
Racial Diversity Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Celebrate people of color, celebrate black people, support them, support black creators."
"The assumption that more racial diversity equals racial equality is a dangerous myth."
"The system that has prevailed in the United States is the only one that has ever provided for the wild prosperity of vast differences in race over time."
"Blackness is as varied and multi-dimensional as whiteness."
"We'll see an ever higher proportion of the world's children with brown complexions."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with white atheists discussing atheism."
"If you're black, Mexican, Arab, Chinese, I don't care what your race is, you're human just like me."
"What happens when the nostalgia for the old economics manifests itself in more of a nostalgia for those? Oh racial diversity."
"It doesn't matter if you're black like President Obama, or white like President Obama, or red like President Obama's agenda, or orange like Speaker Boehner. America is, and will always be, a great place."
"Black families on TV in a positive way... love it."
"Adam was the first white man and yet Adam body came from the dirt of Africa."
"It is perfectly fine for there to be an all-white family just as it is perfectly fine for there to be an all-black family." - Candace Owens
"Our team was probably 50 black 50 white or whatever black parents stayed home we went over and kicked Martinville's butt 27 to 7."
"I wish that we've seen more examples of this type of Beauty for black women."
"It's fascinating... black athletes from Africa..."
"America is a country where my child can play with children of all different races."
"There are places in Louisiana that people have never heard of that are full of Black people and full of forward-thinking white folks who want to see things different in this state."
"Ernie Ladd is my pick for the best black wrestler of all time."
"This will not be a white majority country in the 2040s."
"Black men straight black men have so little quality media."
"You couldn't make a movie that white now. Those movies are really, really very white." - Molly Ringwald
"The fact is, putting a white lead in a movie does not guarantee profit. Whitewashing turns the audience off."
"It's honestly disgusting to think that there aren't that many TV networks or TV shows that support black people and black people literally are the most entertaining demographic of people on almost every show."
"Adding depth to existing races through sub races, cultural elements, and gameplay-focused options would enrich the player experience."
"Like the white population, we are diverse within ourselves... There is not a monolithic black experience."
"Growing up in this industry as a young woman of color has made me want to be more outspoken."
"The Black experience in this country varies."
"I know a lot of genuine white friends, Caucasian friends, Mexican friends, like other people who don't share my race, my ethnicity, my religion as well."
"Donald Trump is being held to account by the very multicultural, multi-racial democracy that he's trying to dismantle."
"Allied races are a super fun. I love how open and full of potential this new system of adding playable races to the game has made things."
"Black Marsh was home to some of the most varied amounts of races on Tamriel."
"Black people are not a monolith, we don't think they feel the same but our experiences are usually very similar."
"At the end of the day, you have to do business with other races if you're gonna get to a certain level."
"Just because you acknowledge that races have differences, it's not contrary to Islam."
"Not only because we're all very shades of brown but look at the so-called white people, most of them are Central Asian in the origin."
"Shout out to game developers creating black characters that look realistic nowadays though."
"We must ensure that voters of color have a voice in choosing our nominee much earlier in the process." - President Biden
"Everybody buys into the story of a smart, savvy, in control woman of color because of good writing, not shoehorned BS."
"Their enduring Love Story serves as a testament to the idea that love transcends racial boundaries."
"I think a biracial couple is so, so nice to see."
"I used to support bigotry, but not anymore. I've got black friends, man. I'm talking to you."
"So if that's so hang on for just a couple of election cycles and that multi-racial Society uh comes to dominate even given all the crutches."
"Racial diversity is a wonderful thing in and of itself, and therefore, whites should welcome large numbers of non-whites into their neighborhoods, schools, institutions, and into the country as a whole."
"Although not always highlighted in the history books, black Americans made huge contributions to car design, racing, and manufacturing."
"America is going to become so racially mixed that you won't be able to tell racial divisions anymore."
"I knew I needed and wanted to have a black woman as my partner."
"It's rare you see a black man in the community for real, for real, going through the grind of life."
"We knew that no matter what the racial makeup of our jury was, if we were able to present our facts in a clear and concise manner, we would come out on top."
"Asian men and black women are beautiful."
"What if devils were originally from different races?"