
Territorial Expansion Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Do we want to call in Mexico, or just attack from our own territory? I should be able to get all their territory anyway if I play my cards right."
"Russia's leadership has fostered a culture that thrives on territorial acquisition, often at a heavy cost."
"My goal today is to gain two more vassals into our army because the more territory we have, the more vassals we're going to need to defend it."
"You have got extra states to push into and expand into."
"Thomas Jefferson doubled the territory of his country overnight."
"The Louisiana Purchase: doubling the size of the United States."
"Alright, alright, here we are as Hungary. Now, obviously, our goal is to go up North and conquer the Finnish provinces."
"You should aim to own Britain the low countries France Italy the maghreb and Iberia over in Europe that's a solid little goal right there."
"Once you've full annexed Mantua and taken one or two provinces from Genoa."
"Hooray for me, huzzah! I've more than doubled the territory I directly or indirectly control."
"The Trojans have started their expansion, and here's an updated look at the entire United States."
"They appeared unstoppable as they claimed hundreds of thousands of square miles of land, cleansing it of those they deemed undesirable by Nazi ideology."
"Capturing a territory almost the same size as Maryland with a little more than two million inhabitants without firing a single shot is without a doubt something impressive."
"Hitler did not plan to fight against Britain at first. His concerns were with conquering living space in the East. Zumer historian says this, and he's right, but what happened once the War Began, that's kind of the important thing, right?"
"Hitler commanded his popularity amongst the German nation through a series of non-violent territory gains in the latter half of the 1930s."
"The mainstream Republican position... new territories are being added to the union and we're not going to allow slavery."
"I've kind of come to appreciate the slow burn of investing into territories and really feeling the substantial effects."
"Spread the good news of the Blood Guard into their territories because we care, because we are the good guys."
"I am gaining new territories, new emotional, intellectual, business, spiritual, and relational territories."
"But I will be pushing into the Ottomans even more, taking out the smaller guys like Chandra, Caramen, Ramazan, Delkadir, Trebezant, Georgia, Akuyunlu before facing the Mamluks."
"It's time to start our expansion in Italy as well."
"If Russia adds the Arctic area to Russian territory, they will have their hand on roughly 16 percent of the world's untapped oil."
"The US Empire reached out and grabbed things."
"He's not going to stop after Georgia, he's not going to stop after Crimea, he is going to keep going."
"Japan did extremely well, wiping out all of these guys here and expanding very successfully into China."
"Increase your capacity, increase the territory. The territory already got your name on it. You just gotta go possess it."
"And I think we can make it greater in expanding it to include Puerto Rico as the 51st state."
"With resolve in his voice, Uzi you declared that Maple Leaf City now belonged to the territory of the fog Kingdom."
"Prospects of taking the lands of Nubia are interesting."
"By the 1260s Ramesses had effectively extended Egyptian control as far as the second cataract."
"The Louisiana Purchase started where the Mississippi River spills into the Gulf Coast."
"The British claimed the Ohio Valley and built a new fort, Fort Pitt."
"This is your country Mr. Boone, from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. That's a lot of territory."
"Rather than Germany and Austria looking at some sort of sense of European peace or whatever, they would welcome territorial conquests."
"So what better recourse do you have to augment already establish Austrian power on the Adriatic then re-annexing Venice back into the Empire."
"The common assumption is that had the romans been successful, they would have pushed their border at least temporarily up to the Elba river as opposed to the Rhine river."
"And after a few decades of rinse and repeat when you have one of, if not the most powerful navies at the time, you suddenly find you actually owned a substantial portion of global real estate."
"France bought the Louisiana Territory in North America, it was nearly twice the size of the United States."
"She expanded Russia's territory and promoted science and the arts."
"The British saw this as very important and they definitely had to add it as an article in the agreement to stop Buganda from expanding."
"At the height of its power, the great Roman Empire stretched from the deserts of Africa to the borders of northern England."
"Rome now ruled the wealthy mines of Spain and the Western Mediterranean Sea was hers."
"He did take the country from just west of the Mississippi all the way to the Pacific Ocean."
"He was intent on extending the territorial borders of Germany and was ready to pursue an aggressive international stance."
"Take nations, take territories, take countries."