
Divine Grace Quotes

There are 766 quotes

"Notice the source of forgiveness. It comes from God: 'I have forgiven you your sins.'"
"God is shining their divine grace on you, expanding your hope and optimism."
"God is able to make grace abound to you so that in every way exceedingly you will see an abundance for more than you need."
"By God's grace, I found a good thing, a really good thing, in my wife Cathy."
"I have obtained this grace from my divine son that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and sorrows will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness."
"This is an age of extraordinary divine giving, of extraordinary divine lifts and preservation."
"When you expose it to God, it is the mercy of God, the grace of God, and the goodness of God that steps in and he will begin to empower you for you to experience freedom."
"Potential is everything you could do. Your purpose is the things God has graced you to do."
"Your grace and mercy are constant through every season of my life."
"God's grace is enough; He will never give us more than we can carry."
"On that day (Divine Mercy Sunday), the very depths of my tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of my mercy."
"God bless you, and may Almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"First, there will be this illumination of conscience...followed by a period of approximately six weeks in which the devil will not be able to interfere or to manipulate man's conscience."
"The best part of waking up is the Father giving me a new day with grace and mercy."
"When we deserve mercy the least is when we need it the most, and when we need it the most is when God most wants to give it."
"God's mercy is ever new, every morning... it is a torrent coming down from heaven."
"God is able to make all grace abound toward us, that we always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work."
"Every manifestation of the spirit that we have seen from Bible days till today, the grace and access to that mystery is available in the earth realm here and now, hidden in vessels of clay."
"The Savior stands ready to accept our humble offerings and perfect them through His grace."
"The graces of my mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that vessel is trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive."
"Never give up, for the grace of God is with us."
"God can deliver, so I'm grateful to him tonight."
"There is nobody that we say that Allah and Allah cannot have mercy on if our Lord wills."
"The power of sin breaks off when you accept the grace of God."
"Forgive just as much as God has forgiven you."
"God is always the first one to step towards us."
"God gives grace to the humble and he resists the proud."
"I believe our nation has succeeded the same way because generations of Americans in their own ways have asked for grace, and God has supplied it."
"God realization is by the grace of the Lord."
"Your sins should kill you, but he sat on it."
"You always show us mercy, always keeping us in your grace."
"Every blessing we receive is a gift of his Divine will."
"I declare that I am blessed in abundance and beyond human comprehension."
"Grace and mercy will help you to stay there. Even when we mess up, we realize his grace is enough that I don't have to run from God. I can remain in this place of abiding in him."
"Rejoice not in what you have done for God, but in what God has done for you."
"My blessing is not dependent upon your behavior; it's dependent upon the finished work of my Savior."
"Through the Grace of God, all of us can experience new life in Christ."
"God's grace is always effectual when He sets out to save someone."
"Pelagianism so elevated the human will that the result was sheer work salvation with no place whatsoever for God's grace."
"With the faith of our families, the spirit of our people, and the grace of our God, we will endure, overcome, and prevail."
"God opposes the proud, but he gives grace to the humble."
"Striving when you strive, you use all your effort and energy to make it happen, when you strike there's a grace for what God is asking you to do."
"Grace will always give you a chance, like it or not, receive it or not."
"Your preaching and teaching must be backed up with power and Grace."
"You are not too far from the reach of God's grace. God can reach down right now, heal you, save you, and deliver you."
"There is very little that you can do that God will not forgive."
"Thank you, Jesus, for saving souls tonight. Your mercy and grace are sufficient."
"We are by the grace of God Victoria... and soon, dare I say, the Empire."
"The peace of God surpasses all understanding."
"Acknowledge your imperfections and find solace in the sufficiency of God's grace. Amen if you concur."
"Great is your faithfulness, master. Thank you for your amazing grace over my life."
"His love is not conditioned by our past actions or present doubts."
"God's grace is sufficient for you. Whatever challenge you're facing, God's power is made perfect in your weakness."
"God is ferociously about my joy because the more I enjoy him, the more his grace is gloried in."
"Yahu bless you and keep you, Yahu make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, Yahuwah lift up his countenance upon you and give you Shalom."
"Forgiveness comes from God, not from ourselves."
"God alone, not the things of the world, can fill our hunger."
"The joy of self-control is the trick to a happy Lent."
"Everything you do is elevated by Jesus by the grace of God."
"Grace is actually a battle protection, it is a hedge of protection."
"Nobody is beyond the reach of the grace of God."
"And we thank you that when we come face-to-face with your amazing kindness to us in Jesus—when we realize that in Jesus we don’t get what we deserve, but we get what we don’t deserve, what we don't deserve..."
"The grace of God is experienced by everyone fighting this pandemic."
"I'm telling you God's love is deeper than your wretchedness, it's more powerful."
"Lord, I trust and believe that all good things, all blessings, they come from you, they come out of the riches of your grace and the kindness of your character."
"By the undeserved kindness of our amazing God Jehovah, we have reached an all-time peak crossing the 21 million mark."
"God sees you as if you've never sinned. How do you beat that?"
"We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bestow upon us that great and precious grace that when we see some misfortune we say Allah."
"Meditating on overcoming weakness: 2 Corinthians 12:9 - 'And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.'"
"Let us pray for the grace to truly hear your word."
"The harder he hits you in the most vulnerable place, the greater a candidate for the grace of God you become."
"Salvation is instant but sanctification is a process and God's grace sustains us."
"The only way we can go to paradise is God's grace."
"God is improving your lot and bestowing a better life on you and your family."
"Faith, hope, and love graciously given from above."
"Stay positive; with God's grace, anything is possible."
"I'm ready to meet God because of what he did for me not because of what I've done."
"God's grace comes to us sometimes through things, not just people."
"Grace is not a get out of jail free card, it is a function and a measure that God pours into our lives."
"God is love, and His grace frees us from bondage."
"God is anxious to forgive you, but you must ask for forgiveness and then walk in the purity that God gives you."
"The grace of God is so much better than most of us assume it is."
"It's by his grace and the grace of his Son alone that you can then actually do what needs to be done in that calling and have hope to move forward."
"The Lord was kind enough to bless me for being honest enough with Him."
"Let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptably."
"Printing is God's highest and extremist Act of Grace."
"I'm so glad some people aren't God. I'm so glad because all some of our heads would have been popped off a long time ago."
"My grace is all you need. My grace is sufficient for you. My power works best in weakness."
"God understands our human weakness and provides grace, hope, and help."
"My grace is rushing like a stream. Just let it rush over you, let it consume you."
"I decree and declare that I will walk in God's abundant grace."
"Salvation isn't our achievement, it's God's gift to us."
"Even in the most depraved times, righteousness can still stand firm and God's grace remains available."
"God wants to give you through His grace and forgiveness a do-over."
"His grace is sufficient... He's got your back."
"May you come to know his mercy, his grace, his favor like you've never seen before."
"Christianity uniquely cares about grace, not self-improvement but God saving us."
"There's a grace for this hour that we live in. And even as it ramps up and ramps forward, there is a grace for it all."
"He transforms ordinary lives and makes them trophies of his grace."
"It is by the grace of God that we're being able to produce the book at all."
"His grace is sufficient for us in our weaknesses, strength is made perfect."
"You are eternally blessed. May peace, grace, and love forever guide you."
"Grace is undeserved blessing and it's unmerited favor."
"The grace and the mercy of God are beyond our comprehension."
"Grace is God's enabling power to overcome sin."
"The grace of God is available right now... we get a clean start, a fresh start, we get to be seen as right 100% righteous 100% forgiven 100% clean in God's eyes when we choose to believe in what Jesus did for us at the cross."
"True Christians have a hope that they will be saved based upon the good grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Every believer in God has access to God, every believer can approach God's throne of grace with confidence."
"Nothing so demonstrates the grace of God in your life as your ability to forgive what is seemingly unforgivable."
"Thank you for pouring out your amazing grace and your amazing love."
"God really smiled on Mass and he gave us amazing grace."
"Repentance is not a work we do to earn salvation; no one can repent and come to God unless God draws that person to Himself."
"Thank God for God's grace, because of Jesus, human beings are forgiven of their sins."
"The fact that you are alive, the fact that you are making heaven is unmerited."
"There's grace, there's grace, there's grace."
"No one is saved by keeping God's law. All are saved by the miracle-working grace of God."
"God's grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in human weakness."
"The pure, undeserved mercy of Allah encompasses everything."
"The Holy Trinity grants me Its life abundantly, by the gift of the Holy Spirit."
"God's free gift of Grace was given to all, regardless of our ability to comprehend it."
"God, by his Sovereign Mercy, will continue to give us Grace to grow in the truth of his word."
"By the grace of God I am what I am, and God will help us."
"The moment we come to Christ and are born again, God clothes us in what He calls righteousness."
"In God's mercy, even the last moment offers grace."
"You better humble yourself and understand that Yah is giving me the grace to walk this walk."
"In the true religion, one will benefit from God's graces and be saved on judgment day."
"In the ages to come, you will just be starting to discover the richness of His grace."
"He revisits the sins of the fathers on the children... but for those who stay faithful there's an imbalance... grace abounds."
"God loves you. That means you have a second chance."
"Jesus had no need of confessing sin, no pardon to beg, no need to cry out for grace."
"The grace of God is amazing. Thank God for Jesus."
"I think these people are partly picked so that we can have hope in the grace of God that he can still use us even though we've majorly failed."
"Each one of the Holy Mysteries brings God's grace to us."
"Salvation is completely the act of God. It's not something you do, you can't gain it, you can't earn it."
"Only by the grace of God that I'm here and I give God all the glory."
"The gifts of the Spirit were given because of the grace of God."
"Forgiveness is a step that aligns our hearts with God's heart... allowing his grace to transform even the deepest wounds."
"The rock on which I build my shield and hiding place, my never failing treasury filled with boundless doors of Grace."
"God doesn't give up on us because we make mistakes."
"If we honored them, God would give us access to the grace that they lived in."
"God has called us into this eternal rest, not just in heaven, now. And it comes as a result of his grace."
"Marvelous grace of our loving God, grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt."
"The way to your destiny is through the grace of God. Accept his grace and surrender to his plan for your life."
"Jesus speaks the word of grace and salvation to us. He speaks from the heart of God."
"There's a grace for the day that we live in... God-given ability to overcome something... there's a grace that God has for us in this day."
"This is a hard day, but there's a grace that God has for us in this day."
"There's a grace for the day that we live in. This is a hard day, but there's a grace that God has for us in this day."
"God gives us grace sufficient to flourish, grace sufficient to become saints."
"The warning is one of the graces given to humanity since the Redemption of Christ."
"It's a gift from Jesus who represents Grace from above."
"The thought that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us, not because of any merit on our part but as a free gift from God, is a precious thought."
"Grace of God is the unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor and kindness of God."
"It takes His goodness to overcome our unworthiness."
"It is only in and through the grace of God that you are saved."
"Common Grace: indiscriminately extended to all humanity."
"You are received by the father because of the grace of God that came through the Lord Jesus Christ."
"There's no one too far from the grace of God."
"Isn't God good? He is faithful. He is good. He has grace."
"His grace is enough. Enough to overcome sickness, overcome financial problems, overcome hurt, overcome brokenness."
"His blessings are like the rain that doesn't discriminate falling on both the just and unjust alike."
"Faith is a positive response to what grace has already made available."
"God takes a picture of pride, he resists the proud and gives grace to the humble."
"Grace is not engaged until a dilemma, a weakness, or a challenge is exposed."
"Even the faith that you have today is a gift from God."
"Everything we merit has to be attributed to God in the first place."
"When God rewards our merits, he's crowning his own gifts."
"Our justification comes from the grace of God."
"God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit can revive and restore a seared conscience through genuine repentance and surrender to His transformative work."
"At the end of the day, it's not up to me how His grace is given... God is the one who heals, God is the one who loves..."
"God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ in heavenly places."
"Always retain in remembrance the greatness of God and your own nothingness and his goodness and longsuffering towards you unworthy creatures."
"God is gracious towards you and God has released peace towards you."
"...I therefore commit you to God and to the word of his grace."
"I must recognize the grace and mercy of almighty God who spared my life to see this day."
"We're here only because of His merit."
"If faith is just something that God instigates in us and we do nothing to cooperate with, then evangelization and the preaching of the Gospel are also futile gestures."
"Forgiveness is not God's forgiveness."
"I move you to a realm of prosperity that you don't qualify for by the grace of God, receive it now."
"Three very strong anointings... teaching Grace... healing Grace... prophetic grace"
"God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble."
"In predestination perhaps more than any other doctrine, we are confronted face to face with the depths and the riches of the mercy and the grace of Almighty God."
"Our spiritual lives we're like this flower that's just opening up to the son of God's grace."
"God said, 'I love the world, I will forgive them.'"
"It's like it's moving through you, it's moving through you, it's touching you but it's sparking this divine grace within you."
"Salvation is not for those who are good, who try harder, who live better, who are more moral or more religious. It's all a work of God."
"Our marvelousness is not based on our deservedness, it's based on God's compassion."
"It's only by the grace of God that I'm here today."
"That's how God works, man. It's really not about us."
"God entered into the material realm... God taking material things and using them by his grace and goodness for our good."
"The only time the sinner ever seeks for God is when God first seeks the sinner."
"God showed them mercy in an astounding impact by a deeply flawed, bitter, racist, antagonistic prophet whom God uses as the human instrument for one of the most massive expressions of divine grace in history."
"I would say that I am gaining by the grace of God the confidence of my people."
"Even with God's law not being written on tablets of stone but on our hearts, God being so good all the time has given us Jesus."
"The righteousness of God: His record becomes my record."
"God didn't wait until Saul was perfect and holy to use him."
"God's faithfulness is new every morning."
"Let your faith be in the goodness and grace of God."
"He's offering us the faith of God. 'Have it,' He says."
"He keeps us in spite of all the corruptions inside us and temptations outside us."