
Alliances Quotes

There are 760 quotes

"The United States have joined the Allies. Why would the Allies want to fight me? I'm not sure. I did create a lot of world tension, I suppose."
"Let's eliminate the United States and Canada. Let's join the Allies. That's fine. We'll take care of them."
"An attack on one is an attack on all. That's what NATO's Article 5 says. It's a simple but powerful concept and embodies why one of America's greatest sources of strength is our alliances."
"Alliance building is an important component of success in human societies."
"Macedon will eventually like me a lot; I'll need an ally or two."
"Marriage fundamentally creates an alliance, so being able to marry who you want opens up a world of opportunities."
"Refusing to condemn or judge other people on the basis of how they identify or who they are, and looking for new forms of alliance."
"The servants don't want to just ally with the aliens; they want to become supplicants, helping them accomplish their objectives."
"You could argue that this is what we did with Japan and Germany, who are two incredibly close US allies now."
"This sort of piecemeal breakdown of enemy alliances was one of Caesar's fortes."
"Like black and white on a chessboard or red force and blue force at an exercise, it can be tempting to think of nations and their allies as monolithic teams."
"Secret alliances are part of this, shifting allegiances, traitors, double-dealing, spies."
"We've all heard it said that the enemy of my enemy is my friend... but it does seem to be the case that a mutual threat does bring enemies together."
"Diplomacy is pretty simple to understand but can be very powerful if you make the right deals and allies."
"China and Russia teaming up is not the ideal scenario for the Democratic world."
"We have to accept reality. We don't really have no allies."
"They have to have the European democracies on their side."
"The West has been too complacent over Putin's threat for too long. We have taken for granted our fragile alliances so crucial for the defense of freedom."
"Drear has referred to not just the two of us, but also Barry Weiss and James Lindsay as the secular liberals with whom he finds himself in allyship." - Brett Weinstein
"Romania contributed over half a million troops to the fight against their former axis allies."
"Our allies are a force multiplier, a strategic advantage that none of our competitors can match."
"Sometimes, the most unexpected alliances are forged in the heat of battle."
"Trade incentivizes states to follow through on their alliance commitments."
"The water isn't that cold... you might find that actually you'll find new allies and new friends..."
"You forge alliances but don't ever mistake them as your friends because they're not going to consider you one either."
"The Moors have managed to make friends with Spain, and now the Pope himself has declared himself an ally of the Moors."
"Alliances will form, betrayals are inevitable."
"China would like to keep Putin's regime in power in the Kremlin because they're basically just giving Beijing everything they want right now."
"Be very careful who you're aligning yourself with."
"New alliances are already forming, making the world much less stable."
"Why are we so eager to turn allies or potential allies into enemies?"
"Find out where you agree with people and you need those allies in the great battle."
"Justice is not transactional. We have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests."
"It's very important to train with our allies in the Arctic Circle because they know how to do it right."
"Ryuken understands that they are all allies at the end of the day."
"The appearance that maybe this alliance approach is beginning to work."
"I suspect he probably made pacts with people saying, 'Look, help me get here, I'll help you get here,' that kind of stuff."
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We have the same enemy."
"Jokes on them, this list can actually help us find like-minded allies."
"The only way to protect more lives would be by having more allies."
"There's like this clear understanding forming your alliance here."
"My concern, just bluntly, Eddie, is that the overreach often drives natural allies away."
"How is siding with the CIA to stop a revolutionary a positive outcome?"
"Either you can side with me or you can side with them but it's not going to be the same thing."
"I think Luffy's network of allies will be constantly expanding but for his private army, I think Dressrosa was pretty much the arc for giving us that."
"Mortal Kombat: where alliances shift, loyalties are tested, and the battle for survival never ends."
"We're gonna be fascists, it isn't then we're gonna wait for Germany to extend their hand and say join us guys."
"So long as mainstream liberals go along with the woke left... then the alliance of the woke left and the liberals actually is a majority in the country."
"This means that we are breaking the chains or at least Russia and China are breaking the chains along with the global South and then we need to join in."
"Unity among our allies is critically important."
"The UK and our allies will respond decisively."
"Thankfully though we are now crushing them, though I must give credit to my allies."
"What finally stopped Napoleon was a coalition of international partners."
"Bernie Sanders all he has to do is sort of lay off Warren and he's basically pledged to do this."
"The world did change with this new alliance, it is absolutely groundbreaking."
"Thanks to the diplomatic efforts of the empire to our west, the confederation has just joined our federation."
"Taiwan needs to build up its Western Alliance and its military capabilities."
"Only a fool would enter a competition like this without an alliance."
"A man who seeks power needs friends with power."
"They fear powerful men with great influence forming alliances."
"We're making friends, grin said he's quite far away but that's ok, he could be a worthwhile ally."
"New alliances, new ideas will be necessary if you're serious about change."
"The collapse of U.S influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom's new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the neocon strategy..."
"Marion's Dagon: at one point in time, he can be your worst enemy, and then he's your best friend."
"There's no permanent friends or enemies in this situation."
"Maybe the scenario leads them with an ally who is originally an enemy who now they can come to for help, you know, forging new equipment, those antsy chaps, yeah, so just conversation."
"One of the most important things we can do is to meet with our close and trusted allies to hear their concerns and then do our best to work together."
"We're cooperating with our partners and allies in unprecedented ways."
"Australia and South Korea are two strategic allies of the United States, two key alliances for Washington, two essential allies for the influence of the American giant in the Asia Pacific region."
"The marriage between a Targaryen and a Stark could bring peace again."
"A foundational strategic principle: have more friends and fewer enemies."
"Alliances actually keep peace, right because the idea was that no one would basically be stupid enough to attack another country because they are going to have allies."
"China is not alone, you know. Russia is doing its bit, Iran is doing its bit, Syria's doing its bit."
"The Hound joins up with a group who belongs to no one."
"Who doesn't love a demon king veteran? We could have Dabura smash down and later cover and actually with a massive twist, side with the good guys in a desperate struggle to fight Buu."
"Excited though is that we still have a left over uh plot everything from the end squad that's risotto oh yeah so risotto mm-hmm might end up being an ally."
"Godzilla doesn't always play well with others, but there's one kaiju that's been a friend to him more often than most: Anguirus."
"We don't have friends, we have no permanent friends and no permanent interest but we build allies. Politics is about building allies and figuring out where they fit."
"What people hope for are ties of alliance or ties of friendship on the basis of shared values."
"Anguirus is widely considered to be Godzilla's closest ally and 'best friend.'"
"What protects a smaller country in this world right now from being invaded by a larger country is alliances."
"The combined power of China and Russia surpasses that of the former Soviet Union."
"You gotta start looking for allies and not enemies."
"One of the greatest strengths the United States of America brings to this effort is our unmatched network of alliances and partners."
"An alliance was formed with the perfect tree, even though I despise them."
"Stronger together: China, Russia, and Iran forging alliances."
"North Korea... will only add to what Russia, China, and Iran have."
"Once you realize that, you'll suddenly find yourself with many more allies and many less enemies."
"American for American foreign policy it was important to find loyal helpful regional powers that could protect and advance American interests."
"Luck is divinity; it's about creating alliances and hope."
"Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is actually a friend."
"People are gonna still win, I think it's possible that maybe Canada loses their alliance very early on but they could still win the campaign."
"Unexpected alliances can turn the tide of any confrontation."
"Solidarity is rebuilding alliances outside the marginalized official structure."
"An alliance that would serve as a counterweight to Chinese power."
"His priority is first rebuilding our partnerships and alliances around the world."
"This cements the fact that they are now partners in crime."
"Oda has assembled forces that require the Straw Hats to ally with revolutionaries... the final war is going to be on a scale unlike anything that we've ever seen."
"Russia helped win World War II, folks. Do you know that Russia was our Ally in World War II? They helped defeat Hitler."
"Forming an alliance with Rison, now Rison depending on your request sometimes your mission will be to conquer them."
"The Battle of the Five Armies erupted, with Humans, Elves and Dwarves on one side."
"There's this complex web of alliances, allegiances, different views, even within villages."
"I feel like it links up so perfectly with Survivor because this story is all about people not really knowing who to trust, they're shaky alliances but at the end of the day people are suspicious of each other."
"It's always good to get some care when you need it. Ease your mind. If nothing is really wrong, but I think more often than not we trick ourselves into thinking everything is okay and um we kind of ignore our symptoms. You're not the only one."
"Better to circulate among people, find allies, mingle."
"That's really gonna limit what they do, and oh look at all my allies here as well."
"Europe finds itself torn between... close relations with Russia and China on the other hand the United States."
"Ronald Reagan was basically the same: 'Oh shit, Mr. Reagan, did we lose our alliances?' 'No, no, no, they just got more solidified.'"
"We basically forced Russia into China's bed."
"We need to make sure that we are building our alliances."
"The political Alliance that comes from the marriage to Allison."
"Empire of man: allies with other factions can bring high elf units into your roster, adding versatility to your forces."
"We build alliances upon the Quran, that's how we unite."
"If we want to keep the world safe we have to be active, we have to be proactive with our friends and allies."
"Primary alliances between nations would be moral alliances."
"Britain had been humiliated by the country she thought of as her ally."
"I don't believe that the ends justify the means, but also I will tend to work with those people if we have a common enemy and a common goal."
"Who caused this attack if we are going to help our allies?"
"Embark on secret missions and create alliances."
"My zeal is to try and build strong alliances and partnerships."
"Under President Donald Trump, the United States once again will stand with our allies and stand up to our enemies."
"With our friends and with our allies, with Japan and so many others, we have ushered in an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity on these seas and between our lands."
"It's a refusal to see things as they are, a refusal to get out of this idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
"True victory lies not in conquest, but in forging lasting alliances."
"Changing his alliance to red because of that cool castle down should get another one if he clicks it."
"Sometimes we've got to make enemies and we've got to make friends even with our enemies for the greater good."
"New friends emerge, new people, new alliances, new people you can trust."
"Together, we will banish your darkness, dragon."
"I believe it is time for your people and mine to renew our bonds of kinship."
"The John Amendment needs to be got before Congress. To do that, we need powerful allies."
"Europe against all and against a new enemy, not the Soviets."
"Our bold stroke is having our powerful allies to take it for us. Any signatories, that's not Italy, will declare war on Turkey alongside Greece."
"Concern over Puritan policy grew, causing many noblemen to flock to Charles' side."
"To truly rebuild the ancients' vision, we need to find every kingdom upon the lands and befriend them as common allies."
"It's impressive how quickly an antagonistic force becomes a strong ally."
"Susie, the violent tormentor, is now your ally, the power of Mean Girls shines within you!"
"Over the course of the next six to 12 months, it is very likely that we will see Cuba getting closer to these countries and the East-West divide is likely to strengthen."
"My allies are on him and they are going to devastate him yet again."
"2018 is going to be the year of unusual alliances."
"If you do, I'll help you take down Superman."
"He'd place him in the corporation alongside the likes of the rock and the big boss man."
"There's a real benefit to making allies in Total War and having someone that can back you up in your time of need."
"Time to fight Loth Scala, which always allies Otomy."
"Steve Rogers, hold on a second, she's friends with that Hydra stomper."
"With unexpected allegiances forming in the strangest ways, you'll see what I mean."
"Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
"You defeat them from within the party and you also make alliances from outside of the party."
"I find that unfortunate because then it just tries to pit two marginalized groups against each other who should be natural allies."
"Suroviken's loyal soldiers began to side with the soldiers of the Russian Legion of freedom because they felt betrayed by Putin."
"When you feel like you're in war, those not fighting with you are against you."
"If you want to ally with a bunch of fascists because you think that you can take out the imperialists... well guess who's going to have all the power afterwards?"
"Peace through strength: unified allies bring about peace."
"To win its competition with the Chinese regime, the U.S. needs friends and allies."
"It's good versus evil. It's allies versus adversaries."
"It all started after Booker briefly joined NWO 2.0."
"Unexpected allies can change the course of destiny."
"Forging alliances in unexpected places." - Narrator
"The British are tough, strong people and good allies."
"But it also demonstrated it would need strong allies in any future conflict."
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, but I wouldn't automatically trust them."
"I call it operation Starfall, but I'll need allies to carry out this operation, and I'd like you to be one of them."
"How many weird alliances are forming right now where you just hear someone say something halfway sensible?"
"In the swirl of politics and power, alliances are forged and broken."
"He's the puppet master, man. He's that puppet master the whole game. I said it. He teamed up with purple and orange and then he teamed up with teal. He was teaming up with everyone."
"The theme in this game was grim played Diplo. Grim formed alliances. Everyone else was worse at that."
"Grim was the puppet master in this game. I don't know, it's like every time Grimm plays, he's very good at getting people on his side."
"If we want allies, then we need to stop making them feel like enemies."
"The gender critical movement has been repeatedly more recently aligning themselves with people who are anti-women's rights for the sake of having a comrade in arms against trans people."
"Russia and Iran pledging to cut the US dollar from global trade, strengthening their China alliance."
"You took my man from me, Sasuke was supposed to beat you up and Naruto was supposed to get mad, but he joined him."
"States don't have allies or friends, they have interests."
"But… perhaps unbeknownst to Gao, prior to the battle Ziyad had established contact with a contingent from one of the Turkic Karluk tribes."
"We go home with an army, sweet sister. With Khal Drogo's army."
"The enemy of your enemy isn't always your friend; sometimes he's your enemy, sometimes he's just a dude sitting there, minding his own business."
"I absolutely think that she is. I think that they're totally in cahoots and kind of in some way kind of like the Starkiller and one of the other Star Wars stories, right?"
"Alliance with nefarious forces causes your own morality to come into question."
"Alliances are not a double-edged sword, they're just dumb shit."
"Natalie made arguably the greatest alliance of this season when she was approached by Russell to make a final two pact."
"Weapons were being cleaned, alliances were being solidified, and the march on Berlin came closer."
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That's how I came around XRP."
"The 11th division quickly finds itself on the side of the good guys come the big Civil War within Soul Society."
"In life it is better spent with allies than enemies."
"Dodgy Dave has been a little distracted, doing what his father and grandfather never could by using his big brain to secure alliances."
"Surgically strike and kill one of those crossbowmen, that is a great victory."
"The rise of the rest means new customers, new markets, and new allies for us."
"The best argument when I'm trying to figure out who my political allies are, I look at who my political opponents are opposing most vociferously."
"In politics everybody thinks the most important thing is the friends you make. Let me give you a clue: the enemies you make."
"It's actually a touching arc which does a lot more with the idea of an enemy becoming the main character's ally than I've ever seen done in another anime series."
"So the world is bifurcating as we speak into these pockets and what you'll start seeing and write about a lot is these new alliances that will be formed."
"Silver has an agenda, an alliance, and a common enemy."
"This is basically a precursor that leads you to Beyond Light Europa and this is saying how all the races are kind of on the same side working with the darkness and we're kind of all friends except for the Vex which are kind of their own thing."
"The competition with China is not a competition between two states, it's a competition of alliances, coalitions."
"JK Rowling seems to actually have a clear ideology. She's perfectly happy to ally with anyone who supports her agenda."
"Wars forge nations, alliances, and new cultures."
"The alliances through marriage are supposed to be the strongest thing."
"Every word of support for Mr. Xi is amplified by evidence that Mr. Putin is far from alone in taking on Europe and the United States."
"Guess who they were allies with? You guessed it—Jiang Zemin."
"We made promises to people that we would protect them if they stood with us."
"Many tribes joined ARD for the same reasons as Bellana."
"Having an unofficial alliance with trusty friends helps solve this problem."