
Economic Crisis Quotes

There are 418 quotes

"Unemployment rates in the United States have reached an all-time high at 16 percent."
"Look what's happening in Venezuela, one of the richest countries. It is the richest country in oil in the world. They're broke."
"The debt bubble has popped. Wall Street's lucrative leveraged debt machine is breaking down."
"We need basic change and perhaps one of the most important positive outcomes of this crisis of American capitalism and indeed of capitalism globally, this crisis of crises...may be a positive outcome will be to recognize that yes we need the modern equivalent of a New Deal coalition."
"We could be in a sustained Great Depression if we don't get money into the hands of the people now."
"Too many people in the nation have already suffered for too long through this pandemic and economic crisis, and telling them we don't have the money to alleviate their suffering... is neither true nor necessary. We do have the resources to get to full employment sooner. We do have the tools to reduce a lot of suffering in this country. We just have to choose to use them."
"This looming threat could potentially have a more devastating impact than the 2008 crisis, possibly even rivaling some of the worst economic storms America has had to endure."
"This is a crisis like no other. Never in the history of the IMF have we witnessed the world economy coming to a standstill. We are now in recession. It is way worse than the global financial crisis." - Kristalina Georgieva
"In a momentous turn of events, the Colossal Financial Behemoth, China's renowned real estate developer Evergrande Group, saddled with a staggering debt of 2.44 trillion Chinese yuan, has finally been officially ordered to liquidate by the Hong Kong High Court."
"All of this ultimately is connected to the deepening economic problems in Europe, which are of course also connected ultimately to the war in Ukraine."
"This housing crash could be even worse than 2008."
"The country's annual inflation rate has surged past 100 percent, hitting a three-decade high."
"You can't just keep borrowing money because eventually, it's going to blow up and crash."
"Without decisive action, we risk falling into a very serious economic hole."
"This crisis is far from over, and families deserve certainty that they can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads."
"Capitalism is failing; there will be a crisis, and they will fall, and socialism is the alternative that we are preparing to put in its place."
"Blockchain and cryptocurrencies burst onto the scene just after the 2008 financial crash, a symbolic warning that something might be wrong with our current economic system."
"If we go over that debt cliff, it's going to be catastrophic not just for the U.S. but for the world."
"Tens of millions of baby boomers in America have insufficient savings to retire on or otherwise fund their living costs during their twilight years. This is a massive economic and humanitarian crisis in the making."
"The cost of living crisis is now very much the lingua franca of politics, hitting ordinary households hard."
"I'm not the only one who's noticed everything is getting expensive. We are in the biggest economic crisis since 2008."
"The auto loan crisis is a ticking time bomb. If we don't address it now, it will have severe consequences on the economy and the lives of everyday individuals."
"So many people owe more on their car than it's worth is extremely troubling. We're looking at a massive financial crisis if this trend continues."
"The CARES Act was the largest and most innovative fiscal response to an economic crisis since the Great Depression."
"Loose monetary policy always leads to an economic crisis."
"We're on the cusp of an absolutely incredible once in a generation opportunity to build wealth right now while everyone is panicking."
"An economic collapse is not confined to a small area; it is a global crisis."
"This economic crisis is like a cancer. If you just wait and wait thinking this is going to go away, just like a cancer, it's going to grow and it's going to be too late."
"We have seen a pandemic that caused an economic crisis which then led to massive response from governments and central banks around the world."
"Many of them have been struggling way before the current crisis began, and they've been hanging by a very thin thread that may break because economic conditions worsen this year."
"The great crisis that we face is the unprecedented level of corporate greed."
"This is a complete disaster and actually, I think there's a conference that's probably even more important than the Tory party which is next week at the meeting of the IMF in Washington DC."
"Half of the people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck, and paychecks are stopping."
"Each crisis is bigger than the one before... and we're now at the point where there's no one left to bail us out except the taxpayer."
"A crash in the dollar, which is much worse than a crash in the stock market or a bond market, because that's going to take our entire standard of living down with it."
"We do not want another committee; we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and be he god or devil, we will receive him."
"We are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression."
"Russia could well become bankrupt and this alone might be something to cause Mr. Putin to blink."
"We have some very difficult decisions ahead... but the context of course is coming out of a pandemic and a cost of living crisis."
"We remain in a once in a century public health crisis that's led to the most unequal job and economic crisis in modern history."
"You are going to be on your own, and that is the reality. Am I afraid of this economic apocalyptic event? Not really. Bring it on."
"We've got an economic crisis, we've got the eviction crisis, we've got job shortages, fuel shortages, food shortages. Holy Joe Biden screwed up."
"Labour will make sure workers never pay for the crisis."
"When I see the next run on the shadow banking system... that'll be the sign that this cycle is over and that a disaster lies on the horizon."
"The Crash is happening but it doesn't happen overnight... a lot of these huge financial crises can play out over a year or two."
"A high dollar price of gold is again good for gold holders, but not cause for celebration because it means a complete and utter collapse of the US dollar."
"High inflation is on the verge of bankrupting American families, our economy is breaking in half, a typical American Family can't afford to buy a house in 99% of US counties."
"China's latest property crisis is threatening to spill over into the broader economy, worrying investors and causing a broad Market sell-off."
"We want to help industries that are hurting right now, like the airline industry, like the hospitality industry."
"Social order is beginning to break down in Italy because people don't have money they're desperate and they're hungry."
"The value of your currency can just fall off the table, you know, it can just crash and there's nothing you can do about it."
"We've run out of road. You know, there is no place to kick the can anymore. We've got to deal with the can, and it's not simply a can because every time we kicked it down the road, unfortunately, it got bigger."
"In just a year, the unemployment rate in the nation's largest state tripled."
"Only after all of the stores are closed, all of the prices are through the roof, all the savings have been crushed will socialists realize you can't eat money."
"Steve Forbes warns of a big financial crisis incoming."
"This thing is in very very big trouble who cares what the stock market does tomorrow or next week or next month the economy's done."
"It's the end of the system we know... I don't know what fills that."
"Working class today is in more desperation than at any time since the Great Depression, and we have got to provide help and we've got to do it right now."
"We're in a recession. I do believe that the cryptocurrency industry, Bitcoin, NFTs, whatever it is, does have the opportunity to be regulated."
"Debt, the horrible debt that we have right now, is an enemy. It's an insidious cancer that's eating our country from the inside out, and we have to stop it now."
"My greatest fear is that the Eurozone will not survive. Because if it doesn't, the centrifugal forces that will be unleashed will be demonic, and they will destroy the European Union."
"US hits the debt ceiling, risking severe consequences."
"Peter Schiff is right... we are just at the start of this mess."
"We're witnessing the biggest rug pull in the economy in history. We're going to see so many people lose so much money, it is going to be unreal."
"Wrecked the world economy I mean it's just it's unbelievable."
"Our stock market is collapsing. Our government is reading the table of contents of a 700-ish page bill."
"The devastation of small business has been both widespread and permanent."
"Nearly a third of the 2,800 businesses in New York City have permanently closed their restaurants."
"People in Sri Lanka they're already seeing a monetary system collapse people in Turkey are having 70 percent inflation."
"Debt was a key part of the crash in 2008...virtually everybody believes it was."
"Without some sort of intervention by the government, this would be an extinction-level event for lots of big players in a lot of industries, but certainly for lots of little players."
"First globally synchronized recession in history."
"Once inflation goes above a thousand percent, that's deemed to be hyperinflation."
"What we're seeing is a breakdown in public services, a breakdown in cash availability, and massively rising prices."
"When the bubble popped, it became the main cause for the Great Recession."
"Orders of magnitude greater than what we saw in 2008."
"The 2008 financial crash was a wake-up call for many Western governments."
"Bitcoin is the mother of cryptocurrencies and it's also the only true solution to the inflation crisis that we have right now."
"Keep hustling when the 2020 pandemic happened; that was when the stock market and cryptocurrency was the biggest opportunity."
"We hope the federal government, over the next two, three weeks, but I mean, just astonishing pictures of thousands of people in line waiting to get canned goods, goods from a food bank."
"If given the choice between dying and plunging the country I love into a great depression I would happily die."
"In developing countries, high inflation can lead to food shortages and even trigger a widespread humanitarian crisis."
"The comprehensive economic downturn in China triggered by the decline of the real estate market has become a major global event in 2023."
"Although he couldn't lead the union out of its economic crisis Gorbachev's reforms marked the beginning of an entirely new Russian Republic."
"This is a sequel to 2008 and like all sequels this one's going to be worse."
"Sri Lanka is in full crisis mode, this is by far the largest economic crisis the nation has faced since independence."
"This is a global crisis we're heading to a global depression here."
"This happened when did that happen last time guys? The Great Recession."
"When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available."
"The fall of Lehman Brothers brought the Global Financial system to its knees."
"China's on edge as Fallout from its real estate crisis spreads."
"Whatever they do is actually good for Bitcoin because if you look at the last time that there was a debt ceiling crisis which was in 2011 what you can see is that gold started to rise."
"This financial crisis that's about to happen in the next 18 months is just scary."
"This is the exact same thing that happened in 2008."
"We're in a controlled demolition... like a slow-motion economic collapse."
"My transition team is already working on what I will put forward the next Congress to address the multiple crises we're facing, especially the economic crisis in COVID."
"If we really do see Falls in our income of seven percent... that's what we mean by a cost of living crisis."
"We are in the grips of what I believe is almost Great Depression 2.0."
"In the financial collapse of 2008, the world was reintroduced to the concept of companies which are too big to fail."
"The financial system is in real trouble. A lot of people who don't want to be thinking about money need to be thinking about money."
"Years of savings for homeowners have turned to dust, leaving the populace lamenting these woeful times."
"It would mean riding in the streets by like pretty much throughout the entire country because people's retirement accounts would all be gone."
"The inflation crisis we are facing is much broader than one leader's mismanagement."
"The Turkish lira has almost halved in value over the last year, disastrous from turkey's perspective."
"The Panic of 1873 struck the heart of the black community's collective identity and resilience, puncturing the belief in progress and the promise of a brighter future."
"There are many things that happened, the biggest impact I believe was probably the Great Recession that shocked the entire system massively."
"Fastest stock market crash in history. Is this the endgame?"
"Especially if you have an environment again like Japan where stocks go down by 50 and stay down..."
"You're looking at a 1930s type of great depression."
"Bitcoin was created as a response to the 2008 financial crash."
"Governments will fail, inflation will soar, housing will crash."
"The hegemony of the US dollar system is facing a series of crises."
"The economic data is even worse than Wall Street feared. The economy is clearly in ruins here. This is the kind of thing that we're dealing with right now. The only question is how long will this go on for."
"Will the markets drop another 50% from here? I mean, things are bad."
"Economic adversity is a terrible thing to waste. It offers a scope for substantial reforms, if there is a will."
"It nearly brought the entire economy to its knees."
"The stock market's like, 'There's nothing to see here, move along' amidst mass unemployment and GDP declines."
"The economy seems to be imploding, put your money somewhere that makes sense because the US dollar ain't it."
"We're about to experience the greatest economic crash since, if not greater than, the Great Depression."
"Bitcoin is increasingly being used as a store of value in response to the banking crisis."
"Children are bearing the heaviest burden of the economic crisis caused by the war in Ukraine."
"Assets maybe gold survives in that period and doesn't dump but even in during covet if we remember the covet collapse even gold dumped."
"This is absolutely terrifying, this is the ghosts of 2008."
"Could you imagine if government subsidies get shut off it could you imagine when a economic collapse takes place in America and people aren't eating could you imagine the violence you're going to see here in America."
"When a crisis happens, investors and citizens turn to gold and silver."
"The key is preserving your purchasing power and owning the assets that will retain that purchasing power and actually grow in purchasing power as this crisis unfolds."
"The most urgent problem facing the American people was COVID-19 and the economic displacement."
"Larry Fink thinks the banking system is melting down. Bitcoin has emerged as a potential safe haven for investors trying to protect their savings."
"I'm ashamed that I have not acted on what is the first time that I've seen a Weimar mar-like situation in our country."
"This is going to resemble the great depression."
"When China falls, everybody around the world will feel the tremors."
"When someone can't buy gas when there is no gas when there is no food they are going to vote for anything other than Democrats."
"The risk of the proverbial Black Swan event... it triggers a panic and the panic soon descends into some kind of doom loop."
"The situation in China is indeed bad as they face a liquidity trap."
"The financial crisis plaguing the Chinese government is not only a snapshot of China's distorted economic growth but also a cumulative result of its longstanding structural economic problems."
"Bitcoin thrives as banking crisis is in a little bit of trouble. I think we're going to continue to see Bitcoin is likely considered to some investors as a hedge against systemic risk."
"We didn't have a Lehman Brothers in terms of actual fiat currency. What we had was a crypto collapse."
"If this world Great Depression starts firing up again, you are going to see some very, very bad stuff."
"The number of deaths from poverty and unemployment... will enter into something worse than the Great Depression if we're not careful."
"The numbers are staggering, 30 million Americans have filed unemployment claims since mid-March."
"In the end, if you print too much, you end up in something like Venezuela."
"Russian economy in crisis as protests erupt."
"We are living through a collapse of capitalism in the face of a virus."
"Buyers are worried about buying unfinished buildings since the Evergrande crisis."
"Once the system goes down, the demand for gold and silver is just going to explode."
"You want to see a real crash? Take a look at what's already happened to the cryptocurrencies."
"The economy is collapsing, we're doing it right now."
"The system died in 2008, and QE was putting the system on life-support until they could reset it."
"Sticky inflation, that's the key word. When inflation continues to move higher, this is an epic disaster for the fed."
"If the country defaults, you blame the top guy. The president eats the majority of the blame."
"We'll be on the way to Venezuela, we'll be on the way to Sri Lanka, Nigeria will be on the way to Lebanon."
"The numbers are staggering but they don't begin to explain the greed and incompetence that created this mess."
"We're in a storm of economic difficulty... eventually, this is going to catch up... and more and more people are going to see that this verbiage is way too little and way too late."
"Airbnb started around the time of the 2008 financial crisis this was a time when people were really hard hit by the recession and they were looking for a way to make an extra buck."
"Are we gonna collapse in a deflationary vortex?"
"A foreign policy based on virtue signaling when your economy is in recession and you can't heat your homes, your morals change real quick."
"Fascism emerges in the period of crisis of capitalism... and it's in this period of crisis of capitalism that fascism becomes more powerful."
"Global economy will never fully recover... we have a major economic crisis in the world."
"What happens when a country goes bankrupt? You get shortages of all the essential items that people need to live."
"This is happening right before the midterms. This is nuts. The economy is in dire straits and we're less than two months out and this is happening. October is going to be balls to the wall insane."
"The realistic outcome here is that we are going to see a bailout."
"We are heading down the same road as Venezuela did."
"It's clear as day that we're going to have an even bigger crisis than '08."
"What happened last month is literally like an atomic bomb went off in our banking sector as compared to the 2008 Great Recession."
"We got into the mess of 350 trillion dollars of debt largely because of reckless central banks."
"Ukraine is now struggling with a massive fuel crisis a transport crisis this must be compounding all kinds of other problems across Ukraine's economy."
"A loaf of bread is gonna run you seven dollars, a gallon of milk is gonna run you ten dollars."
"The banking crisis of 2023 is already officially larger than the 2008 collapse."
"20 to 30 percent market meltdown could scare the fed into action."
"Enormous bailouts conceal China's banking crisis."
"Got to help our fellow businesses in trouble. Airline industry, cruise industry, those workers."
"What is in process here, unlike 2008, which basically was a failure at the top, this is basically a bottom up failure, where it's going to be the regional banks and the community banks that are under massive pressure."
"And also when margin debt hit an all-time high, we had the 2007 and 2008 market crash because all market indicators are saying get out now while you still can."
"If they refuse to raise the debt ceiling the White House Council of economic advisors has just released a report saying the consequences of that will be that millions of Americans will lose their jobs."
"We've not seen a time in modern history where the economy is Contracting as inflation is exploding."
"Your 401ks, your money markets, your pensions, your stocks, everything, paying you in US dollars, it's all worthless."
"By the time FDR became president, the unemployment rate peaked in 1933 at 25.6 percent."
"The debt cannot be paid back, it will be defaulted on whether it's via non-payment of current currency units or the devaluation of current currency units via hyperinflation or hyperdeflation."
"A staggering 58% of African countries are grappling with a debt crisis."
"Hyperinflation will wipe out any Fiat money any Fiat assets or instruments absolutely 100."
"Eight million Americans lost their homes in the Great Recession... the wealth gap between the richest... and the other 90% is bigger than it's been in a hundred years."
"When there's a currency or banking crisis, gold becomes valuable."
"The United Kingdom is in crisis, the pound is crashed, the Bank of England has had to step in to prevent pension funds from collapsing, and the chancellor is enjoying champagne receptions with hedge fund managers."
"The collapse we are going to see is the collapse of the currencies."
"This is the time to be awake, to be preparing, and to be getting ready for the biggest economic tsunami the world has ever seen."
"This commercial property crisis will be even worse than the 2008 financial crisis."
"Smells like a bank run guys cuz Bank runs are on the menu right now and you can't avoid it."
"When there's blood in the streets, that's when the rich get richer."
"Everybody with money on Earth is going to lose half their wealth in the next 48 months if they do nothing."
"You're the one that's going to be around when everybody else and their Grandma are getting their cars repoed."
"It's like this horrible death cycle that the Chinese economy is in."
"Our crippling national debt is an attack on future generations."
"JP Morgan says the Fed will save the stock market and cut interest rates if a deep recession occurs next year."
"That's why America bailed out the banks in 2008."
"This might be a larger problem for us than the collapse of the financial system."
"The American dollar is in severe crisis... at risk of no longer being the reserve currency of choice."
"The new development Bank offers an extraordinary hope in the midst of this crisis."
"The unemployment is through the roof, food prices are growing, the economy is really bad for everyone."
"The Fed is cutting rates because things have gotten very, very bad to the point that they have to cut rates."
"When the dollar becomes effectively worthless, it's a different ballpark."