
Putin Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Putin, when he first came to power, sought cordial relations with the US and with American presidents."
"The Cold War never ended. United States is Vladimir Putin's main enemy. He is seeking to undermine not just democracy. It's not about necessarily putting a thumb on the scale for Biden or Trump... The reality is that he wants to see a weakened United States."
"If we fail to act together, I think Putin wins."
"Since President Putin came to power, 25,000 new churches have been built."
"Putin relies heavily on his allies and if a single one of them stops supporting Putin, it will be a significant impact."
"What Putin wants above all is to try to divide us and in that, he must not succeed."
"Putin's campaign of misinformation should be tackled."
"It is vital that President Putin should fail."
"Putin's speeches...are incredibly detailed. They are packed with facts and figures, they outline plans for the future."
"Putin described the collapse of the Soviet Union as the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century."
"Putin's imperial bloodlust won't stop at Ukraine."
"We must do everything we can to end the tyranny of Putin..."
"That's exactly the unintended consequence of Putin's actions in Ukraine."
"Putin is highly threatened by a successful democratic regime that's on his borders because it threatens his own rule."
"I think resources play a role but I think what really plays a role is Russia, Vladimir Putin, his pride."
"Putin has underestimated what self-determination looks like, a severe miscalculation on his part."
"The most significant element in all of this has been inside Putin's head."
"Putin's political opponents always seem to miraculously die."
"Do not trust Putin - if you find out your compromise with Putin, Putin goes further."
"It was Putin's fault that the negotiations failed."
"Putin became the source of instability instead of being the source of stability."
"Putin required Crimea to help him fight and develop a network."
"Putin may lose power as a result of This Disaster."
"Putin has made clear that he will pursue unrestricted warfare."
"Putin is being urged to resign from all sides."
"I think it's a huge opportunity to hit Putin hard."
"So President Putin does have the option of using cruise missiles which can be specifically targeted to hit key Ukraine infrastructure."
"Putin might be learning more about what's happened in the war from Western media than from his own people."
"If there's any guy who would risk nuclear warfare to achieve some flash of nationalistic glory it would be Putin."
"What was remarkable is after the first official bilateral meeting in the G-20, Donald Trump went out of his way to seek out Vladimir Putin on the margins of the G20 summit."
"Putin is irrelevant. Let's take him out. He is a criminal."
"Furthermore, the thing that Vladimir Putin fears the most is really not the Ukraine, it's democracy."
"Suddenly the extent of Putin’s miscalculation is not so ridiculous."
"This gigantic house is 190,000 square feet and cost $1.4 billion US dollars to build."
"It almost seems unbelievable that Putin could be so reckless with his own nation’s future."
"I think Putin's been waiting for this. Motive and opportunity."
"The only way to deter any possible use of nuclear weapons is to make Putin believe the consequences of such use will be ruinous for Russia as a state and for him as its ruler."
"Putin very much wants to re-establish the former Russian Empire."
"I get the sense from talking to people who know Biden... I don't have any illusions about Putin."
"Putin had changed... he's probably not getting the best information."
"Putin's obsession goes way beyond NATO expansion or a pro-western government in Kyiv. It is an outright rejection of Ukrainian identity and statehood."
"Zelensky has absolutely outsmarted Putin." - Professor Neil Ferguson
"The writings been on the wall for a really quite long long time hasn't it about Putin's behavior."
"Putin is completely unfazed by these Ukrainian counter-offensives."
"So many extraordinary things have happened over the past month or so, but one of them is we are sharing our intel information, and now Vladimir Putin has to wake up in the West and read how ignorant he is about what's going on in his own war."
"President Putin launched a massive Purge targeting the Wagner Group."
"Putin is just really happy that the United States seems embroiled in this chaos that he has helped create." - Emphasizing perceived satisfaction in chaos, applicable in various contexts.
"Both of them are pleasing Trump, are pleasing Vladimir Putin infinitely." - Illustrating alignment of interests that might be surprising or questionable.
"Putin's evil plan came to an end before it could be realized."
"Vladimir Putin is committing crimes against humanity."
"The only thing that Putin understands is this kind of strength."
"Vladimir Putin is potentially going to go even more extreme in his behavior and in his warmongering."
"Putin's realization that he was going to lose the war utterly clouded the situation."
"Cornered like a rat, Vladimir Putin is more dangerous now than ever."
"Putin has already crossed the limits of his acceptability in both foreign and domestic politics."
"Putin literally holds the keys to America and Europe's Energy Future."
"The West should take a stronger position in resisting Putin's ambitions."
"Putin's menacing attitude has been directed at other countries."
"The real Vladimir Putin remains an enigma."
"Our objective should be to bring down Putin."
"What Putin thought would be a swift blitzkrieg all the way to Kyiv, instead turned out to be something else entirely."
"It's a risky time for Putin; he's desperately trying to blame Ukraine."
"Trump repeats Putin's talking points over and over again for four years and changed fundamentally the Republican electorate's view of Russia."
"Russia is not Putin and Putin is not Russia."
"Putin is a scared little man, living in a world where you can't gracefully retire, where if he loses power, he loses everything."
"Putin began to believe that the Americans could never be trusted."
"His country's future too important to relinquish power."
"Putin's opulence remains singular even among his fellow strongmen and oligarchs."
"Putin's billions are far more than a mere personal fortune; they are the very bedrock of his power."
"In Putin's Russia, it's simply not enough to dominate politics and amass untold riches; one must be the manliest, the most sublime, the most dominant in every respect."
Putin calls Kiril's leadership a "miracle of God."
"That's been Putin's effort from day one. He's been interested in restoring Russia as an Orthodox Christian state with a true national identity and a strong National culture."
"Putin, the enigmatic leader of Russia, has long been a subject of fascination for both his supporters and critics."
"One event that significantly impacted Putin's cult of personality was the Moscow theater hostage crisis in 2002."
"This law would lay a foundation to help the Putin regime censor whoever they didn't like."
"Putin is really good at appealing to a certain yearning within a big part of the Russian population."
"The bloody and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin continues."
"It would be a grave historic mistake to allow Putin to prevail. We cannot allow authoritarian leaders to get their way by using force. This would be dangerous for us all."
"Putin is a much more efficient dictator. He doesn't have to kill that many people. He creates a climate of terror."
"Putin is not an idealistic or ideological dictator. He's just a criminal. I compare him with Pablo Escobar."
"There is no exit strategy for Vladimir Putin. The longer it goes on, the worse it gets."
"Putin launched what was effectively a preventive War."
"I think, in some ways, we could define Putin as a kind of crass nationalist. His view is basically Russia is a great power because it is Russia."
"He's not just been painted over even tarmacked over they have all been painted over a part from Vladimir Putin whose portrait was burnt by [__] Riot."
"In a strong field of stupid things said by George Bush, I would still pick him saying that I looked into Putin's eyes and I looked at his crucifix and I knew that this was a guy I could trust."
"Putin is a modern fascist... if the West does not come to its senses, it would be a great disaster for the world."
"One of them is not going to come along and say I feel differently about Putin."
"Her warning about Putin's danger to the West and how American ideals that were so appealing to her were under threat."
"Putin raised the flag, and people gathered around him. He certainly took notice of that, and he liked that. This was the first time in his life when he became a leader." - Pavlovsky
"Whether you want it or not, this is my game. I am going to the end. I'm going to war." - Putin
"Putin did not step up immediately, but Luzhkov was lost; he started talking nonsense. This was not the action of a leader." - Pavlovsky
"Putin didn’t respond. He took it very cool."
"There's biden and there's putin and I don't think putin is ready to step back from biden."
"I personally can't blame Mr. Putin for getting, you know, upset like this when now it takes something like this for everybody to listen."
"According to a local leader in Siberia, Vladimir Putin's favorite sandwich comprises kebab, gherkins, and barbecue sauce, otherwise known as the KGB."
"I think Putin might have thought that America would not be as supportive of Ukraine as they are right now."
"Putin was never a nationalist and would never be nationalist. He just plays a nationalist card, which is quite popular in Russia right now."
"Putin even sent me a present, a beautiful present with a beautiful note."
"Putin's popularity though is all the more surprising given that from the beginning his presidency has been clouded in accusations of corruption."
"Putin has carefully created an atmosphere in Russia that is extremely hostile to any opposition."
"Ironically Putin is giving us a lesson not in how we should do it but that we should do it in the first place."
"Prigozhin’s coup is a stark reminder that Putin’s invasion still has unintended consequences - Consequences we’ve felt ourselves, for the last 18 months."
"Everything is connected that when Putin helps it helps acts in Syria it's not just about Syria it's about Ukraine."
"Some of them would blame Putin, and I think that’s part of the reason why the levying of economic sanctions against Russia in an unfortunate way plays into a narrative on the part of the Russian leadership."
"Putin's dictatorship was based on unlimited financial resources."
"If we don't stop Putin in Ukraine, he will be back for more."
"Putin viewed the collapse of the Soviet Union not as the liberation of Ukraine and Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Baltic states or the possibility of a democratic promise, he viewed it as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century."
"We've got to have strategic empathy about Putin as well."
"Putin is going to be testing out to see if he can gain or regain some of the advantage."
"This is about more than Ukraine; this is about Putin's distaste for NATO."