
Financial Strain Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The economic impact is hitting families with full force."
"It would mean not having to choose between rent and groceries and not having to ration my partner's meds."
"You think child support and then of course we've got the feminazis out there saying... these deadbeat dads... they're not deadbeat, they're dead broke."
"These are things that are going to make families question why they're trying to remain here."
"You are getting less, you are paying more, and that's really symbolic for what is happening with our economy right now."
"Some of your friends may easily be able to afford that and are happy to spend that money, but others might not be in the financial position to where they can spend a thousand dollars on your wedding."
"63 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, including nearly half of six-figure earners."
"October is notoriously such a filled month that I call it broke Tober and I can't freakin possibly be review every single freaking game in October."
"I feel like everything is so expensive nowadays."
"The cost of living in the United States has skyrocketed over the past few decades, putting a strain on the wallets of many Americans."
"Prices are through the roof, the cost has been ridiculous."
"Credit card rates are wild right now $446 of Interest has been stolen from you so far this year."
"I wish I could just get out of the house but literally everything I had went into buying it so for now my wife and I are stuck here."
"What if he's like doesn't want to go? I mean, are they pouring all of their money in? Are they not eating?"
"People have already been eating into their savings and all of a sudden you're in the situation where things start cascading downward."
"Even with all these measures making their way through various legislatures, Americans remain crunched between what they need and what they can afford."
"You know, a little bit of backstory never hurt anyone, and I am actually running out of money as you can quite clearly tell."
"If your bridesmaids are spending thousands of dollars for you to get married, that's a problem."
"Nobody should have to resort to literally begging for strangers to support the cost of their medical care."
"This building is asking for a 28% rent increase."
"Canada's debt is growing massively, spending is out of control, and Canadians are feeling the pinch right now."
"He didn't have the money to keep developing us. He had to find a fallback solution in order to make ends meet."
"78% of Americans right now are actually living paycheck to paycheck."
"Americans can't save money... wages are down, the cost of living is up, savings rates only 3.6%."
"It hurts regular working Americans, single moms, and seniors on a fixed income."
"Most people think they are middle class but most are not and that's costing them a lot of money."
"When you cannot provide at all, it is the worst feeling on the planet."
"Investing doesn't feel good at all, but in the long term, it pays out more."
"Why haven't I ever seen a damn riot around the healthcare racket? A million families went bankrupt last year due to medical bills."
"My bank account drainage, the only thing I can think of."
"No one appreciates you and no one does this and that like actually my kid right now I'm teaching and I'm still paying your stupid salary."
"A year of wages no longer covers a year of family expenses."
"Aggressive attempts to tame inflation here has seen mortgage repayments have double over the last year and a half."
"This is a hill I would die on. I can't imagine having to suddenly pay to replace all my food, spices included."
"It's incredibly expensive here in the United States."
"One in five Albertans who responded said they needed to take money from savings, home equity, retirement funds, or other areas for daily expenses."
"My kids are about to be off at college, so although that will be a different type of financial strain, it still gives me the freedom to be able to possibly go out and do a full-time."
"Guys, we're out of Frost. I'm so broke."
"Even if it's like, even if the content that you get from losing 10 grand a month is great as a business model, I just feel like mentally, I don't know if I could do it."
"They have a lot on their plate right now, possibly financially."
"I just kept praying that I would be testing negative before my home at flight because otherwise I would be out over two thousand dollars in expenses that I couldn't get a refund."
"You're not paid anymore but everything else is getting more expensive."
"A suicide note from her husband. In it, he said the financial strain was too much to bear."
"Everything is not fine. Just look at personal debt, household debt, consumer debt skyrocketing."
"The typical American family... they're having to spend almost 500 more a month just to buy the same goods and services they bought a year ago."
"More Americans are tapping into their 401K plans because the cost of living is outrageous."
"People are paying more for stock right, paying more than they did the month before at a time when inflation has already been taking a big pinch and a big bite out of people's wallets and pocketbooks and family budgets."
"That's gonna hurt, when you need it by, right, yeah, that's gone, let me think about it, daddy why, let me move some things, let me move some things around, figure some things out, you know, you know I get paid next."
"Supercars is acting like a government department, like no one's been laid off. You kind of cannot survive with the overheads they got."
"He put a lot of his own money into it, almost broke him."
"As inflation rages and the cost of living runs several laps around people's wages, many are finding themselves with less and less disposable income after paying their bills each month."
"People have just been barely hanging on, you know wage growth was what 5% maybe 5 1 12% throughout 2023 just barely beating inflation."
"I took a home equity loan out on my house."
"The extraordinary debt that a lot of Young Americans, especially find themselves in for degrees that they were basically told by everyone in their lives and everyone in our culture was essentially the only way for them to live a good life."
"You have to think about this in real terms. Many people who had dreams of finally taking all those hard-earned savings and buying a home or starting a business or even have another child are deciding that the cost isn't worth it."
"Half rich people in Chicago are being taxed to death."
"CNBC found that 53% of Millennials would go into credit card debt to attend a friend's wedding."
"The greater part of America cannot afford to not work for a few weeks."
"The prices of domestic electricity and gas... were up by an eye-watering 69 percent and 145 percent last winter."
"It's a struggle, a whole lot of things are getting expensive these days."
"Consumers are drawing down savings and increasingly relying on credit cards as they seek to maintain current levels of consumption."
"Are you tired of draining your wallet?"
"54% of young Americans say food cost are the biggest strain on their finances."
"Loan payments coming back into effect this fall could be a very dangerous state of affairs for a lot of Americans."
"It's my son. He needed an operation, but I couldn't afford it."
"A mom should not have to go bankrupt if her son or daughter gets sick."
"62% of consumers now live paycheck to paycheck, including 36% of those whose annual incomes exceed $200,000 a year."
"Rent and utilities take up more than half their household income."
"17% of Americans making over a hundred thousand dollars cannot cover an unexpected $400 expense."
"60% of millennials making over a hundred thousand dollars say they're living paycheck to paycheck."
"I've had to raid the piggy bank and a coin collection."
"This debt is not just choking at our ability to build wealth or our purchasing power, it is quite literally choking people."
"It's really that if you're spending every dollar that you're intaking on the bare essentials of life and the cost of them goes up ten percent, you're in trouble right away."
"It's a huge expense for clubs and it does bring them to their knees at times."
"Most people are one major accident or cancer diagnosis away from going bankrupt because a system cares more about making money than people's lives."
"Appeals can tie up money for people that are injured that need that money."
"Perhaps quite foolishly in the interest of pursuing science, driven ourselves almost to bankruptcy."