
Parental Concerns Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated into ideology."
"Parents are fed up with the status quo that puts adults ahead of kids."
"How does it feel knowing that your child loves an anonymous green figure on YouTube more than you?"
"But when a parent starts thinking about the idea that they may want to damage their child, it can be that we're looking at something called postpartum psychosis."
"A huge amount of people coming together and feeling the same way, like I don't want this for my kids, no, this is wrong."
"The real people under attack in this country are parents."
"Not one person asked me anything about the baby if it was alive, if it was dead, if it was a boy, if it was a girl. Not one."
"My daughter should not be growing up in this environment. It makes you wake up real quick."
"As awful as it is, as messed up as it is, you do need to know this stuff because this is what's affecting your children nowadays."
"Avoid fixer-uppers, you don't want your daughter to suffer."
"If you're sending your kids to public schools, you have to realize you're submitting them to an ideology, to philosophies that you probably don't agree with."
"You definitely don't want your sons or daughters to be in this situation where these are the sort of things that they're exposed to."
"It's not really my only shot of having them develop any immunity."
"You want your daughter to be able to walk around without fear that she's going to lose her legs or that she's going to get shot."
"Don't be worried if your kids are listening to rock and roll. It's gonna influence in a bad way because you telling them they can't listen to rock and roll makes them want to listen to rock and roll."
"Parents protesting critical race theory identify another target: mental health programs... Protesting mental health programs."
"Disney could be the solution to an ever-growing complaint from parents and religious groups."
"I just want to go to bed at night and remember what it's like to know all my kids are safe."
"School has always been a place where parents assume that their children will be safe... recently it seems like not a day goes by without a school-related tragedy being on the news."
"Snapchat's new AI chatbot is already raising alarms amongst teens and parents rightfully so."
"Our children's health and safety is always on our minds."
"Approval will reduce fears, especially for parents."
"That's our problem, and we've heard from parents across the country reaching out and saying, 'Hey, similar situation here.'"
"What is there to worry about when your child is in school? Well, let's take a look at the following scene."
"Why are you so scared that we might find out what you're teaching our children?"
"It doesn't matter if you are republican democrat parents are pissed off at the covid hypocrisy."
"Above all, the mother of two wants to give her kids a happy childhood. 'So, and I don't want to, you know, I already have abandonment issues. I don't want to pass those down.'"
"Damn, my kid's school, like, do I leave them here?"
"She was very worried that he may do it to another child."
"Abigail doesn't want his child to think differently of him."
"They're not asking for special treatment they're not asking for anything outrageous they're just asking for a safe supportive non-discriminatory learning environment for their children."
"Parents who don't want their daughters around trans women are ignorant."
"This is solid policy, long overdue. Most parents are paranoid and terrified of the gender ideological steamrolling happening in schools."
"There's just no question about it: any idea that local school districts don't have control over how their kids are being taught is going to set parents off."
"The editorial explicitly acknowledges that there are overreaches happening and that parents are justifiably concerned."
"Could Disney win you back? Could they get you back, you know, they're trying to uh teach my children principles that I don't agree with at all and they've lost that trust that parents had."
"Parents are scared to make decisions and look for someone that seemed to them to be fully in charge and in control."
"Two women laying up scissoring... that they now want to talk to your kids."
"Please don't teach our kindergarten through third-grade kids about gender and sex... thank you."
"I know every time you guys ask about the baby, I'm thinking about what happened."
"There's too much stuff going on. It shouldn't be on your mind. I don't agree that my child should be learning about gender ideology." - Aurora
"It's not like watching your child walk down the street and say, 'oh, I know they're going to trip over the sidewalk.' It's not like that."
"I just don't want my kids to make the same bad mistakes."
"I'm worried about things. I stress about the future of my children's lives and et cetera."
"I think my kid is depressed... and my kid is literally saying, 'Maybe you could just be home on the weekends.'"
"...I don't want to put this on my kids I don't want my kids to think that I'm not good enough."
"The safest place for any child is where the seat is correctly installed and correctly utilized every time that doesn't have a frontal airbag and is one that the parents feel familiar with and is Affordable to them."
"I love if it can teach them like a life skill or in some way be educational."
"We're prepared to walk out. We are prepared to keep our children home and not start school. So postponing the start of school is not going to matter to us as long as it's not secure."
"It was good for the brand at large, given the assertions from parents' groups that it was somehow dangerous."