
Somalia Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"None of this, however, will be possible without political consensus on a way forward for Somalia, a consensus that addresses underlying divisions in Somali society and puts an end to political leveraging of Somalia's security personnel and resources."
"We all have the same goal, that's a safer Somalia for all Somalis. We must work together to achieve this."
"We need to help Somalia cope with humanitarian and development challenges."
"The timely and peaceful political transition and renewed commitment between the Federal Government and Federal Member States to work together are needed for Somalia to adequately address the many tasks it faces."
"We welcome the recent publication of the transition plan which details the vision of the Somali Government to gradually take over responsibilities in the area of security."
"It's building those Industries which is Somalia's best chance of Never regressing Back to the Lawless Anarchy it was just a decade ago."
"My hope for Somalia is that one day every child born here will have the opportunity to live up to their full potential."
"This is Somalia: a rich heritage and bright future."
"The medieval Silk Road gold trade between Africa and Asia was founded by Somali merchants from Mogadishu."
"Somalia has the cheapest internet cost per gigabyte in Africa."
"Somalia is transforming the country and harnessing its vast potential."
"In 2020, because of its impressive economic reforms, Somalia has achieved debt relief and can finally focus on transforming the country and harnessing its vast potential."
"The busy shipping lanes off the coast of Somalia make rich pickings for pirates."
"Every American has seen the shocking images from Somalia. The scope of suffering there is hard to imagine."
"Another surprising fact about Somalia is that the Somali coastline is actually one of the longest coastlines on Africa's mainland."
"Another surprising fact that most people don't know about Somalia is that the ancient rock paintings dating back 5000 years have been found in the northern part of Somalia."
"Turkey's military presence here is to help restructure the Somali army and provide them with training and armaments."
"Turkey has taken a dual approach, training Somali National Army recruits and investing in setting up medical facilities."
"Somalia is a very well-known model for other countries in the continent."
"Corruption in Somalia is huge, affecting ports and airports, tax and customs collection, immigration, telecommunication, and management of aid resources."
"If I die on the streets of Mogadishu Somalia, before my body hits the ground, my soul will go immediately to the presence of my Father in heaven."
"Somali has a very, very strong oral culture."
"Somali is actually older than Arabic which is really interesting."
"We congratulate the Somali people and their new president."
"Somalia now has an opportunity to focus on the political, economic, and security reforms necessary to advance the interests of the people of Somalia."
"We look forward to the timely formation of a new government and to partnering with Somalia's leaders to achieve our shared goal of a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous Somalia."
"I hope this video is going to be an insight into what life is like in Somalia in 2024."
"I can imagine Somalia in the next five years, inshallah, it's going to have one of the most beautiful tourist attractions coming in here."
"So right now we're going to try some food, I'm going to give a review of this food over here in Mogadishu, Somalia."
"It's a beautiful day today, Somalia is very good."
"The longing of the Somali communities for peace turned the tide against piracy."
"Somali have done an amazing job... the telecommunication wise the cheapest and the best mobile system in all of Africa last 20 years imagine..."
"Normalize the status of the hawalas; the fact that the hawalas have been so persecuted... has really put a crimp in the ability of Somali to send money to their families when it's sorely needed."
"Somalia is not in a permanent state of failure anymore; they have the resilience, they have shown it."
"We need to support that resilience and the hope that they have projected and shown with this new president, new life that's showing."
"Maybe the best thing the United States could do would be to adopt a policy of constructive disengagement from Somalia."
"It's wonderful that Civil Society is finally taking a turn in Somalia."
"The only people who were willing to shed blood for Somalia is the African Union."
"In Somalia, we are working tirelessly to transition from over two decades of devastating conflict, droughts, famine, and developmental stagnation to a new age of stability, progress, and prosperity."
"It's appropriate to look at Somalia with a complete program that includes reconstruction, humanitarian, and helping refugees to revive the economy."
"The unity of Somalia and the solution of Somalia and the interest of the world."
"The international community is very keen on finding a solution to Somalia."
"We are coming back, everything is looking bright, bright Somalia."
"Somalia is a very beautiful country."
"This is the nightlife in Somalia."
"Come to Somalia, it's very cheap, the coconut is fresh and it's very good."
"This partnership... we are determined to build a future and a better one for the Somali people."
"Somalia has come a long way from the days where it used to be depicted as a failed state in the media some 30 years ago."
"Creating a Somalia that's at peace with itself and with its neighbors and the rest of the world."
"Somalia actually outperforms many other African countries in terms of women's representation at least in the federal Parliament."
"It shows you how advanced Somalia is going."
"Somalia is a very business-oriented country, it's very techy."
"It's going positive towards a very good light of Somalia."
"We have the best beaches, natural resources, sceneries, views apart from the beach, the forest, the deserts."
"It just shows that Somalia is advanced; it just shows that Somalia has a lot of things."
"It's one of the busiest markets in Somalia, not the biggest, but one of the busiest."
"Wow, what certain people don't know: Somalia has actually one of the longest coastlines in the world."
"Welcome to Somalia, Somalia number one!"
"What's so interesting about Somalia? The beach, the food, the city."
"Welcome to Somalia, the Horn of Africa, one of the most underrated countries in Africa, also in the world."
"The Somalia of today is vastly better and more hopeful than the one of 10 years ago or 20 years ago."
"Somalia is making progress, somebody is improving."
"It is important to note the contradictory realities in Somalia, a country where heavy rains with floods destroy life or property once every three years."
"Somalia, a country which has now been 25 years in chaos, was also a very democratic country and perhaps the first country in Africa with such a democratic system."
"The real awakening of the new Somalia was 2012, not very far back, when a new government was elected through a parliamentary system."
"Somalia indeed presents this beautiful, rich but tragic at the same time, theatrical and matte masterpiece that we all have to expect to end happily."
"Half of Somalia's population are facing acute food security."