
Global Leadership Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"There's no country in the world better positioned to lead the world than America."
"American universities when it comes to STEM are still leading universities in the world."
"The United States responded to an uncertain and unstable post-war world by asserting and working to maintain a position of global leadership with far-reaching domestic and international consequences."
"For the first time in my memory, leaders of the nations of the world... are looking at one another as humans with a common goal."
"In just a few short decades, they've come to lead the world in science, technology, education, TV and film, music, and sports."
"Whoever owns the next global technological frontier is going to own the leadership of the 21st century."
"The United States is determined to defend and strengthen democracy at home and around the world. Because I believe democracy remains humanity’s greatest instrument to address the challenges of our time."
"Within just 10 years of the beginning of their operations, by 2006, Qatar had already overtaken all of its LNG competitors to become the largest exporter of LNG in the world."
"Global leaders, all of them, every single time, energy security trumps climate security. Look at the action, not the words."
"We led the world in legislation against modern-day slavery."
"America remains the one indispensable nation. And the world needs a strong America."
"The corporate finance corporations... government leaders... media... academia."
"The world scares me where it is... there became a void of leadership around the world."
"The engineering ability is absolutely second to none worldwide."
"The US is finally retaken the lead but they might not last."
"The United States has to be a world leader. If there's any lesson we learned from World War II, it is that the United States is a world leader."
"Whining isn't competing. The failure to take a hard look at our own shortcomings and doing something about them, not China, is the main threat to our global leadership."
"He was clear as day where he stood and where the western world needed to stand. I hope it will be followed up with more action."
"America is the leader of the free world, and every time we take a step back from being involved in these large multinational trade agreements, somebody else is filling that vacuum."
"We will not let autocrats and would-be emperors dictate the direction of the world."
"Our challenge here is a necessary foundation for restoring and advancing our leadership around the world."
"The entire world will seek after him as they have no other leader ever before."
"Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, regarded by many as the most powerful man in the world, serving as the president of Russia since 2012."
"This hand’s off approach demonstrates China’s desire to maintain its currently neutral stance regarding the Ukraine war, in hopes of trying to establish Beijing’s bid for global leadership."
"America will continue to lead the effort to prevent the spread of the world's most dangerous weapons."
"America does something and that leads the world in the opposite direction."
"The really good news over here is that America isn’t leading the world anymore; it’s China and India."
"If we seed leadership, if we're no longer the leader of the Free World, then the world is going to look for different leaders."
"The United States be a true superpower not based on our military power... but based on the fact that we were champions of human rights..."
"Putin will be remembered as one of the most important global leaders."
"America sets the tone for the world... the world needs Donald Trump."
"We are the ventilator king of the world, supplying the whole world now."
"Rich countries need to lead by example at this point, need to demonstrate solidarity."
"The U.S is the world's leader and to regain in terms of doing very well on a global economic scale." - Mike McGloan
"The world does need a civilized coordinator in international relations, and in settling global problems."
"Women run finance ministries in 16 countries and 14 of the world's central banks."
"Our health care system, while not perfect, produces the best doctors, medicine, research anywhere in the world."
"I think it's time for the Beijing consensus. This is the only nation state capable of acting at the kind of scale and extent which is necessary to avoid systems breakdown."
"Putin probably knows more about energy and commodities than all the leaders of NATO put together."
"Tesla has the best real-world AI team on Earth, period."
"We need to have confidence that the market is our financial Market or Securities Market in particular is the best in the world."
"China is going to play a leading role in this new phase of globalization."
"We need only look to the United Nations Secretary General, to the IMF, the EU, as Petersburg climate dialogue, the Canadian government, the COP 26, universities Network, and Business Leaders around the world to see this."
"Do we need leaders like him? The world is showing that we need it by his election."
"Per capita, they were leading the one of the main leading countries of getting people vaccinated."
"Eventually the nations are going to come together... it's all going to become one world leader, Antichrist."
"And what a time it will be when Jesus comes as the Messianic King to rule the nations from Jerusalem."
"It also is about our shared values of democracy and freedom and how Taiwan has been an example to the world in that regard."
"Global leaders are blatant in their wheeling dealing and scheming."
"China and Russia are leading a world independent from Western dictats."
"Name me one world leader who changed places with Xi Jinping."
"The decline of the United States... it's no longer the reliable governor of the world system it was for a while."
"The great countries, the great leaders are the ones who have embraced Bitcoin; the weak leaders are the ones who are saying no, we've got to control things."
"Collaborative efforts on matters like the opioid crisis and international conflicts underscore the shared responsibility that comes with Global Leadership."
"America has, in my view, continues to lead in that effort. We've shipped for free more vaccines around the world than all other countries in the world combined—every other country combined."
"Congratulations to you guys for taking the world stage and being the leaders."
"That brings us right full circle to what you said about China and about how the United States is being, um, you know, beat by China. China's becoming the world economic leader."
"America must take the lead on devising a comprehensive global economic strategy."
"India emerges as the world's premier Democratic Powerhouse."
"I saw Marcus Rogers step up and begin talking to world leaders."
"World leaders call for monumental transformation to tackle climate change."
"We are leading on both fronts at home and around the world, and we have to do both." - Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
"If the Americans are going to drop the mantle of leadership is there anyone out there who can step up and replace displace the Americans?"
"Is there anyone else out there that can pick it up, someone who can replace, displace the United States as the global hegemon?"
"Every presidential election in America... should be in charge of the world."
"The United States is one of the most powerful and influential nations on the planet."
"We've completed more than 19 million tests, the most anywhere in the world by far."
"The end of the pandemic is in sight." - Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
"After I win, we get to advance not just the US but Western civilization and then the rest of the world."
"We desperately need a global ruler, but what we need is the Prince of Peace."
"We're going to lead the world again, not a joke."
"We're going to have a new world order out there, and we've got to lead it."
"Bangalore's has to be primed to emerge as a global leader in tech with its nation's investment in education and innovation paving the way for a potential overthrow of Silicon Valley as the center of the tech universe."
"Setting an example to the world of what it means to be leaders in global stability and showing the way forward."
"The great political scientist Stephen Holmes said, 'Traditionally universities have trained leaders for nations, but the global network university is training leaders for global civil society.'"
"We can help more people move from hatred to hope all across the world, in our own interest, if Congress gives us the means to remain the world's leader for peace."
"I think we ought to be a superpower in every way, not just the strongest military and the most economic influence and cultural influence but I think we ought to be the number one nation on earth working for peace."
"We need a turnaround in the economy. And then, hopefully, we need some global leadership that is thinking beyond a four-year term of political office."
"China leads the world in e-commerce."
"I still believe that America is the last best hope on earth. We just have to show the world why this is so."
"Calmer heads, adults in the room, need to really innovate in the sense of how do we avoid global catastrophe, world war, nuclear fallout."
"It is imperative that we make the United Nations relevant to all people through global leadership and shared responsibilities for peaceful, equitable, and sustainable societies."
"We're a global innovation leader."
"I feel like I'm in the United Nations General Assembly but with new leaders, future leaders of our planet."
"For anybody who wants to be involved as a global leader, as a global citizen, there are more opportunities than ever before."
"America will continue to be number one as long as we are just as hungry as other countries."
"We continue to be the best in the world at understanding and working within cyber."
"We've done a lot of reprocessing, 55,000 tons, that's more than the rest of the world put together through that one facility. It's a heck of an achievement."
"Sooner or later, China is going to have to lean to one side on this issue, and how it leans will say a lot about its aspirations for world leadership."
"Now, the US is still very much the leader but not in the same dominant way."
"We are a global leader in the creation, production, distribution, licensing, and marketing of all forms of entertainment."
"This type of economic coercion is not what we expect from a trusted world leader; it is what we expect from an organized criminal syndicate."
"The United States is interested in creating perhaps the American century, a world of free trade, global agreements, a world of enterprise and commerce."
"In the end, a brilliant strategy is the key to global domination."
"He was Secretary-General during an extraordinary time to be the Secretary-General."
"India has clearly arrived as a Global leader, and its recent moon landing has only elevated its status."