
Sailing Quotes

There are 2413 quotes

"Becoming the first American woman to race nonstop around the world, alone."
"Being bashed up against the ship was a painful affair."
"The water rushing past, the only noise is the soft motion going through the waves."
"Great to sail the boat, it's a great feeling, sailing it."
"The warmth and coziness of this interior, then the sailing enjoyment, the sheer dependability and pride of ownership."
"It's worth every last bit; we're still milking the single-figure wind speed, sailing at six knots."
"It's good fun sailing; there's a marked difference when you get a bit more breeze."
"After all those long ocean passages and remote atolls and islands, we knew we wanted something with a bit more speed and definitely more off-grid capabilities."
"Technically, this is Curiosity number two because our first boat was a 2005 Leopard 43, and it was the perfect boat for a couple of newbies."
"In a nutshell, it's all about self-reliance, meaning relying on our own resources and on a sailboat that means not having to go to a marina to plug in or get water."
"Curiosity is an HH44 OC, which means ocean cruising, and what makes her truly unique is of course the off-grid capabilities."
"Using the wind, it's free. We have stainless steel rigging here, an aluminum mast and boom, and these boom racks help flake our sail a bit wider, something we didn't have on our last boat."
"A sailor needs to know that they can cope with whatever the ocean throws at them."
"When you have the highest average speed and you sail the shortest distance."
"Life can feel pretty good when everything goes right and you've got blue skies, 12 knots on the quarter, and a following sea."
"Without wind, sailing boats can't sail. We need to rescue them, Grumpy Rabbit."
"We're going on a sailing boat for your birthday."
"We just achieved our lifetime goal of sailing full circle around the world on our own boat."
"I think any time on the water is good even if it's a sailing thing you like sailing a small boat will teach you the feeling of the wind like like you just can't have in a bigger boat and some truly important fundamentals of sailing"
"Once again, it is Australia's SailGP that wins it all."
"There's no need to hurry when you're sailing."
"And off they go sailing on their new boat called Thousand Sunny! Luffy’s Bounty also has gone up to 300 million berries!"
"It's not just one person on its own, it's four or five of them all over each other, talking." - Commentary on teamwork in sailing
"They sailed the shortest distance up that beat." - Analysis of race tactics
"That was a thing of beauty right there." - Commentary on a sailing maneuver
"The race start at the very beginning... getting an amazing start." - Commentary on the importance of race starts
"That's a team with an awful lot of experience." - Commentary on the Japanese sail GP team
"The fleet now takes a moment to catch their breath." - Commentary on the end of a race
"It's all about the balance. Any professional sailor knows you've got to be able to get amped up ready to race, but at the same time, you've always got to be thinking about what's the sensible option." - Emily
"A ship you once sailed never truly leaves you, for better or for worse."
"We totally forgot about the new ore textures. It's so different, oh my god, it's so different."
"I've got a sailing qualification. It's a certificate of competence."
"The sailing is fantastic, polished, and just works really well."
"Deeper keels for experienced sailors—a must for offshore adventures."
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: flaunting some of the most gorgeous scenery in the Caribbean, a major sailing destination."
"When traveling by boat, one is not to bring bananas aboard. Apparently, it is bad luck."
"How do you make a boat go fast? Teamwork makes the dream work."
"Annapolis, Maryland: Known as America's sailing capital. It's a beautiful city situated on the Chesapeake Bay."
"The sailing is by far the best part of the game once you get a fully functional vessel."
"I just think that there's something kind of fun about taking sailing under the bridges."
"Oh yes, oh yes, we're opening the sails, baby! We are opening the sails!"
"I've always wanted to go sailing. It's been my dream to retire early and go sailing."
"The hull is equipped with five telescopic wing sails each reaching 260 feet into the sky."
"Sailing around the Cape of Good Hope was the best part of the trip."
"That's the best way to be safe on a sailboat in my opinion."
"Jessica Watson sailed a 10 meter boat around the world on her own, at the age of just 16."
"We've come so, so far this trip, and had a few near misses, but we just don't want to lose the boat."
"Sailing the Moor is like gliding across a Razor's Edge between a gale and a great swell, one wrong move and it will slice you open."
"For any endurance racer, this boat is the epitome of perfection."
"The boat is designed to be sailed by a couple safely."
"What an amazing unexpected day of sailing this has been."
"The sailing lifestyle doesn't change who you are; it doesn't change what you like, it doesn't change your personality."
"There may well be faster ways to travel the world but there's nothing quite like the serenity of sailing the seas on a sailing ship."
"Sea Eagle 2: A phenomenal three-masted panamax schooner."
"Sailing comfortably is a lot better than sailing miserably."
"Anchors up. We're gonna be voyaging off to another adventure."
"Let's get to sailing, let's have fun, and it's a beautiful day out."
"I want something a little bit more protected on long night watches."
"Life is always better when you're out sailing."
"The overall goal is to maintain Tally Ho's original sailing characteristics."
"It's been a good reprieve and a much-needed enjoyable day of sailing."
"The Seas you'll be sailing on are nearly indistinguishable from the Seas of the real world."
"Always start early and put the reef in early and then you don't have to deal with it in crap conditions."
"Against All Odds we set off from Poland on November 13th, it was certainly not the best time to sail through the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and the Biscay Bay."
"5600 nautical miles or over 10,000 kilometers on the sailboat from Poland to the Caribbean in large part across some very inhospitable Waters was a very serious challenge in so many ways."
"Sailing together now, that would have been fun."
"It's butter. I'm so proud of that. Definitely one of the harder things I've ever done on a sailboat."
"I'm about to go back to the top of the mast to replace our spinnaker block."
"There's an expression in sailing if you wait until you're ready, you'll never leave the dock."
"At 21 years old, Brady cast off the lines and set sail to the South Pacific on Delos, while barely knowing how to sail at all."
"What I thought would be a 3-month adventure turned into 3 years of living aboard Delos and sailing across the Atlantic three times."
"We've taught like 500 people how to sail so far in a few years, which feels really special."
"The takeaway is like, sailing is just beautiful."
"We enjoy being in the UK... especially around the Solent and the West Country, it's some of the best cruising areas in the world."
"Dealing with bad weather while at anchor is terrifying; it's extremely loud with the wind howling through the rigging."
"When you're living on a sailboat, one day can be the best day of your life, and then the next day could potentially be one of the most stressful days of your life."
"Sailing in the fall feels a bit like playing a game of chess with your opponent's pieces being massive low-pressure systems, sudden thunderstorms, and huge swell."
"There are a thousand variables to consider, and we're always thinking three moves ahead."
"The payoff for all this trouble is that we get to experience one of the most renowned cruising grounds in the world, basically all to ourselves."
"There's nothing quite like sailing a boat that's going to be yours."
"You have to have a boat that you can completely rely on in all of the tough conditions that occur."
"It is still a very, very beautiful world, and there is no better way of seeing it from the deck of your own sailboat."
"It's a big bucket list and also let's not forget it's the first time a lot of these Skippers are doing this route and this race."
"The British Virgin Islands are meant to be explored on the blue seas surrounding them by sails filled with warm breezes."
"It's a very important year for sailing the year of the Olympic Games taking place in France."
"It's a beautiful day to be out in the water."
"It's the big solo round the world race."
"I also like the idea to be very close to the elements because on a big boat it can be very comfortable, but on a very small boat, you're closer to the sea and it's a little bit more adventurous."
"I knew it could be done, and I went from there looking for a boat."
"I just bought it and it was only 3,000, so it was a very easy way to get into sailing."
"I was very happy with the boat and how it behaved."
"It turned out to be much easier than the sailing in the Mediterranean."
"You just have to prepare better and have more spare parts, and then it will be fine."
"It's going to be a good day to go sailing, and that is Skies with Todd."
"We think we will be here for the foreseeable future; we do have some big plans kind of early retirement plans eventually to go spend a couple decades sailing around the world."
"Don't mess with whales when you're sailing in the ocean; you're in their domain."
"Lenka is a 1980 passport 42, I think she's hull number four."
"The hole of Lenka is like this thick and it's just incredible how strong and heavy she is for a 42 foot boat."
"She has had a lot of love put into her."
"We've basically taken her from more of like a classy Bay Cruiser to like a blue water cruising boat."
"We love the passports so we got really lucky."
"Highly functioning cruising sailboats are truly a work of art."
"It seems that the sailing industry hasn't fully caught up with new technologies."
"Hi, my name is Ryan, and together with my partner Sophie, we have been sailing the world since 2018."
"If you're a sailor and you want to sail, Moorings is the place to go."
"I highly recommend that you go, Moorings or Marine Max, they're both great companies, enjoy."
"Over the last four years, our sailing journey has taken us to some of the most remote and sought-after destinations in the world."
"The arrival of 36 vessels under Luis Fajardo, sailing from Seville... was enough to ensure the safe arrival of the treasure."
"We are sailing on the sea, yes, what could be better?"
"Sailing around the world had been our dream for many years before we set off."
"So thanks for watching, and until next time, fair winds and following seas."
"The guys and girls who are going to be really attracted to this boat are probably coming out of sailing."
"If you've had 50 years of sailing and you're ready for something to keep you on the water, keep you protected, and keep you happy, this is an excellent boat to consider."
"There's no way to be out on the water and not be somewhat relaxed, which is amazing."
"For the last 14 years, we have lived on a 53 foot sailboat, and sailed around the whole globe."
"Sailing the seas not only provided him with thrilling adventures but also taught him invaluable life skills."
"Our sailing voyage around the world brought us here, to the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia, one of the most stunning and isolated destinations on planet Earth."
"We spent our first year and a half of sailing without an autopilot, so leaving the helm when either of us was sleeping below meant we had to heave to."
"Glorious sailing, gorgeous sea, feel like there's like no clouds, they're just like little puffs of cotton candy on the horizon."
"This boat is a shining example of what would make a great Caribbean cruising sailboat."
"Life is good. All is well on board sailing vessel Delos."
"When you sail offshore, you carry the responsibility for the lives aboard, scrutinizing every piece of equipment, ensuring nothing will fail in a catastrophic way."
"Sail trim in its elemental form basically is putting tension on the three sides to achieve the shape that you're after."
"Good sail trim has three really positive benefits: it will actually make your sail last longer."
"...your boat motion will be more predictable and thirdly you'll be sailing faster."
"And just like that we're off, time to take a step back, slow down, and sail into the unknown."
"It's just us and our instruments and our sails and our food and each other and it's just a really beautiful experience that I wish every single person could have at least one time."
"That's the beauty of sailing. If you don't like a place, just pull up your hook and point your bow at the next one."
"It's an incredible achievement and irrespective of the results, it's an indication of just how far modern designs for giant multihulls come."
"Performance is as much about good sailing characteristics in light winds."
"That's yours in front. Sailed away, make no mistake."
"Much of sailing is about coping when things don't go as planned."
"So, is it realistic to sail the world on a tight budget in 2024? Yes, absolutely."
"I still believe that sailing the world is attainable."
"It has taken me six years to realize that the simple act of untying the lines, even to go and anchor in the same bay, is usually in itself a massive achievement."
"I haven't sails yet, we're going to sail it to really see it"
"It's easy to dismiss stuff like this as boat geek stuff. It's not just about going faster. Being able to properly trim the sails creates harmony on the boat and it's something you can really feel."
"This boat features 'push-button sailing' where everything you want to do to control the vessel while underway is done push-button from the helm position."
"He loved sailing ships, used to compare sailing ship with the full sails swelling sales with a pregnant woman and he thought that was the two most beautiful things in the world."
"As the death knell was ringing on the tall ships Gustav Erickson built up the last great sailing Fleet the world would ever see."
"This beautiful ship was sailing herself."
"She was a more comfortable ship than the merchant ones you'd sailed on previously."
"This boat was reversed down here yes and there were big sailboat at this empty space now has been another big sailboat so we came in back with ar first with first and then just came in and turned the boat and brought it in here that's amazing."
"A flappy sail is not a happy sail."
"Ninety percent of the sailing is going to be going upwind just because it takes so long to tack upwind and then downwind part is very quick and you get it over with."
"Now when it's in autopilot mode, it will steer the tiller and keep us on our correct heading."
"The most important thing is to know which direction the wind is coming from. Always knowing which way the wind is coming from is going to be pretty crucial for everything you do on a sailboat."
"When you get the sails just dialed in, you can feel the speed boost."
"Why on Earth did you guys buy a sailing catamaran if you've been following Along on our adventure you'll know that Emily and I did not have any sailing experience whatsoever before buying this boat."
"25 knots up here feels absolutely lovely."
"Some days, Perseus would set sail on the boat while Andromeda tended to the garden, picking fresh vegetables and herbs for luscious dinners."
"It is really comfortable cruising at 10 to 12 knots, the maximum around about 14 15."
"I mean, I could float. I'll take it out of the dock, we'll float there for like a week. But as for like taking it sailing, no."
"The mosle is so quiet when you sailing along the mosle."
"One of the most valuable assets you can have on a boat."
"More than 600 people in outer space but still less than 100 people have ever sailed solo non-stop around the world."
"Let me show you around the boat that's going to be my home for the next four hours."
"There's nothing better than sailing a boat."
"Sailing has taught me a lot about myself. It's taught me how to learn."
"Sailing offshore helps me reset my expectations for everything in my life."
"I can safely say I've never felt a lack of purpose when sailing offshore."
"A sailboat can sail in all directions except directly into the wind this is called the no Zone area."
"So now we're headed into the wind in so that the sail can go up freely but so first thing we'll be able to take the sale ties off."
"This is what sailing is all about: the view and the feeling from up here."
"The big fantasy was to take a sailing trip around the world. In fact, a few guys actually did that when they came home."
"The winds were perfect, the sail went up, it looked great."
"Here's a perfect example of punch list syndrome. The halyards on boundless are aging and they are very oversized, adding a lot of friction when hoisting the sails."
"Yet we are also bubbling with the excitement to be sailing Florence out into the open ocean once more."
"This is perfect sailing conditions."
"So do you think sailing is lonely?"
"Right now, it's really cool because he has the engine off. So there is no sound except for those waves breaking below us. We're just sailing, guys. That's sail power, wind power."
"My mission is to help more people go sailing more easily."
"We're never going to get that really on a sailboat. You can't give enough up. But we look to wind as well."
"Can't believe we have been out sailing now for two weeks. It's day 14 today, and we're gonna cross the equator like tomorrow, which is crazy. It's so much fun."
"A good cruising boat should have adequate storage space for your gear, spare parts, engine parts, tools, and all of the provisions you will need for long-term liveaboard cruising."
"Rigging a preventer is simple: tie a bowline, run it through the clew, and secure it to a cleat or winch."
"You never see one that's been cruising with the same sails for 20 years because they break, they die."
"We sailed with our buddies Grace and Bill on Calico Skies about 15 miles north to a stunning anchorage named Tenacatita."
"For downwind it was absolutely fantastic because you can grow a dead downwind there's no real risk of jabbing unless you went really far off um off your wind angle."
"Although the task of sailing hundreds of miles while keeping the boat floating and functioning is a pretty large one, it is one of the few things that has felt right and made sense in my life."
"As for going forward from the cockpit again I've got these super solid hand holds on this hard dodger and the side decks on this boat do feel really substantial like they're super wide easy to walk on the rigging here isn't too hard to get around it's not like a jungle gym."
"We're not getting much in sails at all so we're motor sailing and the engine is just barely hanging on."
"The beauty of a folk boat is it answers the helm like a dinghy or a ship."
"...you won't be grinding winch handles to get this thing trimmed these boats give you tons and tons of room in the cockpit and I personally spent many hours having Sundowners on this model of boat."
"...this Catalina Morgan 440 is one heck of a Caribbean Cruiser and if you can find one they don't turn out very often they're very well worth the look."
"Waking up in a new backyard every time we move our floating home is one of my favorite things about living full-time on a sailboat."
"Standing at the wheel when the boat was powered up, you felt like you were just absolutely on a rocket ship."
"Down below, it was absolutely peaceful and quiet, and just the ride was smooth as silk."
"It was just such a marvelous sailing experience."
"Sailing the spinnaker offshore with all the room you need to let loose is so much fun, but wrapping the spinnaker around the headstay is a real concern for a shorthanded crew."
"I'm sure but the winds aren't moving much, you obviously don't see the water dancing around a lot in here, so it looks not too difficult at all."
"The sails are flippity floppity, okay they're okay right now but we're hardly moving."
"Ships like Clipper soon smashed every sailing record on the books."
"The skipper, what a hand. 22 turns, you know, normal yacht has three turns."
"...sailed entirely by human hands. There's no motors, there's no winches, there's no switches, there's no lights, nothing but human hands to power this entire vessel."
"These Code Zeros, they give power to these catamarans. They make them a sailing catamaran."
"If this works, it could potentially change the future of sailing."
"How cool is that you never have to run an engine you just go downwind all the way."
"We expect some rough waters, but if you're thinking of sailing ships, you can actually sail faster if there's a storm going on."
"Once the decision is made and we Hoist the sails we get a huge sense of relief."