
Political Funding Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Dark money is money spent on political causes through non-profits and other entities that find creative ways to incorporate under the part of the tax code that doesn't make them report where the money came from."
"What the American people want, they don't want candidates to be running to billionaires for huge amounts of funding."
"They have unlimited money because of politics, dude."
"We need to give money to independent candidates so that they can rely on the people and be beholden to the people instead of being beholden to corporate interests."
"Is it legitimate to allocate private money for public elections?"
"The Olive Garden was falsely flagged as a big-time financial supporter of Trump's reelection campaign."
"The reality is that the amount of funding available for generally left-wing community organizing and activism is enormous."
"It's so dystopian, these massive Tech companies... funding these horrible policies."
"What needs to be done is people to mean what they say and if you are taking money from conservatives out there under the guys that you're fighting big Tech start fighting big Tech."
"Women's sport: In another gift to Murdoch, the Liberal Party gave his company Foxtel 40 million dollars under the guise of promoting women's sport."
"I'm supported mostly by small dollar donations...I don't take any money from big corporate interest or big PACs."
"Planned Parenthood spent 30 million to help the Democrats win back the house... why am I forced to fund them with my money?"
"If there was ever a doubt whether money could buy a presidency that doubt is now extinguished."
"Opinion: Large corporate interests - weapons manufacturers, the pharmaceutical industry, and fossil fuel companies - are some of the most influential sources of funding for both political parties."
"Democrats put real money behind this. It's the election equivalent of saving the whales."
"The pressure on candidates to raise money has ratcheted up since the Supreme Court's citizens united decision in 2010."
"Our agenda is the agenda of working-class and middle-class Americans."
"If you represent the donors, you do not have a better chance of winning than we do. We do not accept that assumption."
"I remember saying this idea about me funding politicians the government fund and having a Level Playing Field and not having corporations control our politics and everybody stood up in class."
"I don't have APAC money, I don't have special interest money, I don't have lobbyist or PAC money. What I have is you."
"When you're donating money to a PAC that can engage in all kinds of advertising, there is an argument that that is like a tangible form of free speech."
"Donald Trump is talking about cutting funds to the UN... we pay 22% of the operating budget and 28% of the peacekeeping budget."
"Money in politics speaks, the average Congressional race cost millions of dollars to win."
"Unlimited and dark money in politics? A very small group wins."
"She lost a massive donor, the Coke brothers fund Americans for Prosperity."
"It's six to one of donations under a certain amount of money, so six to one of small dollar donations."
"I wish I was funded by the Koch brothers, that would be nice. I wouldn't be wearing H&M underwear."
"Mitch McConnell, let's go ahead and keep sending money towards Ukraine because that's where the real issue lies."
"There's no way to spin that. When you tell local law enforcement agencies that you are ineligible for money, that's defunding the police."
"You're amazing guys. Thank you so very much."
"This week, President Biden approved $13 billion to send to Ukraine, then another $800 million in weapons."
"Money doesn't actually determine politics in the United States."
"What was the outcome of James O'Keefe's expose? That these monies are being put through by other people in the names of people and no traceability as to who the actual donors are and no follow-up and no further Discovery."
"You know, they take comfort in knowing that that's not the case yeah they know damn well where the money's coming from even even though I'm sure they've insulated themselves."
"This is actually more money coming from Republicans."
"No big corporate donors, no super packs, that's all just grassroots."
"Mark Zuckerberg spent nearly half a billion dollars giving money to election Aid workers in heavily Democrat districts."
"Do I have to remind you of Bernie's last two candidacies and how all of that leftist money and influence was funneled into Joe Biden's [ __ ]?"
"It's blood money, okay? First of all, this lady takes much muchos money from Planned Parenthood. That's actual blood money."
"Money does win elections. However, nothing changes the fact that the majority of Americans believe and approve of Medicare for All, single-payer healthcare."
"How dare you, sir? But, uh, yeah, it does make those involved look a bit insane, but it also shines an even bigger light on the massive amount of funding that fuels the conservative media machine."
"Why no matter if Trump or Biden gets in office are trillions of dollars going overseas?"
"It all comes down to in my opinion unless you're already rich enough to pay for your own campaign which I don't know anyone who actually just does that out of pocket typically uh it's the corporations who back you."
"Democrats allocate funds to everything except the wall."
"Grassroots funds and candidates who truly are supported and able to win office based on these small dollar donations across the country, that's a new phenomenon and that's a very positive direction."
"Think tanks could do a lot of good and help our politicians make better decisions but they have been corrupted by the money coming in from big companies."
"In Britain, there is a wind of intolerance blowing, unfortunately, it is well funded and sustained."
"Orbis business intelligence funded and paid for many of these red sparrows." - Commentator
"Folks who claim that the billionaires are the enemy funded by these billionaires, pushing this campaign which was a disinformation campaign lying to the American people."
"Is it true that Joe Biden's lead is huge because of Too Strong Coffee? I don't know, but I do know that if you buy two bags or more they give to progressive causes like Wolf PAC."
"All donations to the Conservative party have been properly declared and accounted for with the Electoral Commission and accordance with the law."
"I am the only campaign who was people-powered because we strongly believe money is not going to win this race."
"We don't take corporate money because we don't want to be beholden to big corporations."