
United Nations Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"The United Nations was founded on the principle of decolonization, not recolonization."
"Security Council resolutions are binding. We call on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the United Nations Charter."
"The United Nations' Founding Charter calls upon us, 'to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security.'"
"Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations -- if it were that easy, it would have been accomplished by now."
"We're talking according to the UN, 200 million to a billion climate refugees within a few years."
"I thought you did a wonderful job there. It's also one of the best jobs in American politics. You literally go to the U.N. and yell at dictators, which is an amazing, amazing job."
"I have been strong, in United Nations, every day I fought China and I did it by making sure we called 'em out on human rights."
"This genocide has revealed the weaknesses, the political compromises, the moral failings of the United Nations and other international institutions." - Craig Mckyer.
"The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution authorizing an armed intervention into Haiti."
"Politically, you see that through the United Nations, through world federalism, through global governance...it is viewed that that is our salvation, that is man's best hope."
"I stand today on behalf of 110 million Filipinos. At this time of crisis and opportunity, I bring with me the spirit of their enduring commitment to the ideals of our United Nations."
"Climate change is the greatest threat affecting our nations and peoples. There is no other problem so global in nature that it requires a united effort, one led by the United Nations."
"The vast majority of States at the UN already recognize the state of Palestine."
"The United Nations becomes a meaningful place again, with the powers, the new powers, and the old, having to negotiate their way through international difficulties."
"The 899th meeting of the Security Council is called to order. The provisional agenda for this meeting is threats to international peace and security. The agenda is adopted."
"I hope and pray that the 74th session of the GA will bring peace and prosperity to the whole world and humanity."
"It is with no doubt that the General Assembly has a very fitting theme for the 74th session: galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action, and inclusion."
"The creation of the United Nations... set up a system of international law prohibiting wars of conquest."
"That totally obliterates National sovereignty and hands that power over to the United Nations."
"Ethiopia became a charter member of the United Nations in 1948."
"The formation of the United Nations, the zenith of President Roosevelt's political career."
"Should I play the video of your president? Do not interrupt me, please. Thank you." - Russian president at UN Security Council
"He asked for Africa to be a permanent member of the U.N Security Council."
"The ESG movement... could not be understood without the context that's provided by the United Nations and everything that has happened since the second world war."
"We condemn both [the deaths], let me begin by reaffirming the rightful and important role of the United Nations..."
"Isn't it right that Africa should have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and be given more respect?"
"Russia's attack on Ukraine is tantamount to an attack on the U.N and every member state in the chamber."
"My vision is to one day work in the UN... I already have acceptance into the graduate program and I'm starting next fall."
"How is the United Nations itself not being called out for participating in genocide when this is happening?"
"It's an encouraging sign that the United Nations is taking the epidemic of gendered online harassment seriously."
"Eventually a United Nations emergency airlift was required at the eleventh hour to bring 27,000 Ugandan refugees of Asian descent to Britain."
"She was instrumental in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, working with the UN until 1953."
"There is this theory among conspiracy theorists where people believe that the United Nations has some sort of hidden agenda."
"Blockchain and the UN's SDGs: the role of blockchain in the United Nations sustainable development goals."
"The United Nations does extraordinary good around the world -- feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, mending places that have been broken."
"The only way to end this war is through the United Nations."
"If we were really seeing the transformational change that many predicted, we would start to be seeing that one way or the other in these U.N votes."
"Chadwick Boseman's speech at the United Nations was powerful."
"The United Nations must continue to preserve peace, prevent conflict, and alleviate human suffering."
"This institution, guided by the U.N. Charter, is an act of dauntless hope."
"Several forensic studies indicated that the United Nations stabilization missions likely introduced the cholera epidemic that has killed more than 8,000 people in Haiti."
"Don't let's not forget that the United Nations has this website calling for the disarmament of the world."
"Donald Trump is talking about cutting funds to the UN... we pay 22% of the operating budget and 28% of the peacekeeping budget."
"The Minsk accords are actually cemented in UN Security Council resolutions."
"Effective multilateralism depends on an effective United Nations, one able to adapt to global challenges while living up to the purposes and principles of its character."
"All going straight to the United Nations to help the refugees at the Ukraine border. Over a million of them now so far have crossed that border already."
"The young monarch made a speech to the fledgling United Nations Assembly, acknowledging the difficulties it faced in its pursuit of peace."
"That’s right, it’s time for Texas to take its seat at the United Nations."
"It's unsustainable...rethinking around the world work with the United Nations."
"Western powers, including the United States, were disappointed by the recent debate in the U.N. Security General Assembly over Ukraine."
"Beijing infiltrated the United Nations over decades."
"The un believes that the challenge of energy consumption must be solved first."
"The United Nations may have just confirmed the end times."
"The United Nations says they want basically over 600 million migrants brought to the United States."
"The United Nations is ready to do everything in its means to help bring an end to it."
"The United Nations even declared 2013 the international year of quinoa."
"The United Nations predicts that eight countries will have more than half of the global population growth by 2050."
"My name is Jerry from South Africa today I represent um and I've been asked by the United Nations committee on the exercise of the UN rights of Palestinian people to take care of the proceedings."
"We do believe today that a United Nations where the most populous country is not in the Security Council lacks credibility."
"The U.N needs to embody the values of Justice, equity, and solidarity. It must be representative of everyone and all our cultural, political, economic, and social diversity."
"The Zionist movement gave the United Nations a map and offered that the Jewish state would be 80 percent of Palestine."
"Tonight the United Nations says one billion humans are hungry."
"The American people not only educated about what the United Nations could do but what international involvement meant."
"The United Nations passed the convention on the law of the sea in 1990 and is now the recognized governing body in all legal matters concerning the world's oceans."
"Brazil was one of the 51 founding members of the United Nations."
"We must ensure that we are seen to uphold the commitments of the United Nations Charter in our pursuit of peace."
"Iraq has been disarmed by the intervention. Now, it can be certified as in compliance with United Nations resolutions, and it couldn't have been before. And it was compliance with the resolutions that was the issue."
"The entire purpose of having a UN is to address these problems collectively and according to certain common values."
"Jerusalem is a burdensome stone for all people. You couldn't fulfill that prophecy unless there was an organization of the nations of the world. You had to have the United Nations for this to be fulfilled."
"The UK has been a permanent member of the UN Security Council since its first session in 1946."
"It's pretty obvious if you just look at the record of what goes on, you need to understand how anti-semitic the U.N really is."
"It's like lunch tables, like the United Nations."
"So the question is, do you want to listen to the voices of the 7.3 billion people on planet earth? And if you want to listen, where do you go to listen to it? And that's the United Nations."
"We have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders."
"Without the UN, we might very well have had World War three."
"The force behind Four Freedoms Park is a former ambassador to the United Nations, Bill VandenHeuvel."
"We have constantly and vigorously supported the United Nations and related agencies as a means of applying democratic principles to international relations."
"We will continue to give unfaltering support to the United Nations and related agencies."
"We believe that the United Nations will be strengthened by the new nations which are being formed in lands now advancing toward self-government under democratic principles."
"The defining purpose of the UN Charter is to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations."
"She aspires to be a corporate attorney for the United Nations so she can combine her two passions: traveling and helping others."
"Think of them as like the Justice League if the Justice League was sanctioned by the United Nations."
"Taking advantage of the unique connections that Adelphi has, I was able to intern at the United Nations during my sophomore year."
"The work of the United Nations should continue to be guided by the values on which it was founded, including promoting peace, security, human rights, equality of all nations, and the promotion of social progress and better standards of life."
"The world more now than ever before needs stronger United Nations and consistent and effective multilateralism that collectively ponders and cooperatively resolves mankind's common challenges."
"We're much better squabbling with each other at the UN."
"The real lesson is you're much better off squabbling with each other at the UN."
"I'm pleased to announce that the United States has offered concrete support to a broadscale attack by the United Nations on world hunger."
"In a world that is marked by strife and human misery, the United Nations remains the focus of man's hope for the future."
"UN is the symbol of hope for peace, stability, and prosperity as envisioned by the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman."
"Let us call for collective actions to build a stronger UN for our civilization to deal with emerging challenges for the next century."
"Good morning UN headquarters, I'm strutting to my meeting right now."
"I'm a great champion of the United Nations Charter."
"The day will dawn when the vision of the United Nations will save the world."
"The United Nations is the only machinery we have for collective cooperation among all nations."
"The work of the United Nations is of vital importance for the betterment of life on our planet."
"The newly created United Nations created two states: Israel for the Jewish people and Palestine as an Arab country."
"I first became aware of the great work carried out by the United Nations when I was younger."
"I want to work for the United Nations simply because you are an organization who shares the same passion and beliefs that I have held for many years."
"As humanity embarks on a new journey for ushering in the era of global community, I count on the United Nations to lead the way with a spirit of solidarity and cooperation."
"You get a first-hand impression of day-to-day work at the United Nations."
"It's a great honor and privilege to address this event seventh session of the United Nations General Assembly here in New York today."
"Full commitment to the United Nations Charter, its purposes, and its principles is the only path to ensure lasting peace."
"The United Nations was not created to take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell."
"After all, we are the United Nations."
"No United States involvement in these present hostilities; it is our open intent this matter will be brought before the United Nations General Assembly."
"The United Nations was created precisely for moments like these; moments of maximum danger and minimum agreements."
"The United States and New York are the hosts of The United Nations."
"It is imperative that we make the United Nations relevant to all people through global leadership and shared responsibilities for peaceful, equitable, and sustainable societies."
"We need to remind ourselves that the United Nations organization was conceived for the noble purpose of ending wars between nations."
"The United Nations was viewed by almost everybody as our last best hope for peace."
"...RM had the unique opportunity to speak at the United Nations..."
"This system of values embodied in the United Nations remains a beacon of hope for millions of people in different parts of our planet."
"We must all feel that this is a sad day for the United Nations and the international community."
"All of us who work for the United Nations should be proud today, but also be humbled."
"I think one of the areas I was very pleased about was to open up the UN and bring the UN closer to the people."
"In their quest to combat desertification, China's ingenuity has gotten the attention and recognition of bodies like the UN."
"The United Nations remains as the center of hope for the future of the people in this world of sadness, misery, and conflict."
"The United Nations was forged with the intention that it should be the indispensable common house of the entire human family."
"The only answer to this divided world must be a truly United Nations."
"No one will ever close the doors of the United Nations and say it is over."
"This is a different kind of war story, a war story which began quietly and unspectacularly. No medals were won in this battle, no shots were fired, but on its outcome could have depended the future of the United Nations."
"The UN proposed a voluntary exchange of prisoners."
"The United Nations is the only game in town for getting more food to starving Gazans."
"I'm happy to work with the UN research team," Tyson replied.
"COP is the yearly United Nations climate change conference."
"Mastercard hooking up with the United Nations to issue this new type of credit card."
"I feel like I'm in the United Nations General Assembly but with new leaders, future leaders of our planet."
"Nothing in the present charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations."
"She was instrumental in getting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through the United Nations."
"We the people of the United Nations are determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war."
"The United Nations estimates close to one and a half billion people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water."
"This marked the first major test of the United Nations on an extremely complicated matter."
"We need a multi-polar, multilateral order, starting with the UN Charter."
"This peacekeeping mission became the deadliest campaign in the history of the United Nations."
"The law of neutrality does not apply to a military operation authorized by the UN, for the latter is acting under a mandate from a community of states in order to reestablish peace and international security."
"The development of the United Nations unbelievably negatively because your decision to go in without UN sanction... was the beginning of the absolute hollowing out of the legitimacy of the UN."
"Roosevelt's great dream of a United Nations organization was the subject of long and tortuous discussions."
"Hope springs eternal; we are in the UN to sustain that hope and fight off despair."
"The United Nations is the core of the multilateral global order as long as the UN exists none can trump at the end of multilateralism."
"The founding of the United Nations itself is a testament to human progress."
"We're now looking at 2021 being the worst humanitarian crisis year since the beginning of the United Nations."
"We will fail without [the United Nations], and I do not want humanity to fail."
"If you're still starting out and you have dreams of working for the United Nations, one of the ways might be to consider volunteering."
"Don't give up, but while waiting to get a full-time position, you might also want to consider volunteering with the United Nations."
"This U.N. volunteer is a really great way to maybe come into become part of the United Nations."
"Digital infrastructure forms a core part of the United Nations sustainable development goals."
"The world will not progress without greed, without war, and without freedom, unless we, the leaders of nations, big and small, recall with commitment the values set forth in the Charter of the United Nations and resolve to be faithful to them."
"Guyana looks forward to revitalize United Nations, spearheading the trust towards a new era in international relations, in which the world emerges as a better, fairer, and stronger place for all mankind."
"Defending, further developing, and strengthening it, that is our task as the United Nations."
"Africa must have at the minimum two permanent seats at the Security Council."
"I have every confidence that the United Nations will succeed, although when I cannot say, but succeed it will."
"We want to be aligned and support to contribute to the global SDGs, the sustainable development goals from the United Nations."
"By the grace of Allah, we’ve been able to represent our work at the UN."
"The 2023 World Happiness Report was just released by the United Nations."
"The headquarters of the United Nations is in New York."
"Membership of the United Nations enabled my country, the instigator of terrible wars and horrific crimes, to return to the family of peace-loving nations."
"If you're selected to participate, then you will go, you will do some tests, and if you succeed in your test, then you will get a job at the United Nations as a P2 professional."
"We need a United Nations to mobilize our collective efforts and to propel urgent actions to address these issues."
"We could then get that enshrined in a UN Security Council resolution."
"The United Nations also voted in favor of the creation of an independent Jewish state of Israel."
"We cannot wait for the day when the Palestinian people finally have their own state, not just a seat behind a nameplate at the UN."
"Recognizing a Palestinian state, including at the UN, should be part of the process towards a sustainable ceasefire."
"The United Nations will continue to be the only credible source from which the world may garner hope for survival."
"The League of Nations is the precursor to what eventually becomes the United Nations."
"My work is to promote human rights and these types of authoritarian cults deprive people of basic human rights as described in 1948 by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
"The UN is stepping in to keep the peace in these regions."
"The spirit that led to the creation of the United Nations in 1945 was a defying spirit."
"Multilateralism at all levels of response, especially through the United Nations and its institutions, becomes essential to ensure peaceful, equitable, and sustainable societies."
"May God bless us all and God bless the United Nations."
"I wish to congratulate you, Mr. President, for your deserved election to preside over the work of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly."
"We need to reform the U.N. but in the right direction, in favor of further multilateralism, more democracy, better international world, and a more equal and just international economic order."
"We welcome Palestine as a full member of this organization."
"Granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations is the best way to revive the peace process and safeguard the two-state solution."
"The issue of the occupied Palestinian territory is directly of concern to the United Nations itself."
"The United Nations was formed to prevent the onslaught of a possible world war 3 or other man-made calamities; we are presently in a war against climate change."
"A United Nations that leaves no one behind, and in the final analysis, the success of the United Nations rests upon the collective will of all 193 members of this assembly."
"God bless the United Nations and God bless the people of the Federated States of Micronesia."
"One of the purposes of the United Nations is to bring about by peaceful means... adjustment or settlements of international disputes."
"Are we being true to the values and principles of the United Nations Charter?"
"The United Nations must be a house of hope, a house where words must carry hope."
"We strongly commend the role of the United Nation in our transition process."
"The general assembly has now voted overwhelmingly to recognize Palestine as a member of the United Nations."
"I met a woman at the United Nations... it was for teaching your Next Generation."
"Make the United Nations practical by giving the international organization power to enforce international laws, and peace will be a reality."
"Accenture is also a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative."
"The United Nations was set up to promote growth and stability and also maintain international peace."
"Every September, global attention focuses on the United Nations, hoping that the UN will deliver to the world peace, development, harmony, and prosperity."
"The UN is somewhere where smaller states can go to and say, look we are being oppressed, we are being attacked or bullied by this bigger nation."
"The UN aspires to maintain international peace and security, to uphold the right, to raise the question of social, economic and political problems, while as to uphold human rights, without distinction as to race, language, sex, or religion."
"They created a new organization called the United Nations to replace the League of Nations."
"Our historic pledge to reform the Security Council as an essential element of our overall effort to reform the United Nations must be upheld and implemented without further delay."
"The ultimate goal of the United Nations is to promote peace."
"We have a special place in the United Nations as one of only five permanent members of the Security Council."
"Let this be the year that the United Nations will give all survivors of sexual violence the remedy they deserve."
"Africa demands no less than two permanent seats with all the rights and prerogatives of permanent members, including the right of veto, if retained."
"Congratulations, Matt. We're naming you United Nations ambassador."
"For the first time in a long time, morale soared throughout the U.N. and Soviet ranks."
"The UN... was set up after World War 2 to try and regulate the relations between nations."
"The scourge of war that our United Nations was created to prevent has been unleashed by Russia on Ukraine."