
New Testament Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"I got gripped by God the other day with the mystery of New Testament forgiveness."
"The New Testament writers did not create the resurrection; the resurrection created the New Testament writers."
"The New Testament is the most important collection of books in the history of civilization."
"To make Christianity the irresistible force that it was in the lives of the first followers of Christ, we need to be clear that the Bible isn't the foundation for faith in Christianity; rather, the events documented by the New Testament, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, are the foundation."
"Giving is commanded in the New Testament. Giving absolutely is. And as we give, as New Testament believers, we are to give out of simply the abundance of what God has already given to us. We give out of a grateful heart."
"The Apostle Paul saw the world in a brand new way when Jesus removed the scales from his eyes."
"The gospel in the New Testament is the gospel about Jesus, His person, who He is, His work, what He has done."
"Rather than painting them as great patriarchs of wisdom and faith as would be expected, the New Testament is downright frequently embarrassing in its portrayal of the disciples."
"The promises of the New Testament are for today, and God works in a magnificent and powerful way to those who, by His grace, believe Him."
"It was not until the sixth century that the books of the New Testament became almost completely standardized."
"The New Testament is far and away the best attested work of the ancient world."
"The vast majority of New Testament scholars believe that the wording of the autographs is not only recoverable but that we have recovered it in most places."
"There are good evidences in the New Testament for the person of Jesus of Nazareth as God's decisive self-revelation."
"Within 900 years of the New Testament's completion, almost a thousand manuscripts exist."
"We are actually getting closer and closer to the original text as time goes on."
"The New Testament is filled with really interesting stories... and it contains a lot of important ethical teaching."
"It's the one story in the New Testament where Jesus is said to embrace the idea that after death people's souls will be punished, they'll be tormented for people who actively died."
"Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. You will see there's no contradictions."
"The New Testament talks about the truth setting you free, about the glorious liberty of the children of God."
"Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ," illustrating Philip's evangelistic efforts.
"Simon himself believed and was baptized," highlighting the conversion of a prominent figure.
"May your money perish with you," Peter rebuked Simon, denouncing his attempt to buy spiritual gifts.
"Repent of this wickedness," Peter urged, calling for a change of heart.
"You can't reverse engineer the 27-book canon of the New Testament without the judgment of the Catholic Church."
"It really is a beautiful point of reference for people looking to get into New Testament studies."
"The New Testament authors come out of the gate swinging to set Jesus as the Son of God as a category entirely of its own."
"This passage may well be one of the most extraordinary in the entire New Testament."
"Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament; he didn't get rid of it. So all those promises that we have in the Old Testament, we have them in the New Testament even greater."
"The New Testament promises are based on better promises."
"The two-source hypothesis: Mark was written first, and both Matthew and Luke used Mark as a source."
"The person who wrote the book of Acts is the same person who wrote the Gospel of Luke."
"And that's described by our Lord in Matthew 24 and 25, as well."
"Jesus' words: 'Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.'"
"The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in John 20:22."
"So why do people think that the Council Nicaea decided on the New Testament? Apparently, this rumor is very ancient."
"From the beginning of the New Testament church, Christians have been mandated to share the gospel."
"A third of the New Testament focuses on this one man."
"Friends, The New Testament plainly teaches that God's people will keep all His Commandments."
"Since Pentecost we've all been given Holy Spirit Within therefore all the teachings in Corinthians and throughout the New Testament of teaching us how now to walk in this reality that we can hear the voice of God."
"The New Testament clearly identified Jesus as this one like Moses that the one that Isaiah was talking about is Jesus."
"If you thought the Old Testament was incredible, then buckle up and prepare yourself for the study of a lifetime because Old Testament was preparation and New Testament will be fulfillment."
"The idea of volunteerism is laced throughout the entire New Testament."
"No book of the New Testament makes that claim."
"Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God."
"Join me live Saturday, reading the New Testament in one sitting."
"The law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John
"The New Testament never presents mere theology. It always challenges us to apply the truth in our lives in a practical way."
"Everything about the New Testament is God trying to connect with you through your heart."
"It depicts one of the most emotionally charged moments in the New Testament, the aftermath of the crucifixion."
"The New Testament writers interacted deeply with the Old Testament."
"...with the New Testament the Fulfillment listen the New Testament doesn't take the place of the Old Testament... the New Testament is the Fulfillment of what was written about."
"Paul, the Apostle, one of the key figures in the New Testament."
"The general criteria for a book to meet to be in the New Testament was that it had to be written by eyewitnesses of the Resurrection, historically used by the church, and consistent with the theology preserved by the church."
"If you look at the requests we greatly emphasize today, we are perhaps surprised to find that they are not mentioned at all in the New Testament."
"Let's stick with what the New Testament actually says is a type in the old and just leave it there."
"Jesus's career as described in the New Testament lasted all of three years, at the end of which he was crucified by the Romans as a common criminal."
"...the New Testament is made up of the four gospels Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John, as well as the other books."
"The New Testament is practically, theologically, and spiritually unintelligible apart from the old."
"It is a central pivotal teaching throughout the New Testament."
"The LDS church is such a high demand religion why would you want to be a part of a high demand religion when you read the New Testament you see the words of Christ saying literally like for example Let the dead bury the dead and come and follow me."
"The book of James is very interesting because it is a very eloquent book it is the most classically written book in the New Testament maybe second only to the book of Hebrews."
"The New Testament chronicles Jesus's appearance after his resurrection to a total of 12 different individuals or groups." - Resurrection appearances
"The message of the New Testament is the culmination of revelation, it is that which embodies and engulfs all that is the old and includes all that is the new."
"God the Creator can and that's what that's, I mean it's a major theme in the New Testament."
"What did the New Testament writers have to gain by making up a new religion? Nothing, they had everything to lose."
"Whether you believe that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah or not the New Testament is a Jewish book about the Jewish Messiah."
"The New Testament is a Jewish book about the Jewish Messiah that tells the truth."
"When it comes to the New Testament and literature of antiquity, there's no close second."
"If the papacy is a valid office, why isn't it ever mentioned in the New Testament?"
"The reality is that there were two traditions as far as the New Testament is concerned."
"The New Testament comes across very favorable."
"Mary Magdalene was mentioned more in the New Testament than any other woman besides Jesus's mother."
"Following these four criteria, the proto orthodox began shaping what would become the New Testament already in the second century."
"Our earliest author of the New Testament, the Apostle Paul, certainly believed in the Divinity of Jesus. He describes Christ's Incarnation, stating that Christ was in the form of God."
"Twenty-one out of 27 books of the New Testament have not got even a red dot or a dash or a doodle."
"Rembrandt was not only inspired by the New Testament... he liked the Bible as a source material for drama, rhetoric, and action."
"One of the greatest proofs that the Old Testament and the New Testament are valid is that what they say about Jesus Christ actually occurred."
"Learn the New Testament use of the Old Testament. Get some basic understanding of how the passages that are used, what their original context was."
"We can virtually reproduce the entire New Testament from just the writings of the church fathers, many times over."
"But in any case, the New Testament occurs within just one lifetime."
"Christians are taught since their children that the New Testament is the Word of God, divinely inspired and heaven breathed."
"Everything it says in the New Testament about the ethical life which it shares with other ethical outlooks religious and non-religious."
"If you read the New Testament and listen to the things that Jesus is actually saying, you can't help but be struck that the teachings of Jesus are very, very Progressive."
"Women have a very prominent role in the New Testament."
"Mary Magdalene as the most prominent of Jesus's female followers is also one of the figures in the New Testament that historians in general agree was a historical figure."
"Paul was the most influential voice in the New Testament."
"We're about relationship, that's why like if you compare the Old Testament to the New Testament we are so lucky that we have Jesus in the cross otherwise we'd just be stuck in the bondage of the spirit of religion."
"We have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to New Testament manuscripts."
"There's a very practical takeaway from us... we need to take those warning passages of the New Testament very seriously."
"The great need in the New Testament is for honesty."
"The Lord Jesus Christ of New Testament history is none other than the promised Messiah of Old Testament prophecy."
"In book one you have redemption promised and outlined. In book two you have redemption realized and fulfilled."
"Our Christianity is not in harmony with the New Testament if we are not excitedly expecting the Lord to come back."
"The excited anticipation of the Lord’s return is the main motive given in the New Testament for holy living."
"Now, if you didn't have a single New Testament... how would you know anything about Jesus?"
"If you don't believe there are 72 books in your New Testament as is in the Roman Catholic Bibles, you're anathema, which means you're accursed."
"Wisdom appears to contain messianic prophecies that are fulfilled in the New Testament."
"The New Testament is a book written for sufferers."
"In the New Testament, each of them is telling a story pictorially."
"Really the New Testament conveys something different than most of us are living."
"When the New Testament addresses the issue of knowing Jesus it's always on the level of personal discovery it's never about the passing on of a report that has been learned from other people."
"We need to be able to demonstrate that the New Testament goes back to the sources that it claims to go back to. It's vitally important."
"This is the single greatest miracle recorded on the pages of the New Testament prior to the resurrection."
"There would be no New Testament without the resurrection."
"They're not making this up. The New Testament writers depict themselves and even some things about Jesus in an embarrassing way."
"They're not making this up. You don't find this kind of embarrassing detail in, say, the Pharaohs' history."
"I think it's important to look to the New Testament trajectory in terms of the relationship between men and women, the equality of women, how Jesus treats women, and how that should inform how we interpret texts like Romans 1."
"That's the message of the New Testament in an outline, and it captures the essence of Christianity."
"In fact, the text is simply a reworking of and an expansion of a different book from the New Testament, the Epistle of Jude."
"Because the resurrection is so important, it is a major theme in the New Testament."
"Most New Testament scholars believe that the Gospels are Greco-Roman biographies."
"The New Testament never says, 'Oh this Greco-Roman institution is a good thing.' On the contrary, when Paul is listing sins he includes enslaving as a condemned sin."
"Jesus himself is God's hospitality in the New Testament."
"The New Testament is very, very clear that this sacrifice of Jesus Christ was as a high priest."
"So the story is from the Dead Sea Scrolls then that Jews have always believed Judaism... and they say then to make a long story short, the Sadducees formed... and the Pharisees believed... but according to the New Testament, that would be wrong."
"The thrust of the New Testament is not love yourself, it's deny yourself and die to yourself."
"Bart Ehrman says, 'Why do I quote New Testament verses all the time?'"
"...it turns out that the New Testament was written very early now why is that important..."
"Most textual scholars believe that majority of the changes or alterations in the manuscripts of the New Testament were made before the second century."
"The whole point of the New Testaments is they help you see the law doesn't get people there, grace does."
"This is the missing history when you get to the New Testament."
"Prophets of the New Testament teach, encourage, and comfort people by preaching the word of God to them."
"Every person in the New Testament who became a Christian did so by hearing the gospel, believing it, repenting of their sins, confessing their faith in Christ, and being baptized."
"Thank you for your Super Chat I'm trying to find these book on the text of the gospels and the early fathers but can't find it is there another which deals with the New Testament as found in the early patriotics and manuscripts for the followers."
"The New Testament was being inscripturated while those gifts operated."
"Why do you got double barrel Pastor Jen? 'Cause one barrel's for the Old Testament and the other barrel's for the New Testament."
"Jesus commended tithing in the New Testament."
"The average time span between when those books were written and the first manuscripts copies we have of them is between five and nine hundred years. Now compare that with the New Testament."
"The reality is, the New Testament has more ancient attestation and a wider attestation than any other book of antiquity."
"...the New Testament is a very beautifully written composite of the ministry of Jesus Christ and his Apostles."
"New Testament prophecy is clear speech that needs no interpretation whatsoever."
"Even in the first century, we can find trinitarian theology outside of the writings of the New Testament."
"The New Testament too is rooted in history--real people experiencing real life at specific times and places."
"The New Testament, written in the relatively small Mediterranean world, soon crossed the waters to every continent."
"Tithing is never commanded in the New Testament"
"...the New Testament God isn't quite the lovey love of God that we want to say."
"The weave of the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed."
"Jesus and the revelation of the New Testament brings us true understanding of life and immortality."
"You have to compare the story of Elijah in the Old Testament and the New Testament Elijah."
"The New Testament world was framed by these three words: Jewish, Greek, and Roman."
"So as you start reading through the New Testament, you can't help but see there is a water baptism, but in the future, even he who's baptizing in water is saying, 'But there will be a time when you're not baptized with water, you're baptized with the Holy Spirit.'"
"In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit's presence is permanent and transformative for all."
"So we believe we need to know what the old covenant says, because so much of the New Testament is based upon the Old."
"We don't have the original New Testament; they've disappeared, and the manuscripts have discrepancies among them; therefore, we have to do textual criticism."
"The New Testament, in all its essential teachings, is absolutely rock solid."
"One of the things I always bring it back, and I'm glad to hear you bring it back to Revelation because, you know, we serve the same God of the Old Testament as the same God of the New. I mean, Jesus on those 'I am' statements, He's claiming to be Yahweh of the Old Testament."
"Honestly, this book is a gold mine for all kinds of things that provide a foundation not just for the rest of the Old Testament, but for the New Testament and even for the Book of Mormon and for our covenantal connection with God today."
"The New Testament authors treat the Old Testament as if what it says is in fact true."
"The Great Commission is fulfilled only when we are making disciples, as the New Testament defines what a disciple is."
"The fact of the empty tomb is almost universally acknowledged among New Testament critics."
"One of the main criteria for inclusion in the New Testament is apostolic authorship."
"In the New Testament, the Gospels are the primary source of inspiration from God."
"If you were going to take people in the New Testament to a book to show them that they had eternal life and that they would never perish, where would you take them? John."
"The proclamation of faith is in the New Testament. I see no evidence of that in John's gospel."
"The Psalms are the most quoted Old Testament book in the New Testament."
"Name any of the four gospels of the New Testament. Mark."
"The 27 New Testament books haven't been tampered with, they were put together over a period of time."
"Moment by moment and day by day, in the New Testament, in the book of Hebrews chapters 9 and 10, in a very extensive sort of way, the idea is developed that Jesus is both the priest and the sacrifice, the one who cancels and removes sin."
"As we learn how to apply them to ourselves in the spirit as New Testament believers, it causes us to arise, beloved, in the spirit and gain victory over darkness in our life."
"The words used in the New Testament: perceive, witness, discern."
"Being born again is a New Testament thing."
"Theological positions then the Christology harmonized perfectly with the New Testament doctrine of redemption."
"The New Testament is an excellent source for information about early Judaism."
"Investigating the earliest fragments of the New Testament requires scholars from all sorts of disciplines."
"The New Testament is absolutely a strategy for living, a strategy or a 27 books that deal with life on Earth and what to expect in the future."
"The sacrifice of the mass is the New Testament according to the New Testament."
"One of his most seminal works that he's published recently is none other than a translation of the New Testament."
"If we apply the same standards to the New Testament, then the objections raised in regards to text, in regards to the origination, regards to teaching simply do not hold true."
"Ecclesia is the word Church in the New Testament."
"These manuscripts are generally speaking our very oldest manuscripts of the New Testament."
"We have almost 5800 numbered Greek New Testament manuscripts that exist today."
"The Church Fathers... are quotations from the New Testament by church leaders."
"The New Testament documents are marvelously accurate; every attempt to subvert the documents historically and archaeologically has failed."
"The story we have of Jesus as presented in the New Testament is accurate and reliable."
"The fathers become extremely important for the text of the New Testament for us to get into the window of what that original text."
"...I want you to think about: is my practice and my idea of ministry conformed to the New Testament model?"
"The line of David is incredibly important; it translates into the New Testament."
"Mary in the New Testament from the Roman Catholic point of view almost competes with Jesus for importance."
"The book of Romans is considered by some to be the greatest and richest of the letters in the New Testament."
"The importance of receiving the New Testament as the word of God has been acknowledged since ancient times."
"This cup that is poured out for you is the New Covenant in my blood."
"Forgiveness is the difference between Jesus and Moses, between Jesus and Elisha."
"Luke is the only Gentile writer in the New Testament and he writes twenty-eight percent of the New Testament."
"The God of the New Testament, He's loving, He's not harsh."
"The New Testament documents are very reliable; we have better manuscript evidence for the New Testament than for any other ancient book."
"I think there's especially talking about the New Testament, it gets forgotten there."
"There are good reasons for seeing the major contours of the New Testament Gospels as historically reliable."
"We can reconstruct with an extraordinarily high degree of confidence the accuracy of the text of the New Testament."
"The Bible can be studied in many different ways, and this paper tries to showcase not only the study of the stories of Abraham in the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible but also the stories about Jesus in Luke's Gospel."
"The human condition and social conditions change. What is the fundamental principle of the New Testament? It is one of universal love, loving your fellow man."
"For eighteen hundred years, though perchance I have no right to say it, the New Testament has been written; yet where is the legislator who has wisdom and practical talent enough to avail himself of the light which it sheds on the science of legislation?"
"What they're trying to do is they're trying to come to grips with what does the New Testament actually teach."
"The majority of New Testament scholars today concur that Jesus was in fact buried in a tomb by Joseph of Arimathea."
"The New Testament in its world... the more we know about that world, the more relevant it becomes to our world."
"Everything we need for salvation and a life in godliness in the New Testament."
"We really have a wealth of evidence of textual evidence when it comes to the New Testament."
"Most of the text of the New Testament, there are no variant readings... so with the best manuscripts available... people can be completely confident that they're reading what the Apostles wrote."
"The New Testament talks about the truth setting you free."
"The word 'disciple' is used 268 times in the New Testament... it has all these beautiful overtones that the word 'Christian' doesn't have."
"Matthew and Luke were reading Mark's Gospel when they were writing their gospels."