
Economic Decline Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Europe's Gross National Product dropped nearly fifteen percent in the second quarter of 2020 alone."
"Venezuela was once one of the wealthiest countries on the continent until the people were persuaded to vote for socialism."
"PTSD is associated with a single traumatic event; however, stimuli that prompt flashbacks to that trauma can be ubiquitous, causing the person to feel as if they're reliving the trauma."
"The silver lining toll of this American decline is that Jen and I were able to afford this unicorn pool floaty."
"This is a part of the ongoing decline of Western capitalism."
"It's the same story: 41 million has become 13 million, 18 million has become 7 million."
"Sooner than most people think, millions of Americans will potentially be pushed down out of the middle class, out of private retirement, and out of a decent life based on independence and privacy into a collectivist nightmare."
"Your dollar is becoming worth less and less."
"When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes."
"If we don't reverse that flow of wealth... living standards will decline aggressively."
"Our country will be a ninth world country, not a third world country, a ninth world country."
"What we're seeing is a breakdown in public services, a breakdown in cash availability, and massively rising prices."
"China's Business Leaders are saying the country that let them Thrive is slipping away largely due to this cult of personality and Crackdown by Xi Jinping."
"Your savings have less and less buying power each and every day."
"We've gone from 1st to 12th in the world in wages... most people are working harder for less money than they were making 10 years ago."
"Things are only getting worse for the middle classes."
"The American median household income froze, started declining we haven't had an uptick since the year 2000."
"The decline of the United States as a player in the world economy is palpable and clear."
"The main problem is that our wages have been steadily dropping for decades."
"Cuba's overall production of bottled water and soft drinks today is 10 times lower than it was only four years ago."
"We're in a situation where stocks are going to continue to go down they might bounce around and go down bounce around and go down."
"The once glorious California Dream is starting to erode."
"We can all see what is happening to the economy; we can all see the impact this is having on loneliness, mental health, poverty, and delays in cancer treatments."
"The houses that were the homes to the richest middle class in America are empty and broken. Many words can be used to describe Detroit, but quitter isn't one of them."
"The media can't recover from this. The jobs won't come back, period."
"The former backbone of America is finally at the end of an era."
"The value of money is weakened by the day due to inflation, eroding buying power over time."
"The Russian economy has declined so far their currency, the ruble, is worth less than the robux."
"We are heading down the same road as Venezuela did."
"The dollar as it sits right now is headed to zero."
"Over the last 10 years, Cuba's difficulties have worsened."
"It's actually sad. It's it's the fall of our empire. I mean it's kind of a joke it's kind of funny until it's not until they get wiped out by the financial tsunami until they get squeezed here and lose everything."
"Historically speaking, that's when the market actually declines."
"The greatest political problem we may have in the years ahead is how our working class copes, reacts, and understands to a long-term secular decline in the standard of living here."
"Venezuela, a rich country blessed with bountiful natural resources, is now a hell hole." - Tucker
"The world is economically collapsing and spleen too never seen this before ever."
"We've lost the Republic we'll lose our country if the middle class becomes poor."
"We're seeing economic growth slow down really fast."
"The fall in the value of the peso... around 10 times over the last 18 months."
"People are furious their communities have been stripped of their factories and their jobs they've been shipped overseas their communities are wrecked by opium opioid epidemics and high rates of depression and suicide."
"I've never seen so many shuttered businesses, I've never seen so many closed banks, I've never seen so many homeless people in my entire life."
"Markets can collapse in a few days, but the economy sinking takes time."
"Gary, Indiana: once a prosperous steel town, now a ghost of its former self."
"And now those families are falling back into poverty as that support dries up."
"Our younger generation through no fault of their own now has a lower standard of living than their parents."
"The U.S. dollar is suffering a stunning collapse."
"Interest coverage ratio is already falling precipitously."
"Once factories leave your town, they really tend not to come back."
"The almighty dollar is not Almighty it's going down in value."
"The u.s. political leadership was willing to tolerate it... you have a bunch of people who used to work decent paying jobs who are out of work they get on painkiller medications that are over prescribed."
"As the ruble falls in value, Russia becomes less attractive as a place to move to, to work and earn money."
"I see the biggest risks to the world being a declining China." - Dan Harris
"You see the ghost towns around this country, the boarded up shops, the boarded up homes."
"Name a sector that you believe that has already peaked and is on its way down."
"We've been robbed through inflation and the purchasing power of the dollar has declined more than 96%."
"So you are getting poorer, gas prices are going up, we completely lost control of the infrastructure in the country."
"St. Louis was stuck in the rust belt, where older cities were hemorrhaging people, jobs, and money to the suburbs."
"Unless the Americans can address the problem that in this region they are a profoundly declining economic force, they will not be able to reverse the tide of history. Everything else is like King Canute."
"To make up for the decline of private spending, governments should inject extra spending into the economy."
"It's quite falling on hard times, this area."
"Family farms are closing at a historic rate."
"On the way down, economic fundamentals deteriorate, earnings decline, and fall short of expectations."
"What America has become is a de-industrialized financial ghost town."
"The consequences of stagnation threaten a vicious cycle of economic decline."
"Places that were once seen as holiday resorts for the north have fallen on very hard times."
"Bitcoin, eth, gold, whatever to all perform well as that decline occurs."
"Gold is often viewed as a safe haven and store of value during times of economic decline."
"The golden days for the US middle class, they're long gone."
"Your salary doesn't stretch as far, your savings don't buy you as much, and you're effectively becoming poorer each and every day."
"Stock markets ended up falling 70% by the end; World industrial production also fell significantly."
"We are slipping behind countries like France and Germany; we're already well behind the United States."