
Framing Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Global warming is real but the way that the politicians are framing it is not."
"I love to do framing. I think it simplifies the composition and it's really interesting."
"The real framing method that separates good visual movies from visual masterpieces is when you not only use the background to make your foreground shot look cooler but when you also use the background to boost the emotional impact that you want your foreground to evoke."
"Truth matters not as much as how the truth is framed."
"Most Americans agree on most things if you frame them in a certain way."
"That's why they have to frame that as the extreme event."
"You don't actually need to directly say something in order to say something; this is what we call framing and implication."
"The frame is everything. How you frame a conversation, how you frame a situation, how you frame a circumstance to yourself or others will massively change how they perceive the remaining information."
"They had to get closure and I was a political activist, so they picked me up and framed me."
"They framed me, that's what Greg Derek's new book is out, they exonerated Hillary Clinton from obvious crimes and they're trying to frame Donald Trump in a failed coup attempt."
"Geeking out about framing is pretty much my all-time, absolute favorite thing to do."
"Frames matter, and it's definitely evidence that understanding is frame dependent."
"Why does no one, almost no one in the media ever frame it that way?"
"They were out to frame the President... they can do it to them, imagine what they can do to you or I."
"Mainstream and not mainstream, I think is the right framing. You're right."
"I don't like the way it's being framed, I don't like the way it's being brought. I don't like that it is being brought."
"Good framing comes with a good design and understanding how everything fits together."
"How we frame something really shapes what we do about it."
"Frames are all around us. Hopefully, this video gave you all the things you need to know to build frames that serve you and to not fall into the frames that don't."
"Framing is a very big part of this group's identity."
"Bad framing is going to make things seem either empty or too close or too far away and it's going to look very amateurish."
"It just looks more finished and it kind of frames everything in very nicely."
"In Black America, there was overwhelming belief that the police were corrupt and that O.J. Simpson was framed."
"The eyebrows are so important because they frame the entire face."
"It's nice the way it frames the house, although perhaps a bit close for comfort."
"Do not underestimate the power of good framing just frame your shots guys"
"It's like a witch toe on the end of a witch finger you could frame me for a crime though."
"Frame within a frame is an easy and effective way to draw the viewer's eyes into the photo; it creates a sense of depth and can be used to highlight your subject."
"Art is a question mostly of framing: anything we examine for aesthetic value can be art."
"Here's the inspiration piece it was from Etsy for $130 and mine cost $5 for the frames."
"How you frame your past will shape your expectations of what's to come in the future."
"In economic terms, there's no difference between losing the tickets and losing $400, so why do you behave differently? Well, that's framing."
"Framing an innocent Oswald as the patsy could only work if the conspirators could be confident that he would not be able to prove his innocence."
"Precision framing: where every cut, every nail, builds the foundation for future memories."
"Even a passive agreeable character can become distinct if written within the right framework."
"A lot of politics is just framing whatever the opposition is as the kind of person that you really can't vote for unless you're just evil."
"Vignettes are great for drawing attention to the center of your framing."
"The key is to frame your answer in the context of the job that you're interviewing for."
"What is wonderful about those towers is that they frame the Church of Santiago downtown."
"The framing and shot blocking are the best we've seen. It's more beautifully filmed."
"It almost kind of like lifts your house up... frames it. It's beautiful."
"I think it's really important to start framing it that way."
"You're creating a frame on the perimeter of your face."
"The media reported this incident as a disgraced rebel by the mobs, making these innocent people who just stood up for what they believed in framing them as evil mobs."
"The difference between Plan A and Plan B is only a matter of framing."
"That description very mild way of framing this when the actual story itself is so insane."
"There's some magic and some power in the words that she's saying and the way she's choosing to frame this situation in her mind"
"Changing how we frame mental health in the world around us."
"We're framing our world daily by the words that we speak."
"To frame a person means to create a situation in order to make it look like that person did something bad but they actually did not."
"It's insane that, like, he's being just the framing of this is [__]."
"Okay, so now what I'm going to do is... frame the top piece and also the intermediate piece."
"We frame it up, I'll put a little note of authenticity."
"It's just a beautiful piece I look at my framer I can't recommend a good framer highly enough."
"Shooting at 14 millimeters allows you to get a little bit more in the frame, and that little bit more can make a really big difference to the shot."
"He got framed, went to jail for 12 years, and the real murderer was a rat, literally a rat!"
"The takeaway is that with two or more subjects in your frame, a small autofocus target will give the camera a better indication of who is the subject you want to focus on."
"It's just a different way, when you use natural frames, it's always very interesting because it gives like an anchor point from where you shot the photo."
"This Revelation is also rightfully framed as a tragic event."
"The frame is such an important, cool thing."
"You need to question the questions that you ask because those questions determine the frame into which answers will fall."
"I don't care if you don't like it, do you know what I mean? I don't, it's just people have a lot of options right? So if you can frame it to look like TikTok for 13 seconds, no one's complained."
"Framing a story from a narrative standpoint is a story within a story."
"The government just has infinite money, right? That's such a bad framing of the entire conversation."
"What a great way of making a really clever picture. Now all that's left to do is frame it."
"A static framing of a tripod is ideal when you don't want to distract from the subjects within the frame."
"I love the fact that you can create a framed look without physically having to add the wood framing to the outside."
"...a lot of developers don't understand or know about framing..."
"if someone did this now that's gonna say it's AI like oh no you saw a picture of me must have been AI must have been and you probably could make an AI picture to frame someone doing something horrific and horrible"
"I think this was a really nice way of framing this piece."
"It's all in the framing of the question."
"...there's just ways of framing things that are more romantic and more loving, more meaning making of your relationship."
"Finished canvases are ready to paint on and easily framed."
"...the only way to avoid getting caught and going to jail was to kill Victoria and pin the murder on her own brother."
"Shirt collar serves to frame the face and direct the viewer's eyes to you."
"Certain characteristics can be framed positively or negatively depending on if they're seen as masculine or feminine, perpetuating harmful stereotypes."
"Framing is probably the most traditional way...creates a nice border."
"It's not left or right, unless you deliberately frame it in that way."
"The performances make it, and the way everything moves and is framed."
"The way it's framed makes it look like these incidents are somehow part of a larger pattern when they are not."
"So, don't ever lead with a negative frame. It simply does not help you get toward a yes."
"Try not to fill the frame with your subject by cropping."
"Jefferson publicly framed burrs treasonous acts as self-evident."
"Using internal crop factors is not equivalent to using extenders; it's more about framing."
"Oh, can I get a copy of it and I framed it? But you're here. I know, I can't believe I met you."
"I liked what he was trying to like there was this thing near the top where there was a focus on the TV on the right side of the frame and the fight was happening on the left side and so it's a very very interesting choice."
"I love the framing of them, they're very central which is really cool to see."
"Framing defines the problem, framing limits what you can talk about."
"You can't set goals without framing things in one way or another. It is the way to do it. You have to frame things in one way or another. And, uh, you can't decide what you're going to be doing without framing things in one way or another."
"Grid lines are awesome, it allows you to get really good Framing."
"So even though you have this feeling like I can see what happened, I can see it with my own eyes, the way that we describe things, the way we tend to describe these things or the way things are framed for us by other people makes a real difference."
"These things all work together to guide the viewer to the focal point. Finally, I'm also using these elements in the foreground like a tree on the right and the rocks to the left to frame the composition."
"Some of this here we are reframing subtly in the in in the edit as well and we're pushing in slightly to to take us into her into almost increase the the value of this one shot and here she comes down Velociraptor right."
"This shot of Billy's face here is a big 'wow, this guy has got to be the killer' kind of framing."
"Framing the same situation differently can result in different reactions."
"...they create a notion of a sanctuary where you're not subject to the deprivations and the anxieties or the prospects of those deprivations."
"...it's important how the crisis is framed and the way in which the crisis is framed definitely has a role in terms of how we think about how we construct policy solutions for those kinds of problems."
"You don't want to have, you know if it's too high you're gonna have all ceiling in your shot and not a lot of floor."
"I like to use elements to sort of frame my shots."
"So depending on your matting and the composition of your art, you may find that you want to use a particular product so that your whites stay as crisp and clean perhaps as you wanted them in the work."
"Conservation materials are now almost the default for all frameworks."
"After I broke the clock, I changed the time to frame somebody else. That's actually pretty smart."
"Framing can be expensive, well if you go to your local goodwill or salvation army or any thrift store there is always an abundance of frames to choose from."
"Let me show you how that gets framed up."
"All that matters is what the audience sees inside the four edges of the frame."
"Roomie killed him and put the bloody clothes in Mima's closet to frame her."
"...this is probably my new favorite way of displaying and framing."
"Framing a subject in a certain way allows your work to feel more intentional as well as evokes emotion in a viewer."
"If you've been afraid to try framing your own cross stitch pieces or it's just not in the budget to pay for professional framing, which let's be honest it's expensive, this will be a great video."
"Framing is one of the examples of a heuristic, or bias, which Kahneman and Tversky focus on in their work."
"This is an amazing shot. Anytime a cinematographer creates a new frame within the standard frame is amazing."
"I love the colors on this; I think a black frame will just be really nice."
"It's designed for residential framing, punch out work, setting trusses, fence building, deck building, sheathing, all kinds of fun stuff."
"Then the frame is going to have a story, just like the artwork."
"The woman is perfectly framed right in that corner where the shadows kind of meet, so we literally have this really strong, really powerful triangle, that's pointing directly at my subject."
"The darkness on the grass helps frame the barn, the tree on the left helps frame the barn, makes it feel more interesting to me than just here's a barn with blue sky and mountain."
"The fantasy is beheld on the other side of a window pane and through a window that opens; the fantasy is framed."
"I like to sort of frame off our design a little bit, so we're going to use some rock structure for that."
"This is grand room and she's just smaller in it, it's beautiful framing."
"Look at trying to get foreground elements into the image to create a lot of interest and to frame up the subject."
"It's a lot about the framing of things."
"Our job is truth and framing; our job is giving frames that reveal truths."
"If you frame a face, it is almost framing their eyes and making them the center of attention."
"I just love the way that it frames it out."
"If you choose 4x3, you can still do the 16x9 crop, and in this way, you can reframe it the way that you want."
"I have taken quite a liking to using framing in my illustrations."
"Look at this lady. Look at the frame it's in as well. That is fantastic, that is so, so good."
"Creating a visual frame for your mosaic, it looks nice."
"Make your brows as thick as possible because that's going to frame the face a lot more."
"Every work of art needs a frame, right?"
"We love this one partly because of the composition of the way in which she's filling the frame."
"When you're framing artwork on paper, never let the painting touch the glass."
"It's like you can do art and then it's already has a frame around it."
"This is going to give it some dimension; it's going to look 3D and it's going to act as a frame."
"It has become a very important tool during the framing stage."
"The use of framing to make the character seem larger or more imposing and their use of color theory is fantastic here."
"If you understand home construction and framing, you'll know that there are studs right there alongside that window."
"Finally, use foreground objects and natural frames to enclose and give context to your primary subject."
"The way the whole thing is framed is absolutely amazing."
"The beauty of framing is that it's both an art and a science."
"It's really amazing, literally just having a half an inch border up around the top and bottom of your sheet will make something that's really quite sketchy otherwise feel like it was planned and intentional."
"Race blindness is the wrong way of framing the normative problem."
"However, Letta's mysterious killing soon led to Ahsoka being framed by Barriss for the bombing."
"It's really easy to build the framing on top of the plywood and then group it all together and just move it below the plywood at the end."
"You're going to have this lovely frame effect with your image in the middle."
"I love that you can center inside the frames."
"This is going to create a gorgeous border that now looks like it is framed."
"It's a really cool way to work with your framing and come up with some cool options that aren't, you know, textbook."
"If you have the right frame, it's hard to have the wrong words."
"When the frame is good, the words can come; when the frame is bad, it's very very hard to come up with the right words."
"What a tie does is that it frames the face."
"I actually really love the large open Arch; I think it frames out the coffee bar area."
"Professional artists always frame their work as a collection."
"It's quite nice just to frame the edge of this printed area."
"Explaining why a particular moral duty or moral framework is the determinant one in the context of the debate is an absolutely vital component of your framing."
"I just realized that everything looks way better when it's framed."
"We are definitely going to frame this, thank you so much."
"Archways are a great architectural detail in your home because they help frame the space."
"When you have a small painting, you don't want to make the frame too busy."
"This gives the animal room in the frame to look into, which is more pleasing and comfortable to watch."
"That's beautiful, you see how that just gave a nice light sort of old wall background to the print just to frame it."
"I want to get all the edges framed nice and sharply."
"I think that is very elegant to have a little frame for it."
"Space Gass allows you to easily frame up a steel frame structure."
"You have a lot of control over how you're going to be framing your shot and also capturing your scene."
"The actual aspect ratio of your video changes how shots are framed and sets a different feel for what you're watching."
"I really enjoyed being able to let more into the frame, and especially having your subjects up close."
"Language not only communicates what we think, but it can shape how we think and it can frame the issue."
"The way the rainbow follows the curve of the tree... feels like Nature's frame."
"I'm gonna frame that one; I like it, it's very pretty."
"It's a perfect shot, right? You got Amherst on one side, you got Connecticut on the other side, framing the logo."
"It's a really cool approach to framing inside of Revit; it's really automated."
"This is how you get the full eagle in there, and again, it looks really nice."
"So here's probably one of the main shots right here, lining it up from corner to corner."
"Love the darker border; it just puts a frame around the whole thing."
"It's not about what you do, it's about how you frame it."
"You're looking good, you're framed up well."
"Model viewer is automatically framing my 3D content to fit in the viewport."
"Nobody came close to the unique way in which he framed scenes and formed atmosphere."
"Great composition, just perfect framing, everything's just nice and flowy."
"One of my favorite things to do is to as much as possible frame the scene with something in the foreground that creates a bit of depth."
"You have to frame it with expectations."
"Taking the masking tape away frames the picture beautifully."
"What a difference this is making, it really starts to frame things."
"Frames so much more expensive than the actual prints, that's what gets you when you frame the art."
"Mascara is the finishing touch that frames your eyes and completes the look."
"It does a really good job of framing the eyes."
"This is the easiest piece of decor and it's also nice if you want something in a frame that is not a picture."
"These little paintings, when they've been put into a frame, give them a sort of sense of gravitas."