
Divine Attention Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Fasting can move you to a place where your desperation catches the attention of God."
"See this season as God's way of drawing your attention to His."
"Every prayer you whisper is heard by God, no matter how big or small."
"He loves you. God does not love populations, he loves people."
"God is looking at you right now and God is saying, 'What are you waiting for?'"
"One glance of your eyes, you've got Him, you've got Him, you've got Him."
"Miracles are happening to get your attention"
"God can use this to get our attention as the world not just a nation but the world to look to him and to put our faith and trust in Him."
"Serious prayer is what historically has gotten God's attention."
"Humbleness, not stupidity about ourselves before God, is what gets his attention."
"The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and His ears listen to their cry for help."
"The prayer of Mercy is one prayer God does not ignore."
"When you put your faith into action, it captures the attention of your God."
"When you begin to act on what His Word declares to be the truth, you capture the attention of your Creator."
"Great faith captures the attention of Heaven."
"God gives special attention to those who seek him."
"If your giving is getting your attention, I'm telling you, it's getting Heaven's attention."
"Your faithfulness in the sheep field is what captured Heaven's attention."
"Get back to being a person of Prayer because God is watching and God is listening."
"Heaven's focus will shift to you through prayer."
"And you want to get God's attention, this is the person He looks at."
"God was actually doing the opposite, to use the beauty of women to get my attention."
"Now mine eyes shall be open and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place."
"What's important is that you have God's attention."
"I just need to have faith that God is always paying attention to me and I can talk to him anytime."
"A desert is God's way of getting your attention."
"It's so easy to live for people's attention, but what we learned from blind Bartimaeus is the importance of living for God's attention."
"You will get God's attention when you start getting specific."
"Anytime you sacrifice, it gets God's attention, and Heaven backs you up."
"The Lord paid attention and heard them."
"When we clap, we get the attention of angels."
"Oh my God, incline your ears and hear; open your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by your name."
"Loving attention in the dark, that's what God is looking for from now on."
"Because He inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call on Him as long as I live."
"If you want to get God's attention, pray. He stops everything."
"If God so clothes the lilies of the field, how much more will He clothe you? Every hair on your head is counted."
"You have no idea how much you matter because God is immense and His Eye Is on you."
"We don't have to fight for his attention, Jesus laid his life down to get ours."
"There's nothing too small I don't see."
"Your Great and Mighty King in heaven listens when you call; He hears you."
"God can get my attention, and I'm telling you He will."
"His eye is on one creature more than any other creature; that's you."
"Prayer is not getting God's attention; we already have His attention in Christ."
"Not one of them is forgotten by God."
"The Holy Spirit is the one who communicates that attention of God and He gives us peace."
"Do you think this kind of fasting will make me listen to your prayers?"
"There's nothing so small that He doesn't hear your request because He lends an ear."
"God really does pay attention to the hearts and minds of people."
"The Lord has given heed to your affliction."
"God sees your cries, hears your prayers, and feels your pain; he is there, attentive and ready to provide."
"I'm always on God's mind; He never stops watching me."
"Thanksgiving will gain Heaven's attention."
"There is nothing that gets heaven's attention like a wounded worshiper."