
Food Insecurity Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Climate change is clearly a factor which has exacerbated the conflict in Somalia and contributes to food insecurity."
"It's very sad, and I say this all the time, in England there is now an epidemic... of families relying on food banks."
"Nearly 30 million Americans last week said they didn't have enough food to put on the table."
"People are suffering, millions of people are out of work, people don't know how to put food on the table. These challenges are real."
"I've cut back on eating because I literally cannot afford food."
"Our sanctions explicitly allow Russia the ability to export food and fertilizer. No limitation. It’s Russia’s war that is worsening food insecurity, and only Russia can end it."
"The number of people facing or at risk of acute food insecurity increased from 135 million before the pandemic to 345 million now."
"You know, I was recently part of a panel with the California Association of Food Banks... that idea of feeling shame every time you have to go get a free school lunch is just really terrible for children."
"Last year at our school we had food pantry. We were sending as much home with the teachers as we were with the students."
"I mean, just astonishing, astonishing pictures of thousands of people in line waiting to get canned goods, goods from a food bank."
"One-third of the people in Venezuela are only eating one meal per day."
"One out of three college students is food insecure." - Dorothea
"Joe Burrow talked about food insecurity of the kids in the neighborhoods in Ohio where he's from."
"How can you possibly say we've got a great record on poverty when you've got 2.3 million children living in households suffering from food insecurity?"
"17 million households experiencing food insecurity in the richest nation in the world is unacceptable."
"15 million households do not have enough food to eat."
"The unemployment is through the roof, food prices are growing, the economy is really bad for everyone."
"Mississauga Food Bank CEO says Rising Food Bank usage cost of living crisis is an emergency."
"Roughly one in six children are food insecure."
"There's nothing worse than sitting at home and looking at a child and realizing... you don't have food to feed them."
"On any given day, 50% of the people in the Gaza Strip are not going to be eating to their fill as the war started and Aid is slowly trickling in."
"I am really glad that you're here and if you or somebody you know is struggling with food insecurity, I hope that you will reach out to resources like 2-1-1 or local resources in your area for help."
"Many people who are working one to two jobs, they're not making living wages, and so the ability for them to afford the food is just too high."
"Who doesn't like food? I want to donate to a food charity."
"Pause real quick if you are someone who is struggling and you need food."
"There are 821 million people who were labeled food insecure."
"...a drive of the food insecurity of extreme poverty at a scale of death threat that is larger than the COVID death threat was."
"Number one is food. The basics. It may seem on its face like people who are poorer will spend less on food, and though that may be true in raw numbers, you quickly get a more complete understanding of the situation when you account for it as a percentage of overall income."
"When we talk about food insecurity, it's not just does someone have enough to eat, it's whether they're eating the right things."
"If you or your family are suffering with food insecurity please reach out to resources around you. There's never any shame and everyone deserves to be fed."
"One in six Australian adults are severely food insecure. Yay, truly an amazing statistic to behold."
"Oftentimes it's the only meal that they get in the day."
"Food insecurity exists for the same reasons that poverty exists and poverty does not impact everyone equally."
"We cannot talk about food insecurity without also talking about poverty and structural racism."
"Although these services do provide important supports to families who need emergency food, they do not solve the long-term problem of food insecurity."
"The root of food insecurity is a lack of access to money."
"Racism also impacts food insecurity in Canada."
"64 percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, 15 million children experiencing food insecurity, over 567,000 homeless people."
"One in six Central Floridians are dealing with food insecurity."
"The images are staggering, thousands of families lined up for a food giveaway."
"Food insecurity has reached a crisis."
"821 million people are currently battling with food insecurity."
"We want to combat food insecurity and bring awareness to what a huge issue it is."
"I considered stopping by a station on the way and asking for some food."
"I know what it's like to not know where your next meal will come from, both as a child and as a parent."
"If you are experiencing food insecurity or you know somebody that is, please reach out to people in your community who can help."
"We're literally impacting food insecurity within the problem."
"Some people struggle with hunger; they don't know where their next meal is coming from."
"Once you've experienced food scarcity or food poverty, you never quite unlearn it."
"We know that food insecurity is something that affects a huge number of Canadians."
"If you're struggling with food insecurity and you can't afford the 15, 20, or $30, it is never ever a bad thing to ask for help."