
Consumer Trends Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Toy companies are thankful this Christmas for the rise of a new demographic they call 'cadults' - adults who still buy children's toys for themselves."
"What we're seeing in 2024 is the customer isn't quite on the same journey as the manufacturers."
"What's happened now is [companies] said, 'Oh, people will pay a premium for food that doesn't use glyphosate or doesn't use chemicals. Why don't we sell them that food?' And now it's become a dominant source of their produce sales."
"Consumer trends are starting to root for the small independents."
"Demand for organic food is at a record high among consumers. And it's only going up."
"It's never too late. I wouldn't trade where I am to go back and beyond."
"Subscription boxes have become such a trend."
"My success seems to have been just being five to seven years ahead of the normal consumer trend."
"Tastes are evolving. Our customers want artisanal food and authentic experience."
"Purchasing an EV starts looking less like just an interesting option for many consumers and more like a product that is impossible to ignore."
"Peak car means that the world has essentially reached the point where it finally has pretty much all the cars that it needs."
"Americans are now buying into... this concept of shared scooters, shared bikes, shared boards."
"New styles every year, new special colors every year, marginal technological improvement."
"Dunkin' is all about a quick, affordable menu and making trends accessible to everyone."
"Physical disks are not going anywhere and I honestly think that in a few years or even sooner you're going to see a resurgence."
"Consumers want more convenience, and the medical industry is at the forefront of a major shift."
"Over time that yeah voting with you all can become more more powerful and has over time I think that's probably how it's gone I would expect that from now."
"It is liberating to say okay now something like streaming to any device streaming to an android phone right it makes complete sense because that's where the customers are."
"Customers have also developed an ever-greater interest in cheeses that are craft-made, locally sourced, ethically produced and environmentally sustainable."
"Ready-to-eat foods are still in high demand."
"In 1994 more Americans than ever before were drinking non-carbonated juices and teas, a $5.3 billion market."
"We're looking at the top 10 cars sold in the United States in 2022."
"Cruise ships, Las Vegas bookings, and airline miles—all three of them are record highs."
"People were cooped up for two years... and they're saying look I'm gonna go travel."
"It's so simple and yet so desirable... I just hope that the popularity around this car pushes Honda's design."
"Artists crying about people consuming AI products don't matter if the product is good and people want it."
"Consumers are flocking to the theaters once again."
"The focus on microtransactions is not going anywhere."
"Groceries are shaping up to be a top spending priority for younger generations."
"The trend has skyrocketed in the US consumers identifying as vegan grew from one percent all the way up to six percent."
"Sales of emergency foods and equipment have soared to record levels."
"Brands are really thinking about what people want in terms of sustainable products."
"By December of 2018, eight of the top 10 toys sold were all L.O.L. Surprise brand."
"The world of standalone is becoming something that people want more and more."
"Brands are embracing that selling us stuff which used to be looked on as just dirty is now actually environmentally the right thing to do."
"October 2020 is shaping up to be an insane month when it comes to sneaker releases."
"Bud Light is uncool nobody wants to buy it now you're going to see that rejection of this because a regular person who normally just follows the trends it's gonna be like I I don't I don't drink Bud Light whatever you say guys."
"Who is using JP Morgan Chase more than ever before? Young people. Millennials."
"I'm betting on the consumer for 2021 and technology is like where else are you gonna go right now."
"Shrinkflation: prices are going up, but products are getting smaller."
"It's clear the industry will keep providing both types of games...actually evolving in a positive direction."
"More people are excited about Game Pass than they are about owning an Xbox."
"Trends aren't for you? Why click the video? They matter, they're interesting, and they're in the shops - it's how the process works."
"It's not just items that you'll be buying through kiosks."
"I'm super excited to watch that this year, I would love to see more Brands, more affordable Brands pop up."
"It's who has vision...understanding consumer...historical trends and pattern recognition."
"People have weird things, like buying worn tights or bathwater."
"They're sold out everywhere! So crazy how these little guys went viral."
"Big new titles are starting to come out, and people are coming to our theaters again."
"Did you know that like toilet paper and the webcams you can't buy bikes anymore?"
"Pros: people aren't going to stop buying big SUVs anytime soon."
"Champagne sales have reached an all-time high last year with 320 million bottles sold."
"People are buying experiences now not just products."
"AMD and Nvidia know how many gamers are getting them."
"DNA tests are a trendy holiday gift and many sent in their samples to find out about their ancestry or health."
"Groceries are the hottest new Splurge category."
"The story of sacran, the world's first artificial sweetener, is a story of Science, Industry regulation, and of consumers seeking a way to have a sweet treat without the guilt."
"It's all about style points, RGB sells and everyone's doing it."
"Consumers are starting to move away from sanitizing everything in their home to really taking care of their bodies more."
"The Apple Watch will become more important to consumers."
"The scales have definitely been tipped in favor of the road glide as far as rider preferences."
"Not everyone deserves to catch on, but some have caught on."
"Guitars are selling trust me you guys are out there buying it's still crazy out there it's crazy."
"Shoppers spent more on back-to-work apparel and clothing for special occasions."
"The new consumer where the money is at is always gonna be the new interesting thing."
"Any new Jordan that releases, any GR ones are great right now."
"Reportedly, buffet traffic is up 125% over the last 2 years, outpacing both fast casual chains and full service restaurants alike."
"Consumers worldwide are flocking to aloe as they embrace more natural products."
"More and more people are buying these HomePod minis. Apple sold four million of these last year."
"These prices are way more tolerable and a phone being basically under 400 bucks nowadays when you factor in the Amazon deal is a pretty nice change of pace."
"They're starting to turn around to that again instead of it only being direct to consumer."
"Consumers are moving away from internal combustion engine vehicles; their sales are declining in a volatile manner while electric vehicle sales are surging."
"In 2024 a lot more people are going to be very conscious about buying eco-friendly products and buying things that are sustainable, that are healthy and good for the Earth."
"They know that the consumer nowadays is using a lot of smart devices."
"Consumer behavior is shifting radically with the rise of e-commerce and new technologies."
"Consumer behavior is shifting; people would rather watch a video than read an article."
"Isn't it strange how we see this blend of the new time watch buyer and the high-end collector pieces in the same area?"
"There is a segment of consumer that's growing, that wants to premiumize; they want to feel good about paying up for not just a product but an experience."
"This is a really popular camera, and a lot of people are picking one up for the first time just now."
"We are moving in a direction where people are looking for authentic goods to bring into their home."
"The frozen food section has gone next-level recently."
"Sparkling water sales are hot and sales of it have nearly tripled over the past 10 years."
"Recently, large-scale dairy farms have exploded in China as milk drinks become ever more popular among the country's 1.4 billion consumers."
"People are spending more money on experiences than they are on commodities like it was 10 years ago."
"By next year, 100 million consumers will shop in AR online as well as retail."
"Direct to consumer is not a trend. It is the way retail always should have been."
"Visualized identities have evolved to reflect the current generation of consumers and have become crucial for business."
"The watch world, as in the customers, are now slowly starting to say through their purchases and their interests, 'Hey, we're ready for you guys to hit the gas again.'"
"Understanding consumer trends unlocks opportunities for sellers because then you're able to gauge what consumers want and when they want it."
"My job as a marketer is to always think ahead and be with consumer trends in demand."