
Color Appreciation Quotes

There are 406 quotes

"Absolutely love the colors on here, the blue and the purple."
"The world is a carousel of color, wonderful, wonderful color."
"I love the ruffles here around the chest and the color is so nice and just summery."
"I love the color, I love a sort of cool toned gold."
"This is very golden, perfect. Okay, yeah, okay, I agree. Yeah, I like this color quite a bit."
"I can't help but just roll around some of these extra colors to show you, look at this, wow."
"I love the teal color that it gives it's just so awesome."
"The idea of the color black which never goes out of style and always looks cool."
"If you like these colors I would definitely recommend picking it up."
"Looks incredible, the colors in the sky tonight."
"This place is awesome. I absolutely love the color scheme that we picked out."
"The one up hoodie is the final default costume on the list and this one just looks very nice it's shade of blue is very nice and the animation of mario world mario chasing the one up is great."
"Wow, this is so bright green, my goodness how beautiful!"
"I actually really like this green dress, I think the color is so nice."
"I just want you guys to be a part of this opening ceremony, this blue is amazing."
"I love the colors on it, I love the sculpt, it just looks great overall."
"I'm super happy with this autumn wreath...loving this painting with its rich autumn color palette."
"I'm loving seeing James Charles, who hates color in interior design, actually loving the orange and the green in this space."
"Since it is spring and we feel like it's all about color..."
"That color is like super beautiful, it is like very very shiny, yeah it's kind of like a goldeny yellow just like metallic-y, really beautiful color, I feel like that worked so well."
"That's a sick color. Look at that green! You can see all the welds through it. Can you see that? Wow, thank you."
"This would honestly go with every single outfit in my wardrobe I just love these colors and the contrast as well the off-white and the brown it's just perfection."
"This is the most beautiful pearlescent pink that looks amazing!"
"I'm happy with the results, the top of the head looks like it's a Goldy color."
"Can we just take a moment to appreciate how absolutely fabulous these spring and summer colors are?"
"I can't pick a favorite; all of the colors are just so beautiful."
"I love the combination of color, it's going to be fun to watch what they do throughout this season."
"Ultramarine... I love that colour just for itself, but I also love it because... it's kind of the most convincing argument for why people should care about the story of colors."
"I love this color; it truly reminds me of a brick, like a brick red, that beautiful burnt orangey brick red."
"This color is beautiful for the fall time, I feel like it's the prettiest color."
"I always love those colorful pottery pieces."
"I think it's beautiful and vibrant, I love this green."
"I love this color. Oh, like I'm obsessed. Wow, felt like a whole new woman. It's the perfect amount of depth. It's super, super, super deep, or it's almost black but it's not. Oh my gosh, such a beautiful purple."
"That is so pretty. I love that color. That is the prettiest lavender. That is so pretty. I love that. It's got a beautiful Victorian vibe to it."
"But oh my God, it looks so good on that lilac color. Like, what the heck?"
"I love this shade right here, it's so pretty."
"I absolutely love this little shade of pink."
"I am just totally obsessed with this light pink color."
"A perfect red to me, that is the perfect red."
"I love the darkness of this green. It's really more of a deep army green, and I just love that."
"I love love love this dress I love the color it's that beautiful Cobalt rich rich blue and the black love this."
"Unfortunately, yellow is not everyone's favorite color, but it should be."
"The color is amazing look at that vibrancy."
"Gorgeous colour. Love manganese brown."
"Love the colors on the Vintage bezel."
"The red shade is really beautiful."
"I didn't know if the yellow was going to cut the mustard, I'm so sorry, I had to do it, but it definitely does."
"This color story is one that I have a lot more of."
"I love this color, it's like a mint."
"The colors on this are just those Rich yummy jewel tones which I always always love."
"I'm so excited for warmer weather and just to be able to decorate with all of these beautiful colors."
"This color story is just incredible. It's so beautiful."
"I love the color, it's vibrant and not faded."
"Man, these have such a great color, and those look so good."
"Just the oranges, I really love the orange on their fins. It complements the pink, everything, just a perfect looking fish, aren't they?"
"...the whole color scale and the whole thing you could you could just tell they were going back with it I loved it."
"This particular one is in a very unique and interesting color, I really, really like this color."
"I absolutely love the colors 'cause, you know, I'm a huge fan of purple."
"This has a fall kind of vibe with the colors. I love it."
"...she's so beautiful, it's got amazing blue and orange coloring on it, I love orange on any animal if you didn't know."
"Look at this beautiful color guys, this fluid metal is awesome."
"I absolutely love this house, the saltbox house is stitched with Whiskey by Weeks Dye Works and it is one of my very favorite colors."
"...it's so beautiful it's such a saturated color and that compared with the purple oh my goodness I just love it it's gorgeous."
"Beautiful, there you go, color is much better, love love love love that piece."
"I'm obsessed with this color story, obsessed with the greens."
"This one is my favorite. Oh, it's so colorful."
"Once I saw the Laguna Seca blue in person, it was just one of those colors that was so special and looked so awesome."
"I'm a fan of every single colorway that Three Waters Farm does."
"Seafoam turquoise metallic, oh it's a color I absolutely love."
"If you like blues and teals like me, you definitely have to check out the ocean pack of the ink drops."
"The colors are great, it's just absolutely a dream to use."
"I love the color scheme as well; it's just so so pretty."
"I'm loving these colors, they're beautiful."
"It's a deep blue, this is very lovely."
"This one is definitely one of my favorites, love the colors."
"It's really cool, I love the orange and blues."
"Oh, they look so good together; I absolutely love that red tone."
"I feel like all the colors of everything here is so pretty: the color of the plants and the trees and even the buildings."
"I think it's literally the perfect shade of blue."
"It's a lovely blue color that looks great for the sky."
"Estoril Blue is a nice color too, it looks great. The sun really changes the colors."
"I'm also a mom, those are my kids, and I love color."
"If you know one thing about me, you probably know that I love color."
"I love the drama and I love the bright colors."
"This is the Gunther Works Porsche, just clean, love the color on this one."
"I love the material, it is so soft, this will definitely keep you warm and cozy because it is so soft, the material is absolutely soft, I love the color."
"Bright Black Raspberry, oh this one is very, very pretty."
"I love royal blues, this is my first time really seeing a royal purple, and I'm loving it."
"It's a great looking design for this Acura NSX, and I love this new color of it."
"Wow, the mica colors are really nice."
"Wow, that's beautiful. Oh, that is nice. I love the blue so far."
"I really love this striped claret and blue, it's a really beautiful shirt."
"Loving the color combo so far, it's so pretty."
"I adore this bag; I love the shushu handle or the scrunchy handle, I love the powder blue."
"Beautiful, it's got a nice deep purple on the tip there, amazing."
"I cannot wait to get that cleaned up, look at that deep purple grape jelly color at the top."
"I absolutely adore the blues and the purples, I think they've got those spot on."
"It's beautiful, it's a lovely shade of purple."
"This is like the best shade of blue ever."
"Look at that gorgeous color, do you like it? Yeah, it's beautiful, isn't it?"
"I am really loving how this looks. I am loving the color of it."
"I just loved it because I thought it would be the perfect paint for a sort of slightly overcast day and the sky is just this really pale bluish gray."
"It's such a stunning color, really beautiful. I think you have to have a turquoise in your palette."
"I love the hues of like a burnt umber, the warmness of that color."
"Candied apple, I love candied apple, it is a really beautiful apple red."
"I love the color story; I particularly really like this shade over here."
"I love this example; the pink is so chic."
"I'm definitely loving that ocean green though, it's very bright and breezy."
"It's beautiful glass and it's got a green tinge and I just love that."
"I love it, it's got a bit of a tinter green. I think it just really makes the vase and makes flowers look even nicer."
"This color yellow is extraordinary."
"Very snug, very cozy looking, I love the colors of the sweater and the scarf."
"Boom, oh my gosh, I love these colors."
"I really like the colors of the lotus flowers and the lantern; the water itself, so this combination of blue and like an off yellow is very pretty to me."
"I love that color, I love that texture, I am a huge evergreen fan."
"I just really love this color and for $5 for like pure wool, that's a really good deal."
"In my opinion, cobalt blue is a really beautiful shade of blue; it's fresh, it's deep."
"You can't tell me that's not a beautiful color palette, even if it's not your favorite color palette."
"I just love how it turned out, the colors are great."
"That's a really pretty green, I like it."
"That's actually a nice color, I really like that one."
"I already like this set just because of the colors."
"I just love this one with the purple showing through."
"I really like them, I like the color a lot, it's very new for Rainbow High or Shadow High."
"And I can already tell you this is a beautiful, beautiful color."
"Look at what a beautiful bright blue that is, just trying to capture in the light."
"So a beautiful, beautiful color, very bright."
"I love this color palette; it's so beautiful and soft and delicate."
"I love that it is a bright vibrant pink."
"I really like this green color, and the purple is pretty awesome as well."
"I love the color so much and I love the way it looks."
"Look at that beautiful patina of pinks and grays, a little bit of yellow."
"This is pretty, it's a really interesting pattern, very vintage looking with the colors."
"What child doesn't love bright colors? What adult doesn't love bright colors?"
"Can I say how much I love this color because I think it's so pretty."
"The color is amazing, oh my god, I love this."
"These colors are fantastic, they are great, they're amazing."
"I love that shade, the Argos Venus is so pretty."
"I love this, I love the colors too, very beautiful."
"The purples in this set are just amazing."
"I just love the color of this one's leaves; they're so kind of lime green meets blue."
"I definitely love this darker red, like velvety red hand that it's got going on there."
"Such a beautiful pink and silver hoya."
"Wow, look at that. Love that orange."
"I think for me it's a little bit of everything, I like the models, I always obviously have to enjoy the color scheme."
"I love all the colors. I want to have them all."
"I love how the purple is looking on this amazing fabric."
"Look at these colors, isn't that great?"
"It's such a pretty purple color and there are some flowers along here and some really lovely designs."
"Wow, what colors, that's pretty cool."
"I'm impressed, this is so cute, I love the color, and it's working great."
"I'm loving this color a lot, I love every single color that they sent me."
"This color is... I would honestly say it's a beautiful color."
"I love the colors, sort of an aqua or like stream is this kind of, and aqua's the term that comes to mind for me, sort of a teal type color."
"I really love this rich shade of blue and the red used for the water down there."
"During the day, we got great images which is really no surprise; we like the colors a lot."
"I think this is gorgeous, the color is so nice, it's kind of like not too red but not too burgundy, it's a really nice satin."
"I'm a little bit smitten with this color."
"It's just this perfectly beautiful yellow."
"I love the hem down here; look at that beautiful blue on the bottom, it's gorgeous."
"I love this color; it's perfect for the holidays."
"It's just a really nice, classy looking red color."
"I love the color of this 1942 deck blue."
"Love that color. Isn't that just a buttery golden yellow? Love it."
"This red is just one of your fantastic colors; it looks so beautiful."
"This shade is money, this one is fabulous."
"That's beautiful, not quite as spiky as that other one we picked up, but the color is fantastic."
"Creating with beautiful colors really, really, really makes me happy."
"Green, who wouldn't envy green? Such a versatile color, summer, winter, indoors or out, green's a natural."
"Isn't it just the cutest name you ever heard of? 'Cause Pinky is the loveliest color I ever saw."
"I do love this color; it has its almost ceramic feel to it, looks fantastic."
"I love the colors, I love everything about the Victorian era."
"The Koreans like this particular color, which really is a very very beautiful color, to the glaze."
"This color in person is pretty awesome."
"That's really a pretty color, it is. This whole thing's coming out really nice."
"I'm obsessed with this gorgeous tone of red."
"I love this color of blue; White Fox sweatpants are by far my favorite."
"I'm using Gina K Design inks because the colors are beautiful and I love how they blend."
"It's the most perfect color; it couldn't be better, it's perfect."
"The shade is very nice; it's very underrated."
"I love the color, I think the color is really unusual."
"The pink and the blue, what? This is amazing."
"I love the colors on this character."
"I love this color; I think this is so, so nice."
"I love this... it's super thick, it's not thin at all, and I love the color, the color is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful."
"I love this color; this is a rose gold, and I'm going to use it."
"I love this color, it's like mustardy yellow but there's these flecks of orange in it."
"That combination of white fading to blue looks awesome."
"I love this color; it's this beautiful kind of caramel coffee color."
"I'm sure the GoPro can't pick up the colors, but this is so beautiful."
"I'm just so happy with all of these colors; they are freaking fantastic."
"I love the color as well, very vibrant."
"I'm really just loving these pale blues."
"It's wonderful to see this golden coloring which lightens the gray."
"I think that people are starved for color, they're starved for the beauty and the expression of beautiful colors."
"Let's talk about that color, is it not gorgeous? It's stunning, beautiful chartreuse color."
"I love looking at all those colors all in a row."
"I absolutely love this. I love this color story."
"It's a really nice shade of blue."
"Don't be afraid of the Baystate, put it in your pens, enjoy it, look at that beautiful blue color on the page."