
Anti-racism Quotes

There are 1027 quotes

"You have to do more than just not be racist; you have to be anti-racist."
"The most impactful way to challenge racism and sexism is to be the most successful woman of color I can be."
"To be truly anti-racist is to be feminist. To truly be feminist is to be anti-racist. We cannot be anti-racist if we are homophobic or transphobic."
"It's wonderful that we delivered a resounding message that racist, hateful rhetoric will not stand."
"It has long been time to not only not accept racism but to become anti-racist. That's all of us. We need to start to really listen to and help amplify black voices to make their struggles known and to reject racism."
"It's not enough to just get rid of the racist laws, you have to fix the damage the racist laws did."
"To combat racism, xenophobia, and intolerance... leveraging the power of the federal government to stand against this hate."
"Racism is reprehensible and has no place on Yelp, and we unequivocally reject racism in any form."
"We gather to affirm our determination to fight beliefs which divide us: racism, hateful attitudes, and the use of violence."
"One of the best ways to eradicate racism and racial supremacy and these kind of things is just to pull together."
"The life of every African-American is important, and there is no place for racism in this country."
"Non-racism is only the first step toward a more just society. Anti-racism requires more of us."
"Don't judge me by the color of my skin but the content of my character."
"There's not a racist bone in my body. I have worked to bring communities together my entire life."
"Racism is horrible. It's like one of these unique evils in life that most people can recognize as something that just feels so deeply unfair."
"End racism and it takes all of us in the end zone and on helmets, it's going to be a great halftime show that appeals to the urban demographic."
"White supremacy is the system we fight against when we push for equality among people of all races."
"The best way to fight racism is success because then they can't say anything about you if you're successful."
"Anti-racism is a lifelong project, and the end goal is not for you to be good, it's for society to be good."
"I don't believe in any form of racism, discrimination, or segregation. I believe in Islam, which teaches us to believe in Allah as the God."
"It is not enough to be not racist, you have to be anti-racist."
"The religion itself stresses unity amongst people and the planet, outright rejecting racism and nationalism in order to work towards a unified world order."
"The dichotomy is actually racist or anti-racist, which means you are proactively conceding your own complicity in these systems and attempting to decolonize these systems."
"I firmly believe that the way to move forward is not with race-based quotas but by economically empowering all Americans."
"Anti-racism is a collection of anti-racist policies leading to racial equity that are substantiated by anti-racist ideas."
"Just be normal, don't be racist, be anti-racist, and move on."
"Justice is opening the door to an anti-racist future where American fear is endangered."
"I want to insist on a version of anti-racism that is rooted in our common humanity and is actually about eradicating racism."
"You can't wake up one day and say, 'I'm now an anti-racist.' No one ever becomes an anti-racist; it's only something we can start to be."
"A Labour government will build a society and world free from all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia."
"To be an ally, if you're white, is to really have the back of people of color as they fight against racism, as you fight against racism because you see it as your fight too."
"Resistance is a predictable reaction to anti-racist education and must be explicitly and strategically addressed."
"I was profoundly conscious of racism. That experience created a no-nonsense in me, a self-advocacy not only for myself but for the underdog, a fearlessness."
"This is my favorite gift that I got. It's anti-racism for children."
"Being anti-racist to create an equal society, we must commit to making unbiased choices and being anti-racist in all aspects of our lives."
"Pass an anti-racist constitutional amendment... to fix the original sin of racism."
"Americans should pass an anti-racist amendment to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines two guiding anti-racist principles: racial inequity is evidence of racist policy and the different racial groups are equals."
"Grow to be an anti-racist. Anti-racist baby is always learning, changing, and growing."
"Believe we shall overcome racism. Anti-racist baby is filled with the power to transcend."
"Anti-racism, if you think it means 'don't be racist,' you are being manipulated. It quite literally means to be racist."
"The problem is the reaction at the moment is emphasizing racial difference, so we're actually doing exactly what the anti-racists fought against for all those years."
"We should judge people on the character and what's in their heart and what's in their minds rather than their skin color."
"To be anti-racist is to view the inequities between all racialized ethnic groups...as problems of policy."
"I thought a charity that is against racism and anti-Semitism made sense, to sort of put an end to a lot of bad chapters."
"This isn't white vs. black...this is one race, the human race, vs. racists."
"Sharing cultures, especially the art and food of those cultures, that's how we break down racism."
"It is no longer enough to be not racist; we must be actively anti-racist."
"One day we'll all live together properly, without this stuff about race."
"Knowledge really is power, particularly when you're trying to fight anti-blackness."
"Seriously, like Daryl Davis talks people out of being klansmen and befriends people that were racists."
"He brings this racist guy, he sees this car from this rock legend he's always dreamed of and he gave Daryl a hug, and he was like, 'That shattered that racism in a moment.'"
"I staunchly reject racism of any kind, I reject the marginalization of any human being based off their gender or sexual orientation, I reject tyrannical groupthink."
"We're going to have to police our communities and produce justice ourselves. That's when we'll start dismantling the bricks of white supremacy."
"The narrative that's emerging is that we have an anti-racist majority."
"Once you individually know someone of a different culture, it's impossible to take that bigotry back out in the world."
"One's right to speak or to be must never be based on skin color."
"It's the most anti-racist thing you could say."
"You want to be an active anti-racist somebody who's interested in racial justice."
"They're actually buying copies of the book in bulk giving it out to everyone forming book clubs around these anti-racist ideas bringing in high dollar value anti-racist trainers."
"One of the components of the anti-racist training is that white people are responsible for calling out other white people on their racist actions it's part of your responsibility of being an anti-racist."
"Racism and bigotry towards any race or ethnic group is wrong and cannot be tolerated."
"It's not enough to say 'I'm not a racist,' we must be anti-racism because there's no neutrality in this fight."
"I'm not for racism and I know that it exists. That's not what I'm saying. So yes, I would stand up against racism. That's what I'm doing now."
"I'm not for racism, and I know that it exists."
"I would stand up against racism anytime I saw it, absolutely."
"I want to disavow white supremacy. Okay, I'm disavowing completely. I want nothing to do with it."
"Tom Hanks is a non-racist. It's time for him to be anti-racist."
"I don't see skin color, I look at them based on their character."
"Racism is precisely a failure of colorblindness... it is not colorblindness is the antidote to racism..."
"The solution to racism is not to remove white only the solution is to remove the idea that one type of human is inherently superior to the other."
"If you judge people by the content of the character, you can do away with racism."
"Stop being afraid to call out white supremacy and the people who practice it. Stand on truth, stand on principle."
"Everybody ain't gotta agree on everything, but I agree on code. That's how the white supremacist think."
"Racist violence has no place in our society."
"The answer to racial discrimination is to stop racially discriminating."
"To be able to get it all done in such a short time frame with very little planning feels very good."
"Jesse Owens had four gold medals. This single-handedly crushed Hitler's myth of Aryan supremacy."
"To be anti-racist is to believe in the word now... patience is a nasty word to those with injustice kneeling down on their neck."
"You shouldn't judge people based on the color of their skin."
"We are going to fight structural racism through redistribution."
"An anti-cop protest is an anti-racist protest."
"Immediate action of a strong anti-racist law is the solution."
"Recognize that fighting racism isn't just about you it's about liberating people of color from a world that tries to crush us at every turn."
"They're pushing the envelope a hundred times over. Like, you can't just say 'I'm not a racist,' you have to come out against racist people."
"From the very beginning and as a matter of principle, we've opposed anti-Jewish racism."
"This is not reverse [__] racism, this is about Karens calling the police on people, that's the joke."
"There's no one in this country that's done more to confront the racists for the last 10 years than me."
"Hopefully reducing the ugliness of racism so prevalent in society today."
"The answer to cultural appropriation is first respect the culture, understand the context of what you're adopting, give appropriate recognition, and please actively be anti-racist."
"Bringing an end to Black discrimination in Brazil is an ongoing and complex struggle."
"It's not enough to be not racist, we must actively be anti-racist."
"I'm gonna keep making good trouble against racism."
"It's not enough to be not racist, now you have to be anti-racist." - Brian
"Just because people are white doesn't mean they're racist."
"There's no room for racism. It sows the seeds of violence and destroys the hopes and dreams of people."
"The players continue to send a resounding message. There is no place for racism."
"Ulysses S. Grant did much to stop the KKK's reign of terror."
"If you want to end racism, you need to stop avoiding conflict."
"I am surprised by my own ability out here, just saying."
"I do not like racists of any shape kind or color."
"We must demand that all people, black, brown, white, every color, from every political persuasion pull together and hold all people accountable in stopping racism and violence."
"Offering basic populist programs that enrich people's lives is more attractive than offering racism."
"We must include the battle against racist violence in our understanding of civil rights."
"When companies that produce media say racism bad, I feel included as a non-racist."
"It's bad to hate someone or distrust them or sell them short because of the color of their skin."
"It's not enough to just be not racist, you have to be anti-racist."
"I remember the first time I went to a rally was actually against neo-nazis."
"Leftists are obsessed with open borders but also claim to be radically against racism."
"Leadership requires taking a stand. I have a message to all the white supremacists and the Nazis who came into Charlottesville today: go home, you are not wanted in this great commonwealth."
"Utilize the arts and the sciences. Immortalize oneself."
"Destroy white privilege, white supremacy, and cut the check."
"Racism and hate have no place... where every individual is valued and supported."
"Our silence is complicity. Biden condemns anti-Asian hate after call for passage of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act."
"It's urgent to develop shared language and experiences in the anti-racist movement."
"You're basically defeating the purpose... of anti-racism... with racist slurs."
"Ultimately, the only way you can become successful in this world outside of supporting white supremacy is to create your own systems, create your own ecosystems."
"Anti-racists look at things through the lens of race to understand and fight oppression and subjugation."
"The people who actually want racial division must not be allowed to win."
"Learning about black history in America is a fundamentally anti-racist exercise."
"You are not above anybody else you are not more human more exceptional more awesome and nobody is a [__] monkey."
"I oppose racial hatred because that's an offense against human dignity."
"Being anti-racist, but we're also defining ourselves by what we're for, which is bringing people together and recognizing our shared humanity."
"We need to call out the lies, call out the racism, call out the BS."
"Being against racism trumps literally everything else."
"You don't get to practice vile anti-Black racism and then we're supposed to sit up and not say nothing."
"I've been working really really hard to become an ally anti-racist."
"He's an anti-racist in his heart too, he's old-school, he doesn't know the buzz words."
"I don't know not being a racist [ __ ] who thinks it's normal to compare your girl boss hustle culture life to the likes of someone like Harriet Tubman I mean that's just common [ __ ] sense for any like mildly not racist person out there."
"If you ever want to get away from the majority of the white supremacy that exists in your life learn how to not have to go work for a white man anymore."
"Just don't be a racist piece of [ __ ] like it's just, don't judge people based on anything other than the person."
"We should be spending more money and more time and more resources fighting white supremacism...it's not an either/or choice."
"Democrats are clearly the party of anti-racism."
"Every single celebrity who's posted a black Square I'm posting a black Square to show that I'm not a racist."
"America was founded not to promote racism but to guarantee sacred liberties and opportunities to its citizens."
"Reflecting on moments in which we confronted our own white supremacist conditioning is an investment in our recovery."
"I come from a radical position of not being a racist."
"Reading one of these books, one step closer to ending racism."
"We don't need racism to succeed. Let that sink in for a minute."
"The goal of anti-racism was not to eliminate racism, the goal of anti-racism was to set the races against each other."
"Jackie ina has given up her more feet code she stated that she refuses to align herself with quote a company that continues to retail anti black racist beauty brands."
"this is a w in the fight against systemic racism in this country and this is something that the people who are Against Racism are celebrating and the people who are for racism are mad right they're mad about it"
"The president is saying look we can all agree we're against racism."
"There should be no space for hate and racism in football and in society."
"Everyone spam 'free gift' to overwrite the racist comments."
"Racism should have no place in sports or in life in general."
"Racism against any of us is racism against all of us." - Karen Horn
"Utilizing social influence as well as protest in order to publicly shame negative racist behavior is a tool in the toolbox."
"Racism is the weakest prejudice I have ever fucking seen. It can be broken instantly."
"Sophie Turner promised a bloodier season with more death and emotional torture in which we'll see everyone coming together to fight against inwards."
"All leaders were united in condemning racism and in agreeing that we must do more to combat it."
"There is no place in this country for racism against Asian Canadians or anybody else. Now more than ever, we need to stand up against discrimination and injustice in all its forms."
"It's not enough to just say I'm not racist. We need to actively be anti-racist." - Jeannie Mai
"You cannot determine whether or not someone is good, bad, smart, stupid, worthy, unworthy by their race."
"Colorblindness is not a synonym for the absence of racism, it's an ideology created to fight racism."
"Diversity and inclusion without anti-racism work is not going to work."
"You prove them wrong. You show them that you are not what they think you are. You prove that you are capable, you know, that's how you defeat racism."
"As Christians, we should be leading the fight against things like racism."
"Get some humility, get some curiosity, and invest in anti-racism education because you don't know what you don't know."
"You are under no obligation to be subjugated and abused by anti-black racism."
"I am here to introduce people to Jesus Christ, and according to Christ, racism is wrong."
"The last reason is to try to counteract racism and prejudice."
"Don't justify harm with trite, racist excuses."
"If we really are gonna deal with the issue of racism, you have to call it out for what it is to everyone."
"We must end a broken and racist criminal justice system."
"If even one person picks up a book about anti-racism or about racism that they wouldn't have before then that'll be the objective done..."
"Racism is hell of a thing nobody should suffer it. I don't have an opinion on Meghan Markle I do not know her I know one thing y'all gonna stop being racist to black people but let's be clear all that is secondary to the primary problem."
"People are so much more than the color of their skin."
"Racism should have no place; we should do our best to pursue things that can lead to positive cross-cultural engagement."
"We're not going to tolerate... racist comments... misogynistic sexist slurs of Kamala Harris... so I'm dropping the banhammer very, very powerfully."
"Denouncing white supremacy is the base position."
"Anti-racism is life; it literally can save humanity."
"God created one race the human race but humans created racism."
"The point of the exercise was to refute racism."
"We're tired of racism, white supremacy, and we're tired of these people making fun of who we are as a people. Protest has always been a part of the fabric of who we are in America."
"There is no room for racism in football or wider society."
"We've replaced the desire to build our morality on principles that all people are equal under God and that racism is bad."
"You shouldn't dismiss people on the basis of their race."
"Use your privilege to dismantle white supremacy."
"If NASCAR blew up the story as a way where they could then showcase how accepting and how willing to fight against racism they were, which is what they did the next day, right? Like all the people rolled him out and the whole crowd is going crazy."
"All the kids who end up being raised racist or taught to bully, had they been taught at an early age to just question that, what a better world this would be."
"We must build the very thing racism is afraid of."
"Racism is [ __ ] – don't be a dick, don't be racist, it's not that hard."
"Spread some positivity out there, don't bully no Asian people either."
"We've never condoned people being attacked because of their race."
"Racism still exists... we need to be willing to pull that down."
"What Trump is doing through his racism and xenophobia is demonizing a group of people, and as president, I will end that demonization." - Bernie Sanders
"When you enjoy food, you reclaim the pleasures of a life that white supremacy has tried to deny you."
"Racism is real and we all must work together to fight it."
"Let's start the divisive NDP and left-wing politics and vow to destroy racism together."
"You need to find that balance between convenience and security here."
"Anti-black racism is something that we cannot go along with."
"You cannot make racists comfortable. You can't coddle them. You must go after them head on."
"If you truly want to hurt racists, hit them in the pocket."
"Everybody has to stay together and fight against this racism in football."
"Treat people based on the character that they present, not the color of their skin."
"We need leaders who aren't afraid to call out white supremacy. If we want different, we have to vote different. Justice for All Georgia politician."
"Racism is bad because we're all part of the same family."
"We have to change our environment so that it's not so predatory we have to start creating opportunities we have to have a mechanism where we check the white supremacists."
"Zero tolerance policy towards racism during filming."
"It's not enough to be not racist, you have to be anti-racist."