
Ridicule Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"You laugh at my dreams, Adam. I'm sorry you laughed at my dreams straight to my face."
"The most potent weapons known to man are satire and ridicule."
"The fact that these women... endure the ridicule that they do and they just keep going, try it."
"Every big idea, and probably most of the small ones too, that we now understand to be true were once promoted by one or a couple of people and they were roundly mocked."
"All truths pass through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Secondly, it is violently opposed. And thirdly, it is taken as being self-evident."
"It's a moral good to...ridicule [absurd ideas]...otherwise, they're gonna become pervasive."
"We have more than a right to ridicule them; we have an obligation, a positive duty to ridicule them."
"We're a laughing stock." - "We're a laughing stock."
"Let's strip them of their committees let's mock them on the floor of the house well done Lauren Bobert."
"Ridicule is man's most potent Weapon." - Saul Alinsky
"He's a laughingstock, a buffoon, and a roomful of lunatics are like, 'Yes, we're finally leading the asylum, right?'"
"Sounds to me like they're laughing at you behind your back."
"Every visionary is ridiculed, and if people aren't laughing at your dreams, you're not dreaming big enough."
"Do not make yourself into the laughingstock of the world."
"You treat with ridicule that which is ridiculous."
"There should have been follow up with regard to these reports, unfortunately, in some cases, as we could see from these witnesses, what they got was ridicule rather than interest. That's extremely unfortunate."
"While you prance around in four-pound diaper shorts."
"I think one of the best weapons we have in this world is to point a finger at the ridiculous and ridicule them."
"Laugh at them. That just means the most high got you to a point and place where he can work with you."
"The fear of ridicule is a powerful tool to manipulate you."
"People who ridicule you are doing it out of their own insecurity and fear."
"When you stay silent, you are at the mercy of the victimizer."
"I'd rather face ridicule for doing what's right."
"Ridicule is so far from my biggest fear. I find joy in it."
"Billions of people around the world are mocked, ridiculed, laughed at, and embarrassed by their friends, family, and even strangers."
"Norms are all but gone now and in most cases norms are to be socially ridiculed."
"This dumbass who can't even answer, is he his master?"
"Ridicule is one of the most important things you can do to break the fear and actually help unite people."
"I've been ridiculed so much in my life, but we fight the stupidity."
"Persia reveals her aim for higher power to change the world, even though people laugh at her."
"It changed your name to McLovin? McLovin? What kind of a stupid name is that, Fogell?"
"It's a damn shame that his name will go down as the laughing stock of hip hop."
"There have been many times throughout history where some kind of idea or innovation is introduced to the world, and then it gets ridiculed and discouraged, and then eventually just fades away into obscurity."
"Madonna goes through this too and it's the last thing I think you can make fun of openly and not get shamed for."
"The French collapse in the face of Hitler's war machine has left it the butt of cheap jokes ever since."
"Are you kidding us? The map in Barbie Land is a childlike Crown drawing of some sea." - Warner Brothers film group spokesperson
"...eventually began ridiculing and criticizing..."
"At the end of the film, it was informed that Percy’s belief in the lost city had been the subject of ridicule for almost a century."
"Every truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed, then argued against vigorously, and finally, it is self-evident."
"Back in the day when cell phones first came out, if you recorded something vertical like you were laughed at, you were laughed at."
"You might as well have put the clown emoji, 'cause that's what you look like right now."
"It's actually almost hilarious how foolish this man is."
"Jack making a mistake, people making fun of it."
"Someone give that man a clown nose. Give him two clown noses, one for the butt and one for the nose."
"Satire and ridicule, even when parroled and tasteless, are terrifying to autocrats and protected by democracy."
"I am Frank Draper, his only motive the only thing we know about him is that David would make fun of his ears."
"These men would have barbecues with me as the biggest clown of 2023 the very next day."
"You look so stupid. You're so romantic."
"Ridicule is nothing to be scared of."
"Everyone makes fun of the Lizard League until they [ __ ] murder you."
"'I watched Care Bears The Movie.' I die a little. How can anyone say that with any shred of dignity? How can anyone speak that with any pride?"
"For me to think that a woman would complete me as well and that I couldn't be able to do anything that my life's been stifled because I don't have a woman in my life would be very ridiculous and would actually be very horrible to do that to the world."
"They've had a lot of laughs at my expense."
"Ridiculous is that what you said when she confronted you?"
"You are a joke, and just the same as all of those losers, all those Fat Sweaty losers, you are a complete joke."
"In the war, there were lots of songs taking the piss out of Hitler, weren't there?"
"They're looking right down on the ground, they're kind of on all fours, peering into the dirt in the ground, and of course if you mention what that's going to look like on stage, it's a stupid kind of ignominious posture."
"Following trends is a surefire way to have future generations laugh at you."
"I'm more interested in experimentation, innovation, and laughing at fools like you."
"So if I understand you correctly, abstinence is okay if somebody can do it, but people, because what I see happening is people that can do it are kind of shamed and ridiculed."
"Ridicule weakness and against all fear we must outgrow these emotions."
"These people are a special kind of clown."
"They'll only achieve the opposite, proving how primitive they are," Brilla retorts with ridicule.
"Human love by itself is insufficient, if insufficient there, it can be ridiculed and mocked."
"I'd like to have people stand on the platform and laugh at me before because of my two-stop-him. I don't mind."
"'Do you like imagining all the women of your acquaintance find you charming? That is the only way I can account for that ridiculous idea.'"
"it's ridiculous that means everybody hates them"
"I think religions greatest trick wasn't convincing some people that there was a God who was all powerful. It was convincing everyone else that you couldn't ridicule the idea."
"It's way more fun to come up here and be like, 'You know who's dumb as hell?'"
"You made fun of her hair so you went bald."
"I thought it was just pathetic. This movie doesn't have fun with the character. It makes fun of the character. It had to be cruel to laugh at that guy."
"Ridicule others for only ever buying the latest thing that will probably have lost its value two years from now."
"He doesn't come from any position of authority. Yeah, so the fact that everyone else is laughing means that everyone is an idiot."
"For someone with such a fragile ego and who's clearly really obsessed with looking powerful and strong, it's just given us so much fodder to make fun of him with."
"Ridicule is a man's most potent weapon."
"It's absolutely hilarious to me that this woman is trying to claim that she was manipulated into this situation."
"That sounds so ridiculous, that's embarrassing."
"He was literally used as like a whoopy cushion for the internet to fart with."
"You're just a sad strange little man."
"No wonder your mustache don't like your [__] self, trying to get away even your stash is trying to get away from you man."
"You [__] ruined your best friend's gonna get some [__] non-speaking English-speaking [__] guy that he can't even communicate with."
"I'm already the butt of enough jokes."
"It is really goofy and whatever, but it is really, really damaging too."
"We shouldn't be afraid of being laughed at for adhering to what the scriptures say."
"I saw that I thought it was so ridiculous."
"I was kind of made fun of for it and kind of belittled."
"Nobody likes to be laughed at or thought to be crazy."
"Isn't it a shame that you can't just openly talk about an experience like that with anyone that you want to without fear of being ridiculed?"
"You should never be afraid of being ridiculed, ignored, abused, or punished by someone you say you love."
"Faith radical ridiculous faith faith that'll stand by itself and say I still believe laugh at me talk about me make jokes of me look funny at me but I still believe."
"People always make a little fun of those who know something more and something harder about things that ordinary people who haven't put in the study, they know about."
"Every visionary was first ridiculed before they were revered."
"I think that it is entirely appropriate to ridicule that which is ridiculous."
"People fear ridicule and people fear the unknown."
"Now you'd have to face them. They'd mock you again because you are here on this earth at all."
"Every time you ridicule someone else, you're critiquing God's work."
"If we dispatch the entire sect to look for a single person, we'll surely become a laughing stock if the word gets out."
"It's hard to be that sympathetic to a situation where you're being subjected to ridicule for a largely accurate depiction of what you did."
"Let them laugh if you're aiming for the top."
"I've told this story to a few people over the years, but I stopped telling it after I was ridiculed for it."
"What was supposed to be a quick victory is leaving him with an egg on his face."
"They laughed at my hustle, but to me, it was my... I was just building my dreams."
"Sometimes people will risk being ridiculed for something for a greater good, for the bigger picture."
"You're just gonna make yourself miserable at the cost of trying to get some short-term laughs at the expense of others."
"Men of vision have always had to put up with laughter."
"Don't be afraid of people laughing at you."
"Being ridiculed for being weird was better than being ridiculed for things he couldn't control."
"This path, I wanted wholly to go over you. I never thought I'd fall to this state today, allowing you to come and laugh at me."
"You bought when everybody's making fun of you."
"You ridiculed him. I don't think he's at all ridiculous but you find him ridiculous."
"People always laughing at somebody talking about their dreams."
"They laughed at me, they called me crazy, but I was really betrayed by a kiss."
"They're all laughing at me, this Empress who is majestic. Her flesh rotting, little by little."
"People kept laughing at me because I couldn't read."