
Photoshop Quotes

There are 321 quotes

"I grew up in a time where magazines were criticized for photoshopping models and celebrities, creating this unattainable beauty standard that we talk about all the time today."
"The new crop tool allows you to crop images faster, with greater precision, and in a non-destructive manner."
"This is by far one of my favorite updates to Photoshop CS6. I hope you liked it as much as I do."
"I do a lot of Photoshop. It's fun. It can get out of hand though. Oh yeah, more time into the thumbnail."
"Photoshop is a great tool for creating a composite image."
"Most advanced photoshop techniques for skin retouching is something called frequency separation."
"Photoshop is really one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century."
"I very strongly recommend retouching on a blank layer."
"In terms of Photoshop and manipulating things, this is my pedigree, this is where I come from."
"Oh yes, Photoshop has got nineteen adjustment layers and in this video we're gonna take a look at every single one."
"If this happens, all you need to do is click on the gray point eye dropper and click anywhere on the image that should be a neutral gray."
"These are the basic steps to color matching images in Photoshop with this fantastic technique."
"One of my favorite tools in Photoshop is the clone stamp tool."
"Photoshop uses artificial intelligence known as the Adobe Sensei to remove the background from the photo."
"Photoshop has a powerful feature that allows you to create masks with editable text."
"One of the most powerful image manipulation tools in Photoshop is the puppet warp tool."
"The Spot Healing Brush tool is a fantastic tool for removing blemishes and other distractions from portraits."
"Let's go ahead and open up an image in Photoshop."
"Pressure sensitivity with a number of tools like the clone stamp tool, the healing brush tool, basically anything that you can paint with in Photoshop."
"Photoshop gives you full creative range for how you'd like to stylize or enhance your images."
"That's impressive, I'm going to have to fire up Photoshop."
"Always use adjustment layers to apply adjustments, it allows you to make changes later without affecting the original image."
"Retouching directly on a layer is destructively editing, opt for non-destructive methods like working on a new layer."
"Let's jump into this video alright so ten things you need to know about before you get started or as you're getting started in Photoshop particularly with 3d."
"Photoshop has infinite possibilities and dozens if not hundreds of ways of doing certain things."
"Fourth way...use blend if in a really creative way is to use a vignette."
"If this is the first time you're visiting the Photoshop training channel, then don't forget to click on that subscribe and notification button so that you don't miss any new tutorials."
"I dreamt that one day Photoshop will work like that. What I just described is Camera Raw today."
"So we're gonna make this song an image there so we're gonna go into Photoshop now and this is what our song looks like in image format..."
"Levels... the thing I do the most in Photoshop."
"Vibrance... lift and raise some of the colors without going too far."
"Vibrance is definitely better... it leaves the already saturated colors alone."
"Gradient time... we've added this cool retro kind of style gradient."
"Adding a gradient to text... it's the easiest to do."
"Let's learn how to do that now in Photoshop."
"This gradient there I've used probably on every second job in the last six months just because I like those colors."
"That is a very effective way to use lighting in Photoshop and blend images and whatnot."
"I'm gonna leave this one saving it as a PSD cuz when I save it as a PSD if when I open it again that's a Photoshop file that I'll be able to keep all my layers and everything will be ready to keep working on it."
"Now that you know all the selection tools and methods in Photoshop, you can make a perfect selection for your image."
"Let's try out a little bit of Photoshop magic."
"Photoshop is weirdly complex; it lets you do everything and it does it amazingly well."
"I will show you the best ways to make beautiful images in Adobe Photoshop."
"When you're working with layers, you're always looking from the top down."
"I can't believe how cool and amazing it is, well done Photoshop."
"Half a day's worth of Photoshop work can be fixed with Content Aware scale."
"If you're trying to learn Photoshop but you have no idea where to begin, make sure to download my free Photoshop blueprint eBook."
"Boom! Our character created in Illustrator ready to be brought into Photoshop."
"The beautiful thing about Photoshop is we can do things that allow us to really transform an image."
"Photoshop is ten dollars a month, so if your channel is monetized in any way or you make any money off of YouTube, I think Photoshop's worth it."
"Nothing's better than Photoshop, and I think it's worth the 10 a month to be competitive."
"Blend modes are one of the most useful tools to work with lights and shadows, creating really interesting and beautiful effects."
"Curves adjustment tool lets you manipulate color and tone with precision, perfect for fine-tuning your artwork."
"Photoshop is the gold standard for a lot of art production in the world."
"This is something that was actually missing really heavily from Photoshop."
"All the amazing things that Photoshop has done for me, saving me time, saving me stress. Amazing."
"If you have a painting tool active and press the caps lock key, the brush preview will disappear."
"To disable hyphens, double click on the text layer thumbnail to select it all, then press Shift Alt Control H."
"You can make really interesting pads."
"Be creative, practice, and have fun with this really, really powerful tool in Photoshop."
"One of the most powerful tools inside of Photoshop and also one of the most difficult to use is the pen tool."
"If you're bad at Photoshop just buy from a designer."
"Now I'm going to show you how to touch up mid-journey images within Photoshop so that you can get them to look exactly how you want them to."
"It feels silly to compare Photoshop and Canva when they offer such different things for designers."
"That's how to draw a path and how to convert your path into a shape, a vector mask, or a selection using the brand new curvature pen tool in Photoshop CC 2018."
"With these four easy techniques for removing a white background in Photoshop, you can quickly remove these backgrounds whether you're cutting out a person or just a simple graphic."
"Because of some of the new masking tools that are in photoshop and in lightroom right it it changes the game we can do things that we could never do or things that we could never do easily."
"This tutorial will teach you everything you need to know to create realistic background changes."
"When you change backgrounds in Photoshop, it's always a good idea to apply global adjustments to bring all the images together and make them feel more cohesive."
"Generative fill is using artificial intelligence to fill in gaps in your images."
"Generative fill is available right now in the Photoshop Beta release."
"Honestly, this is like the biggest game changer I think ever to come to Photoshop."
"I'm so upset. I just realized the one thing that I did not remember on the list was making a fake compilation of me and Austin's future kids on Photoshop and showing him. You know what? I'm still going to do it."
"Panama is trolling he actually got a gold play button as expected but he photoshopped at Silver so he could mess with people on Twitter."
"...I teach you everything you need to know in Photoshop to get stunning results yourself."
"A fun thing about adjustment layers is that we can turn them on and off whenever we want."
"This thing is magical in the new Photoshop, so you can just select this and it'll take it right out, boom, done."
"Adding layer styles is actually non-destructive."
"When you add effects to smart objects, you can change them very easily, and they are non-destructive."
"It's the ultimate tutorial on layers in Photoshop."
"Photoshop's black and white adjustment layer on default works pretty much most of the time."
"Selections in Photoshop, it really doesn't matter if you create a selection here in your channels, you can still use it here with your layers."
"You can correct all sorts of differences in skin tone in Adobe Photoshop as well as take some of the sting out of sunburn using simple addition and subtraction in Adobe Photoshop. Hint: it's blend modes."
"There's ways around it. I have a Photoshop tip for everyone that most people might know but some people don't and it will help you immensely."
"The whole idea with bringing textures into Photoshop or images is you want large images so you bring in large photos and you shrink them down to tighten up your details."
"This literally is something that changes the world in Photoshop, the world of digital imaging, the world of image manipulation."
"Photopea, a true online alternative to Photoshop."
"A person learns Photoshop the same way they eat an elephant, one bite at a time."
"The cleanup tools in Photoshop, they're not only better but they're faster."
"If you've ever been confused by layer masks or you really want to understand them and also get a few little extra tips, this is the video for you."
"I've long said that I think this is the single most important feature in Photoshop."
"Especially if you're into photography, curves may very well be the absolute most important tool, feature, function, you name it, in Photoshop."
"You can see, if I shut off the curves adjustment layer, there's what we had. If I turn it on, here's what we have. A total shift in the tonal value of the image."
"One of the most powerful tools inside of Photoshop are curves."
"Blend if sliders: powerful and one of the best blend tools you can offer."
"This is one of Photoshop's most powerful photo manipulation tools: the perspective warp."
"Photoshop CC 2019 has brought back an amazing feature, which is the new content-aware fill task space."
"Photoshop does math for you, so you don't have to do any calculations."
"This new MacBook Pro and Photoshop are made for each other."
"So first of all, down this right-hand side here, I've got three prints that I've created and they're full repeat prints, and I've created these in Adobe Photoshop."
"So first of all, I'm going to select, actually no, first of all, down this right-hand side here, I've got three prints that I've created and they're full repeat prints, and I've created these in Adobe Photoshop."
"It looks fake, it looks like, this looks photoshop look."
"You guys know what time it is? Open up Photoshop and let's type four three two one zero and liftoff!"
"In this beta version of Photoshop, they've added more adjustments."
"Your body is beautiful no matter what, so why are we photoshopping?"
"Photoshopping is probably the least healthy thing you can do for your body and self-esteem."
"I think this is probably the most amazing feature I've ever seen in Photoshop."
"Dodging burn is the best method for natural skin retouching results using Photoshop."
"Photoshop just presents more that you can do with an image."
"Photoshop is raster-based, it's really easy to just paint masks and things like that directly onto your image."
"Photoshop does an amazing job at analyzing the images and figuring it all out."
"The curves adjustment layer is one of the most powerful color and tonal correction tools that you can use in Photoshop."
"Creating contrast is as simple as creating an S-curve."
"There's a million different ways that you could do selections like this in Photoshop."
"I feel like the look I'm getting from Rebel right now is on par with the look I can get from Photoshop."
"It might be cool to scan this, take it into Photoshop, and see how we can color it and make something interesting out of it."
"If you're somebody that has photographed an eclipse and you want to assemble those images into some type of a composite inside of Photoshop, I've got a couple ideas for you."
"What I do know is how to show you how to assemble those photos inside of Photoshop into some type of a composite."
"Change the blend mode from normal to screen, and that's going to let you see through the black."
"It's a great course to learn in a very cohesive way all of the most popular Photoshop techniques."
"Smart objects are really the only way to do what we're about to do."
"You can actually push from Photoshop to the media pool directly."
"We're going to take a look at processing M45 in Photoshop to give you guys the best results possible."
"The good news is there are great tools inside of Photoshop that can do this incredibly well without losing very much quality at all."
"These are the top 10 things that Photoshop Elements beginners need to know."
"Those are some tips, tricks and techniques and methods that you can use to create more depth in your images in Photoshop."
"Layer masks are one of the most basic things and one of the most important things you can learn in Photoshop."
"Layer masks are a non-destructive way to make part of your image appear or disappear."
"Layer masks are one of the most important things you can use in Photoshop."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how to animate your photos in Photoshop."
"So this is how you can animate your photos in Photoshop."
"The Tone Curves is a really powerful tool and it's very similar to the curves adjustment layer in Photoshop."
"It has a lot of tools not only just for generating images but even training your own custom models to use in Photoshop."
"What I'm going to teach you today will probably make you a way better Photoshop user."
"Did you guys know that Photoshop can open video files? When I found this out for the first time a few years ago, it blew my mind."
"I'm going to be making a tutorial sometime in the future on the Photoshop kind of tricks and tips and how I like to edit my renders after that because I feel like it really helps take them to the next level."
"I decided to do a series of 100 Photoshop tips and tricks that you probably didn't know."
"This is going to be the third 100 Photoshop tips and tricks that you don't know."
"If you click and drag down, you can disable multiple layers. See that? Or you can click and drag up to enable multiple layers."
"Content-Aware Scale allows you to scale an image without distorting it."
"This is how you would create a random fill in Photoshop."
"Legacy shapes and more, and this is all the shapes that were in Photoshop before."
"You know what, we ran out of time, but since I was planning on doing one more tip, why don't we do one more tip?"
"Let's do this one because nobody really talks about the knockout filter."
"If you have a gradient map and you want to create an effect where you have a white square and then apply text over it... we'll just say this is Los Angeles."
"That's how you can use overlays, presets, actions, and textures in Photoshop to enhance your images."
"The polyline stroke tool is really similar to something like the pen tool out of Photoshop."
"Welcome back to the channel, guys. Today I have another Photoshop full edit tutorial where I show you my process from beginning to end."
"If you're looking for an easier way to cut out images and remove backgrounds in Photoshop, then this tutorial is going to show you how to do it."
"Literally, you click remove background and Photoshop will work its magic."
"That literally took no time at all and now we have a perfectly cut out image."
"All that hair is cut out and it looks pretty darn good if you ask me."
"That was the easiest ways to cut out images in Photoshop."
"Masking is a non-destructive method which means even if I make a mistake, I can reveal these details again."
"I will be covering everything you need to know about masking in Photoshop."
"Make sure that you're labeling your layers, that is one of the most important things."
"The content-aware move tool lets you move objects from one area to another using content-aware technology."
"Like artistic filters, there's a new oil paint filter which turns your photos into oil paintings."
"More people are using their DSLR to record videos and now you can edit those videos all inside Photoshop."
"I don't quite know how Photoshop knows what you want to remove and how it knows what to replace it with. As I said, I vote for witchcraft."
"Using the mixer brush combined with the eyedropper tool and just kind of some trial and error and really some time, you can sort of do some decent digital painting inside of Photoshop."
"Wow, just like that, it has this really cool outline around it. That's what a stroke is in Photoshop language."
"It's always a good idea to stay organized when you're working in Photoshop."
"When you're trying to tell a story and you can tell it with more than one image in the same canvas area, Photoshop is a program that is going to give you access to those tools."
"Photoshop has this algorithm called content-aware, and so it can content-aware fill things that you've moved out of the way because they're distractions inside of the images."
"In today's tutorial, I'm going to show you how you can use Photoshop CC's 3D features to take a 3D model and composite it into a photograph."
"You can bring all of your highlights down a little bit, and then you can go in and selectively add contrast in Photoshop with adjustment layers."
"Once you learn the basic skills of layer masking, it's really not that complicated."
"Advanced techniques in Photoshop can get you as close to true color as possible, sometimes even scaring you into using a gray card."
"Photoshop's curves layer can adjust colors to compensate for white balance issues, bringing you closer to what the image should really look like."
"Everything that we're going to be designing today, we're going to do inside Photoshop."
"Photoshop is not just about photo editing; it's also about creating something using shapes and text."
"If you want to perfect your skin and take photos and have fun with Photoshop and put online that you have perfect skin, that's like your choice, your experience, do what you want."
"I think this means that we can now arrange songs inside of Photoshop using PNG files."
"I've been using Photoshop for a decade to make my digital art, and it's an environment that I'm super familiar with."
"In this section, we're going five-minute Photoshop, taking a look at how we can create much more realistic mock-ups to present the artwork in a much more appealing fashion."
"This is where the fun begins because we're going to erase this logo in Photoshop."
"Learning Photoshop is a little like learning a musical instrument; it'll take you a little practice to improve quickly."
"Photoshop artistically allows you to do just about anything you can imagine on your images."
"I know it can be so confusing when you first start in Photoshop."
"And that looks really nice, I'm really pleased with that, and that is one of the many ways that you can create multiple exposures using Photoshop."
"So in this video, I'm going to be showing you how to use CG elements, pre-rendered CG elements that you can easily get from stock websites such as Neo Stock or Adobe Stock, and combine those elements in Photoshop to create hyper-real results with photo stocks."
"Combining CG and photostock elements in Photoshop, I like to feel I've got pretty decent at it because I've been doing it for so long."
"If you can master this, what we're teaching you today, then you can cut out just about any hair from its background in Photoshop."
"What I'm going to show you now is a really cool technique of creating shadows in Photoshop especially when you're compositing."
"Remove distractions and clean up backgrounds in Photoshop."
"The spot healing brush tool is my go-to tool for getting this done."
"Remember that vanishing point filter is a really powerful tool in Photoshop."
"In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to use the vanishing point filter in Photoshop."
"Keep moving it into place until you get blue; that means Photoshop agrees with your perspective."
"That's how you use vanishing point to put images, graphics, and text on any object in your photo while maintaining the proper perspective."
"For this video, we're gonna go over how to clean and color a pencil sketch in Photoshop."
"I'm going to walk you through After Effects and Photoshop and everything you need to know to create this exact look."
"Photoshop is the most important software to learn after AutoCAD."
"Get really sharp foreground and a really sharp sky as well, merging them in Photoshop."
"Welcome to 30 days of Photoshop, today we're showing you the amazing power of the brush."
"Photoshop really does have quite a really great animation aspect to it."
"In today's video, I'm going to be showing you how you can make your own monthly calendar in Photoshop."
"GIMP could be as capable as Photoshop for colorization."
"We're just gonna render this onto a dark grey and through Photoshop we'll be able to drop that onto whatever color we do want."
"Happy 30th birthday to Photoshop."