
Non-partisanship Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"The country should be wrapping their arms around the people of East Palestine, not as a political football, not as an ideological flashpoint, but as thousands of human beings whose lives got upended through no fault of their own."
"I'm not even interested if it's an idea that comes from the left wing or a right wing. To me, an idea is a good idea or a bad idea. Who cares where it comes from?"
"My generation doesn't care about the politics around climate change; we want productive discussions, realistic answers, and sound policies."
"This really isn't supposed to be a partisan thing, this is supposed to be a patriotic thing."
"This isn't about politics; it's about principle and the country."
"I don't have a partisan bone in my body. I'm on a mission to support small business."
"I believe Arizonans deserve a senator who just calls the balls and the strikes and doesn't just always agree with their party leaders."
"I'm not team Democrat; I'm not team Republican; I'm team facts and information."
"God does not have a political party, but God does have values."
"It's really not about party affiliation, it's about freedom."
"CNN's new CEO Chris Licht indicated that he wants to return to CNN's Roots as non-partisan."
"Please don't let yourself be drawn into the idea that masks are a political statement they are not they are a statement of how much you care about the people in your community."
"If you're really passionate about a thing, you're probably not that political."
"The Attorney General of Canada must be nonpartisan."
"There's no Republican or Democratic way to fill a pothole, just fill the damn pothole."
"Protecting the fundamental principle of equal treatment under the law should not be partisan."
"My father always said, 'Vote for the person, not the party.' It's critical that we become less partisan and find common ground."
"There's nothing political about this virus or the response to it."
"We want to prove that being non-partisan is actually the more successful positioning."
"Our efforts to understand the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic should remain evidence-based and free from politicization, partisan rhetoric..."
"It's not political partisanship nor stupidity but rather probably laziness."
"Let us hope that we come together not for partisan advantage, but for the advantage of all."
"This is not a partisan issue, this is human rights."
"Politics are not personal, it's about looking at their platform."
"No permanent friends, no permanent enemies, just permanent issues."
"It's a nonpartisan crowd that cheers for everyone respects every move whether it's for last place or first."
"We must rise above partisan politics and hold our own accountable."
"It's not about partisanship, this is about patriotism."
"It's refreshing that you're gonna vote with your heart, choose based on policy, and what you believe in, rather than partisanship."
"It's not a partisan issue, it's a family issue."
"A non-partisan shattering of the fake media narrative."
"Demographics and look getting older is not republican or democrat but it is math it is going to happen."
"People like Joe Rogan because he's not an ideologue."
"We're not working for any party. We're not working for any political idealism."
"It's a systemic American problem, not Democrat or Republican."
"Liberty knows no party or no no political ideology."
"Anti-semitism knows no politics. Evil knows no politics."
"When you see courageous people I don't care what their political affiliation is it's like oh that's man that's legit when you when you see it you know you have to respect it."
"Transparency is not political. Transparency is not for Republicans or Democrats. Transparency is what the American people want."
"Oversight itself isn't a partisan game. It's about making sure that we're closing the gap between what the law says it does and what it actually does in people's lives."
"I love it I like to see everyone celebrating America celebrating the flag and like no division no politics no bad feelings no none of that it was really cool."
"We shouldn't care if it's the left or right or this or that we should just be looking for the truth and keep asking questions."
"Facts matter more than political affiliation."
"Wearing a mask is not a political statement."
"The climate crisis doesn't care if you are in a red or blue state, it's an existential threat."
"This is not a left issue, this is not a right issue, this is an American issue."
"Nobody's here worshiping Trump nobody's here trying to take sides just because you know we're right."
"The people who did this must be held accountable. There must be an investigation that is nonpartisan, sober, serious, that gets to the facts wherever they may lead."
"People are still hurting, right? It's not all polarization, it's not all political."
"Because the monarchy is uniquely trusted. It is above politics."
"Feeding people is not a partisan, tribal, or political position in my view."
"There is no benefit of us being wed to one party without demanding tangibles."
"It's not partisan, it's not stuck inside certain political lines."
"I will vote, but I won't vote for either of the parties this time."
"I'm not a Democrat preacher or Republican preacher. I'm a holiness preacher here. That's right."
"The retirement Savings of Americans shouldn't be politicized."
"We want to know the truth more than aligning with a political party."
"Our first allegiance is not to partisan politics; it's to Christ. It's not to tribalism; our allegiance is to Christ and to truth, even when that truth is unpopular, especially when that truth is unpopular."
"Wearing a mask is not a political statement, it's efficacious."
"Protecting the First Amendment shouldn't be partisan."
"I'm on kingdom business and I don't have time to play political or social politics."
"This isn't an issue that belongs to right or left, this is everybody's issue."
"We need leadership who understands this coronavirus doesn't care about who you voted for but it will be handled by a real leader or it will not be handled if this guy stays in office."
"It's not about partisanship right now it's about leadership." - Mayor Faulconer
"Let us pledge, whoever is in power, that we never weaponize impeachment."
"It should not be about politics. It should not be about red and blue."
"The people who are dying here are not Democrats or Republicans. They're Americans."
"This is not a political issue... every claim should be thoroughly investigated period."
"Johnny Cash doesn't get involved in that. He is not political. He does not take a stand."
"Being adequately prepared requires you to see the inevitable without the filter of partisanship."
"The only way for the future is vaccination or testing."
"So this really shouldn't be partisan it really should not I wish it weren't partisan you should be able to see why a fair trial a right to due process the right to self-defense is necessary this should not be a partisan issue guys."
"Caring about babies and caring about the Constitution is not partisan."
"Criminal justice reform is not a partisan issue."
"Love for the country and love for our democratic process should not be a partisan issue."
"There should be certain things that transcend politics."
"They can't divide us; this is not a partisan issue."
"We must address the climate. It doesn't matter if you're red, if you're blue, if you're polka dot. It doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe in. The climate is changing, has changed, and appears to be spiraling out of control."
"This issue is not partisan, it's not a left-right issue."
"A very non-partisan attitude to defending women's rights."
"And if you want to help us deliver non-partisan news, support America Uncovered by going to Patreon.com/AmericaUncovered."
"It has to be somebody who's not really seen as a partisan Republican."
"The right to vote is not and it should never be a partisan endeavor, not in this great country, the United States of America."
"It's not partisan, it's an issue about right and wrong and protecting democracy."
"This isn't about party today, a bullet doesn't know a party."
"Picking up trash and cleaning up your city should not be a political issue, it should just be a humanitarian issue of taking care of that."
"Media's job is to hold accountable those of all parties without regard to party."
"Religion is not party political in this country... I think that the issues of life are of extraordinary importance."
"I would like to see things be apolitical."
"You got to vote for who you think is going to do a job yes regardless of the color of the party."
"The real trick is trying to find... a political joke that had no politics in it."
"I have said that it is the most, it was the most, non-political investigation that the Congress has ever conducted and likely will ever conduct."
"There's something steadying and reassuring about having that head of state who is aloof from the partisan madness, from the bickering."
"Please listen to the doctors, listen to the scientists, this isn't political, wear mask, like just do it."
"Instead, let's cut the partisan allegations, let's get down to business, and let's prioritize our children's health and well-being both inside and outside the classroom."
"Compassion is beyond anything partisan. It’s the human’s capacity for waking up."
"The distinguished men and women of the Supreme Court do not and must not serve at the pleasure of angry partisans."
"Intelligence is too important to be politicized."
"This isn't really about politics; it's about protecting people's lives."
"The Supreme Court is an institution of law; it is not a partisan or political institution."
"Americans who want their nest egg financially secure, but secure from politics as well."
"Protecting the environment, protecting animal habitat, protecting the air we breathe—those are not political issues."
"Fascism is bad, or saying that fascism is bad and wrong, is not a partisan thing."
"This is about America, not about any particular party."
"The coronavirus does not have a political affiliation—it will infect Republicans, independents, and Democrats alike."
"It's not red or blue, it's green."
"We're not going to be political, we're going to be leaders."
"This is an institution that exists above politics and therefore can be the focus of unity, focus of affection from people who are otherwise disenchanted with the world."
"People can be aligned on treating suffering, and we can do that without getting trapped into partisan situations."
"She created Voices of Voters, a simple politics-free conversation about voter registration."
"We have to be citizens first and more important than partisans."
"You don't need to be a liberal to care about water."
"The safety of children and the well-being of children should not be political by any means."
"The military is not like this holistically conservative organization; it just tries to be efficient."
"God is neither Democrat nor Republican, and God is worthy of our praise."
"It's not about being Republican or Democrat, I do not like politics."
"I don't play politics; it's not what I do."
"Protecting our freedoms and consumer choice should not be a partisan issue."
"Unions are not about liberalism, conservatism; it's about what's fair."
"That's why I always say unions are not about like liberalism, conservatism, it's about what's fair."
"This isn't a situation that is specific to one party; this is about our society."
"I'm neither Democrat nor Republican, I'm the taco party."
"Science works excellently when the topic is not politicized."
"We want to think about this in a practical, American way instead of a partisan, political way."
"We need to do it for the sake of Ghana, for the sake of our children because until we get to the point where right is right and wrong is wrong and it's not biased through the lens of partisanship, we will really be taking a long time to get where we should."
"There are no Democrats or Republicans in heaven."
"There is a clear need to reinforce and support existing and promising approaches, particularly those that are non-partisan and non-interventionists."
"I am apolitical. I understand how politics work, I understand the whole political process, but I will never turn this channel or anything that I do into some kind of a political sideshow."
"The issue is a community issue; it's non-partisan."
"It's a healthy sign of democracy when we can rise above partisanship to vote for the person."
"We are not just a unicameral as opposed to a bicameral legislature; we're also nonpartisan."
"The US military is not nearly as politicized as other ones."
"Protecting democracy is not a partisan issue."
"Election integrity, making sure our elections are trusted and safe, is not a Republican issue and it's not a Democrat issue."
"It's crucial to protect our electoral system and its institutions beyond partisanship."
"Last year broke me, I started to improve my personal life, became apolitical."
"This is no time for politics and it is no time to fight."
"Whatever else the University of Austin is, it's not a conservative institution or as a liberal institution, it is an institution that pursues truth and believes that academic freedom, freedom of speech, those things are indispensable for the successful pursuit of truth."
"Promotion was by merit, not by political tribal affiliation."
"The problems are not Republican problems, they're not Democrat problems, they're all of our problems."
"Every single American life is precious, and safety is not a political issue."