
Appropriateness Quotes

There are 530 quotes

"Children should not be involved in politics, especially young children like a six-year-old."
"Can we please stop comparing things to Jews in Nazi Germany unless they're actually things that are comparable."
"Promenade, a path for walking on, especially one built next to the sea. It's not a sea; it's a river, but I think it suits it perfectly."
"Violence is never appropriate. Peaceful protest is."
"I don't know why he hasn't paid me for it yet but it's so appropriate for this video."
"Mature people express their emotions in the right place, at the right time, in the right way."
"The absence of appropriate emotion and the overselling of the inappropriate emotion."
"I think lowering the flags would be something very appropriate."
"If you want to feel more comfortable, you are not doing anything inappropriate."
"Obstruction of Congress is an appropriate count to use."
"If you're dressing in an immodest way, it's probably not okay."
"We need to do the right things at the right time."
"Use the right tools for the job. Your balls will thank you."
"This is just severely inappropriate, I wouldn't wear this to a public convention."
"Children shouldn't be associated with sexual preference."
"Know Thy situation, understand the dress code."
"Just when you think you've seen it all, just sitting in his underwear. That's not good. That is terrible."
"I feel like they dropped a hammer on this guy and maybe that's appropriate."
"It's important to develop the skill to know when it's inappropriate to chime in."
"It's contextually appropriate in certain circumstances and contextually inappropriate."
"It was just so perfect and right for the time."
"It's hard... I don't think it's possible to make a joke like this in the private setting that doesn't... kind of like racist."
"Thoughts and prayers are actually appropriate sometimes."
"Being emotional about it is the right response."
"He acknowledges that what is happening is appropriate. That's amazing."
"Four-year-olds don't need to know about sex and gender and all of this stuff."
"It's amazing to me that you felt like it was okay to say that."
"There's a right time and a right way to do everything."
"Now hopefully I don't need to explain why all of this is very inappropriate."
"That's like taking a sledgehammer to an issue where a scalpel is appropriate."
"One interesting thing as well at the time Jumanji was heavily criticized for being marketed to kids but also being too scary and adult."
"Standard is actually very nice, very much the Goldilocks zone."
"Just because something works doesn't mean it's the right choice."
"I just didn't think that that was appropriate."
"For him, this was what was deemed appropriate for his situation."
"Joyous and some thought inappropriate celebration."
"If it sounds really [bleep], you shouldn't say it."
"Removing pornographic and kink books from middle schools is a very, very good one."
"It isn't censorship or Banning a movie to say I don't know that this eight-year-old is ready for a PG-13 or an R-rated movie."
"I am also as a parent simultaneously in favor of age-appropriate reading list for kids inside of schools."
"It's really not hard to be funny without like, being really offensive."
"Hey if the shoe fits, I'll save the happy one for the end."
"The violence was off the charts but it's appropriate."
"Would you recommend kids watch porn? Genuinely, no."
"Learning when it is appropriate to drag people into their fun."
"It's nice to be kind and lovely and caring at times but this is not one of those times."
"Yes, it's a cute looking sausage on the poster but if you stare at it for a couple seconds you're gonna say oh that's there they want that to look like something else maybe something that shouldn't take my kids to see until they're of age."
"An abject failure in all respects and has no place in American schools."
"Conversations about difference and disability are always age-appropriate."
"But at the end, it must be the right solution. And the right solution doesn't mean the right solution for me. It means the right solution for the specific problem."
"My question is, did I go about it the right way?"
"If it's too graphic for the six o'clock news how is it okay for a 10 year old school child?"
"I'm biting my tongue, I have nothing remotely appropriate to say."
"You can't put that out. That can't be a thing."
"Human beings most often react to the way they think things are or the way they think they should be instead of reacting the way that is most appropriate."
"It's one of huge cost savings on to more supportive and more appropriate for members of our community."
"Make sure you look like you're going to brunch or to Easter not like you're going to a frat party or strip club."
"Make your jewelry choices based on the occasion."
"Inappropriate or explicit content has absolutely no place in our game."
"There is no such thing as an appropriate joke, that's why it's a joke."
"When is it ever appropriate for that to happen?"
"I think it's an appropriate time to bring it up."
"There's a right time for it and there's not a right time for it."
"Yo, you know I'm so lucky I stumbled across this category because I am the perfect person to speak on this."
"Just sorry for your loss, that's fine, no harm in that."
"I think this is the best they could have done. I can't think of a fate for her that is as fitting."
"Chris Rock was the perfect person to take this."
"Timing is not always about being seductive. It's about appropriateness."
"No one in the right senses should make explicit adult content for kids and expose them to things they shouldn't learn or have access to at such a young age."
"The idea that it could be taken by force just taken by force is just not it's just not appropriate."
"This is a very work-appropriate scent. It's clean but still a little sexy."
"There's a time and a place, that's the place."
"The timing of the settlement was totally inappropriate."
"Guns are tools, and you bring the right tool for the right job."
"Something like attack Titan or advancing Titan it would have been a much more fitting translation."
"There's a time and place for certain things."
"Any military jokes that you've heard that you can actually repeat probably not."
"The issue is the improper exposing of it to children."
"I hear they're calling her Lily which is very pretty and seems just right."
"It just feels like the right Minecraft thing to do."
"I can't have a vagina on my background. If it's done tastefully."
"There's a little things about it where it's like unless you're actually the best of friends, which it doesn't sound like they are, it's inappropriate."
"This right here is just a work-appropriate, school-appropriate, just daytime look."
"Part of your full expression and you feeling your full potential is knowing that the anger is appropriate to feel in certain circumstances."
"Luffy's gear fifth moves are named after Dawn which is very appropriate."
"There is a right time and place for many things."
"Depending on what question you're asking, you should use whatever disciplines are appropriate to that question."
"It's super summer appropriate, super spring appropriate."
"Implying that it's not cool if a girl isn't ready to have her titty grabbed. I was joking, but yeah, I don't think you make jokes like that."
"I'm so glad I picked this up. It's exactly what I want right now."
"As long as Tiffany ain't around no children and alcohol she good. Let her tell a joke and if it ain't funny to you just don't laugh."
"It's actually very... easier because in Carlin and Eddie Murphy, the line to be inappropriate was so right."
"True insult probably would have been more appropriate."
"Stop acting like a fool, man. Come on, you think it's appropriate?"
"They don't overstay their welcome."
"Something else you could do for a little bit more maybe business appropriate, although I don't know, maybe depending on what kind of work you do this outfit just might not be business appropriate at all because it's very short."
"I actually feel like it fits perfectly."
"I'm not one for clubbing baby seals, but I think this would fit the bill."
"It's inappropriate for this court to somehow glean a general consensus of state law and make its decision based on that."
"You're way out of season with that Fall Brawl hat."
"You couldn't have found any other speech? Like you couldn't find something from a rom-com and put that as an interlude? Like why that one? It's just a little tone deaf for me."
"That's right, elementary, elementary school appropriate hell, that's right."
"That's what it reminds me of. It's perfect for the occasion."
"It was the right tone at the right time."
"Tools can be used toward good ends and toward problematic ones. Just because a tool is useful like the abundance mindset, that doesn't mean that it's appropriate all the time, and it does mean that people can take it to extreme lengths that are a bit inappropriate."
"This fragrance, I would see at a black tie event. If you maybe work at a university, you want to smell like, you know, proper, this is a beautiful scent."
"Everything was appropriate. Her mood was appropriate, her thought was coherent."
"You don't just slap a man on his booty like that."
"That's a flavorful holy [__]." (Note: I omitted a word for appropriateness)
"If a silly story about a kid transitioning into a walrus is inevitably too weird and abstract for children, then what happens if we mix sex and gender into it? Does it suddenly become more appropriate for children?"
"It's gotta be appropriate, of course. You know, I mean, if somebody's really, really going through a bad time, I'm not gonna start bringing laughter into it because that's not the time."
"We love a full-size goodie that sounds appropriate."
"It wasn't an emotional thing. I don't think you should feel emotional about food. I think that's inappropriate."
"Dress for the occasion. If you're unsure, find the middle ground."
"This uniform combo probably should have never left spring training or batting practice."
"...you need to stand, you actually even need to pull back a little bit because even that place where you're face to face with them in intimacy, it's now inappropriate."
"Despite the pressure, this feels appropriate to me."
"There may not be a more appropriate site for the NFL draft than Las Vegas."
"So why do you have a conversation that ends with a pick of a man's penis?"
"It's kind of like cracking jokes on somebody's funeral that's just not funny."
"Let's get into this! So at the top of this, Alexia makes that...I get what she was trying to say to Lisa in that moment, but it's just time and place. Time and place. Like, what are you doing?"
"When is it okay to modify the car? The core question is when the car still works."
"It's always appropriate to own your desires."
"It kind of looks appropriate all on its own right there."
"If you walked into Target or Walmart or, you know, your local supermarket and they were playing, like, some crazy new hit song with a bunch of, you know, cuss words in it, that would just be like, 'Wow, that'd be wild, that would be not a good reception, I imagine.'"
"I thought it was sort of appropriate for her and something a bit more cutting about it that I found funny."
"That moment in time where we all recognize that's the appropriate thing."
"Nothing you asked for was out of line."
"Now that is an example of a very appropriate and very, very funny joke."
"It's less lecherous with young women than the previous ones have been."
"This is not appropriate behavior."
"Wearing your mask with your nose out is like wearing your underwear with your dick hanging out."
"The Halloween party is not appropriate for children under the age of maybe 12 possibly even 14."
"I thought it probably wasn't appropriate for YouTube, so what I've done is I've popped it up over at Patreon."
"There was nothing appropriate about the way that pushy officer treated me."
"A sponge is much more appropriate for a larger model."
"There's a time to dance, and if at times you withhold dancing, you are not doing what is called for in that moment."
"I do think that they're more appropriate... because they creep me the hell out, and maybe I'm supposed to be creeped out by murder. Maybe that's a good thing."
"Some things shouldn't be mixed around."
"This promo fit the occasion better than almost anything I can think of that I've heard and I don't know how long."
"Intern, you can't be sending this kind of stuff. It's not appropriate."
"A book isn't appropriate? Educate."
"You wear those to the country club."
"Know your audience. Don't pick inappropriate cards."
"That's actually appropriate that we saw him."
"I don't think it's appropriate I will say that and we can talk about appropriateness but no matter where you meet a woman if she says no don't [ __ ] me that's it and that's all I'm saying now."
"You're out of pocket, you're out of line."
"This definitely is something you could wear for like being a funeral yes exactly."
"That's inappropriate, that's a completely inappropriate and unprofessional response."
"There's never been a more appropriate time for Jimmy Buffett."
"Just be more sensitive, be more aware of your behavior, and just realize that some things are just inappropriate to do."
"I feel like this is an inappropriate time to be dancing."
"The funniest jokes are the ones that teeter the line of inappropriate."
"A laparoscopy is a very appropriate way to handle this."
"A fish eagle with a fish. How truly appropriate and considerate of it."
"To say that all drag is appropriate for children is wrong. To say that all drag is inappropriate for children is wrong."
"I really enjoyed this, the throwback to a simpler time felt appropriate in this context."
"It was kind of appropriate that it would come down to the two of them."
"This is not the right place to play."
"You have to be able to express love and if you don't know how to do that in an appropriate manner you're apt to start doing it sooner or later in an inappropriate manner that happens by the way."
"What's wrong with this? It's a singularly inappropriate model for a field that's supposed to be about therapy, about healing, about helping people that are in trouble."
"This new lens was basically made for this occasion."
"Appropriateness is so important and so undervalued."
"You're out of place, doing something that's not Kosher."
"It's like a time and a place, you know?"
"It's a good mom. Let me just give a five percent, I might have said it. Okay, hey, just like be quote like on, yes, just be on. This is wildly inappropriate."
"Silence is appropriate in some contexts, speech is appropriate in other contexts."
"I know this is not a question I should be asking now because neither you are."
"Do what feels appropriate to your skill level."
"Is it really inappropriate for a 15-year-old to be talking about that [ __ ]?"
"Time and place, people. Maybe time and place."
"It just feels appropriate for the trees to be bloomy right"
"I almost like made a joke in your... you do talk about deaths and I was like, Sarah, like really? Uh, that's what I'm saying, the shark attack. It was gonna be a shark attack joke. It was, uh, hopefully no one's died by shark."
"Would you just walk up to somebody on the street and grab them like that? Like it's just not appropriate, it's not okay."
"It was probably the most appropriate action to take."
"You had crutches with you for goodness sake. She had no more right to that spot than you did, and you acted completely appropriately."
"You can't say [__] in any context, not even in this context."
"Definitely appropriate. First things first, a direct conversation between the two parties involved might be the best way to go about this."
"You're making actions, you're taking initiative to solve this problem, so I think it's a very appropriate thing to do."
"It's the most appropriate shirt of all time."
"I feel like this was appropriate... what do you think?"
"What defines creep? Is it, like, 'Damn sh**, you look good,' or is it, like, 'I've been dreaming of you naked'?"
"Can you just talk on the importance of not explaining myself? Are there times where it's appropriate to explain myself?"
"That's so unbelievably inappropriate and that is such a clear violation of someone else's boundaries."
"Reactive everywhere really means everywhere that it's appropriate."
"That's a great way to put it. It's appropriate fear."
"You don't want me coming over here and taking a beautiful coming-of-age tv show and dragging it down way to the ground honey with all my dirty jokes."
"This is only right. It's how it's supposed to be."
"it has a really solid minimalist vibe to it and it fits the fight really well"
"This doesn't even strike me as workplace appropriate. It's so playful."
"The things that I want to say about me are never date appropriate."
"If we take the 1823 exercise as being a ratification of past practice, then this version of the movement could be considered appropriate for the Napoleonic time period."
"It's always appropriate to pray to God based on what His Word says. It's always appropriate to ask God according to His will."
"I debated telling my nail tech, but I didn't feel appropriate doing that because I didn't really have all the facts."
"We're only supposed to be vulnerable when it's appropriate."
"The more subtle it is, the less creepy it is, but also the more effective it is."
"If this was a complete bare leg in Spring, it would look so inappropriate."
"Black can be worn in almost every situation appropriately. You could wear this shoe for the rest of your life and nobody would think anything of it because it's just always appropriate."
"I don't think it's too revealing, hopefully."
"With the good comes the bad, right? Because he's always playful and fun, we all understand time and place, right?"