
Relational Dynamics Quotes

There are 306 quotes

"Love is something that is between two people, and it exists between the two people in a negotiated space."
"Take care of your family don't take care of me baby."
"It's like a death before death, when you're not there, that's when people miss you."
"They want to change you so that they can come in and have you the way that they want."
"Every relationship is made up of three relationships: the one you have with each other, and the ones you have with your purposes."
"There's somebody on the planet that loves you regardless of what you did to them or vice versa."
"My God, it's a word that shows relationship."
"If the other individual is still in that program, you're going to find yourself having to move back into that program."
"Create a list of all the things you want from this man and go be those things."
"Disappointing him is my explicit objective here."
"Your partner is going to desire to take care of you, they want to provide for you."
"Forgiveness is a difficult one. If someone really hurts you, is it too forgiving or what?"
"Understanding that all of these possessions, they are not possessions, nature is going to run how long these people are going to be with you."
"Love shows itself in its actions, not in his words, not by focusing on his own desires and bragging about it."
"We're the ones dishing out the Karma, we're the ones putting the smiles on your face when your ex's new boyfriend turns out runs out on her after knocking her up. You're welcome."
"Two people can be wrong and right and completely different stories."
"I've been through [ __ ] the dirt with this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like I've been through so much [ __ ] with this guy like are you serious."
"Follow the natural flow of things and as you spend more time with each other you're going to get a better vibe."
"They felt like this person feels like the two of you were peas in a pod."
"We were created from love. We were created for love. But now, you are created to love others."
"This story isn’t about me. It’s about my wife. It’s about the price she had to pay to resurrect me."
"By saying yes to people who don't really matter, you say an automatic no to those who do."
"The positive energy generated through reciprocal gratitude becomes a driving force for continued positive exchanges."
"Impact and intention are very different things."
"It is very possible for a person to actually want resolve and repair, but to not actually want it enough to go for it, because they don't see resolve and repair leading to what it is they really want."
"They know some of them are now old enough to be like, 'That's Auntie Mara.'"
"I can't think of too many things that are more humanist than that."
"They want to establish something with you, they want to fight for this."
"I think everybody in the entire world goes through a friendship breakup at least once in their life like they should exactly you know you do grow so much."
"When a man is trustworthy, he is intentional about demonstrating it before it is required."
"You're the embodiment of everything you say about me. That's called irony."
"If sex were the only thing that men liked, they wouldn't be asking for femininity from women."
"When you undermine this, it wrecks everything."
"My life is moving at the speed of relationships, my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Creativity grows as your world expands and your emotions find home in others."
"Families stick together... and at the end, you see that unity."
"Scorpios inspire this person. You spark transformation in their life."
"They look at you as a major inspiration for that change."
"Marcy's betrayal is really messed up even though you understand why she did it."
"There is communication here in the near future."
"Friendship: I understand that a friend is in my life for a reason."
"Your woman's intuition is going ding, ding, ding..."
"The fight may be over... it's actually the other way around."
"Anybody that only recognizes your worth when somebody else sees it too does not know your worth."
"They just want to be mutual, and it's really amazing that you get them and they get you."
"This life follows you. It clings to you, infecting everyone who comes close to you."
"There probably will never be a love that is also not a lesson."
"I want to hear nothing about what you didn't do."
"Family matters. Trust is something that's earned. You don't just get that away."
"Individuals do not meet by chance. They are necessary in the experience of others."
"People closest can see the lack of glimmer in your eye in the most impactful happiest moments and they wonder why."
"Why just so we can be close to you, make you feel more comfortable, make you feel better about the situation?"
"It's not all about you, it's about the family."
"If your presence wasn't valuable to begin with, your absence won't really matter."
"If love, loyalty, trust, but somewhere there's no respect, then the relationship won't work."
"You break his heart, you trick him and lie to him, and reinstate the matriarchy as a result."
"Emotions are one of our primary forms of connecting with each other."
"Women have a lack of appreciation for the things you do. If you do 50 things and she does one, she feels like for that one you owe her that 51st thing."
"They offer unconditional loyalty, unconditional 'love.'"
"You're trying to close yourself off to this connection, but the connection still remains."
"When you don't value yourself, it's completely okay to accept nothing and give everything."
"We share it together and we've always been like that."
"Having a tribe, having a clan, having a support group, that team, that group of people you surround yourself with is so critically important."
"We are deeply relational beings, designed for love and connection, with God, and with one another."
"You are not going to meet them until you stop trying to bring everybody else up."
"Our cultural thriving depends on developing and experiencing that relational, moral capacity."
"Nearly everything does, Arden discovers that Peter isn't exactly who she thought he was."
"Without me you are nothing, but with me you are everything."
"They feel like maybe you're even too beautiful for them."
"The person who cares less wields the most power."
"Don't give people the satisfaction of you chasing them."
"Dating is a game where the one who needs you less wins in the long run."
"How many things have you done that you know you shouldn't have and ultimately it was about that person but it was also about you?"
"Vegeta slaps the hand away, thinking Kakarot but saying, 'I have nothing left to prove. Not to Bulma, not to Trunks, not even you, Kakarot.'"
"Guys, scrap personalized and sentimental because it doesn't mean anything. Yes, it do."
"You are good enough, you don't have to keep giving to people who aren't giving back to you."
"You need to have a friend who will help you to not just land on the frustration but also moving towards how to serve and pray for and help your husband."
"Your legacy is what people say about you when you're not in the room."
"This is starting to get too much, like, sorry, it's like here's you and here's the bench, like, I like the bench more now. I'm just kidding."
"Every person that comes into your life has a time, a season, and a purpose."
"You're attracting someone who will blow past negativity out of the water."
"We can't live in two different existences. It's not gonna work."
"Relationships are primary. They're even primary to the things that are related."
"Doesn't it kinda sound like love if you flip it around?"
"You didn't have to do that. All you had to do is exist."
"Once you change your circle, you can change what people are pouring into you."
"Love has to be understood vertically before it can be understood horizontally. God is love."
"It was through those arguments that that I think both of us sort of realized like you know what it's really a father-son story in the sense that it is the Sun like growing to a."
"You change their life; you came in and you were like a lucky charm."
"People are drawn to you because they see themselves in you."
"Watching your face as you listen to this was healing for me because this is what I've grown up with this is all I've ever known."
"It's like a leech where they need to feed off of that energy to survive, because that's what they are is energy. It's just me using you, yes, it's amazing unless it's trying to get enough energy to do something."
"You're the worst. Yeah, your boyfriend doesn't seem to think so."
"Reciprocity is a very, very strong mechanic."
"Whatever you say, whether it's positive or negative, if you're sincere with it, I think that's the... And that sincerity comes through to them, and then they feel like they could address it with you."
"Everyone I talked to about this game, that's one of the bright spots for everybody, is seeing them get to have that father/daughter relationship."
"Togetherness and separateness, we need both."
"It's the desire to create a one unit as if we are one and the same person that becomes really problematic."
"Allan still rarely communicated with his family."
"Even if it was abrupt, it came from a good place."
"If you stop doing for them, they become your biggest enemy."
"People aren't having fun if you're threatening them or punishing them every time you don't get what you want."
"Legacy wound... difficult to trust... toxic, abusive relational system."
"Don't wait or expect for another person to understand or figure something out, I feel like that's cruel sometimes if they can't do that if they lack the intuition."
"We're not trying to make it happen, we're simply connecting the dots."
"It's like a natural extension of that human drama."
"Serving somebody doesn't make you subservient... it means you care about somebody."
"Humility is about the ability to see where you are in relation to everybody else around you."
"Look around the table because your best friends are the people in your family." - Karen Kingsbury
"Their intent and their emotion, even if you don't get it."
"Real love and connection is a two-way experience. It's not one way."
"So it's not scumbag if you scumbag a scumbag, you're just friends, right?"
"Diamond likely has a lot more information about what is going on not just to Justin but potentially other people that is just not being brought forward."
"There is no intimacy where there is rebellion."
"Broken people break people and then blame them for the pieces."
"Your actions don't just affect you but those you love."
"The thing that's important for me is having someone in my life that cares about something outside of me as well."
"Real love comes from appreciation, not from reverse psychology."
"Marriage reveals what's there, and if you bring dysfunction into marriage, it's not gonna heal you, it's going to reveal what's there."
"Yes, I feel like they want to put in the teamwork with you. So yes, for sure."
"Just like we all have our own experience, every relationship has its own experience."
"Gaslighting is incredibly insidious and cowardly."
"It's really sad because it seems like Nicole Kidman also felt some of the same things that Mimi Rogers had felt."
"When they have an agenda and they want what they want, they're looking for somebody who wants to give it to them."
"They have managed far better than Kiriyama as they had each other to rely on."
"Someone important to me, someone you pulled into this, you keep opening doors."
"Sometimes people come back around, and it's like confirmation of how much you've grown."
"What kind of world you want what kind of relationship you want with each other what kind of life you want to lead you have to make those decisions."
"No [__], it's the love thing, it's the family thing."
"Love and forgiveness is what works because if we're in the world of hurt."
"This fight caused a dramatic change in Todoroki. Before this point, Todoroki was aloof and distant. After this fight, he became a very reliable ally and started defrosting and warming up to his classmates."
"Your equal, they're gonna be quite experienced in the areas of heartache as well."
"Love is waiting at the fountain, love is the middle, let people meet you there."
"Our relation is none the little water beetle. I play sakes you for your father's sake."
"The words of his mouth might say one thing such as, 'Oh, I'm so sorry for what Shanann's friend went through and blah blah blah,' but actions are quite another thing."
"The game is rigged against you if you can be found to be privileged in any way, and privilege is relational so everybody is privileged in some way."
"The statement 'You can't abandon an adult' is a form of pulling all pressure and responsibility off the person doing the abandoning and making the person being abandoned or neglected the problem instead."
"she wants a man to take care of her foreign foreign"
"His injury is merely the price that he has to pay for hurting her."
"One of the obvious reasons why people hurt the ones they love is that they have access to their vulnerabilities."
"The narcissist needs his intimate partner to emulate his original mother because he needs to time travel to the period where he has failed to separate from Mommy."
"Narcissistic abuse is self-punitive, in the sense that the narcissist seeks to punish himself via the agency of his intimate partner."
"The narcissist perceives submissiveness and compliance as the ideal traits in an intimate partner, as it allows him to convert her into an enemy, a demon, a persecutory object."
"some of the best people you'll meet who genuinely care for you, and you generally care for them, when you meet up again, whether it's in like three weeks, two years, at their wedding, like the dynamics never gonna change."
"You want the best option you could possibly get which means you yourself have to be the best option that you could possibly be for somebody else."
"Piccolo's connection with Gohan gives him a chance to rethink his morals..."
"They feel like there is so much chemistry between the two of you."
"I feel like they really respect the love that you have for them."
"Every relationship we've ever had in our lives is based upon the way we think about ourselves."
"You speaking your truth to somebody definitely rocked the boat in a certain situation."
"Love does not take delight in having someone to browbeat or denounce. Our love for the other person has to take priority over denouncing them, even their actions."
"Manipulative people will say the nicest kindest things to you before they ask you for something."
"This is somebody who wants to try to create everything balanced with you."
"I highly suggest you guys go and look into them all on your own and then maybe come back and tell me your theories down below."
"It's almost a marriage between me and my actors."
"Like with kids it's like just hug me just prove that you- I'll hug you more!"
"The greatest negotiation tool is the ability to walk away from the table. You don't need her that bad."
"I think when we as brothers no longer become additive to each other, and it feels like you or I are trying to take from one another."
"This is about confessions, revelations, also psychic bonds strengthening during this time."
"Sometimes you have to leave to find true connection."
"Hookup Culture: Women's Misery, Men's Misconceptions."
"We love you and we can't stand you, so what do you think the people who don't love you are going to think about you?"
"Kristoff assures him that she likes him in his usual outfit, you know the one with the leather."
"Love is an excessive thing. If you just give and you don't stop giving even if you don't receive, you all of a sudden receive a lot."
"I feel like there's always magic when we're together."
"I'm not talking about the Force, I'm talking about life, I'm talking about family."
"Your presence felt like an emotional escape from the overwhelming world to them."
"To tame something is a wonderful thing; it is not only to own a thing but to build a connection with it."
"There's definitely something going on with this person. Um, and what you want is love in a positive relationship."
"Changes in relationships: in the eighth sign we examine how changes in our relationships can serve as mirrors reflecting our inner Transformations and growth."
"They're shocked by your existence and the opportunity to be together."
"What drive is more the drive to be the best in the world more powerful than the drive to be the best for that person that you care about?"
"Womanism is about loving the community, establishing meaningful relations in the flesh, not just about sexual desire."
"Will you leave me like the others? You deserve better."
"Actually the obsessiveness shows how much he loves her."
"Love isn't just a relationship, it's literally how you feel about yourself."
"I'm at a place in my life right now where I don't want to be tolerated, I want to be accepted."
"Believe it or not, the best tips for being good with women stem from the same rules that apply for being good with people in general."
"Fixed is about the power and danger of love, mutable is about the power and danger of gratification, cardinal is about the power and danger of protection."
"I promise you I'm gonna try harder to make sure I'm doing right by you and by me."
"Once confidence is lost, it's very, very difficult to rebuild."
"Sometimes intense love for them like your brothers and arms and sometimes just intense hatred like the man in the black pajamas."
"You can't love others if you don't love yourself."
"Dreams involving unknown people... represent parts of yourself and relationships."
"Why did I have to get to this... in order for you to know what I deserved?"
"But for the grace of God... you forgot how to relate and what you forget you judge."
"Women get the short end of the stick; we get the short end and men win when they get a woman."
"She knew exactly what to do, like someone who knows how their dog is."
"Part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about, even if sometimes that means hurting someone else."
"It is impossible to talk about marriage without having a simultaneous discussion about purpose."
"They're slowly making their way towards you."
"There's a difference between communication and understanding."
"It takes a village isn't just for children you know, it takes a village for relationships to thrive."
"Esau freely gave forgiveness because neither could afford unforgiveness."
"In that kind of dynamic, it's confusing. Men have found themselves stuck for years in there."
"How can two walk together unless they agree?"
"Love after all is a choice; it's a thing you do; it's an act of sacrifice."
"Love is never alone. Love is always crowded. Love is a shared self we cannot own."
"Intersectionality allows you to sort of think about who people are in a particular context and how they stand in relation to others."
"It's okay to be misunderstood. It's okay if they don't understand why you couldn't stay."