot of us just don't get it done."