
Friends Quotes

There are 711 quotes

"You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family."
"The best support system in the world is good friends."
"Life and everything will be okay with friends and family by your side."
"Never worry about your enemies because if anything happens to you, they will be the first suspects. Worry about your friends because nobody will ever suspect them."
"Hug your parents alive, or your close loved ones, your friends, your family, give them a big hug."
"People want to reconnect with their families, reconnect with their friends."
"It's just it's got nothing to do with anything it's not serious it's just me and it's a good excuse for me to hang out with a couple of my friends every week and just just shoot the [ __ ]."
"This romantic agreement you might make turbocharged by maybe a friend or an ally is going to play out as positive marital type developments."
"A party with your friends is probably the best kind of party."
"It's fun to lie to your friends, sneak around, and play that [__] game."
"Here's to friends I wish I was with, the enemies I am with now."
"I'm so lucky I have the most amazing family and I have the most amazing friends and they're actually all here tonight."
"Haunted Sorcerer: All My Friends Are Dead, but we still hang out."
"Finding sincere family and friends is priceless happiness."
"Meanwhile all right guys so the boys finally got here."
"We're gonna have some fun, I've got a bunch of friends from Jordan visiting which is nice, haven't seen those guys in a while."
"You could also quite happily sit here with your mates and enjoy a few cocktails before I get to the bar."
"Big thank you to my friends and family who came on this trip with me, you guys are amazing."
"It's just a fun way to interact with your friends"
"Appreciate your family, your friends, and what you got going because nothing's perfect."
"We wanted to make a big world where you could spend time with your friends that was meaningful, and I think we've gotten closer than we've ever been with this."
"Be sure to watch till the end of the video to see some of my favorite ways that I have trolled my friends."
"I honestly had such an amazing time this was like one of the days where like all of my girls side got to know the boys sides cousins and friends."
"And now the next time your friend's gaming rig crashes, you can drop a caerulean screen reference."
"While this is a lot of fun playing on your own, it's going to be so much better playing with friends."
"You just need a good parking spot, a few friends, yeah, and you can take disclosure to the people."
"I definitely think she did want a night out with friends."
"There are certain occasions uh where I'm gonna want to drink like drinking on certain occasions with your friends is fun it makes it fun."
"Love is not just about romantic love. It's also about love that stems from family and friends."
"Thank you so much to my friends and my family that bought me presents."
"Enjoy the moment with your family and friends."
"Do you think 'Friends' would still be a successful show?"
"I remember always tossing these in my bags whenever I'm going out on a night out of town with some friends."
"I'm about to go out to have dinner with my friends."
"I'm going to the beach with Grace and Ally in a little bit."
"My friends and I are meeting at our favorite brunch spot on Sunday."
"It allowed people to stay intact with the friends that they currently have."
"Tonight's going to be so fun, I'm so excited to ring in the new year with all of my favorite people in my apartment."
"There is truly nothing more I could ask for than just the friends and family in my life."
"What's most important in life for you? That family, family and friends."
"It's the final life cheat code... how do I really enjoy this life and building things ideally maybe you want for yourself and also doing it with the people, family, and friends that matter to you."
"A good life to me is having a garden and your friends and eating food that you want to eat."
"When you have friends of faith... you know you're heading in the same direction."
"Having friends of faith... has been pivotal in my life."
"My friends of faith challenge me... there's no fear or timidity in calling me out to the truth."
"There is nothing more special than going over to a family member's house or a friend's house and they've cooked a meal for you."
"So literally, I think you could probably put eight or ten of your best friends right here in this cockpit, all comfortable."
"Every week we gather a group of our friends here in the NLB Studio to show you just how much fun board gaming can be."
"Hello, friends and welcome to our wedding video."
"You're being empathetic to your classmates and your friends for their issues."
"I highly encourage that you call your friends today and you get something on the calendar."
"Well, that's crazy; it's going to be a story my friends will love to hear."
"Hello Friends, Wizards, Witches and Muggles!"
"You can really see the Sumter of a Woman by how her friends talk about her."
"Crown is heavy, I pray they my real friends. If not, I don't like you anyway."
"Friends, please always listen to your gut and stay safe out there."
"Have a staycation. You can either make this in your house if you want a more affordable free version or I, a while ago, went to stay at a hotel in downtown with two of my friends. It was so much fun and felt like being a tourist in my own city."
"I'm thankful for my family, my friends, and the Mandalorian."
"This is so beautiful. I wish my friends were here."
"My rumors and I all managed to buy slightly different sizes of the same soy sauce."
"I lost him, but I lost my friends too."
"There's just so much I want to catch up with you guys on."
"Don't involve your friends in your relationship. Point-blank period. Do not involve your friends and your relationship."
"The biggest compliment you can get is from your family and friends."
"Good food, good friends, and a bill worth every bite."
"Goku is thrilled to hear that his friends have reached King Kai's realm."
"I'm mainly going to focus on a lot of my friends and the people that I personally watch on book but I did do an Instagram story a few days ago asking for other people's recommendations."
"Now we gotta go get your room cleaned up so you can have friends over, right?"
"We're back in LA now and Tiff is here we're still hanging out."
"For her family and friends, Gilbert and Elliot's actions are unconscionable."
"Each week we assemble a group of our friends and play a game to show you how much fun board gaming can be, even under the constraints of lockdown."
"I gave you guys access to a private live stream that I was doing for like a Roku TV channel or whatever with my friend L Triana and my friend Ma"
"I want this room to be conversational...I want there to be able to be like it's not just you alone on your couch looking at the fireplace like yeah what if you have friends I mean hopefully you do."
"I gathered some of the coolest summer hacks I can find for you and your friends to try out."
"Wait, we should make more of these with different characters and give them to our friends. That's a great idea. Come on, let's get more supplies."
"It wasn't long before neither Lauren nor her friends could move."
"You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends. Treat them just like they're treating you. If they have the courage to treat you that way, then you need to have the same amount of courage and treat them the exact way that they're treating you."
"Either way, it was enough to scare me and my friends for a very long time."
"Have you ever went over a friend's house I mean the macaroni so I get a cheese though ass."
"I think they're just like chatting back and forth with like Sam yeah okay my girl but yeah Paul that's kind of"
"Luckily we had some friends who had a college house not too far away and we ended up going there to spend the night."
"I don't lack for friends... I find my relationship with my wife to be extremely satisfying."
"I've got friends who eat the same as me and they're like Mac steaks."
"It was the friends we made along the way."
"Family, friends, and community is what is most important."
"Hope that you get to spend some quality time with your friends and your loved ones."
"I think ultimately the rating comes down to do you have fun watching it with friends."
"But then I look at some of my other friends kids."
"You can play this alone with Bots or with up to seven of your friends alog together."
"Go on little adventures with your buddies. Get yourself a treat."
"Being around friends and family members is going to feel so uplifting for you, even if it feels like these connections are not the most stable right now. And it really is coming from this place of you being in your power and you being bold."
"My friends said I'd be really good for you."
"It's one I would happily recommend to friends and family if they needed a budget setup."
"I think it's a great reminder that you shouldn't lower your standards, even if your family and friends are telling you to."
"So no one told you that was going to be this way."
"I have found a healthy balance between being with friends and having self-care time."
"I'm hoping being around friends and good energy and good vibes I can at least temporarily put my problems to the side."
"You haven't won the league since friends was on the air."
"Preparing for a special holiday with special people, your closest family and friends, can often be the most fun. Indeed, the very best part of the holidays."
"This is the burger I make for my family and friends, the people that are most important to me."
"We recently grilled burgers and brats for all of our friends."
"Our relationship matters and our friends matter and our lives matter."
"Road trip way up North we're heading up to Sheffield uh to visit my friends at Cobra sport."
"Now I feel good about myself I'm about to go spend the rest of my day with my family and friends."
"Later skaters, let's hyperfixate and share our joy together, friends."
"Returning to Japan, Yugi reunited with his friends embraces the notion that everyone possesses their own identity."
"Look who's decided to show up, I told you I had mates!"
"I love that influen your friends to do the same thing which is honestly such a gift to your loved ones"
"The best times of our lives are spent with family and friends."
"Honestly I can't like my face is hurting from having all my favorite people in the same place at the same time."
"Having dinner with family and friends, such moments are worth a lot."
"Anna is the best sister ever. She's always super supportive and helping her friends and her family."
"All that matters in life is friends and family."
"It's just mini golf which is the perfect game to play with family and friends."
"Abby wants to know what happened to her friends at the pizzeria."
"If they brought back 'Friends' and did that [__] to one of the cast members and 'Friends,' I would reign hell fire upon them."
"This is going to be the three Fs is what I'm going to call it: family fun and friends."
"However your friends are speaking, that's how also you speak."
"It's a great gift that you can give to your friends and family."
"Watching your videos makes me feel like I'm with friends."
"I absolutely love my friends on like say booktube and the people I've met through booktube and I just love how books can really bring a community together."
"Sit back and join us as some very scary friends and I share these tales of terror."
"I got to see a few old friends. Shoutout to Cassandra."
"Shoutout to Scarlet who's been waking up for my 11:30 AM Pacific Time."
"I was in my room for maybe an hour before leaving and meeting up with my friends again."
"South Africans and I have a lot of friends here and a lot of fans here."
"It's gonna be a really nice evening if anybody else needs any fun ideas to do with friends."
"My childhood friends, they literally, I was at the altar and I look at my phone because I'm...I got there a little early and one guy goes 'don't get married yet' in an Uber and I'm like that's a classic text from a childhood friend right there."
"Video games are fleeting happiness, time with family and friends is forever."
"Very excited to host all of you, abira, djit, pranit, Rohit. All of you are ready, we'll start. Yep, cool, alright, let's do this!"
"I raised his money for the Ryan Terry foundation and because because of the these guns but hey I would like to talk about some of my friends that were killed by some of these guns in Mexico and some of the people that were killed down there that you will never learn about."
"Wow, this year went by super [ __ ] fast, my friends."
"...every one of those friends I lost had family too they had children or they had wives or they had Parents."
"As I tell my friends when they ask that, it's enough to be flattering but not enough to be annoying."
"Being with friends and family, smiling all the time, just being happy."
"White boys don't have rhythm like my friends."
"Can I touch it? Geller Bowl '77, Ross, '78 Ross, '79 Monica, '80 Ross, '81 Monica, '82 Monica, '83 Charlie!"
"The ways of politics are hard to understand. Ramos, you have no friends, you have only followers and competitors."
"Welcome all our friends to another out of the world Adventure by our favorite Superstars featuring the Batman Superman Martian Manhunter Wonder Woman Green Lantern and the Flash."
"Plus, you get the enjoyment spending time with your family spending time with your friends."
"Crawling out of the back seat, Mr. Fab Dupont who had come from New York for my birthday, and I had no idea he was coming. That was fun."
"Good day, all right. So I'll see all y'all out on the road. Vaya con dios, amigos."
"I have tea, I have an update, so Le and I took Chelsea, Nick, and Case to our new house to just see updates."
"I like to spend time with my family and close friends."
"Shout out to you all. Shout out to my friends, shout out to my family, my actual family, when I say family I'm not talking about blood, I'm talking about my people."
"I think it's the type of film that allows you to talk about stuff with your friends and family."
"I thought my hunting trip with my friends was going to be like any other trip."
"And now he's got the best life full of friends, Adventure, and love."
"It is really special to have family and friends in the stands."
"I don't have any friends in the industry, so it's quite lonely."
"Walking into the bridal shower, I'm thinking I don't want to be here, but these are my friends who supported me throughout all of these years, and I owe them the truth."
"It's not hard to create community here and make friends and integrate."
"Pray for your family and friends."
"Family and friends and relationships have been kind of instrumental in terms of coming to a place of wellness and stability with my journey."
"Learning can be fun, learn with some friends."
"I owe my friends honesty, I owe my family honesty, I owe my partner honesty."
"The emotional ups and downs of that — our friends are alive! Help is on the way! It won’t get here in time — are just [chef’s kiss]."
"Moe may seem tragic at times, but he at least probably has the most loyal friends of all."
"It was just such good energy, and my friends were just good. It wasn't boring."
"Happy birthday to all of our friends who are celebrating their birthdays this week."
"My SRT friends do really well last weekend."
"It feels so good to be with my family and friends."
"Quality time with friends and family is really important, but prices have increased on so many things."
"You gotta let yourself slow down like that because I got friends who are straight hustlers, bro, who honestly like I don't think they really ever really take time off."
"You can't do anything about your family but you can choose your friends."
"You're there to make money, not friends."
"This is one product that I recommend to all my friends and all of my friends have like gotten it since then."
"I'm really grateful for you guys."
"These kebabs are great for like a backyard barbecue with friends, nothing fancy here but tasty, you know? I mean, it's like what more can you ask for other than this?"
"All of my friends were teachers who were pretty impressed by my academic record, but they were also adults with lives and responsibilities."
"Friends were what she needed tonight."
"Take your family, take your friends, make some good memories."
"I'm so excited to be back here at school for my college hogs and just excitedly that with all my friends and everything."
"The only thing you need to be worried about is having fun with your friends. That's it."
"It's like having an excuse to have all of your friends and favorite people come together just for like one gathering."
"It's just a ton of fun, the camaraderie, and hanging out with friends is just a ton of fun."
"Guarantee you family and friends gonna love it."
"Spend more time with friends and family. Keep the family close, keep the friends close."
"I'll make a world where my friends can eat as much as they want."
"He just wants to be evil with his friends."
"Strangers support you more than your own family and friends do, you know? More than your own family and friends do, you know?"
"I'll tell you my favorite is The Leftovers though oh yeah I may date myself with this one but the turkey sandwich with the moist maker in the middle you know what a moist maker is you know if you don't you need to go watch Friends."
"Thank you friends and fiends for digging into this creepy colorful (overthought?) Corpse Bride Color Theory video!"
"That's what it's all about at the end of the day is those times with loved ones and your buddies and your family and just you know it's those memories they live on way past a big fish or a big deer or anything."
"Trying to embarrass me in front of my friends."
"Guess what my friends, guess what my friends also don't forget March 7th through the 10th."
"If your friends have good habits you're gonna have good habits."
"You guys, I have awesome news! My mom says she's taking me to Casa Bonita in Denver and I get to invite three friends."
"True friends, now that's a true friend, homies."
"Utilize your friends for stuff for your wedding because I promise you most of the time they're gonna put their heart and soul into it."
"What a crazy day with the boys from Triple F."
"The kitchen would be the Envy of all your friends."
"Make new friends, see new places."
"It was honestly the best Saturday morning spent it with the girls."
"Even now we're still lively and having fun with our friends."
"Good Tucker, good friends, and a bloody good time."
"I feel happy here, all my friends are here, I have a life here, I feel very comfortable here."
"I'm gonna be doing a challenge video today where my friends get to pick out what I upcycle and I have absolutely no say in what they choose."
"I'm protective of my friends so when he broke through my hold on the door and took his first step inside I went apeshit unlike I ever had before"
"People first. People first. He who dies with the most friends wins. That's why family is so important friends come second and then money maybe and then stuff is way down on the list stuff doesn't matter that much what matters is you guys."