
Institutional Critique Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Let these institutions collapse. They're not doing anyone any favors. They've gotten so out of touch that even their out-of-touch donors feel like this is too out of touch to support anymore."
"I feel like the world is set up to get people to act certain ways, and I think that like, focusing on institutions over individuals to an extent is helpful."
"We are showing that the institutional Wall Street and the big money players that we are wrestling back a little power."
"The CIA's institutional problems go back 75 years from its creation."
"The gatekeepers, those gates are crashing down."
"Universities are supposed to be asylums for speech and freedom of thought. If they're no longer asylums for freedom of speech or freedom of thought, they're just an asylum and what useful is that?"
"They force us to confront hard truths about ourselves, about our institutions, and about our democracy."
"You end up discovering a lot of times... that there are lots of other people in the institutional space who also were thinking, this shit is unacceptable."
"If there is a decline in institutional trust in America... it begins with the media." - Ben Shapiro
"Be ruthless with institutions and kind to each other."
"Critical race theory suggests that all of America's core institutional tenets are lies."
"I want Trump to go in and just rampage through the ivory tower."
"If any listener wants proof of the dark side of the Watchtower Society, get them to look up the Australia Royal Commission on child abuse."
"The rise of fact checkers and experts is an attempt by the institutions to issue a corrective to the fact that they are getting more and more competition from extra-institutional sources."
"A place where children go to get better, but these kids just weren't given that opportunity." - Chris Davis, Vanderbilt spokesperson
"I just think it shows how embedded this ideology is in our institutions."
"Racism exists, there's no doubt about that, but to say that it's systemic institutional, that actually has to be laws against people for the color or their culture, that says you can't get ahead."
"In the post-institutional age that we're in...people with bylines, massive buildings, the institutions that once kept our country together are now being mocked, ridiculed, and not taken seriously at all."
"There's no reason why a place like that should exist. It's inhumane, it's stripping away basic human rights."
"Leftists believe that my very speech is a threat to their safety, it's a destruction of the institutions of privilege."
"He forgave himself out of a job because they shut the institution."
"What a small 'c' conservative institution... what a large 'R' Republican institution the Senate is."
"Prison is what I realize, it's designed to break you, take your self-esteem."
"We do not need ICE period we don't we don't need ICE we just don't I just don't think they do anything good for the country that other institutions couldn't do better and cheaper."
"It is an important moment for us to recognize the power that we have as Americans to hold accountable the corrupt and to have the knowledge of these institutions collapsing around us..."
"This is a preempted attack on a 150-year institution. This league has been built over 150 years and these six clubs have sat together on Zoom calls and decided we're bigger than everyone else."
"The basic idea of the book... is that we feel right now in america as though all of the institutions are arrayed against your ability to speak freely."
"Maybe we can get Beyond these institutions Wars lies escalate in tension and despair."
"It is a you know an institution that can serve goodness and can serve good things but unfortunately they have seemed to become Ultra political in a way that might be Beyond repair."
"The institution in and of itself is brilliant. What it was designed to educate a ton of people in a short period of time that being four years but it's become a degree Mill tinged with ideology and it's really just a business."
"The immune system is good. Collectively, these institutional and popular responses represent the corporate university's immune responses to the imposition of the feminist virus."
"Systems of oppression have been entrenched in U.S. institutions since time immemorial."
"I do want to talk about Hunter Biden's story because it's a terrible indictment about how all of the biggest institutions in America were working in lockstep to try and silence a story."
"You can't be an institutionalist and think that you can actually create a revolution for black people."
"Her decision served as a poignant commentary on the profound cracks forming within the Jedi Order."
"Harvard is two separate structures fused together—one is about power and one is about achievement."
"Life's complexity is far more valuable than any institution allows."
"The crisis of late modernity is the establishment of a cathedral without a genuine heart."
"It feels like I'm going insane because you see what is happening and then you go to institutions that you kind of think that you should broadly trust to tell you the truth and you see things are one-sided or ignored or just like kind of skewed."
"It's an aspect of racism, for racism isn't just a thing, it's an institution of oppressing a group of people on the basis of their cultural backgrounds."
"The medical system is often referred to by many experts as the medical mafia."
"You need to listen and learn, find out why, how, in what way are these institutions corrupted."
"The black church is the most enduring black institution, flaws and all."
"The revelation of what our system is built of by smart people who are not part of the institutional structure."
"Turning basic institutions upside down and inside out is what the adoption of a convivial mode of production would require."
"We can't write off the people who act within the institution as inhuman cogs in a machine of oppression."
"Police corruption revealed the racist structural rot underlying the entire institution."
"Salvation only comes through the church... Not through politics or policy."
"It's not a conspiracy theory, it's just that when you get too many people in positions of power who are, well, basically insane, the incentives of these institutions shift."
"This is the education industrial complex, where the ones that benefit the most are the universities, politicians, and bankers."
"We want to use these platforms to tell the truth and attack powerful institutions."
"You really can't fight a battle like this from inside the institution, whatever you have to say it's usually better set away from the institution."
"We have an undertrained, heavily militarized, ineffective police force that's been found time and again to abuse its power, especially towards people of color."
"Identifying these institutions as a threat to the community is one of the most significant ways to get black folks to care about politics."
"You attack the legitimacy of the court and say that the court is an illegitimate institution."
"Defund Public Schools, defund the FBI, defund gun control, defund the IRS, then defund the police."
"Real change happens from the actions of people, not institutions."
"There's a genuine defiance towards the mega church, celebrity church infrastructure that I think needs to be done away with at this level."
"This is precisely why we say that the institution of policing is broken."
"It's like just one way and the judges and the Witnesses are being paid by the same people so this what we have those those the Hague and so on those are all Western created entities."
"The real problem is sort of an institutionalized deep state."
"If you give money to the universities, and your university is doing this... stop. It's the easiest thing."
"Anywhere that you work, anywhere that you live, anything that you're involved in where you happen to see one of these kind of boilerplate-looking diversity statements or plans... that's what's going on behind it."
"Rock Solid evidence of institutional and structural malevolence against Carrie Lake's campaign."
"What could be more indicative of a failure of American's institutions than its citizenry having less and less time on this earth?"
"Oppressive institutions don't change just because you enter them."
"Spencer is very much a story about identity in an institution that doesn't allow you to cultivate your own."
"Nobody is here to question your heart. I'm here to question how systems and institutions work."
"I'm bored of having to educate big boy establishments like the BBC about things that you should know already, like you should know this stuff already."
"Institutions are attacking people, especially when it comes to the way of life."
"We need to get away from just thinking about the individuals. It's properly acknowledging the institutional nature of the problems and tackling those."
"The modern revolutionary doubts not only the institution he denounces but the doctrine of our church truth by which he denounces it."
"The for-profit college industry is not a way to do that."
"Wokeocracy is infected so many institutions."
"There are three kinds of violence: the first, the mother of all the others, is the institutional violence... There is no worse hypocrisy than to call violence only the second by pretending to forget the first." - Dom Hélder Câmara
"Sufism has a potential that kind of breaks through this institutionalized understanding."
"Clearly they feel that way. I mean obviously Judge Thomas and these others feel like they're above the law."
"They themselves don't even understand what the kind of institutional problem there is for them being there."
"They want to abuse this process for Shifting the Catholic church and not only in the other direction but in the destruction of the Catholic Church."
"I'm glad that those kids are away from that institution. As a matter of fact, when you consider that someone who is a future Sovereign, a future king, the future king of England, and yet somehow takes a look over his left eye..."
"Black folk are representative in this institution because by default if we're not, we're going to allow this critical American institution that will not be going anywhere to be ravaged by white supremacists."
"The UK football sexual abuse scandal led to multiple convictions and revealed institutional failures."
"Institutions that do not protect you are not institutions that serve you."
"High school dropout? What does that mean? It means I found institutionalized learning facilities to be a waste of time."
"Be kind to individuals and be ruthless to institutions."
"The real problem is that our social institutions have been necessarily destroyed over the course of decades, largely by government."
"The key to success right now is as they destroy their own institutions, we have to move in swiftly and powerfully."
"Why would it be hard? Unless our institutions absolutely suck."
"The TVA is one of the most insanely evil concepts."
"Even though it's easy to get very wrapped up in and passionate about you know whatever chosen school or institution you've gone to that's not the only way to achieve success."
"Meeting actual needs is more important than maintaining institutions."
"Our institutions have become corrupted by prohibition."
"There was so much abuse and messed-up stuff going on at this place that kids would find ways to run away or take their own lives."
"An institution imbued with violence... cannot achieve this alone."
"This dude's out here starting beef with institutions, that's crazy. I'm gonna start doing that, the DMV, you're done, you're cancelled."
"Why is it that the police actually cannot be reformed? Because the essence of their power is the discretion to use violence."
"The broader systemic flaw I guess or a problem I have with the argument you're laying out is that I think ultimately free speech is the process or is the tool that can keep institutions from being truth-seeking organizations."
"Religion is personal individual Faith, churches, politics, and those who embrace the dogma of a church most fervently are most often those in whom faith is the weakest."
"The system is broken, and that's one of the reasons is because it's tied to a government institution."
"Let's dedicate our firstborn daughter to the woman that is the head of that racist archaic oppressive institute."
"It's gaslighting, institutional gaslighting, and this is what we mean about systemic racism."
"We expect governments, religions, and institutions to have answers for us, and when they don't, it makes us very uncomfortable."
"It's tragic as much as it is telling of the institutional corruption in Britain and how it's been normalized."
"When you put a modern person in an ancient institution they will be destroyed, but once an institution starts destroying people, it's time to recognize there is something fundamentally wrong with that institution and not the people it destroys."
"The United States government exists today in name only."
"We are in what Ben Shapiro in his last book quite aptly described as a disintegration, we're in a disintegration of our institutions, our media, our political institutions and everything else."
"We've actually got to shut these places down."
"It's insane that you have a court that is completely out of no account whatsoever with the American people."
"I don't hate all Christians, but I do hate your institutions."
"But what I go to, and in a sense constantly, is to be challenged by this, by the prophet Jesus's absolute focus on the way we create institutions, ideas, systems that get in the way of our humanity..."
"Policing as an institution was designed around asset extraction, protection of capital, protecting and serving the interests of the wealthy."
"There are 1.2 billion Catholics that are trapped in the net of false prophets, popes, bishops, cardinals, priests. They're the Pharisees of the day, and they're trapped."
"...if you go to the table and you bet that the church is going to hide it you will win every single time because that's what they do."
"...young people don't like an institution that they have to sign up to... people have become far more hybrid, they have lots of identities that they hold."
"The crux of it is this: we run the world with these large institutions they're too big to feed and they're too big to fail."
"The youth of today don't enjoy the luxury of another hundred years of such institutional stupidity."
"People definitely have certain gifts, but institutions or churches sometimes will take that and twist it in a way that makes it seem like you were given that gift for this one organization."
"Our culture sort of indoctrinates us to accept that there's an institution where children can go and there are people in that institution who are going to do a better job of teaching your child than you could, and we don't believe that."
"Science could be liberated from the restrictions imposed by institutional conformity."
"It turns out that as dysfunctional and broken and tribal and fragmented as our institutions and our political leaders are, if you give us a big enough crisis, turns out we can still get our acts together."
"Some of these establishments... seem to become inverted at some points in time where they embody the exact opposite of the values or roles they're supposed to be upholding."
"This is the violence of faceless institutions, of indifference and inaction, what Robert Frost called the Slow Smokeless Burning of Decay."
"Curiosity isn't a sin, challenging the institutions that guide us should be encouraged."
"The history of the human race is public institutions that don't serve the people, serve themselves instead."
"Don't let an institution or authority figures tell you what you are, what you have to be."
"All of George Lucas's first three films are about a young man trying to escape an institution."
"We have to understand that it's a system that's working, so when we're calling out colorism, it's not necessarily a critique on the individual person but more so the institution and the structure that they're playing into."