
Future Building Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"The Somali people are resilient and committed to building a better future for themselves, of which they can be proud."
"It's the duty of the survivors to pave the future for those that have died."
"Years from now, I promise you, we'll all look back on this as a golden time, a time when we literally made the future together."
"We could concentrate on building the future instead of criticizing the past."
"Honesty is always the best policy; you can't build a future on lies."
"They could be starting to wake up to what a beautiful future you guys could have put together, what you could build together."
"It's time to build the future you want to see."
"When this crisis has receded, we can't just talk about building back to the way things were before, we need to build better for the future."
"We are the Pathfinders to the high frontier and we are building the future of space."
"It's a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs, for the builders of the future."
"Don't have little faith, put your faith in God."
"Our aim is to gradually shape a better, brighter future for the wasteland."
"Addressing institutional weaknesses and fostering accountable and transparent governance is essential for building a peaceful and prosperous future."
"We have the capacity to create it and we're going to create it together."
"Your company damn they are rich MF errs and they are building the future."
"Building a better tomorrow requires trust and commitment."
"It's our fault that we're in this particular situation we ourselves need to stop playing the game come together work together and build a future that we want to see unfold on the planet."
"We will teach our children to cherish and adore their country so they can build its future." - President Trump
"She can build something better than us. We just have to let them do it."
"We can choose to move forward or to move backwards, to build a future or obsess about the past."
"Use your precious energy to create a magnificent future."
"The future is uncertain and I believe it's our job to build the future not to try and predict it."
"Don't wait for the government to fix it. We are going to build the future together."
"Action is the ultimate form of prayer. Granting ourselves permission is not merely about envisioning a better future, it's about actively participating in the creation of that future."
"Americans build their future. We don't tear down our past."
"Imagine if all of this energy were channeled instead into building a future of true abundance."
"This is your destiny to rise, to gather all the past and make a better future."
"Spirituality teaches us to embrace the universe and work together to build a better future."
"Let's talk about now... let's build a better future together now."
"Together we can win, together we can defend our values, together we can build a better future."
"So, stay tuned, stay engaged, and let's make sure that we're building the kind of future that we want to see. This is Roland Martin Unfiltered, on the Black Star Network, we'll be right back after this break."
"You don't just build the future, you commission it. Made in your image, not for your image."
"We can't just live in the past. We have to cherish the past, take what is valuable about it into the future, but then we actually have to make the future. And that's going to be a creative act rather than simply an act of preservation."
"The future has yet got to be built by people like you and I."
"How are you going to forgive? I think the way to forgive is create the future."
"We're building a brighter, safer future and hardly anything will stand in our way."
"Lowering friction by giving valuable information away for free is the best way to build the future."
"We cannot unilaterally disarm and think we're going to build an economy of the future."
"The future is built by the people who are in that room."
"To lead to a better future for yourself, you must show up every single day with the intention to build a project that lives into the future."
"The key to winning the future... is creating a new culture of our own."
"Congratulations President Biden and Vice President Harris. We look forward to building a better future with you."
"Don't let yesterday rob you of today, it is so important because you're building tomorrow."
"The mind is the most powerful thing that we have. You create your future with your mind."
"Be not afraid. Fear never builds the future, but hope does."
"My children's life depends on me to build them a better world."
"Fear never builds the future, but hope does."
"Dream like it. Use the little thing in front of you to build the big things that have not yet arrived."
"We stand united to beat this pandemic and build a better tomorrow."
"It's about you, it's about us to build a better future."
"You will not create your future sitting around moping and groaning."
"Together we can build a future where every young person can thrive and fulfill their potential."
"We're just putting our head down doing the work and planting the seeds for a better tomorrow."
"The future is not just happening, it's built by us, by a powerful community...two conditions are necessary: that we act as stakeholders of larger communities that we serve, not our only self-interests...and second, that we collaborate."
"We must build the world today that we want to live in, and that means fighting with integrity, resourcefulness, and persuasion."
"The future is not just happening. It's a future that is built by us."
"We are the people collectively here today, the guardians of freedom, the protectors of history, the builders of our future."
"My hope is invested in your future. You must defeat Zad and make a better world with your own hands." - Mia
"That better world you'll be building it together with us, Nia." - Mia
"The way to carry out social change is to build the seeds of the future within the present society."
"Stop bitching and begging and start building the future that they want for their families for for themselves."
"We're starting to recover the lost soul that's been shattered, hurt, so we can create a future from a stronger place."
"Being around all these people who are actually building for the future, it's powerful."
"John will be the one to live because his role is to build a better world."
"I want to build with you, the world, a commitment, a past life soulmate."
"We're building our futures, ladies, we're building our future."
"Creating a future that's worthwhile enough for people to take on."
"Sometimes you have to live in the past to build a future."
"We can use the past to build better today."
"You can only create that future with her if you learn how to become a high-value man."
"We need to learn from history if we want to build a better future."
"You've got to realize that you can do almost anything you want with a welding table, a grinder, a couple basic clamps, and a welder, and from there you can build your future."
"Venture is a way to sort of envision the future and then you build it into reality."
"Let it burn. Will you destroy the past? I am building the future on its ruins."
"The only thing we can do right now is as fast as possible build the future."
"The most important thing that we can do is build the future."
"We're going to want to be honest about it and we're going to want to build a future that's not based on a lie."
"What are you doing with what you've got? The question changes from worry to being an active participant in creating your future."
"Tomorrow is not here yet and despite that fact, we are actively building the future with our actions."
"It feels like I can actually build a future here; there's hope here."
"If humanity is united as one and never loses sight of today, we will surely be able to build a better tomorrow."
"They want to build the future because they were born into a digital environment."
"I'm an equity man; I don't really care about the salary, I just want to feel like I've built something for the future."
"A brighter future isn't built when we're anxious; it's built when we have hope."
"And we're building a future where all of our citizens can achieve their own beautiful American Dream."
"We should all try to understand each other and build a better future for all."
"I am giving everyone in this nation a better future."
"I'm here to carve out my own destiny, and I want to build that future alongside you."
"You are building your own future... take responsibility for everything in your life."
"Think big, take small steps, and build the future you want."
"I want to build not for today, I want to build for the future."
"There are two types of people in this world: those who leave their financial success in the hands of their employer, and those who take full responsibility and build their own future."
"We're doing more than just addressing pain points and solving problems; we're creating the future."
"Start building your future around what is really important to me that is going to make me internally happy."
"Let us join our hands together and build a better future, leaving no one behind."
"We've got to right the wrongs we've known, to build a better future we've got to do it on our own."
"I want to build a better future and I want to help more Australians own a stake in it."
"It's about building our future together."
"Forgotten Angels is giving these kids the tools to build themselves a real future, and that is a hundred percent a charity I wanted to throw my weight behind ever since I heard about it."
"We all have the power to take control of our own future and create the world we want to live in."
"I was adamant to make a name for myself, to make a life for myself, and to make a future for myself."
"I'm gonna use the stones they throw at me to build my future with."
"I challenge you, we take on this technology and it is going to be a big part to play in building the future that we want for our children."
"We've invested a lot of energy in laying a proper foundation that we can build on for the next decade and beyond."
"We must be bold, we must innovate, and we must move and we must think faster. We need to build for the future."
"What we can do to recover from the pandemic and how do we build back better into the future."
"Thank you to all those teachers who are teaching at the moment... building a better future for their individual children, for our societies, and for our world."
"That faith frees us from anxieties of the present and helps us focus on doing our best, and that ultimately is the way for building our future."
"You're building this for the future."
"Anything of greatness that we're going to build out in the future is going to be done with black men and women working side by side."
"We don't wait for our future; we make it."
"When you're in love and when you're into somebody, and you respect each other, you love each other, you build your future no matter what age you are, no matter how rich or how poor you are."
"You can't have America continue if we aren't raising people who believe that mostly they and their local community and their friends and their neighbors and their family are going to build the future. That's where meaning's found."
"Create your own future, manifest it into being by doing work, creating things."
"A group of five that came together under one dream to build a new tomorrow."
"She's good to build a future with, build a family, build a life, build a legacy."
"We're all in there working together like a hive of bees doing something for the future of Hopwood Hall."
"There's a massive difference between people who come together to build a dynamic future and those who connect through their woundology."
"Who are you going to be in the world? What tools can you use to help create the world you want?"
"All of us in the international community, middle powers like our two nations, as well as smaller nations, have our part to play in building a more stable, peaceful, and prosperous future."
"I'll build up a bright future with her, bring her a happy life."
"The future is something that you make happen."
"Thank you for the future, built on your grandfather's dream."
"You're going to start building the world that you want for yourself."
"The energy needs to be used to build networks of people who are aligned in positively building something for the future."
"I need you to trust me; I need you to join me, not just to live but to build a future where this is a memory we overcame together."
"Use it to not only empower yourself but build the future for yourself that you want."
"The only thing that can help you create the future you want is focusing on the next step here on what is present right now."