
Spiritual Perspective Quotes

There are 460 quotes

"We are not containers of glory; we're colanders of grace."
"God is not concerned with possessions; He's concerned with priority."
"For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."
"God is extremely interested in people who don't care because they often have very good reasons for not caring."
"The decisions we make now are preparing us for eternity."
"I believe that heaven is a better place than what we're dealing with here."
"The number of zeros in the bank does not make you worth or worthy; it many times takes us away from worship."
"But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ."
"Unbelief blocks our ability to see miracles, whereas a mindset of faith in the Savior unlocks the powers of heaven."
"The death of Jesus is the ultimate expression of equality. His death made me equal to him in the eyes of the Father."
"God wasn't trying to take anything away from me; he was trying to get something to me."
"Relationships are Kingdom currency. The way God gets things in and out of lives is by relationship."
"God was using you for His work... they didn't realize though that God was watching them the entire time."
"Let me see them the way Jesus sees, and know that there's always a treasure there."
"Love yourself, try to see yourself as the way God sees you."
"Life is being like a mist, like a vapor in the context of eternity; it's here today and gone tomorrow."
"For every finger that you point at me, there's three fingers pointing back at you, and your thumb is pointing to God."
"Success is not in the result, success is not in the achievement, success is not what you get at the end. That's not what defines success. According to spiritual teaching, success is in your endeavor, your intention, your effort, the character that goes behind the noble thing that you're trying to do."
"We ought to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen."
"God turns a day of mourning into a day of victory."
"Every setback is a setup for a Divine comeback."
"Pornography is mentally destructive and completely demonic."
"We're going to take whatever the Lord gives us and we're going to use it to our advantage."
"What discourages you will develop you if you'll look at it from God's point of view."
"God's grace turns your glitch into your gift."
"Nature, as beautiful as it is, the systems that God created for us to live in, they were created by a master hand."
"Money just to have money is useless... it's a tool that God gave you."
"I have learned that my light and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory."
"I contend that it is a powerful spirit that is alive that will kill us before we can kill it it will rid itself of the disease of man if we don't."
"Most of us hang on to Earth for dear life! But we should be hanging onto Heaven!"
"The gospel is the hope of Eternity with him."
"You can choose a higher vibrational perspective and you can choose to be in that high vibration."
"Respect them, the earth is a gift from God, treat it gently, you are its caretaker."
"He showed me that the suffering in this world is nothing compared to the joy on the other side."
"God didn't work so He can get paid, God worked so He can have satisfaction."
"Christ is life, so that no matter where I look, what I see is an opportunity to love Christ and make Him known."
"Change is not always good, but God uses it for good."
"Don't waste time fighting about it. Don't argue about it. God brought them, He'll bring someone else."
"President Nelson said, 'The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.'"
"Nothing you can experience here compares to eternity."
"You're responsible for yourself. Let us prioritize bettering ourselves. What is most important is what I am responsible for in the eyes of Allah is myself."
"Faith is not that you don't see the mountain, faith is that you see the mountain mover."
"God needs dependent people not just powerful people."
"Crisis is preparation for promotion in God's kingdom."
"Everything can be made new, re-seen, re-known in a higher way."
"God will deliberately keep you in a prison. Prisons are God's waiting room, and God's not in a hurry."
"There's nowhere to go; you are the source. It's about changing your frequency."
"Singleness is not a second-class status but rather a gift from God."
"You're not getting life, you're getting death."
"Our faith is everything... everything's bigger than ourselves and it has a purpose."
"Greed is wanting more than what God has for me; hunger is wanting all God has for me."
"Difficulty, hardship, pain, and suffering does not mean that your life doesn't matter to God."
"Jesus healed on the Sabbath, destroying ritualistic views."
"Stop looking into the lake of life and seeing yourself. Look into the lake of life and see God."
"The kingdom will ultimately be the only thing that cannot be shaken."
"The worst the news is in the world, the better the good news looks for us in Christ."
"Our focus is not to try to save people from a hell in the afterlife that we cannot see, but to save people from very real hells in this life that we can see."
"What may seem like insurmountable obstacles become opportunities for growth and learning when we view them through the lens of Faith."
"Simply having an analysis of the disaster befalling America isn't going to edify your faith, but if you can see what God is up to, I think you're going to find yourself encouraged rather than perplexed."
"Never compare your earth with someone's heaven."
"You can't disqualify yourself just because you've wasted half your life."
"I believe people are saved not by objective truth but by Jesus."
"The purpose of Job's details in the Bible are not so that we can relate to him but so that we can see how good God can be in the worst moments of our lives."
"He wasn't calling me with his wrath, he was calling me with his love."
"Only the creator gives a man an interest in who you are at your core."
"If God ever gives a command that feels harsh or that feels negative, then what God is doing is he's either trying to protect you or is trying to call you to something better."
"Everything that's happening right now, God, I'll just say like this man, it's supposed to be happening."
"However you treat the most marginalized, that is how you treat God."
"Being thankful isn't just about acknowledging what we have, it's also about recognizing the hand of God in our lives."
"Every time you go back to that job... it will be a step of faith."
"When a calamity brings us closer to Allah, that calamity is a blessing."
"Technology could be great, but the main thing I gathered from my research on Buddha is the importance he placed on what is really happening."
"For the believer who's following Jesus, we don't run out of time... it's the beginning of seeing things in heaven where you go 'Wow.'"
"He's practical but goes in on a lot of mythology, exposing the divine feminine's role."
"Belief is prioritizing what God has said above what fear says, above what the world says."
"Peace in times of trouble is not found in figuring out your life but in worship of the one who has everything figured out already."
"Sometimes the Lord has to let something fall all the way down before he can really truly rebuild it."
"People benefit from the concept of God, but they undervalue themselves."
"Poverty is more of the spirit than it is of the economic realities in which a person lives."
"Sometimes the blessings you got ain't meant for you."
"Life becomes something where instead of being a victim, you're saying, 'Alright God, thanks for showing me what I need to change.'"
"I personally believe the most spiritual thing we'll ever do is life."
"I respect the job because when God gives us children, he puts them in our care and expects us to do right by our children. That's what he expects us to do."
"What Jesus is offering us... is the opportunity to see differently to see with new eyes."
"Jealousy cannot take God's gifts from you but it can take your joy."
"I challenge that and go, 'Yeah okay, that might be there and all that maybe God put that there so that like it's his way of accessing you and letting you know hey I'm here what's up you know there's different ways to look at it.'"
"Father, look not on the things that are seen, but the things that are not seen."
"You can see value in everybody else... but you can't even appreciate what God has done."
"The new earth is sitting right in front of us. It's here, it always has been here."
"See ye first the fourth dimension and the perfect plan of your life will come to pass."
"The Catholic Gospel, what we call the Good News, is not only good. It's better than the bad news is bad."
"But the Good News is much better than the bad news is bad."
"Everything we're seeing now is spiritual in nature, not political."
"In the end, it's not about the chaotic stuff that the devil is doing, it's about what God is doing in his people."
"We are immortal spiritual beings living a temporary human experience."
"The purpose of evil in our world is so that we know our light and it gives us context for our light because it's the opposite."
"The struggles you're facing right now are just God's way of preparing you for something amazing."
"You must understand that even your pain was a part of God's plan."
"God sees you not only as what you are but as what you are becoming."
"The fact of the matter is that unless we begin to deal with this thing in truth and in the spirit, there are certain things that will never ever change."
"Love is neutrality in the sense that it looks on both the dark and light with total unconditional acceptance."
"I think everything that happens has some kind of significance. It's not just happening by chance, it's happening because God is now fine-tuning events to fall into place."
"If you get your heart right, it leads to success even in worldly ways."
"The more you start looking through God's eyes, you see the perfection in everything."
"It's not about going back to Heaven, it's about bringing Heaven here."
"God or the evolutionary forces of good always take the mess that the dark forces do."
"View every encounter as spiritual, discern everybody."
"I've always been telling people look we live in a time where you cannot be ignorant of your faith. You have got to be studying it because otherwise you're just going to end up falling into error."
"I think the problem is that we tend to look at things too much in terms of this world, rather than in terms of what's really going on in the other side."
"You are not subject to disappointment... life becomes a joy, this entire universe is seen as the glory of the Atman."
"Salvation is not about heaven, it's about earth and about you doing what you came here to do."
"The reality I want, I am not tied to what I see in the physical plane."
"The things that are seen are temporal... subject to change."
"Life: crafted by God from fertilization to birth."
"We're not mere spectators but participants in a cosmic play where our choices, our faith, and our love matter immensely."
"Man cannot fix mankind's problems, only God can do something as big as that."
"You are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. You're so much bigger than you think you are."
"Unconditional love is the state where the boundaries between you and everything dissolve."
"Pride robs God of his glory and hurts those around us. It's destructive because it shifts our focus from the Lord to ourselves."
"Faith is the willingness to embrace uncertainty."
"God's not a respecter of people groups... we need to appreciate the diversity in the world."
"If prayers are not being answered, it's not God's problem."
"God's goal in arresting the world is not to send us back to business as usual. It's a divine reset."
"Acceptance is about seeing yourself and others through the eyes of the angels with unconditional love and acceptance."
"It's not always about collectively gathering and demanding our political leaders make change on a societal level as much as it is drawing nearer to Jesus Christ."
"Fear is a tool of the enemy. God does not want his people afraid."
"Children are a blessing from the Lord, a reward from the Most High."
"To eat from the Tree of Life is to surrender my own definitions of good and bad and to just do what God told me to do."
"From the very beginning to the very end, God is redeeming a people and God is redeeming a planet."
"Scripture does not say to have real grief over real pain is illegitimate."
"Every trial every season of waiting every test and every season of abundance ultimately serves his Grand purpose."
"The black woman is the queen of this planet."
"You have to have the same mindset... potentially going to become a Christian at the end of this."
"For those who know Jesus, this world is the closest to hell that you will ever get."
"Don't allow me to allow the agony to cause me to abandon you because it's just a light affliction and it's but for a moment."
"It's not a sacrifice after all God has done for us. It's not a sacrifice, it's a seed."
"Allowing your life to unfold or better yet allowing God to reveal your path to you, how is that not being lazy?"
"God does not always work in the way that makes the least mess or takes the least time."
"Sometimes people's rejection is God's protection."
"The spirit of poverty can come from a religious perspective."
"The idea is to see things from a spiritual perspective."
"All physical reality is a holographic projection from the spiritual side."
"Compared to eternal life, the hardship of praying for 30 years is nothing."
"Seeing it in your lifetime, not in the Hereafter. Seeing it right here, right now."
"The Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
"From the Christian Perspective what looks like winning and losing to us is completely different to what it looks like to the world."
"Sometimes rejection is divine protection. Spirit knows best."
"Kids are blessings from God, like arrows in the hands of a warrior."
"It's better to look small in the eyes of man but be right in the eyes of the Holy Spirit."
"My experience over the last 6,000 years anyways, it's a choice. We choose to come back or we don't choose to come back."
"The stable experiences in your life are good for all of us because God is in the stable."
"Blessings increase with thanks and decrease with denial."
"Believers desire financial resources for time redemption and efficiency."
"Reinhard Bonnke is not a loss, he's a gain for heaven."
"Cultural assault that's tearing society apart is obviously a spiritual assault."
"It's not because God failed me, it would have been because I failed him or my son had a part to play in it or something."
"The present suffering does not compare to the glory to be revealed."
"It's not about Trump, it's not about the Republican Party, it's not about the victory, it's about what the Lord is doing in this season."
"God's comfort provides a beacon of hope, a reminder that our current suffering is not the end of the story."
"In confronting storms, don't focus only on the visible issues, rebuke the unseen forces."
"Children are one of the greatest blessings that we can ever receive from the Lord."
"He always helps us see the beauty of suffering, the beauty of shortcoming, and the beauty of life."
"During this time when there would be apparently chaos... it would be a time of great Glory."
"This scripture invites us to view our challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles blocking our path."
"False labeling: confusing criticism with being anointed. You don't need the Spirit of God to be a critical, judgmental person."
"Sometimes when he says no it's because there's a greater opportunity that I don't know about yet."
"Preach the gospel instead of preaching about man's making money because to make money honestly is to preach the gospel."
"In reflecting on the world before the flood, we gain insight into the depths to which humanity can sink when distanced from God."
"From her great vantage point, the vastest problems of our Earthly mindsets are so small in the hands of a greater being even your deepest trials will succumb to Divine Victory."
"Our greatest fulfillments in life are found when we walk in the authentic gifts, purposes, ideas, and passion that God has given us."
"Laughter... it opens you up to truth. It's sort of like God's tickle coming through and touching Our Lives. It does, it does."
"Is it not better to suffer in this life to have an extra weight of glory in heaven?"
"I firmly believe you don't know what people are going through."
"God never wastes a trial but he always has the end of it."
"The worst thing in life is not death, it's life apart from Christ."
"It's not about a stimulus check. It's about salvation by the blood of the lamb."
"The life after Yom al-Qiyamah and the life in Jannah... that's the real life if they only knew."
"Life without Christ is ultimately the only thing worse in life."
"The enemy meant for evil, God turned it around for good."
"God allowed the enemy because of a loving response of his heart to try to drive us back to himself."
"Your facts aren't always your truth. Your current condition is not always God's preferred future for you."
"To assume that there is a good and an evil or a positive and a negative is to set up the parameters of a game."
"God takes ordinary lives and uses them for extraordinary impact."
"Worrying is counterproductive and keeps you from experiencing God's blessings. Worrying is the byproduct of fear. Fear is a choice, but love is everlasting."
"A man's absence should not cause intense pressure on a woman."
"If you feel really insecure, you still need to communicate."
"The mind is your ladder to spiritual liberation or spiritual enlightenment. So the mind is your step ladder, it's the tool that you use to kind of master your energy in this realm both physically and non-physically."
"Water is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible. More than hope, more than faith, even more than praise."
"Unexpected trials often precede big blessings."
"Scientology addresses you as a spiritual being. It is not just, uh, it doesn't just, oh, this is Scientology and that's it. You're talking about life."
"It isn't because of a memory of a previous lifetime but the fact that your soul's native frequency is much higher."
"We are Spiritual Beings having human experiences."
"It's not God trying to block my fun, it's almost like in a marriage, being committed ain't just right, it's better."
"We like miracles, but not the problems that go with them."
"I believe anything with a personality has a soul." - Able
"Every single pain and calamity is going to be used by Allah."
"Without God, it's like a broken pencil. It is pointless."
"Whatever has happened to me really served to advance the gospel."
"Time takes time and time cycles in Divine time."
"The greatest inspiration comes from kids. I see God in the face of children."