
Negative Impact Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"The more that you use an app like FaceTune, the more that you tweak your face or tweak your body, the worse it's going to get."
"The cynicism is the death of any group, organization, platform, anything. When you get cynical, you don't have the ability to change something."
"What's going to happen years from now when all these studies come out about the negative impact of social media?"
"The truth is that parses I think do more harm than good for the game and I think it's by a large margin how do I know that because I was one person who cared about parses and I ruined my whole raid think about this I was a best in slot 99 parsing Fury Warrior and arms Warrior depending on the fight I had the best gear and whenever I stopped raiding nobody was mad nobody said come back asmon nobody they were all relieved like thank God his reign of terror is over."
"We know reducing player power is bad, not fun, and it's something that we ourselves know."
"Total biscuit's passing... I'm glad he's no longer around to keep doing harm."
"You don't want to smell like a mix of perfume and unfresh clothes."
"Because of the loans that education had ended up doing me far more harm than good."
"Pornography emasculates men that it robs them of the ability to be masculine."
"We are witnessing history right now, for the worse."
"We are what we leave behind, and the foremost memory I have of my relatives, my father especially, isn't going to be their positive traits, it will always be their irrational fear-mongering and terror of the unknown."
"Comparison is the death of her business too."
"If you're lonely and paying for OnlyFans, it's making your situation worse."
"We're seeing very quickly in the last couple of months here, you know, it's increasing at a faster... it's a bigger pile increasing at a faster rate, which we all know how that ends, which is badly."
"It's that 1% that ruins all of those good things."
"If you stare at the problem all day, you will become part of the problem."
"All it takes is one person to make it miserable."
"One despicable ignorant foolish person can ruin it for everybody."
"It's a huge waste and a bad thing for the industry."
"She's made people cry for years. She's talked down to people for years."
"If we focus on what others are doing wrong, that is actually the recipe for mental illness, not just helplessness or mental ill health."
"Wokewashing political corporate activism only increases negative perceptions of a company."
"Once you bust that nut in her you weaken her so-called immunological system."
"Our growing dependence on social media has a dark side."
"It permanently memorializes one of the worst days of a person's life, a moment not meant for a scrapbook." - Associated Press
"It's gotten a bad reputation only because I'm promoting it."
"It wasn't a great year to be on the internet...the year of the questionable influence."
"It's a horrible Legacy that these men leave."
"Bullying and intimidation actually produces worse results."
"If the deepest level, your character, your spirit, if that is unhappy, if that is negative, if that is focused on greed, then you will create goals that come from that."
"Your dad is not a good man, not to the world and especially not to you."
"The rise of these social media platforms... are actually a negative for the mental health of women and girls."
"This change is on the cusp of being that bad."
"It's the whole incident is sort of embodies everything that is so horrible about this period in which we're living."
"It took away the fun of smoking and turned it into something completely different."
"Lots of audio clouding basically is to have a detrimental effect."
"It's just so embarrassing... losing voters every time he talks."
"When you find out Jeffrey Jones was convicted of possession of child pornography."
"The events that we saw were atrocious, they were appalling."
"It's one of those rare instances where the first film didn't get the sequel treatment but a spin-off brought the brand name down even further into the mud."
"He is directly measurably making the world a worse place, a more ignorant place, a more cruel place."
"It still leaves people with a bad taste in their mouth."
"Reduce the scope of work, put a hole in a wall on the way down the staircase is not gonna help you."
"Children don't really need social media. It's bad for them."
"It's bad for the sport, man. Oh, terrible. Yeah, terrible for the sport."
"Negative self-talk, often a subtle and sneaky habit, can significantly lower our vibration without us even realizing it."
"If I'm not focused, then I have to keep track of my thoughts because negative comments can mess up my mental health."
"It can be really hurtful to be told, 'Oh my god, this person is just so annoying.'"
"Don't tell women how their husbands should be loving/treating them. It only harms the marriage."
"The gaff is stunk up, thanks to him. Shocker, stinker."
"The escalation is here and it's not going to be good for anybody."
"Terrible company that has done terrible things."
"This is absolutely terrible. This is the sort of thing that eats a company alive."
"A bloody stain on the history of this nation."
"The negative effects of Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter have been resounding and immediate."
"I underestimated the extreme negative influence of social media on a whole generation of girls."
"You do actually get worse playing on worse teams."
"Resentment is a brutal thing to hold and is one of the worst emotions."
"An unclean spirit alters your perception of self."
"Lust makes you blind, lust divides the will and it darkens the intellect, it makes you blind."
"The whole brand has been left with a bad taste in its mouth."
"All the United States brings is death and destruction. They don't bring any other alternative."
"This was the final straw, she told me that she didn't like what I was turning into, that the fame had gotten to my head, that I was becoming a monster."
"The perception on the GOP after this vote will be very very negative."
"One wrong person in your life can ruin many things for you."
"When something exacerbates something, it makes what's already negative worse."
"Isn't that interesting how social media can lead to direct evil?"
"Those time-honored good versus evil tropes will never fade away."
"It's actually crazy how a bad lawyer can fumble a case so bad isn't that? I know, just one bad lawyer can completely ruin the entire thing. It is disgusting."
"Wherever Graham young went trouble illness and death just seemed to follow him."
"Religion often makes sensitive people terrible."
"You can totally see how the British press will ruin your life if they see you as a piece of meat they can exploit."
"Jealousy serves no purpose for good and it only holds you back."
"Preston Nichols started to feel like he was doing more harm than good to the people in the program, to the planet, and to space-time itself."
"We're dealing with people who are horrible, horrible, rancid folks who have no business doing what their job is."
"For her to put even more blame and to say that to a young girl is very, very, very dangerous and very scary and on the whole is the most disgusting thing Micah has ever done."
"Comparison is the biggest killer of self-joy."
"These actions are what deteriorate a community."
"When someone goes out of their way to be a victim, it doesn't do us any good."
"One of the things that really started to turn people off this event... it was the way that the speakers were dealt with."
"If you keep pursuing and keep callin', she's losing respect for you because you don't value your time."
"Shame is the gremlin who says uh-uh, you're not good enough."
"Esports has destroyed quite a few games trying to make everything an esport."
"Their popularity has cratered in reaction to this book instead of telling their story more and more making people like them more it's making them like them less."
"Not only is what jstation doing evil I think that he believes he's evil and that's part of why we included the selling the swords."
"If that first year i'd come into the church and was going to novus ordo and a trad threw a brick in my teeth over something i did wrong that wouldn't have been good i honestly had no idea."
"I do feel like it cast a dark shadow over the rest of the conference."
"The Internet will turn people into monsters, man."
"These groups can also be a breeding ground of misinformation, scaremongering, and general insanity."
"We're dealing with negative entertainment potential here."
"If bad people speak all the time, then people will just be bad."
"I think fear, it's bad bad bad bad because it's a way of control."
"We have to recognize that social media is dramatically increasing the level of energy to some really nasty and racist stuff."
"It's just contributed toxicity, people feeling worse and nothing really material gets done."
"I've got a good amount of retail horror stories... just ruining people's lives in the name of Best Buy."
"He's got a history of leaving an imprint on our games in a negative way."
"It's a terrible, terrible thing this was for politics."
"Facebook essentially amplifies the worst of human nature."
"You were a burden, you were a horrible, horrible burden."
"This intensity of need to control people is monstrous."
"Envy's a very destructive human emotion. It really has no purpose other than to make ourselves feel bad."
"The Megan effect turned Harry into a miserable, tense, sulky, and emasculated man."
"First impressions are everything, and for a lot of people, myself included, Goblin Slayer left an awful one."
"Truth, especially negative truth, just leads us towards some negative experience."
"Monetizing oppression means taking advantage of a system that sees me as just a sexual object without worth. It's a net negative for society as a whole."
"Ultimately it was a toxic combination of disorganized and ignorant management, a rambunctious party and drug culture, and irresponsible and downright freaking awful guests..."
"This type of [__] is not good for our sport as a whole."
"OverWatch 2 cause irreparable damage to this game's reputation its Community its integrity."
"If you get joy out of hurting somebody else's enjoyment of something, that just makes you a loser destroyer of joy."
"There's some people who... when they clock in and it's like entering the Gates of Hell."
"Your ideas are harmful, you share them through communication."
"Being turned into a free-to-play is the worst thing that can happen to a game."
"But it's going to ruin it for absolutely everybody."
"Because I would be fucking dumb and it would gut the game."
"Being overzealous you can dam yourself and call someone else to be lost."
"You're destroying people's lives by doing what you're doing."
"Something about these games just seems to bring out the worst in people."
"So many people have had a bad experience in the church."
"This could be the single worst thing they've done, period."
"Wars are a disaster. They are cruel, barbaric, unjust; calamitous situations that no human being should have to go through."
"The more damaging impact is the unhealthy negative household."
"Toxicity in games makes everyone miserable, even the person who's being toxic."
"Detroit's had a bad enough time without all the garbage that was brought to this city by this guy."
"Engaging in the compulsions can actually be damaging to people."
"Arsenal players couldn't be realistically expected to perform with all the negativity."
"Hulk Hogan's time in TNA was the most egregious example of that at the worst possible time derailing the company of the momentum they had built."
"It's inhumane. It's unconstitutional. And it's the effects politics ruins everything."
"OCD is not a blessing like in any right like absolutely not."
"All it takes is some Nutter on a rental bike who doesn't give a crap."
"It tastes like social media. Everything about it sucks but it gets you."
"The marauder with his ghost dogs and his bad vibes he harshed my mellow."
"Money and power can bring out the absolute worst in people."
"Hatred never builds anything good. It just tears good things down."
"It's definitely one of those cards that does not earn you any friends at the table."
"Perk system it set out to eliminate what wasn't even really a huge problem and in the process it not only didn't fix it but made everything else about it worse."
"I've lost people essentially who have gone into negativity."
"Blizzard loses players, they lose faith, players don't they lose the ability to play the game. That's a zero positive situation."
"EA had become the godfather of gaming PR disasters."
"Software piracy hurts Linux adoption research finds."
"Wokeness ruins the heart in the experience of the Art Institute."
"Children shouldn't grow up scared of their own parents."
"Claims after this the peaches said it negatively affected her channel."
"Putting them in complete isolation from their friends and family and the learning experience has had a terrible effect."
"I just think this is emblematic of everything Trump touches."
"Bill from the hit YouTube channel Bills channel, he actually ruined a lot of kids lives that day."
"This is one of the most cryptic, obnoxious, and downright evil systems I've ever seen put into play for a racing game."
"Don't use your boredom to ruin somebody else's day, it's just not okay."
"Living with regrets is probably the worst thing ever."
"...I'm doing more harm than good."
"Stress also is bad for the brain."
"Bullying is no fun, no fun at all."
"Libs of Tik Tok is generally speaking, and this is the lightest way you can phrase this, is bad news."
"Social media overall, I think, has probably been a net negative because of what it's done with just manipulating people's worst emotions."
"None of the bad things that people do on social media are a new facet of humanity. It's just it amplifies it and it creates this false reality that everyone sees that slowly drives us crazy."
"There's nothing more deleterious than competition."
"So what it's actually going to do is it's going to hurt your consumer."
"One of the major shocks in a negative way of the Olympic Games in Tokyo."
"I do genuinely believe that this book was written with the intention to destroy the heart mind and soul of the reader."
"Tik Tok is sort of bad in whatever mysterious way you want to define bad."
"I've been in the room with Zuckerberg I've watched him lie to the president of the United States about what they know internally versus like the claims he spouts out loud like I think that guy is just is is a really bad negative force for the planet there's no doubt about it."
"Sorry to all who this negatively affects."
"If it's negatively impacting your life, then to me, that's body dysmorphia. Whether you want to call it that or not, it's irrelevant."
"It's inefficient as far as what we can say on it. It's inefficient. It's a bunch of people killed because it's so awful."
"Bullying of course has always been a thing but I feel that in the age of social media it's gotten even worse."
"...I was part of a community where they did not believe in any of this... and I can tell you for sure that had a very negative impact on me."
"The utter brain rot that comes from social media."
"I'm starting to think that the entire Industrial Revolution, like everything, was a net negative for Humanity."
"They're just so bad for the gaming industry."
"It was the worst thing you could have done."
"I'm beginning to realize these things are bad for my mental health."
"Shame is really toxic. There is no positive byproduct of shame. It's just a toxic, hideous feeling of low self-worth and self-loathing."
"Inflation is bad for the economy."
"Guys, money often brings out the worst in people."
"If a child lives with criticism, they learn to condemn."
"You cannot have a healthy relationship with anyone who does not take responsibility for how they impact other people negatively."
"Clutter causes stress. Clutter can cause a lot of stress, it can cause anxiety, it can make us feel really negative feelings, and it's overwhelming."
"Nothing good has come from Cambridge Analytica."
"Distinguishing people by group rather than as individuals has a terrible, invidious effect and it inevitably makes everyone worse off."
"It's bad for the community, it's bad for the world, and it's bad for the individuals who have to do that."
"This is going to ruin a lot of people's lives."
"This does affect your quality of life... it affects it in a significantly negative way."
"This movie just declared war on anyone who watches it."
"Standardized tests can have negative consequences."
"Money will bring out the bad in people."