
Divine Forgiveness Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Since God has forgiven us, we must accept his forgiveness."
"Allah says in the Quran, 'Do not despair my mercy, for Allah forgives all sins.'"
"If the statements in the Bible are true, then we could admit to ourselves that we need forgiveness from God."
"God wants you to come into that rest where you fully trust his forgiveness."
"Thank you all so much for watching. I will see you in another video soon."
"This person feels like divine forgiveness, like you're loving them back to life."
"Preaching the law to convict people of their sin, preaching the gospel to assure them of the forgiveness and mercy that is won by Christ."
"Only the almighty can forgive yourself. I was going to actually say that. That's your only hope for salvation. I have committed no sin, the puppet I am condemned for is a child's play thing, nothing more."
"That's what divine forgiveness does for us. It's not simply a removal of God's wrath or emotional anger with us; far more, it is a divine pardon that absolves our guilt and reconstitutes us as new creatures or persons in God's sight."
"Even if we disobey this little one, God will forgive me. God gives us all the teachings and lessons for our future and for our happiness."
"When God says I have forgiven you for your iniquities for your sins, that means it's gone like the slate is wiped out."
"God forgive us all... [sigh] Farewell, my friend."
"You don't have to kill the son, doesn't have to shed any blood, he can forgive you."
"What kind of a creator can't forgive his own creation without killing somebody?"
"The same one that died on our cross to forgive sins is the one that releases healing to his people today."
"I'm just grateful to be standing and living witness of a forgiving God."
"He hears your prayers and He forgives your sins."
"Forgive yourself, for God has already forgiven you."
"It's my mission to tell you my experience and opinions based on my experience."
"Grace is the dimension of divine activity that enables God to take human indifference and rebellion with an inexhaustible capacity to forgive and to bless."
"Confess your sin to the Lord and He is faithful to forgive you."
"Your life matters to God - He will forgive you, He will write your name in the Lamb's book of life."
"Do your best and you do this exactly through doing your best you get God's forgiveness."
"God remembers them no more... He won't bring it up again. It's never going to come up again."
"I know for a fact that you are the one, O Allah, so Hanan and Hanzalah, who's going to take me to join them after forgiving all my sins."
"God, I've messed up. I'm asking You to forgive me."
"Let us be thankful that we have a God of loving kindness who is always willing to forgive and forget whenever we are willing to repent."
"God has never abandoned me, even when I abandoned God, He still never abandoned me, He took me back."
"When we speak about God, God has within his prerogative to forgive people and he does not lose anything if one harms another one."
"God loves you no matter where you've been and no matter what you've done."
"There is now therefore no accusing voice against you, there is no case, it has been closed."
"God is not constrained by the sacraments of the Catholic Church but rather God has deemed that this is the ordinary means by which he wants to express his forgiving love to his people."
"Your case is settled, your mistakes are erased, you are forgiven."
"God is forgiving this land, healing us, and redeeming us from destruction."
"My God I believe I adore I hope and I love you and I ask your pardon for those who do not believe who do not adore who do not hope and who do not love you."
"Allah says, 'If you do this one thing, I will take your imperfect actions and I will consider them perfect.'"
"Anyone who calls on the name of Jesus, God hears your prayers and forgives your sins."
"God is not mad at you. He wants you to be set free."
"Fear will drive you to the foot of the cross where you say, 'God, I'm a sinner, please forgive me.'"
"God can forgive someone who has committed murder."
"When I'm offending God by mistake, my mistake becomes infinite. Who can take away this mistake that is greater than any prophet, greater than any angel, greater than any good person? The Almighty God."
"God wipes them away. Cleanse me, and I will be whiter than snow."
"As God in Christ forgave you. That truth will melt the heart of anybody that believes it."
"Humble yourself right down into the dirt, and God will forgive you and God will lift you up and God will exalt you."
"Forgiveness is so important to God because only forgiven people enter into His perfect kingdom."
"I am forgiven not according to my riches, but according to His riches."
"Once I know that I'm forgiven and that there's nothing I can do to stop Him from forgiving me, there's a certain peace that I have in my approach to God."
"God doesn't mind you failing. Every one of us fail."
"God hears your prayers, God loves you, and if you've sinned against Him, He will forgive you no matter what you have done."
"What mess have you done that God forgave you for? That alone should be enough for us to walk in forgiveness towards one another."
"When you experience the forgiveness of God, the glory of God's forgiveness invades the very being of your soul."
"Because Allah is Rahim, ultimately merciful, unlimited in His Mercy, because of that He forgives the sinner and the criminal."
"Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened, the Lord is desiring to forgive. He loves to forgive, He loves to restore."
"If we confess our sins, He's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins."
"There's nothing you've done that is beyond His redeeming reach."
"Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit."
"God is not nearly as freaked out by our mistakes as you and I are."
"God is the most forgiving, the most merciful."
"They shall have all types of fruits and forgiveness from their Lord."
"The blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanseth us from all sin."
"Give them the news of an incredible forgiveness, a huge forgiveness."
"If we confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous and will forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Don't feel that Allah won't forgive you; Allah forgives all the mistakes that people make."
"We have an advocate with the Father, God, that if we sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us."
"You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you."
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. That's divine nature."
"God forgive their sin, but if You won't, count me as guilty and send me to hell—friends, that's love."
"God doesn't cancel people; he literally started all of humanity over with a flood."
"It's good to know we serve a forgiving God."
"If someone commits wickedness and does righteous deeds, God will forgive him."
"I trust in the forgiveness that comes from God. I can just feel it."
"As God's forgiveness flows to us, we simply must cooperate with it and let it flow through us."
"Our forgiveness from God does not rest on our ability to make restitution to the victims of our sins."
"For you have freely forgiven me, and I thank you for it."
"When the Father forgives us, He never thinks about it again."
"Just as God has forgiven us, we shall forgive others."
"People won't forgive you, but the God that we serve will forgive you of all of your sins."
"Does God give a man a second chance? He gives a man a thousand chances."
"God wondrously pardoned their sins and forgave their transgression; he made them into a sure house, the like of which had never been seen before up to the present time."
"Allah wishes and wants for you to be forgiven."
"In the measure you forgive others, God will forgive you as well."
"Forgiveness is a characteristic of Allah."
"Praise God for the salvation, praise God for the healing, praise God for the forgiveness."
"Jesus is the source of forgiveness, and through Him, we have the resources to be an agent of God's forgiveness in this world."
"If God, who is most offended, has forgiven, why can't you?"
"When you stand praying, forgive, that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
"God teaches them how to reconcile themselves with Him: learn these words, and you repent, and I'll forgive you."
"There is no sin too great for God."
"God Almighty says that 'I can forgive the negligence committed in delivery of the duties to Me, except "shirk", but I will never forgive the atrocities done to the mankind.'"
"God doesn't punish the person when they make a mistake forever."
"God forgive me, wash me again, purge me."
"Anything you've done wrong in this life, as long as you're sorry for it, He loves you and He will forgive you."
"God has the power to forgive any sin."
"It's not about what you know, it's about who changed you, who forgave you, who loves you, who blesses you. His name is Jesus."
"Would you not love for Allah to forgive you?"