
Space Launch Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Lift off of an Atlas V rocket and Landsat 9, continuing the legacy of an irreplaceable 50-year record on our ever-changing planet."
"Ignition, engine full power, and lift off of NASA crew. A go falcon, go SpaceX, and go [Applause]."
"The launch control team in Baikonur reports all systems are go for launch, no issues being worked as the countdown enters its Final Phase."
"The countdown is proceeding on schedule, no issues being reported from engineers at the Block House in Baikonur."
"Ignition there we go and liftoff of the Starling 6-43 mission carrying more internet satellites."
"This is Starlink 6, Falcon 9 Block 5, taking off today."
"Once it is safe to travel the world, I highly recommend seeing a launch in person, it's an amazing experience."
"Soyuz can launch in pretty much anything. They launch in snow and lightning. Soyuz is the honey badger of space; it don't care."
"You may not realize how close the launch site is to the beach. It's maybe a couple hundred yards in American, a couple hundred meters from the sand, and there's dunes and everything."
"The launch vehicle, payload, ground systems, and Eastern Range are go for launch."
"Delta four heavy ascending into the clouds one last time, that's just beautiful."
"What was incredible about sharing it with people who this was their first launch, that is what was incredible about it."
"We're all super excited for the first full stack Starship launch."
"Hello from a breezy but otherwise gorgeous night here at the Kennedy Space Center."
"Like Orion on top of SLS on the pad for the first time can you tell how excited I am look how cool this is the fog is lifted."
"You just saw Falcon 9 had an on-time liftoff through the fog from Vandenberg Air Force Base. That was sweet."
"It was just an overwhelming relief, witnessing this incredible launch that I've been waiting to see for so long."
"Assuming conditions are clear, it'll likely be a very spectacular launch..."
"Fog not a constraint for launch, just a constraint for being able to see it at liftoff, but hopefully it climbs above that fog and into the blue sky."
"Launches occur when the ISS's orbital plane passes over the launch site."
"This is about more than just the launch, it's about supporting a cause."
"Morning to see the first operational flight of Launcher One and a success. So wonderful, wonderful."
"Thank you to the 45th Space Wing for Range Safety and the FAA for licensing today's launch."
"Welcome to the Space Coast of Florida where we just witnessed the first launch of NASA's Clips initiative."
"What an incredible day now thank you so much for continuing to tune in with us to watch this historic launch of astrobotics paragan lunar lander on its Journey To The Moon."
"Delta IV Heavy is a ridiculously cool rocket to see launch because it literally lights itself on fire."
"We have ignition and we have a liftoff of the seventh Starlink flight from 39A at the Kennedy Space Center."
"This is something that we're doing that gives us hope, that pushes us into the future, and for a second, maybe, you know, for this hour around this launch, you know, we're committed to a goal that's bigger than ourselves, a unifying goal."
"Now making their way to the one and only International Space Station, the vehicle is pitching down range nine Merlin engines on the first stage providing 1.7 million pounds of thrust."
"Nice to see youngsters get excited about a launch and he is 72 years old."
"Watching this launch, everything went perfect."
"Seeing this rocket actually take off was mind-blowing."
"We are clearly ready to fly on Saturday with an understanding of what that risk is."
"If you see your rocket come to life, it's if you're getting fueled suddenly the excitement builds up."
"You'll see it you will at least please don't scrub it yeah Harmony is already scrubbed a launch."
"And then if the village gets evacuated, you can guarantee we will be live tomorrow for a potential flight of SN10. No guarantees on a flight tomorrow but we will continue to watch all the things that we can watch."
"The Falcon 9 rocket has become the most reliable orbital launch vehicle ever."
"Now it was communicated the upper level winds have been verified acceptable winds are green for today's launch opportunity so good news on the winds hooray."
"We're all rooting for Antares, even here in Florida!" - Chris Gebhardt
"Antares broke the scrub streak! Yes!" - John Galloway
"The engines are steady and nominal, 100 percent." - Unnamed commentator
"We had one of the double header launches go off successfully."
"The double Landing Zone touchdowns for the two Falcon 9 side boosters are always something really special to watch."
"I love this. This is the first daytime launch we've had since like June. It's been a long time, so it's good to see our eyes on a Falcon 9 during the broad daylight."
"The engines we used to launch from Earth were like running your car at race car speeds."
"The most exciting part of every launch is the liftoff."
"Beautiful day for a launch, beautiful clear skies there to see that Moon."
"We saw a fantastic launch and landing of the Falcon 9 there. Fantastic!"
"This is always the moment where, like, I know day launches are better for everyone's schedule but man you can see the entry burn at night from the launch site it's so cool that you can't see it during the day."
"Thanks for the support, thanks for sharing this launch with us today."
"It's about as perfect as you could hope for for liftoff conditions." - Ideal conditions for liftoff.
"Ula is proud to be the launch provider for Vital National Security missions."
"Ula has a rich Heritage of supporting National Security space launch."
"We have ignition and liftoff of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket."
"It's cheaper to scrub than to have someone go boom."
"People watching the event on television hear Mission Control say, 'The Saturn 5, building up to 7.6 million pounds of thrust, has cleared the tower.'"
"The turnaround time at SpaceX's busiest launch site in Florida has been reduced to less than 4 days between missions."
"It will leave the pad very, very quickly, it will clear the tower after about five or six seconds and begin the roll, pitch, and yaw program at seven seconds into flight."
"That's probably one of the coolest things about one of these launches."
"First stage ramping up high speed and liftoff."
"Relativity Space have shipped their first booster to Florida in preparation for a launch campaign this summer."
"Just look at that, the trail really visible there from Falcon heavy, just absolutely incredible."
"Rocket Lab's tenth electron has now left the pad and is on its way to space."
"Absolutely gorgeous launch of the Falcon 9 today, a totally cloudless sky."
"We had a successful launch, that is a very, very good thing."
"Every Falcon 9 launch I just think is magic." - "I never get sick of these launches."
"SLS lighting up the Florida Space Coast - a spectacular launch in the wee hours of the morning."
"And there we have liftoff of starlink group 6-40 from space launch complex 40 we will remain quiet so you guys can hear the awesome sounds."
"Let's do this! Crew displays are configured for launch!"
"We've got good weather and it looks beautiful over there at KSC for crew 5."
"All systems are proceeding nominally towards an on-time liftoff."
"Can you believe that this is already SpaceX's 16th launch this year that's pretty impressive considering that we're only 10 weeks into the year."
"Launch has not been scrubbed it has not been scrubbed to this point the count is is proceeding but at the moment conditions are not looking the best."
"It's always a pleasure being out here to bring everyone of VI of the launches out here at the cape and KSC."
"I'm ready to see something go up again, it's been too long."
"The launch window is limited by the angle between the direction of the sunlight and the orbital plane."
"Dragon, SpaceX, go for launch! Let's light this candle."
"SpaceX decided to launch it in the thickest fog one can imagine and, in the end, it didn’t make it to the pad."
"If you have a 200 kilogram satellite and you want to fly it to a specific orbit, you could either pay, say $50 million-ish for a Falcon 9 or you could maybe pay about $5 million for a smaller rocket that will do the job, no problem."
"Maybe more important than their sizes and payload fairing volume is how much can these vehicles actually put into orbit?"
"Virgin Orbit now says that the cost of their launches will be around 12 million dollars."
"Fueling operations underway at Pad 39A as we approach liftoff."
"We are about 26 minutes away from the liftoff of a Falcon 9."
"Everything on track for liftoff in just about 10 minutes."
"Ignition sequence start, 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero, lift off, we have a lift!"
"The best place to launch from is the equator."
"We are now just under 13 minutes and counting until the expected liftoff time of Falcon 9."
"It meant a lot to watch this launch, and it meant even more because I was watching it with my dad."
"The first time my mom has seen a launch live from our backyard, thank you SpaceX and NASA, next step to the Moon."
"Hello to everyone tuning in tonight, especially those of you who maybe it's your very first launch, welcome, thank you for joining us."
"We're entering a new chapter, evolving from a research-focused startup to a premier space launch manufacturing and services company."
"Wow," I said, feeling like a kid at a space launch for the first time. "I couldn't help it."
"The problem is is that the energies involved, the forces involved are really, really powerful. How can you accelerate objects using electricity to tens of kilometers per second and not have your entire launch facility tear itself apart?"
"Apollo Saturn V rises vertically for 12 seconds, then begins a pitch over maneuver."
"All of the stuff that NASA uses to launch things into space is extremely big and excessively cumbersome."
"We have commit! We have liftoff! Let's have at 7:00 am Eastern Standard Time!"
"Astronauts are not afraid during the launch simply because they knew they would be getting into this rocket from the moment they made their application."
"Everything is looking great for tonight's liftoff."
"It's always exciting to be at Kennedy Space Center on a launch day."
"The countdown is proceeding nominally at this point."
"It's a beautiful sight. It certainly is the case that launch orbital mechanics are complicated."
"It's about the moment when your family members and loved ones realize they really hope they've left their phone on, they haven't put it on mute because you do hopefully get a phone call from the launch pad."
"The launch never gets old. It's always a breath of fresh air."
"It is a breezy evening at the cape as SpaceX is preparing to launch its 175th Falcon 9 from this pad to date."
"Coming into tonight's launch, the 45th weather squadron based here at the cape did forecast better than 95% favorable weather conditions for liftoff."
"Topping off of the cryogenic fuels continues at this time, and our weather for launch time continues to look good."
"Hello all, beautiful night for a launch here in Orlando, Florida."
"And we have liftoff of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with the STP-3 mission for the United States Space Force."
"I never thought I'd get to see a real rocket launch. Oh, I can't wait!"
"We're not working any issues and we are proceeding towards an on-time liftoff."
"We have ignition and full thrust on the RL10, chamber pressure looks good, body rates look good."
"SpaceX is targeting a T0 liftoff at 8:39 p.m. Eastern, that's 00:39 UTC for our viewers from around the world."
"T-minus ten, nine, eight, all three engines up and burning, two, one, zero, and liftoff."
"Ignition and liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket."
"Ignition and liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket on the Starlink 6-35 mission."
"Weather tonight should be excellent for liftoff."
"At the center of your screen is the star of our first bit of live launch coverage today, this is SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket."
"Tonight's launch is targeting a T0 lift-off at 11:01 p.m. Eastern, that's 0401 UTC."
"A dramatic explosion shattered the tranquility of a Florida LaunchPad."
"We continue counting down toward a launch time of 2:13 p.m. Eastern Standard Time."
"The biggest launch event we saw last week was undoubtedly the Rocket Lab NASA Capstone mission."
"It was another textbook launch and landing."
"Falcon 9 has cleared the Tower and the flags at the Press site, soaring high above Florida's Space Coast."
"What beautiful views from Falcon 9 as it lifts off from Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral."
"We are now less than one hour until liftoff, and this day is the continuation of regular crew flights to the space station from U.S. soil."
"I love these liftoffs, especially when they're almost effortless."
"We're back on the pad today, but we're still keeping an eye on weather conditions and are currently green for launch."
"Feels like an official NASA launch out here."
"All stations report for communications check. Antennae at set, air at Cape Canaveral."
"We have ignition sequence start, all engines running, we have a lift-off."
"We got a beautiful launch and some really pretty video from orbit. It's a really good day."
"It's always so much fun to see a launch."
"I always love these nighttime Falcon 9 launches because you can see so much."
"SpaceX is targeting a T0 liftoff time of 1:34 p.m. Pacific, 4:34 p.m. Eastern."
"I'm honestly really excited for it to launch."