
Warnings Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"His insights and warnings about humanity, both individually and collectively, were not only ahead of his time but in many ways they are still arguably unheated warnings, immensely relevant to today."
"You know it's funny when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
"I get it, your warnings seem to go to no avail. You're warning people around you about certain things going on in society, and those warnings seem to be hit with a swift reproach."
"You cannot carry all that load. It will show later on."
"We've been warning you to stop attacking civilians... and you haven't listened."
"If there are consequences to the kind of stuff he's proposing, it ain't gonna be pretty."
"I'm sure most people who read this can understand what I'm saying when I say I wish I would have listened to the warnings about a certain romantic partner."
"I think despite the fact that your tolerance increases, you certainly get to a point where your body just says no, like stop it now, that's enough, don't mess with me no more."
"We learn about how criminal behavior tends to escalate over time, this means that we do often have warnings before somebody engages in this type of behavior."
"Don't mess with Ouija boards. These things are not toys. Whether you believe it or not, these entities do exist and they believe in you."
"Dreams can serve as warnings, safeguarding us from potential harm or guiding us away from detrimental paths."
"A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will deserve neither and lose both."
"The parallels between now and 1914 are too close to dismiss."
"We are near the end of this whole system and it is going to collapse and implode." Lynette Zhang
"Some of these stories... they're meant to be warnings."
"It's going to be warm then natural disasters and they're coming they're coming almost hand in hand I mean disease and it seems like you know natural disasters and pandemics it's it's like which is what Jesus said."
"The writing's on the wall, the red flags there's something here that's trying to get your attention it's trying to get you to wake up."
"What we have is a blip in human history... we would be so damn stupid to give it away for nothing."
"I think probably some benevolent ETS are in that mix somewhere saying, 'If you don't do it, we're going to do it for you. You won't like that.'"
"We're about to find out what can happen when this warning is ignored."
"Trash cans, ambi is exactly what it sounds like... a piece of trash garbage."
"Every disaster movie begins with a person in power ignoring the warnings of a scientist."
"Rand Paul warned about mass surveillance and how American citizens are going to be spied on by our government."
"This is not a game... there is an enticement to the occult like nothing else."
"Delta variant is contagious as chickenpox CDC internal documents say."
"Listen up, girls, if the hottest guy in your school is flirting with you, there's a very strong possibility that he just wants to make fun of you." - Kate
"Possibly the first sign that something might be a ponzi scheme is that you are being pitched a low risk investment with an unusually high rate of return."
"I bet you it's a little like heroin, so don't start. It's great having that connection with people around you."
"Confusing chemistry with compatibility is dangerous."
"Everybody's so caught up for a check, 'Oh, I'm on demon time,' listen, that [__] comes with bad energy and spirits."
"The aliens are described in the same way...they're speaking and warning us."
"They're not for America they're wed to something else these guys are connected to Marxism and to those countries that represent Marxism it's serious."
"What I suggest to you today is the things that you're going to be hearing and the increasing claims they're going to be coming out is none other than demonic deceiving actions."
"Don't settle, Scorpios, don't settle, the tower's gonna eventually come, that's why they're warning you and telling you to take the lead."
"I hate to say it, but Elon Musk tried to warn Congress and the president about AI and the dangers of it."
"Other nations who failed to learn from history would disappear as dots in the sands of time."
"In a moment of lethal stupidity, the DIY-oh-why moment proved fatal, well and truly earning this man a Darwin Award."
"These are only the beginning of the beginning of what is Yet to Come brothers and sisters."
"The weather's quickly becoming too bad. Dire warnings are issued."
"That is honestly a massive red flag in my opinion."
"The entire thing that happened then was a harbinger, a warning of things to come later."
"If almost all of your friends and family do not like this person, there's usually a reason for that."
"Otherwise, no joke, no scam, you will be visited by a ghost."
"They aren't random... he's telling you they are a gang."
"This would probably be a very good early warning signal, kind of like a red flag or yellow flag, whatever the colors."
"If you take the medicine of greed without the warning of danger, this medicine called affluenza can kill you."
"Every content warning I've seen is not a spoiler."
"Wow, that's nicely balanced, that sweet and savory combination, huh?"
"Don't get addicted to it, it is addictive and it will start showing on you."
"I truly believe that growing up in Appalachia, you always hear stories, but you brush them off. However, the warnings that came with the stories, yeah, those you listen to."
"Don't run away from warning words; they're invitations to intercession."
"Don't [ __ ] with people's money, man. Don't do it. You're asking for a world of hurt."
"God gives him the scare of his life on the road to say don't you dare go beyond what I say."
"Pray, pray, pray... if you do this you are messing with demons."
"Whenever you have a polarized society and you have active division happening, people stop listening to the warnings."
"When we talk about the crazy hot scale even if she's a 10 hot she's definitely a 10 crazy you are in the do not touch zone."
"Don't go on the dark web, stay off the dark web."
"We've been talking about threats to democracy for a long, long time."
"Those are the five reasons why you shouldn't become a software engineer."
"Pay attention to your dreams because really they're warning us."
"We're at a point where a lot of people are talking about wanting a civil war, and they don't understand how bad it will be."
"The timing is impeccable where I think the public opinion about... congratulations and warning number one."
"Nobody should send death threats, seriously."
"I warned you all years ago when we first started getting them locked up, that chasing a bag was going to be the undoing of it."
"Dr. Anthony Fauci is now warning not to reopen too quickly."
"The president warning of a cold, dark Christmas after relentless Russian attacks on Ukrainian power infrastructure."
"Respectfully okay and I know not everybody's gonna see this there'll be some idiot on social media that's going to do it anyway after I continuously say it over and over and over again."
"There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places."
"When she says beware of me she doesn't mean because I'm the Lich Queen she means the Horde better beware of me."
"You've always sounded the drum... but your warnings are more dire, louder, more direct."
"Did you hear any alarms? Did you get any kind of warning? No alarms, no warning, nothing."
"Stop drinking Coca-Cola and any soda, it's going to kill you."
"If he says yes this is what is happening then please please do not ignore the warnings of God's men and women."
"If you play stupid games, you get stupid prizes."
"Every single person I talked to advised me to avoid Lisa Frank at all costs. I didn't know a single person who had not heard horror stories about the work environment there."
"Warning dreams alert us of an upcoming tragedy or situation we need to pay attention to."
"11B X 1371: a cryptic video with hidden messages, torture imagery, and ominous warnings."
"Elon Musk is still warning about the catastrophic potential of AI."
"The ancient people knew about these greedy pricks a long time ago and they were warning us."
"They're gonna come at you with lies, lies. They're gonna be like, 'I've changed.' But they have not changed."
"If multiple people tell you not to go out with a girl, you should probably listen."
"Let's not let young people go up to Hollywood thinking, 'Yeah, be blinded by celebrities so they could put you in orgy scenes.' That's [expletive] up."
"All of you people who are having fun with contraception, your unpaid bills will come due."
"It's the dumbest effing warning I've ever seen in my life."
"The visitors are continuously warning us about the danger of nuclear proliferation and environmental catastrophe."
"Don't mess with girls that are married or in relationships."
"Game contains flashing lights and jump scares, contain disturbing and intense gameplay."
"I tried to warn them like so many others before... deaths and disappearances are commonplace on that mountain."
"Please do not have kids to try to fix a broken relationship."
"You're going to go toe-to-toe with them because again Libra, you've been getting the red signs or red flags."
"There were more red flags than in China yet I ignored them."
"Aquarius, your intuition will be picking up red flags. You'll see people revealing themselves."
"You're not dealing with them anymore, it's with us. So you gotta behave yourself."
"Karma is a bitch man, like you don't want this to come around and bite you in the ass."
"Coffee, alcohol, and marijuana—they're all bad for your sleep. Enough said, let's move on."
"Nobody pays attention to history, they're going to be in big big trouble."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, but uh oh, this video's cursed."
"Anything that promises you guaranteed returns... it's usually too good to be true."
"Pay attention to the red flags, unrequited love."
"In the world of One Direction, the 'dark' trope usually means riddled with red flags."
"I've been warning you since 2018, something's on the horizon."
"The fact that he was given that many warnings, that much coaching and failed to change his behavior certainly says something about his personality and where he is in life." - Dr. Joni Johnson
"It has to be brought home to the Russians that Crimea is really on the table and that they could lose it."
"The warnings have been given; the big one's coming. And I'm not referring to the big earthquake coming; I'm talking about the return of Jesus Christ as the big one that's coming."
"Most people are not making the money. They're getting robbed."
"Trust warnings that are around you."
"Using AI to develop more precise warnings will be a lifesaver."
"It will show dictators that our warnings are serious and we will not let their flagrant attacks go unchecked."
"Stop falling for his [ __ ] ladies, I'm trying to tell you."
"...Harry was warned against marrying Megan and that the queen and Prince Phillip tried to talk him out of it."
"You can ignore this warning for now, this is a warning more for maintaining the libraries in the backend."
"President Truman made the announcement that the atomic bomb had been dropped on Hiroshima and sternly warned if the Japanese do not now accept our terms they may expect a rain of Ruin from the air the like of which has never been seen on Earth."
"...when I told honey that day I'll tell you the same thing you can show by it but that fire will burn you if you touch it."
"The words scrolling across the rocks were warnings for future humans."
"They did it to themselves, the warnings came before the storm."
"Gentleman, which brings me to my next Point: don't smoke crack."
"First, never take advantage of someone else's love. Second, never touch a hair of the fox tribe. Third, the one-tailed fox is not useless, never."
"You flip that pancake, there will be serious consequences."
"One of the life-changing moments I had was a guy... 'Be careful. I feel like the evil one is going to destroy your marriage.'"
"Make you a safer driver with lane departure and front collision warnings."
"Sometimes people need a reminder of why a thing is bad."
"Maybe there is a shred of truth in here. Maybe his ex-girlfriends really are trying to reach out to you to try and warn you of how bad this guy is."
"It whispers warnings in the howling wind, etches caution in the icy slopes, and paints danger across the rocky faces."
"If you ever meet anyone at all and you love them you like them they are like the newest best person you've ever met... if they are talking about their EX this is a huge number one red flag to get out of it."
"Life doesn't come with a trigger warning."
"They don't warn you about what is about to happen in your life when they turn you over to the world."
"There are dreams that are the very heavens attempting to warn us, to bring a message about a situation."
"Are you sick of all those 'do you trust this website' warnings all over the place?"
"There's no end of people telling you that we're on the cusp of these final battles or these final wars."
"Until we know if these agents are safe, we don't think they should be taken by the general public."
"There is good news in this Quran and there are warnings in this Quran."
"We over preach the rewarding of God but under preach the warning of God."
"The best you could do is point to examples if they are willing to listen. History is a way of increasing understanding and giving warnings."
"I mean, I'm giving warnings to every police officer that I know."
"Warnings are hilarious... I just think warnings are hilarious."
"It's never not funny when someone gives a warning. I don't know why but it's always like just always funny."
"If there had been a warning, do you think Anello would have abided by it, considering his history of ignoring such signs while driving a 4,000 pound missile down the road?"
"Dreams can be warnings, manifestations of spiritual battles."
"Dreams reveal warnings and instructions to keep us from destruction."
"Make sure that you address your warnings because they will help you out if your code has bugs."
"The Cassandra metaphor refers to a situation where a person's valid warnings or concerns are not believed by others."
"The tail is a prophet who tells lies."
"Every life is either a warning or an example."
"If you just want to say that something did not happen according to the plan, but you don't want to stop the execution of your script, you can use a keyword called 'warn'."
"The Lord speaks his warnings to all people through his chosen disciples."
"FDA warnings are not always based on complete epidemiological studies that really answer issues of causation."
"React does a great job of providing solutions to potential problems in your applications via contextual warnings as console errors."
"Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences."
"These stories are warnings for us, upon whom the end of the ages has come."
"I think trigger warnings are good and I think that they are necessary."
"Don't ignore compiler warnings. They are trying to tell you something."
"So important to heed those warnings."
"All tornado warnings need to be taken very seriously."
"It's misunderstood, often blamed for bringing about natural disasters, it's really more just kind of giving warnings about them."
"Don't share toothbrushes, don't share contacts because the consequences could be dire."
"It pays to look at the small details, look at the warning messages, and see what's going on there because it might be a problem eventually."
"God uses dreams and visions to warn us and others."
"People don't heed the warnings, and then when they're in the storm, they realize it's been brewing the whole time."