
Divine Relationship Quotes

There are 805 quotes

"Jesus, the divine Son of God, dwelt in human flesh and He desires to have a relationship with us."
"We can't just take this God is a father like he this is why in scripture he adopts us as his children."
"One of the greatest gifts, I think, from scripture is not His voice, it's not what He can give us, it's just Him."
"Nothing can separate you from the love of God... He loves you even when you can't feel it."
"In God's great love, He sent His Son Jesus to die so that we can have a relationship back with God."
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is."
"We have the ability to walk in a relationship with God to allow Him to mold us into the people He designed us to be."
"Repentance is the heartbeat of God. Without true repentance, we cannot be in the rhythm of God's heart."
"God gave us free will, and now we have the opportunity to love God fully."
"If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you."
"He's alive and He speaks to us. We have an actual relationship with Him."
"The purity and the truthfulness of the state of your heart is the master key to walking with God."
"He's not mad at you; He's madly in love with you."
"Friendship with the Holy Spirit is a gift from God."
"Religion is a two-way relationship, so God's initiative comes first, and our response comes second."
"Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you."
"I'm just thankful that the God I serve is a God who takes all my questions, and He doesn't look down on me."
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."
"Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God."
"God has been speaking to people. Everything about revelation tells us that God wants a relationship with us."
"By grace and through faith come in; you're my child. I long to see you, I long to speak with you."
"The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God."
"One of the more mind-blowing truths in the universe is that the creator of that universe wants to talk to you."
"We have a triune God... Father, Son, Holy Spirit, who know and love each other."
"The son only does what the father says... whatever the father wants, the son does, because the father loves the son."
"Gifts show you how much God loves you, but fruit shows how much you love Him."
"We can approach the all-powerful, all-knowing, almighty God of the universe knowing that our loving heavenly Father delights when we come to Him in prayer."
"Our hearts are restless, O Lord, until they rest in You."
"Be ye therefore covenantally faithful to God even as your Father which is in heaven has been covenantally faithful and loyal to you."
"He can do anything he wants, but if you are his child, he never does it as a judge; he does it as a father."
"You don't need to learn duas... you just need to speak. He's your friend."
"It's time to truly embody and believe in a loving, divine relationship."
"Look at prayer as a real power and a real pleasure."
"To see Jesus is to see what God is like... Jesus makes it possible for each of us to know God personally."
"Faith is the means by which we receive and become all that God desires."
"His constant life... is constantly making you close to God."
"You have God's attention, and it's a big deal."
"God says, 'I want to be the lover of your soul, the center of your heart.'"
"Understand sin as breaking the heart of the one who loves you."
"Realize sin is not just breaking rules, it's breaking relationship."
"Father in Heaven, you are good, you've called us into relationship."
"Walking with God is the most wonderful life there is."
"When the Holy Spirit takes up residence in you, you have the privilege of having a relationship with Jesus Christ."
"He wants to pursue an intimate relationship with him."
"Any relationship with god is going to evolve you over time."
"Every person who has lived or will ever live is a spirit offspring of God."
"We're talking about relationship goals but the first relationship goal that we all need is the relationship with God."
"It still resonates today: God wants to walk with us."
"How do you hear Him? Our Father loves us and yearns for each one of us to choose to return to His holy presence. He pleads with us to strive with all your heart might mind and soul to hear Him."
"Your foundation as a believer is in the revelation of God as Father."
"I cannot explain how this how you just know it's like you're knowing in your spirit and your mind suddenly understands it in your heart it's like I know him and he knows me and we're related we're Made In His Image."
"How I need God! I feel sometimes I can't breathe! Unless I have Him!"
"God desperately desires to have you to himself. He desperately seeks to gain your attention that you would of your own absolutely free will choose him, trust him, hope in him, have faith in him, believe in him, that you will come around yourself."
"You are a child of the Almighty because you've chosen to live by my wishes."
"God's greatest desire and need is to be believed."
"When God becomes your ally the no more old man is worth fear or even respect I will destroy any mortal man on the planet I fear one person and that is God alone."
"God loves you and he wants you to know him and he wants to forgive you."
"They are without fault before the throne of God. They have come to Jesus, Jesus is their all and all."
"They know that they're your divine masculine."
"The Lord refers to Joseph as 'my servant' 94 times. That's just interesting that He's trying to teach us how to become His servants."
"Jesus is your Master. You are a son and a daughter of the most high God."
"When the father comes into our lives, we are one with him."
"Being a child of God has nothing to do with your social class, origin, or status."
"Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you're a child of God, not for a season of time, but forever."
"The greatest gift you can give God is yourself. Through obedience and submitting to His divine will."
"My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior."
"The great power is being connected to Jesus and remaining connected to Jesus."
"Draw close to me and I will draw close unto you."
"God indeed took Abraham as his best friend, therefore we can conclude that God who created the skies and land and everything in between accepted the actions and inputs from Abraham."
"God loves you immensely, and that's what I hope you will hear."
"This is a real God that you can have a real relationship with."
"The most appropriate relationship we can have with that creator is to submit to them."
"Holiness consists in a disposition of the heart which places us in the arms of God."
"By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit."
"Giving everything to God isn't exceptional, it's just getting back to zero. Don't expect immediate blessings."
"I prayed and God changed my life entered into into my life and I have a real relationship with God now."
"God wants to give you a new start, a new name, and make you part of His family."
"Serve me by loving me, that's all God wants."
"It's only when we become his children that we can find salvation."
"Jesus is God's way of saying 'I want to know you and I will make the way for that to happen even though you failed.'"
"Truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself unless it is something He sees the Father doing."
"Prayer is not just about me getting God. Prayer is about God having the pleasure of enjoying His creation and His children."
"Don't deprive Jesus from the pleasure of your company."
"It's showing us what it takes to go from the early part where job says the greatest thing I ever fear has happened to me when he lost his wealth and his children his health to the end where he takes Delight in knowing god."
"God wants you to know Him as He already knows you."
"No matter what you're going through no matter what's going on no matter how much you feel like you've messed up I want to let you know that God has made a way for you to be in right relationship with him."
"The reformed would respond by saying okay, yes, we need God. God doesn't need us. But why were we created in the first place? The entire reason we were created is to worship God."
"You were made for him... You must seek to know him."
"There is a greater reality about us and it is that we have our base in heaven and God is our father."
"God invites us to become whole humans once again, people who can walk upright with God and with each other."
"Knowing where you stand with Christ gives us the ability to love others the way Christ would love us."
"The only sovereign is the Most High, but we are children of a sovereign creator."
"If we'll hear His voice and open the door, He will come in."
"Let them feel your presence let them know not only that you are real that you exist but that you desire relationship with them God you want them to be close to you and you have shed blood in the person of Jesus to make that possible."
"It arouses this intimacy that is what I think God is after in our hearts."
"God isn't obligated to chase us down and talk to us; we're obligated to slow down and listen to Him."
"In abiding presence comes God confidence. We were all designed for God confidence."
"God came to take away our burdens; he wants a simple relationship with us."
"God craves this intimacy with us and won't let anything stop it."
"God's love is unending, he's loved you from beginning and you'll love you all the way to the end."
"Remember, you are a child of God. It lies with you as to what you are going to be."
"God is looking for some people who will continue with Him."
"God's greatest desire is not what we can do for him it's being with him."
"We've got to be engaging in the battle by choosing to get engaged with our Lord in this relationship."
"God will not force himself on you; he will not force an identity on you."
"Give me that same powerful relationship that you had with your servant Noah."
"Become a lover of the truth so God doesn't get pushed out of your life."
"God is not a boss, but a loving Father who welcomes his children home with open arms."
"Do I trust that God loves me? Do I trust that I'm a child?"
"Jesus Christ came loving you. God loved me, you, personally. Only God can do that."
"God is not withholding information from you."
"When you walked in this room with me, you walked into our Father's heart."
"You can't expect God to just keep standing there... if you keep hitting the boundary fence."
"We're so tiny, and yet He wants to have a relationship with us."
"God saying where are you when we mess up or something has happened to us. This is the time to run to God, not from God."
"Every act is disobedience to God, whether consciously done or not. Every act leads us further away from God and disconnects us from intimate fellowship with him."
"Because when you draw close to God, he always draws close to you."
"Once you ask, does God know me, and then you realize that he knows me and he still loves me."
"Giving is a sign to God that you don't own anything."
"The pinnacle of your experience as a person it's never going to be in your achievements it's never gonna be in your pursuit. You are only your best you when you found him."
"It's time for you and I to get into the hand of God, to rediscover His goodness, faithfulness, and righteousness."
"Your life is not about what you can do but simply being with God."
"Living the dream is not about trying to be God; it is about giving God."
"God doesn't want puppets, he wants people who will fall in love with him freely."
"When you draw close to Jesus, you see the motives and the thoughts that are inside your head and heart."
"The best evidence of a relationship with God is a transformed life."
"You are my God who found me when I was six; I never sought you out, you sought me out."
"This will be the best time for those that have intimacy with God."
"Discernment is key right now, the ability to discern spirits is something everybody who is a child of almighty god should be asking."
"Obedience to His voice increases the volume of His voice."
"It's very powerful in showing that a human being has to be constantly connected with the Creator."
"The supreme goal in life is to know God and His love."
"God doesn't make us do what he wants us to do. He gave us an amazing Free Will."
"We love Him because He first loved us." - 1 John 4:19
"The perfect love of Christ, the perfect love of the Heavenly Father would cast out all your fear."
"The only reality is the oneness with you and your Creator."
"God, you're all I ever need, you're all I want, you're my hope, you're my salvation, you're my joy, you're my strength, Holy Spirit you're welcome in my home."
"Father, let her see herself as you see her, as one of your daughters, a princess, royalty in the house of the king."
"He's so real, and so with this real dialog, He just wants us to tell everybody it's for them too." - CS
"Turn back to your Master, surrender before Him."
"All that the Christian wants in the night is his God."
"Remember, no matter how advanced technology becomes, it cannot replace the love, grace, and eternal hope that we find in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"You are a chosen child of the most high God."
"Christianity is not a religion, Christianity is Christ having come down and reached out to us."
"God wants the whole self not just 98 of you."
"God wants to find you more than you want to find God."
"Be virtuous be moral...God doesn't want you to lose."
"If God exists, is benevolent, is all-powerful, wants us to have a relationship with him, and there is actually a good solution to the problem of evil, then he would share the solution."
"Eternal peace and joy will only come by surrendering to the Lord and knowing Him one-on-one."
"God's law as a part of the everlasting covenant is a true gift indeed." - "His will and his law are one. God says that right is right because it describes the best possible relationships."
"God's law was and is the purpose of the covenant relationship to bring the believer through God's transforming grace into harmony with his will and character." - "We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, God's own special people."
"Rejecting Jesus is rejecting the forgiveness of your sins from God, you're rejecting relationship with God."
"Marriage is a picture of the inner life of the triune God."
"God's ultimate goal is union with us. He wants us."
"God is our father... He is the maker of us all."
"No longer slaves to fear, because you're a child of God."
"It's so much more about God, like if you just allow Him in and just let Him love you."
"She became a daughter to the King of Kings and the Lord of lords."
"Because we feel the depth of God’s love for His children, we care deeply about every child of God."
"If you reach out and say yes, you are going to find the true lover of your soul."
"Every believer in God has access to God, every believer can approach God's throne of grace with confidence."
"Acquaint yourselves now with God to receive healing."
"God is the vulnerable one in the relationship, the one who constantly stands at the door and waits patiently for the return."
"For every one of us as Christians, God makes himself choosable. He makes it possible for us to actually say yes to him."
"Remember, you are a child of the most high God, and he will never abandon you."
"Prayer: not just a duty, but a joy that delights God."
"God's passion is not to just speak to only prophets, He so desperately wants to talk to you too and daily."
"Jesus paid the price he didn't owe so I could have a relationship with God that I didn't deserve."
"God wants relationship with you, not religion."
"Listening to the Holy Spirit requires a profound understanding of his personality."
"Most religions define religion as the relationship between God and man."
"He gives his heart so completely, so preposterously... yet he opens up and allows us in every time."
"God's plan for our lives is that we would know him."
"Have your bond with Allah as origin, and protection will come."
"The good news outweighs all of that. You know you are children of God."
"The Lord desires for his sons and daughters to realize what can't be shaken."
"Is the God I sing with holding nothing to withholding you for me?"
"The truth is, Sid, you and I, not a one person that's ever been born ever choose our father or mother, but we can choose a Heavenly Father that would have the finest." - SL
"God wants to save you, but you have to make a commitment to Him."
"Fear of God is not about being scared; it's a wholesome reverence that draws you towards Him."
"I desire so much that you would experience him fully in the secret place."
"Because when I found out that God was my father, everything changed."
"God desires to be a part of your relational process."
"God loves the pure in heart... Just be authentic with God, authentically tell Him that you are not living your life right." - Candice Smithyman
"I want to offer you a relationship a partnership with the King of Kings."
"This is a very Divine and deep connection between two people."
"God seeks to woo us into covenant relationship with Him, and we surrender to Him our fears, our sin, our twisted notion of right and wrong; we give Him our hearts in faith and in obedience."
"Our Father wants all that love him to come to him and submit."
"The purpose of life is a redeemed people in a love relationship with the God of all creation."
"You’re going to go out into eternity, and Jesus has his hand outstretched to take yours."
"One and only son, all because of who God is, because of who you are."
"He's the husband that never fails, the husband that is perfect, the husband that is true. Sometimes God wants us to have a relationship with Him as the husband."
"The Bible is this love story with God and humanity... it's obvious."
"God loves you more than you could love anyone."
"Divine love, God's divine love, his purpose of covenant, is to dwell with us."
"Congratulations! You are now a child of God. Heaven is rejoicing because of your decision."
"This is who you are, you are a child directly of God, that is so core."
"You are a child of God; He is the father of your spirit."
"Our life matters to God. He knows us personally and intimately."
"Our life matters to God - He's still caring, still listening, still loving."