
Fast Fashion Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Forever21 only went bankrupt because more people are just shopping online from garbage brands like Fashion Nova and Boohoo, and not because people are quitting fast fashion."
"Fast fashion has turned us into these passive consumers who are constantly chasing the fantasy that buying more clothes will make us happy."
"Tick Tock has played a really big part in putting these ultra-fast fashion companies on a pedestal and promoting this excessive overconsumption."
"Overconsumption of new material is the number one most harmful practice in trying to fight fast fashion to begin with."
"But here's the thing, nobody has ever, throughout the entirety of history, been expected to own the quantity of clothes that fast fashion allows us to accumulate today."
"Shein is a gold-plated Pegasus, one woman once said about Shein how can I stand against Shein if I don't have anything to back it up."
"I didn't even get into Xi'an and fast fashion at large's contribution to like climate change or even every little controversy she and has over the years but like you get the point."
"It's hard to overstate how much and how quickly fast fashion altered our relationship with clothing, conditioning us to believe that our clothes should be cheap, abundant, and new."
"If everyone decided to stop shopping fast fashion completely overnight, wouldn't that have a better impact on the environment and workers' rights?"
"Privilege is being able to make thousands of dollars from a fast fashion company."
"Another way that I'm saving money this year is by stopping buying fast fashion."
"Clothing quality has gone down mostly because of fast fashion."
"Don't buy from Shein, the reason their prices are so low is because... they use Chinese sweatshops to unethically produce almost everything they make."
"If I could just spread some awareness of how shitty fast fashion is and we are all guilty of it..."
"This is not your cue to go out and purchase fast fashion."
"Fast fashion brands make a huge profit at the expense of underpaid workers and the environment."
"Just try and be a little bit more ethical when it comes to consumption because it is truly getting scary how big Shein is and how little people seem to care about it."
"Shein made up half of all fast fashion sales in the US."
"By refreshing thousands of products daily, Shein has trained customers to visit its platform regularly or risk missing out on the latest designs."
"Shin combined its use of marketing rapid production rates cheap textiles and low prices to not only become one of the biggest clothing companies in the world if not the biggest rather one of the most profitable companies on Earth."
"Fast fashion is going to conglomerate realizes that a certain product is highly desired by lower income people and they will Mass produce."
"It’s really difficult to settle for the simplicity and ephemerality of fast fashion today."
"I just really want to have more high quality pieces that I love and less fast fashion."
"Fast fashion is not becoming more sustainable, it's increasingly overproducing and generating waste that we currently have no solution for."
"Fast fashion brands have completely twisted how long we expect our clothes to last when disposable clothing became normal."
"We've developed this culture of fast consumption and fast fashion... we need to be careful about what we're bringing into our life."
"Fast fashion sucks but sometimes it's inevitable unfortunately especially for college students. It really sucks but um, I mean the whole industry that's like that's something you gotta tackle from the top like it's really nothing that we can do unfortunately."
"Fast fashion is going to get even faster."
"The fast fashion model just seems to put wealth on this extreme pedestal."
"What defines fast fashion? Profit above all else, the working conditions, the labor, like the wages. How are people paid and profit above all else?"
"Equating fast fashion as the second largest polluter in the world, just after the oil industry."
"I've cut down my fast fashion consumption to almost zero."
"I feel like there's something in the air because a lot of other YouTubers that I'd love to follow have also been talking about the dangers and real cost of fast fashion."
"...quality is freaking amazing and it's thick. Fast fashion brands could never..."
"Fast fashion is a really hard business model to do because of the warehouse the infrastructure the stock there's so much that goes into it that makes it so so hard."
"It's okay to buy fast fashion if you're planning on not over consuming and you're planning on using them for years to come."
"Somebody did say that if you buy from fast fashion brands, you're more likely to keep buying clothes and throwing them away, and just doing declutters all the time, which is not what I want to do."
"Fashion 21 was one of the first stores to come up with the idea of fast fashion that is so prevalent today."
"The Chinese company has become the leader of the industry and the most popular fast fashion brand in the world in just a few years."
"Fast fashion brands are greenwashing because they realize how sustainability and ethics are becoming more and more important to the public."
"Altering the systems involved in fast fashion which operate on a global scale will require massive human collaboration."
"The fast fashion scene is a real problem, and you know you've got to start reusing and creating stuff."
"I have been trying over the past couple of years to divest to the best of my abilities from purchasing fast fashion."
"I've kind of moved away from buying into fast fashion."
"If you like something, get it so you don't regret later because everything sells so fast."
"Trends tend to mean a lot of fast fashion; I'm always encouraging you guys to find your own personal style."