
Personal Ethics Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"Liberty is necessary so that you can pursue virtue not so that you can pursue vice."
"The hardest thing about winning at any cost is that sometimes that price gets way too high."
"Would you rather lie every time you're asked a question or tell the truth every time you're asked a question?"
"The worst sin that you can commit against anyone, more importantly, yourself, is a lie."
"Whatever happened, I'm just going to keep being a good person."
"The beauty of a person's Islam is in leaving alone what's not their business."
"I try not to tell people what is right and what is wrong."
"Something doesn't become good just because it's less bad."
"If you make a habit of repentance when you make a mistake, then you can avoid crossing those major lines in your life."
"Do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant. It's kind of the evil triad."
"It's natural for me... I'm for what's right and what's wrong."
"I don't ever want to be like an evil person just because other people are evil. I'd rather just be Who I am and not be affected by it."
"If a man has a child with a woman, even if you have to leave that woman, you don't leave the child."
"The willingness to knowingly falsify your speech, perception, and action... that's the pathway to hell."
"He needs men of the Covenant who keep their covenants with integrity."
"Always remember, if you have the choice of being good or evil, be good."
"Refuse to live by lies. You do not have to live by lies."
"Be kinder even to your enemies, and understand that everyone has a weakness."
"I try really, really hard to be a good person."
"Just be true to yourself, what's your moral compass, you know what's happening."
"Do what's right for yourself, do what's right for your children, do what's right for our country."
"Loyalty is an important virtue, sure, but it doesn't automatically supersede other virtues like honesty and integrity."
"If you've been trusted with something, do right by it, just because somebody can't catch you or they're not there, don't go behind their back."
"I mean, my gut reaction is never because that [ __ ] is girl code."
"Stephanie draws the line at murder, that's it, that's where you lose her."
"Our conscience tells us exactly what needs to be done."
"Absolutely morally perfect and also personal because you only have a moral obligation to persons you don't have a moral obligation to impersonal forces."
"I don't need church because my personal ethics are enough."
"One thing I won't do is hold back somebody that I know is actually a decent human being."
"Each person's own reasoning dictates their moral code, not authority, not you, not me, not anyone else."
"Richie, you already agreed to be monogamous so you be monogamous."
"Spirituality to me is just trying to be a good person."
"Doing the right thing is doing the right thing for you because as we say it's not about me, it's about we." - Andrew Cuomo
"If there's a clear-cut law on what's good and what's bad, I will not do what's bad."
"You can still be a good person even if you have all those things."
"I do not like racists of any shape kind or color."
"Name the trait is basically a personal consistency test."
"It does matter who you are or who you identify with. You always have the choice of being the good guy or the bad guy."
"Ultimately, nothing is more important than the secrets you keep and the lies you tell."
"He said some things on the camera and I called him the next day, I said yo Nori I ain't using none of that footage."
"Your actions determine whether or not you are a good person."
"Me not participating in gossip doesn't mean I'm a bitch."
"Accountability is something that every human should have." - Pat McAfee
"It talks about American culture and the pressures that a lot of us feel to earn a bunch of money and to climb this corporate ladder, no matter what our morals are in a very personal and empathetic way."
"A man who has not found something for which he is willing to die ain't fit to live."
"When we are maintaining a clear conscience, this shields and protects our peace with ourselves."
"There is no excuse for cheating, and to do it during a bachelorette party shows you have no respect for your partner or potential marriage."
"I think there's so much good you can do with this kind of position. Of course, I'll never swear on a video, nothing like that."
"And if I was in that position and they told me I would say no, I would sacrifice my career because absolutely so."
"What kind of influence and impact are you having upon the people who are the closest to you?"
"It helps our business, and obviously I don't agree with that."
"How do you live ethically in a world where there's so many unethical things?"
"I was never lying. I might have omitted a few details, but you're not supposed to."
"Live each day to its fullest, make sure you're doing what's right for you."
"I'm the type of person that just defends your friends no matter what."
"I realized what I was doing was wrong, and I'm like, 'This is not something that's okay.' I need to think with my head and not with my downstairs."
"If you're going to live outside the law, you better be honest."
"Morally, I feel like I'm a good person. I'll always try to do the right thing."
"We all have responsibilities to our families, friends, and colleagues."
"I'd rather sit there and say how it is and be as real as possible. Don't be afraid then be fake."
"That's a good way to look at it, you're only doing good for yourself or evil against yourself."
"I just thought it was the right thing to do."
"I would flip hamburgers before I worked for Donald Trump."
"Please don't ruin things for other people. If you think it's fun to ruin something for somebody else, you need to reevaluate your life."
"I always feel like if I'm in a room and there's a statement made that I totally disagree with, especially like a racist statement or something, I always feel like if I keep my mouth shut they might think I agree."
"It's tempting to keep just keep your mouth shut because that's the safe way, but then what if they think I'm in favor of that?"
"I do all kinds of stuff without ever mentioning it."
"To me, that's what I care about, you know, what are you doing with your position."
"I've said many times I'm much more of a moral person as an atheist than I was as a Christian."
"I've done the right thing. I'm a classy man."
"These small acts of prostitution are more our everyday occurrences in our lives small tiny acts."
"People should do what they think is right and stores should do what they think is right, and then I think the rest is up. The rest is out of our control."
"Greek myths address questions of personal morality."
"I tremble for the future of my country. I cannot be an instrument to produce such a result."
"Your intentions going forwards... that's what matters."
"The real good people won't ask you for money."
"Would I be that mad if somebody did it to me? No. But it's still a scummy thing to do."
"That's the best that any of us have, is who do I what do I think is just to do."
"Muhammad Jalalabad would never even think of saying that."
"I believe that I, as well as everyone else, will be accountable to Him."
"I simply cannot any longer share in this bloody witless and absolutely needless ignominy." - Boris Bondarev
"Jesus wasn't denouncing ordinary religion and telling us we had to go to heaven instead."
"Being in integrity with what you do, being honest."
"What if Jimmy is naturally kind and compassionate and it's the nurture side of things that influenced him to scam and manipulate people for many years?"
"I've no doubts whatsoever I did the right thing."
"You always have to do what you see is the right thing."
"Might as well live according to your conscience."
"There's a difference between abusing yourself and abusing someone else."
"What makes a man a man? It's the choices he makes, not how he starts things, but how he decides to end them."
"I'm gonna try to be a good guy through and through and form a really good, free United Texas if possible."
"I've tried to be very clear and open in that I will only promote stuff that I really honestly believe in stuff that I would actually recommend to my friends in real life."
"I knew in my core what was happening was wrong."
"You can do what's right to you but it'll be Anarchy at the end. There still has to be some sort of order."
"Don't cheat yourself because that's literally all you're cheating, it's just yourself."
"What you do is your consciousness, what you do is your religion, what you do is who you are."
"Do you believe it's ever wrong for you individually to violate your own private conscience?"
"If there's something that you know happened privately and you're the one who makes it public, then you're the [expletive]."
"If you are a virtuous person, you will then govern yourself in a virtuous way."
"My loyalty is to the Constitution, it's to a document, it's never to an individual."
"On the path of love, there is not so much right or wrong in the moral sense as much as what is right or wrong for you."
"I immediately disclosed everything I know about this situation as I should."
"Courage is doing the right thing when you do not know the end result. That's what courage looks like."
"You don't have to check your conscience at the door."
"Deal with people as if they had the best of intentions."
"If you accept and love yourself, you know you're coming from a good place, and you know you're doing your best."
"Connected to self... practicing mindfulness... being a good person."
"We are deeply curious people, capable of performing the mental gymnastics to say I can simultaneously enjoy killing innocents in this game and also recognize that I have no desire to do that in real life."
"You can be unlabeled without being unlabeled, or you can do what you want only tell who you want and exist how you want as long as it benefits yourself and doesn't hurt others. It's all fair to me."
"All you can do is try, so I try to treat people like I want to be treated."
"When somebody fucks you over, set an example for them for the people you know, for yourself, and for everybody that that's not cool."
"I refuse to lie for brands, regardless of the offer."
"That's just not smart, that's not what I want to do with my channel, that's not what I want to do with my life, that's not the kind of behavior that I want to encourage in other people."
"You're very much left to follow your own moral compass."
"If I'm not using my platform for good then it's a wasted platform."
"You're dealing with power tools, you got a generator going, you got all kinds of other noise going on."
"Live by a simple moral system: Harm no one, mind your own business."
"In general, I just do what feels right if that makes sense. If it's even if it's something that would benefit me but it doesn't feel right for me to do then I'm not going to do it."
"You're only as good as your word. I always keep mine."
"You can't have the light of Islam on your tongue and then regurgitate slander."
"I have the same view; people can be as self-destructive as they want, but I cannot respect or support someone who's destructive towards others."
"The only difference between me and them is that I actually think it's a bad thing."
"It's just like I just go out of my way not to mistreat people."
"I'm real big on loyalty, so I would never do no s*** like that."
"Being a good person involves the community around me."
"This is the only way I know how to be a peacemaker."
"I could see that it was manipulating people; I could see that the only way that you could get ahead in the business was by being willing to sort of dismiss your own personal ethics."
"As long as my intentions are pure, it's okay to question the norm."
"Self-awareness does not absolve us of anything."
"In the 1990s and early 2000s... most people were thinking about their own personal conduct, their character, their future."
"I would rather let the truth ruin my career than lie for a monster ever again."
"Good and bad is something that's inside your heart."
"He lives by a code, there are things that he believes about taking care not only of yourself but more importantly taking care of those around you."
"Manipulation didn't really sit right with me."
"Truth, honesty, accuracy, and accountability don't even matter to them like they do to me."
"Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways."
"Money can really make you do just the most terrible of things."
"Always do your best, be impeccable with your word."
"Speak up for what's wrong, say no to what you don't want."
"Nobody needs to be perfect, but you have to be a good person and work hard."
"I'm gonna do my thing, I'm not gonna hurt anybody, I'm gonna live, I'm gonna treat people like I want to be treated but I'm going to do my own thing."
"You're a samurai and the samurai goes off of a code of honor."
"You have to be basically a great person and also try to give everything you got."
"Stop making yourself feel better by putting someone else down. It's just not cool, it's kind of gross."
"You gotta stop working with your criminal contacts."
"I feel like my past lives were all good, so I have to continue being a good person."
"Be a good human being, put your boundaries down."
"So important, choice is very important. Honor is a choice."
"You mean a good life, and I don't want to give this boy the go."
"Don't ever send someone to bribe me ever again because you can never bribe me."
"You can have a good reason but you need to understand that it's still wrong and then you also have to understand that the world outside will always demon as wrong even though you deemed it as a necessity."
"No matter what, if someone encourages you to do the wrong thing, you should always want to do right."
"Not being an ally, as long as you're not harming people, you're not harassing people, you're not posting on social media that these people suck, then I don't think you're a bad person for that."
"I can't speak for anybody else who's made videos or talked about it but I I can at least speak for myself and say that my intentions have never been view driven."
"Money cannot buy integrity, honor, and loyalty."
"Even if no one else knows about it, will you behave with integrity and be true to yourself?"
"I always try to understand the opposing argument even if I find it abhorrent."
"I respect that I don't think it's wrong but I think also as well that is right."
"Maintaining Bethany's anonymity has always been a priority for me."
"I don't make sponsored content I don't take money from corporations to promote products I never have and I never will."
"If you're taking home more than the value you're creating in society, you're falling into bucket number two: find a way to create value."
"I believe in a certain amount of loyalty to those that you do business with."
"I genuinely don't understand why people need to show and or flaunt what they donated to a charity."
"I kill all my enemies so that my friends won't have to become murderers."
"Live a clean and honest and pure and wholesome life."
"It's like, if I don't have anything honest or important to add to the conversation, I don't want to be a part of this."
"I'm never gonna be that car salesman. I don't want to be that way."
"It starts with integrity like it starts and it stops with integrity."
"Real men accept the proper limitations on their desires and live accordingly."
"I have turned down a number of sponsorships because I don't like those books and I don't want to promote them."
"Don't let compelled speech force you to act or speak against your own conscience."
"A man must have a code, oh no doubt, never lying even when it could benefit him."
"By whose standard are you good? Your standard don't mean freaking crap."
"Don't give your God or your religion credit for being a decent person. You can be a decent person independent of your God and independent of your religion."
"I believed it was wrong to judge someone solely based on appearance or profession."
"No matter what your bank balance, no matter what you wear, treat everyone as you would like to be treated."
"I was raised in the Mormon church, and the people I have met over the years have been some of the nicest, most ethical, polite people I've ever met."
"I did it because I believed it was the right thing to do."
"My dad has instilled very strong family values in us."
"Honesty is the best policy not only to yourself but to your partner and to your child."
"It ain't easy, but it ain't right either." - Mike
"Stick with the healthy constructs, do right by you first."
"I think when people flake on me it's really lame to do you know if you've made plans with somebody and they flake on those plans that's really lame you know don't disrespect people's time."
"When you are doing something really bad or something really good, you always know about it."
"In the end, all that matters is that you're like a good person."
"Loyalty. What I love is jack like you got to be loyal so I'm all about that loyalty."
"Always stay humble, always keep your head up held high."
"If I can do something good for you and it costs me nothing, I'm going to do it."
"Ignoring her, walking away, the no contact rule, making her miss you. Guys, that's manipulation, okay?"
"I just think it's a bit greedy if I keep it all."
"I don't disrespect the dead that's dis respectful like cuz these Spears they change form I don't do those type of things I don't smoke op packs and all that you know people that do that's your thing but I don't disrespect the dead."
"I won't say anything about someone that I wouldn't say to the face."
"I like games like this where I wouldn't want to cheat."
"Stay grateful, stay honest...and be careful where you expend your time and your attention."
"I made a moral decision... nobody is going to control what I say... unless the judge tells me to."
"Each of us as men must develop a code of honor and live by it, no matter what happens."
"being in incredibly selfish doesn't necessarily make you an awful person it just means you take hold of your own moral compass"
"I did what I could, what I had to do, what my conscience told me I must do. That's all there is to it. Really, nothing more."
"If the heart is right, then you are right. If the heart is wrong, then you are wrong."
"I really do be trying to be a good person out here."
"I will never sell my values for money."