
Instability Quotes

There are 557 quotes

"The entire world economy is on extremely shaky footing."
"Capitalism is unstable, capitalism is unequal, and capitalism is fundamentally undemocratic."
"Narcissists actually do not do well in relationships that are stable and steady and free of drama."
"God is most active in moments of what I perceived to be instability and transition."
"Even a small deviation from this ratio can quickly escalate to catastrophic events, a.k.a. big bada boom."
"Everything's falling apart, so this is like the tower energy. There's like no stability here in this relationship because this person's all over the place."
"Everything's never going to be right, everything's never going to be whatever you're going to do and be and grow into, you've got to be able to do it in an unstable environment."
"The people who do the best in their lives are people who function effectively in instability."
"Out of instability, people often want stability."
"We really are living in a pretty unpredictable and unstable time."
"For the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."
"When unstable systems start to falter, the pace at which they unravel speeds up."
"This shows that the global economy is starting to Creak."
"Everything falls apart, the center cannot hold."
"The underlying currency of the country or the world in the case of the US dollar is simply collapsing."
"Instability: active conflict versus static trait."
"When a country introduces special wartime measures and economic controls, it usually means that things are not going to plan."
"I think governments are going to go through a very, very tough period. I think people are going to go through a very, very tough period. I think there's going to be a lot of instability as this new world."
"Without a peace agreement, renewed conflict can break out at any time."
"Political instability can weigh on an economy."
"Economic inequality leads to serious economic instability."
"The current financial system is a house of cards that could result in a cascading global economic collapse."
"New alliances are already forming, making the world much less stable."
"How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come."
"Libya is a disaster, Iraq is a disaster, Syria is a disaster."
"Sometimes in a time period consisting of only a few short months, people can go from having their life completely together to then having everything fall apart."
"I got rich quick, but I built the house of cards."
"A major war could destabilize the US leaving no winners."
"There's probably another 20 banks that are in that position, so the banking system is not sound and resilient."
"We're in that red zone but it can always tilt a little bit more before the whole thing blows."
"Surprising how quickly things can just crumble."
"I think capitalism is inherently unstable. It's pretty much the core component of Marxian economic theory to believe that there are internal contradictions in capitalism that will eventually lead to its demise."
"The plan B is always if you can't get the candidate that you want elected... the reserve option is to just cause chaos, instability."
"Putin became the source of instability instead of being the source of stability."
"Don't wait for the stability you crave. God is getting ready to take you next in flickering light."
"Rome's renewed stability would not last long, and in the late 4th and early 5th century CE, multiple Germanic tribes crossed the empire's Rhine-Danube border within a few years of each other."
"The political climate here and in many places worldwide is in a very precarious situation."
"The cube is unstable, the cube's powers are on the playlist stay in game."
"When something is unstable it comes apart and comes apart for different reasons."
"Administration like the Obama Administration seems dedicated intentionally or otherwise to completely destabilizing the most volatile toxic, dangerous region in the world."
"The essence of the Dynamics of an economic system or a market system has to do with the instability caused by innovation."
"Economic growth is not this balanced path where everything grows smoothly and there is never a problem never a depression."
"I think your parent was right the oscillation the instability and the growth are one of the same thing you can't separate the two."
"The overall instability that's now sort of appearing in developed countries is perhaps us paying down the price for the growth we've had."
"Diana introduced glamour into the royal family, and that's great for the front cover of magazines but a pretty unstable quality for the monarchy."
"Nothing's really going to happen... it's a very volatile situation right now."
"Most people agree today that the international order is fundamentally unstable... however most people don't understand why this is happening."
"Geopolitical instability acts as a factor in of itself... the world is full of aggressive unstable powers that look to expand outwards."
"This is really cool, as unstable as this is, probably unstable, it's very, very cool to see all these new areas."
"China is entering a period of disintegration."
"All of this financial freedom is actually the complete opposite it's very unstable."
"Reform without revolution is inherently insecure and will be taken back."
"According to W vines... it is to shake something to a point that it affects the security that people feel when they have trusted in that thing."
"When climate change destabilizes the poor world, it drives migration."
"The nation's sort of political center of gravity seems to be in two places right now."
"It's always gonna be this up and down. It's always gonna be this on and off."
"The existing fiat currency system was unstable and nearing its end."
"Yet where is your security in the bank which may fall, in the job which may cease, in the legal agreements which may be broken?"
"Should we, in fact, be preparing for some kind of collapse or disintegration even of the Russian Federation?"
"We're now living in a time where we have to be forgiving of people's mistakes, because everything is so precarious."
"Capitalism is a fundamentally unstable system..."
"It's unsustainable; it's already starting to fall apart."
"We live in an era of unbroken prosperity... until it isn't."
"It's like a game of Jenga... could come crashing down."
"At any minute that could completely collapse."
"It is the nature of inflation when it begins, there's no such thing as transitory. It goes haywire."
"There's something here that's messing with your stability and it has something to do with something you need to heal."
"Timing is also important because there's two things that cause instability in this vortex number one it's adding an effect and that adds a bunch of instability so the more effects you put on here it quickly becomes much more unstable."
"Our entire economy is a house of cards built on a skateboard built balancing on a BOSU ball on the moon on rollerblades."
"The state of their union is strong yet the title House of Cards underlies the delicate fertility of any union or political empire, just as Frank's career is always one dirty secret away from ruin."
"The Multiverse is extremely unstable and unsafe and if left unchecked it can collapse entirely without the me without the TVA."
"The more you ponder this, the more wobbly you feel." - Robert Lawrence Kuhn
"Now is the time for you to embrace the new. The devil represents a period of instability. Something to do with whatever relationship this was that has made you experience great instability."
"Maybe civil war is too hyperbolic, but the country seems to be falling apart."
"I had some realizations about my career and about my future...YouTube is a very scary place and it's very unstable."
"The worse one gets, the more destabilized the other ones get and the greater the likelihood of escalation until you just have a system-wide collapse."
"So if that can interpret your words there the answer is yeah there very well could be a financial instability event that forces the Fed to Pivot."
"It's too unstable. You're not going to be able to get those things that you need to get done."
"It's as if a tectonic plate underneath the surface of the Earth is cracking and being washed away."
"As long as we're playing within the rules of capital, even if we achieve those things, they will never be stable or safe."
"Is the cryptocurrency market a card house that could collapse at any moment?"
"The foundation of our democracy trembles under the weight of this harrowing revelation."
"I don't think the union is going to last very long... The United States, with the government not following the constitution."
"You could be rich at some point and then everything goes downhill."
"Imagine how upside down, toxic, turbie your world will be."
"Protests are now escalating into violence, and we lose a lot of stability as a result."
"All these wonderful jobs reports have been driven by a loss in full-time jobs... it's not going to be there much longer."
"It does not show much confidence either in the Taliban and how they will act if they do come into Kabul and it's it doesn't show much confidence in the ability of the Afghan security forces to hold on."
"Sometimes it feels like the whole world might dash itself to bits."
"Tide turning in favor of Ukraine, creating political instability for Putin."
"Relationships are unstable or one-sided is going to crumble."
"As soon as you have a disruption take place... the whole thing begins to fall apart."
"Piling up of debt of any company might showcase accelerated growth in the beginning but comes at the risk of everything falling apart at once."
"Your life is in serious danger. I know Nathan is your friend, but he's truly unstable and dangerous."
"Europe is set to fracture and have a civil war of sorts."
"They're trying to manifest their way out of this instability. They're very hopeful."
"The flash crash was almost like an announcement that there is likely nothing real left in the system."
"When the moorings of a society come loose, the reactions tend to be extremely chaotic."
"Elevated energy and food prices could cause potentially political instability."
"In a world where Saber goes insane, you know it."
"If you build a house of cards on bad logic and bad philosophy there's a fault line under it."
"This increased kinetic energy can make everything less stable."
"The mainstream comic book industry is a house of cards."
"The future is not stable. There are parallel universes, destiny, and free will."
"In periods of regime change, normal rules do not apply."
"In today's world, instability is everywhere. The great thing about it is we do not have to have that sense or that feeling because it's not true."
"The global economy is as shaky as it's been in a long time."
"For a show that was constantly in flux near the end always having to reshape and re-establish itself community just never seemed to regain its footing."
"Who's going to collapse first, who's going to blink first, or are the Russians gonna break apart and turn into little different separate states?"
"In a world where they live in, it is always Topsy Turvy, it is messy, there's no stability."
"Their lies are like a house of cards, ready to collapse."
"The tower exposes an illusion. Nobody wants to live in a house of cards."
"The Cleveland Mafia was suddenly unstable and vulnerable. It was time to strike."
"They will try and make the Biden-Harris administration unworkable... sow civil unrest and make things extremely unstable..."
"When the foundations are shook, the whole team suffers."
"America's increasingly becoming an unstable country. We are becoming an unstable country that is ripe for something that none of us want to live through right now."
"A double-minded person is unstable in all his ways. Avoid these people, they're hypocrites."
"Borderline personality disorder is really characterized by one word and that one word is instability."
"An unstable economic situation usually leads to an unstable social and political situation."
"But we are so vulnerable that one little change can topple the whole Jenga economy."
"Simple actually gives the team really good ideas... but he can't be stable in that state."
"Your children will feel it, they'll get destabilized by it."
"A kingdom divided against itself shall fall."
"It's a way to actually feel stable in a world absolute instability."
"The Federal Reserve could collapse. It could be irrelevant."
"A brittle Alliance can never be mended, it can only break."
"It just means there's no stability, there's no opportunity for someone to build something."
"You are going through a lot of changes, but remember, the shakiness won't last for too long."
"The carefully negotiated peace was in tatters."
"The name of the game of being self-employed is that it is very unstable, so you really have to plan very carefully."
"A lot of what we see in the U.S. that's destabilizing us were the seeds planted by enemies."
"You have chaos not only domestically but internationally."
"Don't buy into the fame, don't buy into the fortune because it can all go away like that."
"High highs and low lows... it's very difficult for them to have and stay in a place of more stability and consistency."
"Goku then goes into Ultra Instinct, trying to maintain the white-haired version but flickering in and out of it."
"The modern Middle East is a region troubled by war, terrorism, weak and failed states, and civil unrest."
"One minute you're working, next week you're not."
"The more the miners worked, the more they were undermining an already unstable mountain."
"It's been a cheap, dangerous, nasty, vindictive era of lies and deceit and instability."
"A politics of hatred creates a permanent instability that is exploited by those seeking the destruction of civil society."
"For a doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."
"The galaxy hangs on the precipice of chaos and strife."
"We're experiencing quite a bit of shaking."
"You shook up stability here in their life."
"The borderline is there to unsettle you, to destabilize you, to make you doubt your own sanity and the foundations of the life that you had constructed for yourself."
"Sometimes an irrational outpouring of intensity and devotion is a sign... that they are unstable, completely dependent on you for everything."
"Every currency in South America collapses every 20 to 30 years."
"It seemed as though every prop gave way from under me."
"Miss Jen is an unstable nightmare."
"The frustrating part about number five people is their tendency to get bored easily and lack stability."
"Their emotions are a little bit all over the place right now, causing confusion."
"One minute you could be happy, the next minute you could be crying on the floor in a ball because you're so sad."
"That system would blow up and all prices would collapse because it's built on nothing."
"Economies were fragile, peace precarious, and people started listening to the claims of those who said they had the answers."
"My powers are unstable, they've always been too much to manage, but I never thought they'd fall short, not when I needed them the most."
"That's ready to fail at any time."
"The glacier is situated on a bed that slopes downwards, making it precarious for faster retreat in the future."
"Marine ice sheet instability: One process we're concerned about, pushing ice into deeper regions, accelerating melt and retreat."
"This isn't stable, this isn't healthy, this is toxic, okay?"
"There's been Whispers for ages that their relationship was hanging on by a thread."
"This is the best example we have so far that a typical instability from, for example, a star passage or some other unusual gravitational event, can then result in a sudden collapse of a lot of matter."
"They know that they've been kind of in and out and that there's been a lack of stability and a lack of consistency within this connection."
"The fears that this film brings about are so real and so scary because it feels like when you examine it closely it feels like it doesn't take much to completely just destabilize everything we take for granted."
"I mean, it's crazy how quickly someone's life can fall apart, you know?"
"Heather, what is your problem? What are you doing? You don't want me? No, look at everything I got for you. No, it's too late for sorry now. You're gonna see what actually crazy is."
"The question is what role can cryptocurrency play in a world full of turmoil and instability?"
"Volatile means easily changeable or extreme, unstable."
"It just goes faster and faster and faster, and you can't hold on."
"Germany is in fact dancing on a volcano."
"It only takes a second for things to get chaotic."
"Nothing is stable in the realm of power."
"Individuals with borderline personality disorder often have intense and unstable interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation."
"Democracy has its problems. One very obvious problem is instability."
"I'm getting a lot of unstable energy, and part of it has to do with this third party that's interfering and causing issues."
"When something is built on lies, it's hard for it to stand."
"...with instability always hounding that part of the world you will likely see them for a long long time to come."
"For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed."
"I really don't think I would describe me personally as a parent because I don't even know what a parent is. I would say I was more like a mentally unstable, controlling bit."
"The dunes themselves are constantly shifting and changing, creating a landscape that seems to be in a constant state of flux."
"Hyperinflation occurs when a country's currency rapidly loses value causing prices to Skyrocket."
"Somebody's off the [ __ ] hinges. Somebody's just doing [ __ ] to any and everybody."
"We're losing presidents like nobody want to lead us. Yeah, it's crazy."
"The ground is constantly crumbling beneath their feet."
"Once the core is gone, he's no longer stable, he turns Giant and you know way more powerful and out of way."
"Humans are unstable as [__] you don't know what somebody might do or might say."
"Sometimes I feel like my life is just not on track and things get out of hand so quickly."
"Meritocracies are unstable but productive."
"The great destabilizing factor in society was debts beyond the ability to be paid."
"Logic became more and more unstable. It was an incredibly stable DAW for a decade, but a couple of years ago it started crashing, kind of fairly regularly with various plugins from the big manufacturers..."
"I couldn't depend on it. I'd open a project for a client and they would crash and I would be able to open it and I'd have to open it in safe mode and disable plugins and try to figure it out..."
"...Victor Hoffman, a person who definitely belonged in a mental institution but was recently let out."
"This floor feels like it's falling apart."
"Things happen so quickly out here. One minute everything's fine and then the next minute all hell can break loose."
"The tectonic plates that underpin it are shifting."
"Going around corners would randomly feel like the wheels hit a patch of ice."
"It felt like the whole world was shaking."
"The lies and the knots of the establishment [__] can't hold together for much longer."
President Clinton: "It's frustrating time because for all the opportunity there's a lot of inequality there's a lot of insecurity and there's a lot of instability and unsustainability."
"Trust me, I know where I'm going," Clarence Gerber told Jimmy Barrett, his voice uneven and quivering.
"We're moving towards a centralization that eventually leads to things falling apart."